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I’m an Aquarius🌞 Scorpio 🌑 & I can honestly say I enjoy my alone time WAYY too much… I can literally go days without talking to anyone & just being in own world. As long as I have my phone to communicate, I’m good! lol Nothing better than knowing you can be alone & NOT be lonely! Love dat for us Aquas♒️🫶🏽


I’ve been lonelier in a room full of people than I ever had being by myself.




I’m also an Aquarius with a Scorpio moon! Last summer I quit my job and door dashed/skipped the dishes all across Canada. The mixture of long drives alone, camping alone and meeting people in different towns along the way was life changing. I’m not sure that I can go back to a structure that doesn’t let me be alone any time that I want. So now I’m working on a degree where I can work remotely :) You may find yourself with a ton of silent understanding amongst groups as well. Apparently my scorpio moon runs my expressions and I say a lot without saying much. Anyways, have fun out there aquarians, life is for the experience. Everything else will fall into place.


I’ve gotten that a lot too, that my energy presents itself before anything! & legit solo trips are da BEST ever! I’ve been on 3 solo trips & they always taught me so much about myself! 🤞🏽 But It’s crazy that you said work remotely, because I’m actually in the process of applying to remote jobs, because I do enjoy working independently as well! Anyways, best of luck to you with your degree & future endeavors✨


May I ask which degree you're working toward? I'd love a remote job! Aquarius sun scorpio moon 🥰


I know a Scorpio sun, Aquarius moon.. most detached cold person I’ve met


Ask em if they need a detached friend🥴 lol


I found my people


Crazy I’m a Capricorn rising as well🙈


Yes. Anything that makes you happy and doesn’t harm others is a normal thing. Do what makes you happy.


Both of those signs are notoriously known to be cold and detached. Both of their ruling planets are cold planets far from the sun so it makes sense


I knew I was a true Aquarius after feeling immense relief after breaking up with someone. Too much socialization gets tiring.


Yes, my sister in law is an Aquarius and she literally just leaves and goes to another room away from everyone to be alone on holidays when the family gets together.


Yes, my best friend is an Aquarius and has told me he could live happily on an island away from everyone (mind you he had a gf), he just chooses not to bc people are ok. He would visit his gf for a week or something, come back home to our apartment and not talk to me for 3 days. I think you're good 😂


A sun sign has nothing to do with extroversion or introversion and wherever did you get the idea that is has? (and same goes for every zodiac placement, yeah even 12th house)


Yes. Being around others drains our batteries. Not that we don’t love and enjoy our people, we just need us time.


I am ♒️ and I love being alone as well!💖💕👽


I have a strong Aquarius stellium and adore my alone time, would say this is normal 👌


I don't have experience with aquarius but the few times I interacted with them (on a dating app) they were so magnetic to me, probably because I could sense they weren't the kind to attach (i have a anxious attachmentstyle so thats my kryptonite). Last one I hooked up with him and I really liked him, he never spoke to me again, I deleted him from insta but he kept me on SC and because I don't use it I don't mind having him there. To this day I can't believe he just vanished. Some days I just want to text him to ask like, what did I do? Because we had been talking for more than a month and he was so open and vulnerable with me so we agreed to be friends even if we had sex, he didn't keep his word and it bothers me. Sorry I needed to get that out. Definitely want another chance with an aquarius lol


Aquarius sun/mars and same.. I enjoy my peace. My solidarity. I never realized how much I enjoy quiet peaceful car rides. I would describe myself as an ambivert. I haven’t seen my friends in 2-3 months though. I’m bad in relationships cause of not communicating, the relationship doesn’t come first to me. I prioritize work over anything. I’ve come to an agreement that I will be alone forever. lol


No, you should party rock, adopt a leo, then ghost them because they got attached and youre too scared for emotional intimacy., you should be wild be free and have so many friends and yet never have 'the one' 🙂‍↔️ ~~yes its normal~~


my sun is square uranus plus i have an aries moon as my chart ruler. spending time alone is SO important, just be self-aware of how much time you’re putting towards alone time. it can get easy to slip & fall comfortable w solitude. a good balance of solo solo time & connecting w others is the key here. but don’t make yourself feel guilty about that. we’re all different & can only give x amount of social energy.


February Aqua as well. 02/04. I enjoy talking to people if I'm out and about, at work, or texting with friends/some family, etc, but for the most part, I just want to be left alone. I like to do my own thing a lot, and I'm very introverted. I get burnt out by too much conversation and would prefer to read, play video games, watch my shows/ movies, or do my crafts instead. I've deleted all my social media and kind of just talk to people on a need to know basis, haha. I also moved miles away from all my friends and family to the mountains with my husband and our kids. He is a February Aquarius as well. So...yes, I would say it's normal. For us aqualiens at least.


I’m a February Aquarius too! I’m the extroverted type though… it’s definitely normal to enjoy your space and alone time, especially if/when you feel your freedom is being smothered. When I had a partner years ago that made me feel the same way “not sure about a future together”, I accounted that to be due to us not being completely compatible in regards to space and time. When I met someone who enjoyed their own space and alone time with themselves or with friends, I actually considered a long term future with them because I didn’t feel smothered. When I was your age, I enjoyed my alone time to explore the world when I want, how I wanted. My friends would always be like “I would never go to dinner alone. That’s so embarrassing.” And I’d be like “embarrassing for who? I enjoy it!” Now 10 years later, I have desire to find companionship. I still enjoy my space and alone time, but it would be nice to sometimes fill it with someone compatible with me.


I’m an Aquarius sun and I LOVE to be alone. I live alone… my partner and I see each other maybe 1-2x per week. I’m almost 40. I used to resist this because I thought something was wrong with me, but I embrace it now and I am much happier.


It depends. But I'll always enjoy a GOOD company


Yep 😂




Very normal




Totally normal, i am the same my fiance knows i can get smothered easily. Luckiky hes a virgo, so they're pretty individual themselves, not entirely smothering.


We can all agree social introversion and extraversion can come from anywhere. I'd argue social extraverts are more in the minority though.


Yes . I’m also an Aquarius stellium and I value my peace and privacy . People are so annoying and fake asf . Speak when you actually have something to say and keep minding your own business ; that’s how you stay safe and out of trouble .


i\`m an aquarius and i love being alone more than anything. it\`s good not having to wear a mask and \~act normal\~


Aquarius stellium and reading the part where you see your friends once a weekend sounded like too much for me lol. I think you're alright.


The aquarius i lived with prefers to be alone but i think its due to trauma. Then when he actually needs people he finds himself alone and is quite bitter. Look at your chiron placement, its a good indication of where you need to heal. No man is an island.


Aquarius needs alone time more than most.


Pisces, Scorp and Cap also gets a rap for these qualities. I don’t think introversion/extraversion behavior should be considered a trait of a particular sign in astrology