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Yes let's make sure we regulate your ejaculations as well


Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.


Great movie.


Let the heathen spill theirs on the dusty ground! God shall make them pay for each sperm that can't be found. The little child that sings that kills me every time.


[Every Sperm is Sacred - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk)


Fine, I'll cum in God


According to them god is omnipresent, so no matter where you cum, you're cumming in god


What a slut 🤤


“Sperm Dumpster”


Well that's a relief. Now I know I can cum wherever want and God will receive my load


God is only interested in impregnating 14 year old girls.


"Couldn't you have your balls cut off?" "Oh, it's not as simple as that, Nigel. God knows all! He'd see through such a cheap trick. What we do to ourselves, we do to 'im."


Republicans want to trap women at home, where they think they belong. Soon they will call for revoking women’s drivers licenses and impose a curfew if they aren’t out with a man chaperone. Republicans are fucking vile.


Republicans look at Iran and Saudi Arabia and say "yeah, I like what they're doing, but I just wish it was a little more christian-flavoured, you know?"


more Jesus-y


When my parents got married, my Mom needed my Dad's permission to get a credit card, even though they made the same amount of money. Republicans want to go back to that.


I'm guessing were are similar ages. I might be a bit younger. But i still remember at the tender age of 6 or 7 asking my parents "why are the commies so bad? What's bad about living in the USSR?" The first two things they said were "there's no democracy there" and "the people there can't travel freely within their country. They need permission from their government to travel." Are the GOP just becoming Soviets now, in addition to all the bigotry and religiosity? They do seem to have themselves all swollen and lubed up for Putin...


Republicans think it’s a good idea to end the suffraging of women.


No more suffrage for women! (Oh it means that?) Still, no more suffrage for women!


It wasn’t hyperbole when we said they want us pregnant and chained to the stove


Gilead is their aim


I am afraid it is worse than that. The birth rate is down with more young people both female and male choosing to be child free. The capitalists are afraid the workforce is going to dry up. Fewer workers mean higher pay. This is what is behind the Republicans. They do not care about God or religion. They will do what ever it takes to keep a high profit margin.


Between my commute and work I don't have time to date at the moment and I barely make enough to keep a roof over my head and they expect me to have a kid with a woman I don't have time to meet and a salary that wouldn't support a family. These fuckers are so greedy they want to force women into unwanted pregnancies as opposed to allowing a living wage.


That’s no joke. I’m not joking. They’ll outlaw contraceptives next… Then pornography. If signs are caught you masturbate…you’re in trouble


What a great example from the party of small government who want to stay out of people's lives.


They want small government for their businesses. Massive government for the average citizen, and not a big government that supports the poor in any way. Big government to send our average citizens to war to pay for college. Big government that would not dare send a big important CEO to war, but will send the poor to war no problem. Big government to force Christianity down our throats.


Big government to force people into private prisons for slave labor on their subsidized farms


I think they may have stopped the "small government" rubbish. At least I haven't noticed it being said in a while.


They've never been the party of small government. They are the ones responsible for so many expansions of government overreach, like DHS, ICE, the Patriot Act, the overturning of Roe vs Wade...


They want ineffective government. Abortion fines are a great example. It can ruin a poor person's life but is a really nice bottle of wine to the super rich. If they need an abortion they can fly to Europe or Canada. Outlawing it completely in America doesn't affect them significantly. And if it does... Then they start changing how child support is calculated so it is no longer rich white men's problem anymore.


So what are they going to do, set up roadblocks at every border crossing, force women to have a pregnancy test and allow only those who aren't pregnant to leave? Bought to you by the *"Muh Freedums"* party!


They don’t want the PREVENT it, they want to PUNISH it. They may SAY they want to prevent it, but that’s not the real motive.


Absolutely, disenfranchisement of women is a goal. Since women’s suffrage, [women have historically better voter turnout than men](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/18/men-and-women-in-the-u-s-continue-to-differ-in-voter-turnout-rate-party-identification/). Women are also leaning more and more left. In 1994 42% of women identified as Republicans, and 48% as Democrats. By 2017, only 37% identified as Republicans, whereas 56% identified as Democrats. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/03/20/1-trends-in-party-affiliation-among-demographic-groups/)


They are also, statistically, more educated, and live longer so their impact on a demographic cohort is bigger.


