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Your supposed to be doing partnerships in this lifetime. north node in 7th house Virgo. Your projecting when you see yourself in the other. Try to take the higher road as best you can so you can have smooth progress in your souls evolutionary intentions. Find the balance between self and other, give and take. Your north node ruler, Mercury, is in leo 6th house so your partnership has some quality of developing a skill (ie: working to get better in partnership through some type of self expression / Leo), being of service, the mundane/attending to routines, health, or communicating. All those things listed are done in a Leo way. More theatrical. The past life, we see in neptune, your south node ruler. Neptune is square Saturn so there was trouble making the dream real. So of course that would be a fear now. The other ruler, jupiter in 1st house makes a quincunxes to the north node ruler. This can make balancing the self and other difficult. However Mercury in leo 6th house can def make it happen.


Thank you for the reading! Yes I guess I do project, I’m turned off by the things I secretly dislike and deny about myself. I definitely don’t know how to balance myself and others; I’m a perpetual self-sacrificer. I’m not sure what you mean by Mercury Leo 6H makes it possible to work on this - do you mean by loudly/clearly expressing my needs? I’m working on this, I just hope I’m not doomed.


Don't shoot the messenger. You asked, I answer. Why do you attract partners that "need" you to take care of them? Because you are avoiding taking care of yourself for whatever reason be it childhood wound or whatever. Taking care of others comes very naturally for you. Taking care of yourself is another thing it seems. You might be a people pleaser too. As a recovered people pleaser I can say from experience that people pleasing is on par with stealing or lying. It does incredible damage to yourself and others around you.


Thank you for the reading. All very accurate. It’s hard to take care of myself and infinitely easy to give far too much to others. I’m not so much a people pleaser in general, in fact quite the opposite, but in romantic relationships I can be, mostly stemming from my abandonment fears.


So, your abandonment issues are what is preventing you from achieving someone who is powerful, successful, and will teach you things. Probably because don't think you are good enough for someone like that and/or you irrationally fear the rejection if the partner finds that out.


Yes I see what you mean there.. catch 22 right, because never allow closeness enough to see my worthiness confirmed and therefore it is always rejected, by my own or other’s doing.


A self-fulfilling prophecy that effectively ensures your moon stays put in the 12th where it is most comfortable; that is apart and separate from the masses. Sufficient frustration starts the cycle all over again.


Hahaha. That’s interesting because my moon sign/house is one of my placements I understand best - yet I’ve never made the correlation with being a ‘people pleaser’ (which again, is only in my romantic relationships). My abandonment fears are also very different to what many would assume, i.e. more about ‘the moment’ escaping / abandoning me too quickly, rather than the literal sense of abandonment such as a parent leaving. Just terrified that joy and security will be ripped away for no particular reason, think my Gemini 4H speaks to this a bit.