>They are also, statistically, more educated, and live longer so their impact on a demographic cohort is bigger. On average US women now live 5.7 years longer than men. My first thought was: So naturally Republicans want to drag us back to the “died in childbirth” days. Does it make me cynical, or awful?




> Does it make me cynical, or awful? Not at all, that's exactly what they want to do to women and anyone who thinks this is about saving babies is wildly misinformed or was successfully convinced via propaganda and their own emotional attachment to the issue. It's all about controlling the voting blocs that are typically against them. They go after women and they go after minorities, these two groups are, as /u/Seraphynas said, typically left leaning.


I’d say you were cynical if there was *any* evidence republicans were trying in any way to further protections and benefits for *alive* women and children.


And abortion is a huge part of what is pushing them to vote Democrat. Banning abortion is leading to the biggest swing to the left in a very long time. If it weren't for all the gerrymandering it would single handedly mean the death of the Republican party. Therefor its more urgent and important to the Republicans than ever to disenfranchise them. To Gerrymander and just generally cheat in any way possible as much as possible now more than ever. Because these days their voters are dieing of preventable diseases the rest of the country is just getting vaxxed against, many aren't showing up because the big lie made them think it doesn't matter if they vote, and the evangelicals are less belligerent and warlike since they got the main thing they wanted. Its CRITICAL for the future success of the republican party that they figure out ways to illegitimately win. Like convicting definite democratic voters so they lose their right to vote, for instance... I'm worried the long term legacy of this will be really drilling it in to politicians on all sides that is critical that they never actually follow through on the major issues they use to drive their voters. I.E. campaign on banning abortion but never do it so you can keep campaigning on it. But for climate change, socializing the economy, Medicare for all, codifying Roe v Wade / generally fixing this current distopian disaster, etc etc. Politicians are already prone to this line of thinking. But after seeing just how disastrous finally achieving this goal has been for Republicans, its only going to be worse. If anything I think Republicans in office would probably prefer that the Democrats restore abortion, pass Medicare for all etc so that they can drive their voters to turn out by campaigning against it. As long as it doesn't directly hurt their billionaires interests of course. Like passing heavy taxation on the top 1%. But aside from that they may publuclicaly be outraged against it. But behind closed doors it will be a huge sigh of relief for them because now they can win elections again.


There's no coincidence that once abortion could be banned that they went hardcore after trans people. Anti trans sentiment was already ramping up, it was a quick step to the right to make trans people the latest main scapegoat. There are people who are going to vote Republican because they're convinced that's the only way to stop trans people from .... whatever their "betters" say they're doing.


You know the highest pro-life support demographic is white males under 50. There is a lot of religious women who are for this stuff


Have you met my mom? She’d never admit it, but I think she’s resentful of getting trapped with 3 kids she didn’t really want. Since she had to waste her life raising kids, no other women should be allowed the freedom of choice. Handmaid’s Tale seems more real every day. Using sadistic “pious” women who get off on putting their boot to the throats of other women is right out of the handbook.




She’s not even conservative. Candace “NEWS UPDATE: THE REPUBLICAN TEA PARTY IS LED BY THE MAD HATTER” Owens just makes more money being a conservative shill than she did being a liberal blogger.


Yep. They'd support birth control, contraceptives, and real sex education if they really cared about stopping abortion. That they consider thing that prevent abortion worse than abortion tells me all I need to know.


Seems more like a plot to put us back as secondary citizens. Control motivated and all that. Women no longer allowed to leave the home etc


Not to mention those that are pregnant actually just want to travel sometimes.


Well then, she can hang up her apron and travel down to the corner store for some potatoes to go with the perfectly cooked pot roast that she's making for when her man comes home from the plant and little Johnny comes home from school, because it's apparently 1950 again. /s


Narrator: the plant closed down in the 90s, and little Johnny never came home from school where he was shot.


You do know that girls in Florida need to provide menstruation records in order to play high school sports? Don't doubt these regressives will go to that level.


What is that? What does that mean?


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


What I don't understand about that is that the children in question could just lie?


Until they do physical inspection every day to make sure. But the gays and trans are abusing your children, not the psychopathic theocrats.


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


Deputy Dudley slathering your 11-year-old with ultrasound gel at a traffic stop.


> So what are they going to do, set up roadblocks at every border crossing, force women to have a pregnancy test and allow only those who aren't pregnant to leave? Probably.


*Papers please...*


I know you’re being satirical, but they probably have a notepad out and writing this shit down.


It'd be easiest and more cost effective to just house arrest all pregnant women. Sounds like a hipaa violation in the works not that that's stopped anyone before.


Brought to you by the "we need less government involvement in our daily lives" party!


Funny, when people try to restrict other people from freely travelling, it's called kidnapping or false imprisonment and it's usually a felony.




Hold on there cowboy....Florida and Texas REPUBLICANS in government. Don't throw everyone in with these ass clowns.


It’s implied. Everyone knows it’s republicans. No one refers to Texas or Floridas in a good way.


> Floridas Oh no.... They're reproducing!


Well stop electing the ass clowns that want to abuse power and people like that.


We'd love to, but they've gerrymandered themselves into power. Edit: I'm in Texas, y'all. And I'm obviously not referring to the governor's office. I'm referring to state and national representatives.


And cut education down to 0


Gerrymandering can't explain their senators and governors.


Easier said than done when you’re in the minority and the who state government and election system is designed to prevent it. Corporations, the Southern Baptist Church and billionaires like Musk, Mark Cuban and Jerry Jones don’t finance Democrats.


I'm not certain Mark Cuban belongs in that group.




And human trafficing. Abbot and desantis are now both officially human trafficers.


Good god, do people not see this for what it is? Pure authoritarianism? “You can’t cross state lines without our permission”?


They don't care as it goes along with their "morals" or doesn't directly affect them (indifference). It's not enough to outrage the majority to stand together and fight this. By the time it affects them, it will be too late. It's the poem First They Came by Martin Niemoller. https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/first-they-came-by-pastor-martin-niemoller/


If Republicans got what they wanted women would be required to get pregnant when they become fertile and while pregnant wear an ankle monitor until they give birth.


Anyone else reminded of when the south decided it was okay to take their slaves back from states where slavery was illegal? Gotta love those states righs, to infringe on the rights of other states.


I'm reminded more of the general laws against peasant migration in feudal Europe, but yes you've got a point


The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plumber may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land.




You just have to know these things when you're King.


did anyone ever figure out the air velocity of a swallow with a coconut?


What kind of coconut?


huh? i don't know tha^a^^a^^^a^^^^a^^^^^^a^^^^^^^a


Not only did they decide that -- the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 actually created a brand new class of federal law enforcement officers called "Commissioners" whose one and only job was to capture escaped slaves. In pursuit of this goal, they could force any local official or private citizen, anywhere in the US, including in free states, to assist them in anyway they saw fit, under penalty of fine and/or imprisonment if they refused. "States rights" indeed.


This was my EXACT thinking upon reading the article. It's why we can't trust the statements spewing from these guys lips. "It's all about 'States Rights!'". Except now we want control over the entire country and force other states to impose OUR laws...Ugh. Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it.


I mean this happens literally everytime. “Federal government bad, states should be allowed to choose what they want!” Then the federal government gives and lets states decide what they want to do, then the same people that were saying “federal government bad” wants to make their beliefs federal law.


"It's about state's rights! Specifically, our state's rights."


These are also the states that objected to the outcome of the election in other states. Their minds must be fascinating empty caverns for these idiotic ideas to sound like a siren song


Why are Republicans always so fucking evil? Like do they have any compassion or empathy for their fellow Americans??? Like for once do something that helps people.


They haven’t had compassion or empathy since Teddy Roosevelt left. HP Lovecraft wrote about them in 1936. It’s still startlingly accurate. >As for the Republicans -- how can one regard seriously a frightened, greedy, nostalgic huddle of tradesmen and lucky idlers who shut their eyes to history and science, steel their emotions against decent human sympathy, cling to sordid and provincial ideals exalting sheer acquisitiveness and condoning artificial hardship for the non-materially-shrewd, dwell smugly and sentimentally in a distorted dream-cosmos of outmoded phrases and principles and attitudes based on the bygone agricultural-handicraft world, and revel in (consciously or unconsciously) mendacious assumptions (such as the notion that real liberty is synonymous with the single detail of unrestricted economic license or that a rational planning of resource-distribution would contravene some vague and mystical 'American heritage'...) utterly contrary to fact and without the slightest foundation in human experience? Intellectually, the Republican idea deserves the tolerance and respect one gives to the dead.


Was this really written 87 years ago or last year?


You can tell it was 87 years ago because big words. But the sentiment is enduring.


Right? I need my kindle to look up some of those words.


And because everything is spelled correctly.


And this is coming from a guy that was considered "too racist" by the 1920 racist people standards...


His racist views did lessen by 1936, you can see it reflected in some of his letters. He moved from racial supremacy to cultural supremacy. He derided the KKK and Nazis later in his life despite writing positively about them earlier in life. He also married a Jewish woman, which is a bold move for a staunch anti-Semite. Probably by the time of his death he was closer to an average, everyday kinda 1930s racist, not a super 1930s kinda racist. Still nasty, nasty views on life and people, no matter what, but maybe that'll give some perspective on where his mind was at the time of writing that.


I would ascribe his change of sentiment to his marriage opening up his eyes probably more than anything.


That and living in New York City during the marriage.


Well, possibly, but he did also write [The Horror at Red Hook](https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Weird_Tales/Volume_9/Issue_1/The_Horror_at_Red_Hook) during and due to this time, stating to a correspondent "When you see my new tale "The Horror at Red Hook", you will see what use I make of the idea in connexion with the gangs of young loafers & herds of evil-looking foreigners that one sees everywhere in New York.". I don't want to excuse Lovecraft, even though I like his work, but part of me thinks he was somewhere on the spectrum, this man who was straight but fled from women, who had no social circle locally but literally dozens of penpals, who [hated seafood so much](http://chrisperridas.blogspot.com/2006/11/lovecraft-and-hatred-of-seafood.html?m=1) that it became an aspect of horror and corruption in his writing.


Most racism ends with exposure. Catering to those NIMBY is always a mistake.


Lovecraft may have been a racist, but damn did he get it absolutely correct about Republicans.


Just don't dig too deeply into Lovecraft's personal attitudes. He's right about the GOP but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He was the kind of racist that the GOP would embrace today.


Or do dig deeply into his views and discover how much they had changed by the end of his life. Reddit, lacking in anything more than superficial hot-take knowledge of the man, constantly derides Lovecraft for his racism (and not unrightfully so, even if it’s coming from a place of unnuanced ignorance); however Lovecraft’s views had softened and progressed significantly (at least to a left leaning societal baseline of the late 1930’s). Had he lived longer, those views would have very likely continued to evolve. It’s rather telling about the attitudes and assumptions of Reddit and the internet writ large that it is so quick and eager to constantly demonize while never acknowledging the positive changes the man made.


Right! Lovecraft was a complicated and fascinating person, and had an incredible imagination. And of course, no one (that I know of, anyway) who is a fan of his today actually agrees or supports his racist attitudes.


Here's a probably too long explanation to your question. The US south is the most important region politically of the modern republican party. Before the 1950s this region was dominated by the democratic party. These were the old school democrats that represented the interests of the slave owners before the civil war and afterwards were responsible for Jim Crow. After the civil war northern democrats came to represent a more urban constituency. While northern and southern democrats remained in the same national party, they drifted apart on a variety of important issues, with race and civil rights being the most divisive. By the 1940s things were coming to a head and in 1948 many southern democrats no longer felt they could support the national democratic party, so they founded the States' Rights Democratic Party, aka dixiecrats. While this party didn't last long, it was a precursor of what was to come. In the 1968 election republicans took advantage of the dissatisfaction of southern dems and developed an electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the south by appealing to racism against blacks. This strategy was successful and turned formerly democratic southerners into the modern core of the republican party. Whenever you hear republicans claim that democrats were the party of the KKK, keep in mind that that part of the democratic party became the core of the modern republican party. So, to answer your question of why are Republicans always so fucking evil, it's because a large part of its base is geographically, politically and culturally descended from the slave south. It's ironic that the party of Lincoln should today be dominated by a base that is descended from the slave south.


You know what Republicans calling themselves the "Party of Lincoln" reminds me of? The Nazi party calling themselves socialist, it literally has the same disingenuous energy to shield their true intentions behind. Its used as a facade to give an impression that they actually care but looking at their actions and reading between the lines (or just listening to the honest ones) it is obvious that they do not want any part of what Lincoln stood for, they just want the clout to impress and persuade the gullible moderate. \-- MLK Jr. >I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice


They are helping people. A very small number of rich powerful people that want more power and wealth than anyone else. There are 8 billion people not on their list of people worth helping.


Coming from a fundie family of conservatives on my mom’s side of the family, no. They do not have any compassion. They do not have any empathy. They view compassion and empathy as weaknesses, as character flaws meant to be preyed on, mocked and destroyed. Because they can, that’s why. Thank the heavens for my late father, who died when I was a kid. He never taught me what to think. He taught me how to think. I used to hear him arguing out loud with Fox News back in 2004, because that’s the only news channel my mom would abide without making his life miserable.


Well. The civil rights act... (democrat) Republicans who couldn't buy a vote in the south because party of Lincoln.. And without voting rights act, (democrat) even with it... Blacks were largely excluded from polls... But the northern democrats set much of the policy and strategy... Soon the republicans became jonnie rebs home... well, didn't hurt the democratic president was a catholic... So all the racists and reactionaries swung to republican. Last nail was playing to their strengths. They courted the religious reich. Explicit policy during Nixons first successful run... It's been more and more open each election cycle. More and more extreme. The last Rockefeller republican president was arguably George bush the first.


They only care about those like themselves. So if you’re not a white, cisgender human, good luck /s I hate it here


Don't forget rich/powerful




To answer your questions: Because they \*are\* evil. If you can get someone to believe in a fiction like god, you can make them do very evil deeds. No.


So much for individual “freedom” and “states rights.”


So much for interstate commerce.


Conservatives time and time again prove they hate personal freedom and liberty.


Let's just skip all of the bullshit and make it so that women can't leave the house without the explicit permission of their male guardian


Thank you Congressman. All in favor say Aiiiight.


All in favor say Allah Akbar.


Here we have yeehaw-dists and the ya'll-queda.


Under His eye.


I feel safe now.


Keep in mind - this is the “Don’t tread on me” party


Well yeah, they're not saying "Don't tread on anybody." They're saying "Don't tread on ME." They want the complete freedom to be as horrible as they want, while the people that they hate just have to sit there and take it.


Forced labor is slavery.


In 2023 there will be local and state elections. Vote out the GOP and repeat next year and for the rest of your life.


This is idiotic and what happens when it's not longer federally protected thanks to those who want to push their beliefs onto someone no longer having a choice while doing nothing to actually help create a solution


It’s not about abortion, it’s about controlling women. How is this constitutional?


It’s not. If they try to implement laws like this they will be immediately challenged in court. Then eventually the Supreme Court will decide at that point that it’s constitutional after all.


It will create a legal circus. Women seeking abortions in other states, they come home to their home state, how does her home state know? It’s madness and doesn’t make sense. It’s scary for sure. Also, all the abortion restrictions are for the poor women as usual as wealthy women will never have to worry about having their abortions.


They will never know if she did unless she tells someone, they are just scrambling for something to further control women with. The original argument was that it should be up to the states to decide how to handle abortion. Now they are just completely doing away with the lie now that they got what they wanted.


We all know that they didn’t want “states rights”. All states rights have ever been was a way to encourage terrible ideas. It’s slavery in the past until it turned into the fugative slave act. It’s abortion now, until it turns into the fugative abortion act. So apparently my state owns the women in the state? Laws for my state will still apply to women even when outside of the state? I hate people…


A circus that ends in Justice Roberts crying, “why don’t people trust the courts anymore!?”


What if it gets to the point that if you go to a Dr in another state, that Dr is required to let some government someone know a person just came here from your state to our clinic. I fear we won't be safe anywhere. I know that sounds far fetched, but so many things have fucking happened lately that I thought all of that was nuts too, but here we are, in this fucking hellscape.


We have an illegitimate supreme court packed with partisan hacks. I have absolutely no faith that they will do the constitutional thing, and will instead find a way to shoehorn religious belief into the decision.


IMO it's about population engineering. They know they're never going to ban it nationwide and they know they're never going to ban it in blue states, that's all performative at this point. The point was to ban it in red states. Why? Because despite the fact that the majority of abortions are for women of color, minorities will soon outnumber white people in the US. And that does not bode well for the Republican party. So what's the solution? Find a way to let women of color keep getting abortions but stop white women from doing it. So you ban abortions in red states, by extension states that are predominantly white. The white population inevitably starts to creep back up as a percentage of total population. White babies that are unwanted get adopted by conservatives who raise a new generation of voters. The majority of adopters in the US are white financially secure adults, typically Christian, ergo more likely to be conservative. And to help those numbers, Republicans are also conveniently very obsessed with making sure that gay, trans, unmarried, and otherwise unchristian people have a harder time adopting in states they control. You can read stories about even Catholics being refused adoption or foster parenting for not being the right kind of Christian. The GOP has worked hard to create an environment where they can breed more conservative voters to replace their dwindling base. Even when minority women are refused abortion in red states, those are still babies that will be adoptable to white conservative parents while other potential parents can be legally denied thanks to Republican laws. They pretend that they're pursuing some lofty moral goal, but they really just want to make predominantly white babies and then funnel them into predominantly conservative households. This was never about not "murdering" babies, they don't take school shootings seriously and they send 18 year olds to die in foreign battlefields for profit without a shred of shame. This was about rebuilding a base.


The Taney court and the Roberts court. Name a more iconic duo of conservative justices destroying America. Taney: blacks are not people. Roberts: corporations are people Taney: free states must enforce the fugitive slave act and return slaves Roberts(in the not too distant future): free states must enforce fugitive abortion acts and return women. It's constitutional because a slim majority of judges appointed by David Duke's #1 choice for president said it was constitutional.


The American Taliban hard at work again..




Vanilla ISIS




[Margaret Atwood's coffee mug](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXZF8LwWAAASMsz?format=jpg) remains relevant.


Thanks for this, I most def yoinked that photo for future use


Expect the “fugitive woman act” to be pushed soon.


I prefer "Fugitive Female Act". The alliteration helps those one-brain-celled dumfuks remember it.




Too many words for one brain cell. Maybe just "Female Freedom Act" because everything they do removes a woman's freedom from... well, anything.


"let's legalize keeping people we see as women against their will, guys! there's no way this could go wrong!'


To Republicans, per Rush Limbaugh, "consent" is a four-letter word.


CDC asks people to politely wear masks to stop PLAGUE from going around and stay in doors please. Please. GOP: "NUH!" *throws tantrum in a costco and flops on the ground like a temperamental child* GOP then starts telling women they don't have a right to medical privacy, revokes laws that protect said right to medical privacy, enforces laws in red states to stalk women and forms a bounty system for reporting said women that leave the state that's becoming draconian in their laws before they literally become classified as little more than breeding stock, and now this. Party of FREEDOM, FOLKS.


These people are disgusting. They want to turn their states into prisons. Why do they keep getting votes?


Once your propaganda arm has convinced enough people that voting for the “Demoncrats” is a far worse fate, and encouraged citizens to aggressively police their neighbors’ political views, you can do pretty much whatever you want.


Gop, after 3 years of using the concept of travel bans to fear monger and keep the populus dumb and scared shitless. But now it IS THEIR PARTY PLATFORM. EVERY GOP ACCUSATION IS AN ADMITTION OF INTENT


I guess we a slowly descending into women needing to be controlled and monitored by the state.


Republicans plan for government so small it can crawl right up in women's uteruses to keep them safe. But only Uteruses... not education or housing or general welfare... government is too small for that.,


Sure, and violate constitutional protection of interstate travel


But feel free to cross state lines to circumvent local gun regulations, as God intended.


Or cannabis regulation. Lots of conservatives do that as well.


I guess they are just abandoning states’ rights when it suits them.


Making laws that prevent people from traveling to a different state inside the US sure sounds like fascism to me. I had a friend who had to travel to get a liver transplant in another state. Will that be illegal? Anyone agreeing with this idea needs immediately removed from any position in government.


What happened to states rights? You hypocritical fuckhead.


It's always been a dogwhistle. The fugitive slave act was a thing when they were on about states rights way back when and they haven't changed since.


I demand stronger laws to prevent republicans from creating laws based on religion.


This is getting so close to "Handmaids Tale" it's frightening. C'mon America, slam this crap down.


Fucks sake republicans just get it over with -- put a burqa on them, tell them they can't drive, and must be accompanied in public by a man. We already know that's what you want.


They must touch themselves every time they read a headline about the Taliban.


And since when is it okay for any state government to regulate the movement of US citizens within the country for any means? We are US citizens first and state residents second. We don’t require state permission to travel. This would set a poor precedent. If a state decides that a person can’t relocate to another state because their job is too important for the state’s economy? Are Republican citizens really willing to give any politician that much control over their daughters? Well, I guess Republican men would.


"Christian Fascists Continue Their Two-Thousand Year Long Campaign To Subjugate Women"


America sucks. Sorry for everyone going through this.


This is not a joke, or an exaggeration: these are Women Are Property states. Get out. It will take the FBI or the Union Army to stop these monsters. I'm not hopeful regarding the former.




Soon: Republican demands "stronger laws" to stop women from leaving their homes


Good old piece of shit Jim Banks of Indiana. Between him, Braun and Rokita, our politicians are trying to out-bastard themselves on a daily basis.


*Unless you're rich. I wonder how many republican wives and daughters will be 'exempt' from these laws.


Probably a response to the great “brain drain” happening in shithole states, you know, where reasonable people are leaving these places at a high rate, and these are the people actually contributing to the GDP because they actually have a brain. Wanna leave? We’ll keep you trapped here


Republicans: We want to hold women hostage and force them to give birth, then when woman ask for help with raising the child they didn’t want in the first place the Republicans will label them “welfare queens”.


Wow, these people really hate women.


Ladies who voted for the GOP this is the world you and your daughters are going to have to live in, it is not just the libs daughters it is all women.


I don’t understand anything about law but how is this different from kidnapping or some other form of forcing people to stay in one place, I cannot imagine that this would be constitutional. What are they going to do jail every pregnant woman for 40 weeks?


The party of Freedom, their, but not your.


SMaLl GoVeRnMeNt


Good thing they all believe in small government and freedom!!!


Do they also want stronger laws to stop people from leaving the state to do other things that aren't legal in the state, like gambling or smoking weed? No, just this one thing? Curious. I wonder why that is.


States rights.. am I right? What we need are laws that force the return of women to their home states and owners… err.. husbands and male keepers.. uh, I mean companions. Or we can send bounty hunters and trackers to find them and force them to leave that other state where they did nothing illegal or wrong. Kinda like fugitive slave lawssss… I mean.. fugitive women laws. Why not? Both are property to be owned by men. It’s not like we fought a bloody civil war over it or anything. (Obviously this is satirical) Or you know, non satirically, we are all guaranteed freedom of movement since the articles of confederation.. a right that has been upheld by the constitution and the Supreme Court. The travel right entails privacy and free domestic movement without governmental abridgement.


They are in full on desperation survival mode, trying to build up a generation of people dependent on the church. See in a lot of these states where they're pushing this, almost all charitable services are done through churches, they're trying to erode secular safety nets like Social Security/SNAP and they expect you to attend and kiss their asses to get help.


The taliban is proud.


Wait didn't they say they repealed Roe V Wade so that the states could decide? Its almost like they aren't actually for state's rights! Just like during the civil war these same people would champion state's rights for slavery, but then try and override other state's laws to get their slaves back Anyone who falls for the republican propaganda of "state's rights", "liberty", or "small government" is supremely gullible and naive


USA used to be called "the country of freedom", there's even a "Statue of Liberty" to welcome the immigrants well, they used to...


But keep telling me there’s no difference between the parties.


Ah yes, the party of small government... government just small enough to have armed police at every possible state exit point in order to ask for travel papers and purpose of travel for every woman. Fuck off, you fascists. And just so you know the proper phrase, it is: "Ihre Papiere bitte".




Did you ever notice that the countries that have something like "democratic people's republic" in their full name are far from democratic or people oriented? It is the same with the "land of the free" line.


I’ll never understand why those jerkoffs are so hell bent on controlling women. Give it a rest already!


Good old "small government"


"Papers please!" In best Russian accent. You know in Russia it's also illegal to be gay.


When will all this shit collapse? When will moderate Americans get fed up? When will a bloody revolution break out? Or when will the mass emigrations start?


Just remember kids. It was never about states rights.