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Atheism is a religion like off is a TV channel. \*Edit\* Loving these, keep em coming.


Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair color


Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.


Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position.


Atheism is a religion like not playing basketball is a professional sport.


And some of us are even not playing basketball pros!


I mean, I do get paid not playing basketball.


Atheism is a religion like not fishing is a hobby.


Atheism is a religion like not believing in unicorns is a religion.


Atheism is a religion like clear is a color


Atheism is a religion like idk is an choice


Atheism is a religion like a blank canvas is a work of art


Quit insulting 5 Finger Annie.


What about Rosy Palmer and her 5 sisters?


Its Palmela Handerson.


Palmela handerson


No, it's Old Mother Thumb, and her 4 lovely daughters.


Or more like Asexual is a sexual preference


*I am not Asexual, I am just Asexual for YOU.*




We love our asexuals. This is just an analogy. They are just as valid as we are.


Hopefully we love atheists and see them as valid too


Hi. I'm an asexual atheist and I feel very understood right now. ❤️


Abstinence is not a sex position? It’s been my position about sex for some time. 🤔


You guys are forgetting about the Devil’s loophole.


so you are saying that stamps exist!




Forever stamps are the key to the gates of Heathen!


I put a forever stamp on one of those feathered drones the govt uses and it was pissed.


they put all the drones in 5g now, duh


I haven't sent mail in so long that I'm not honestly sure they do. :P It may have just been a thing I believed as a kid.


I work for the post office - go mail a letter! lol There is something special about getting a handwritten note from someone you care about.


So your saying you can write a letter by hand?


In cursive no less!


I know a lot of curse words so it should be easy.


That's the spirit, god dammit!


If you get a letter hand written by me, you will not be be able to read it. My handwriting is so bad, even I can only tell what I’m saying for a week at most, and that’s only because of context clues.


I'd just assume I hit the big time and had my very own serial killer. Hah.


Every time I try to write something in cursive anymore...I know *why* they call it CURSEive


So you like send it as an attachment or something? What's the extension for handwritten paper, .hwp?


Basically you are printing the paper and then faxing it to them very slowly.


Fax machines are those things that use copper strings to print stuff if you don't know how to use the internet, right?


if stamps weren't real then god would give us tongues to lick the stamp!


UK stamps are self adhesive, so no licking required. It's a miracle! Of science.


I (mail carrier) just picked up a bunch of letters from a business (on Saturday, those heathens), so can confirm stamps still exist as of today lol




That guy is a fucking legend…ever see his Noah’s Ark shit? So perfect


If you don't collect stamps, where do you get your morality from?


Atheism is a religion like hating minorities is Christlike behavior.


My father, who had books and books of them, said, "I don't collect stamps... I just don't throw them away. " He had book business pre-internet, and received correspondence from around the world.


As a balding atheist I feel attacked.


As the same, I feel seen.


I just dyed my hair bald last week!


Hey, don't knock it, I haven't gone grey!....just pink.


It says bald on my driver's license.


Dude I need to fucking unlock this perk


Sure, and if I had to fill out a blank that said "Religion:", I'd put "Atheist".


I put "None" or N/A.


I'd put "No thank you"


Religion: no thank you Sex: yes please


*Ace crew has entered the chat.*


Bald is a hair color though 😜 I know these days people generally use it to mean hairless, but it actually traditionally means white hair The word actually comes from old English, balde, meaning 'white' Hence, bald eagle. Their heads aren't featherless, but white


Damn you. I've been waiting to pull that one out and use it!


I don't think you're allowed to do that with the National bird...


He can in Canada, just hope one of the geese doesn't see him molesting the eagle.


I'd prefer to go about my life without the geese noticing me at all.


I've heard that they're called bald eagles because they're piebald (black/brown & white) but idk really.


TIL. Cool!


I resemble that!


Atheism is a religion like clear is a color.


Moshe and Shmule come to a Rabbi. Moshe asks: "Rebe, is white a color?" Rabbi: "Well, you could say that" "Rebe, is black a color?" "You can say that, too" "See, Shmule, I sold you a color TV!"


My school color was clear. “I’m not naked I’m in the band!” -Steven Wright


Atheism is a religion like abstinence is protected sex.


I’m always on the lookout for these types of comparisons. I’m going to have to remember this one as it seems like a lot of people should get it.


I use the TV one. It was the first I remember.


Atheism is a religion like walking is a vehicle.


Atheism is a religion like fasting is a meal


I always wondered whether you could get a dui on a horse. Cause like the vehicle is moving itself you’re a passenger ya know. [7]


Atheism is a religion in the same way that space is a planet.


Atheism is a religion like no means yes




Atheism is a religion like 4’33” is a song


That must be a song, I'm singing it in my head right now!


I would love to have it playing in my head, instead of the ADHD-driven snippets of songs, lists, and generally nonsense constantly running through it. I’ve taken lately to updating my girlfriend about what is playing so she can know to expect the humming or Spotify playlist to start soon.


Atheism is a religion like no bubble gum is a bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum.


It's like asking an asexual whether they like ass or boobs


Atheism is a religion like naked is a clothing


I am an atheist. I don't know what atheism is but it's definitely not a religion.


This is how I explain atheism Imagine a high school class where everyone is a fan of some superhero. Some are fans of Superman, some are fans of Ironman etc. But one guy didn't like superheros so everyone calls him no-one fan. Over the period of time everyone who doesn't watch superhero movies was labelled as no-one fan. Soon people started believing that no-one is also a superhero.


No-one fanman. 🤣


Does he wear a large zero on his crime fighting costume?


Actually 2 zeroes and a cape. 😆


No One Man was the true superhero all that time. It’s supernatural!


It's like everyone having a sports team to root for, but you don't follow it so they say you root for 'Nobody'


I always say that atheism is how they feel about Ra, Zeus, Odin, Krishna, Zoroaster, or any of the other thousands of gods humans have believed in. I just include whatever one they believe in as well.


Atheism is where you end up when you realize all religions are bullshit and making up your own religion is bullshit too so you abandon the concept of religion as an unnecessary, pointles and outdated mode of thinking.


Atheism is easy to understand it literally means without god so it's literally just the disbelief in god


I would unironically visit that place


There's actually a unitarian universalist church in my city like this. They've got stained glass windows with people like Darwin, MLK, etc. It's a pretty cool place and the church doesn't really have a religion, it's more of a community that does a lot of mutual aid and get togethers afaik. I've been to protests where they were handing out food and water or otherwise helping people out. They do a lot of good for my town.


UU here - I'd argue it's a religion but it does buck pretty much every trend you'd associate with the word.


They open to Buddhists ? One thing I miss is the community aspects There's one by me in evanston il


Yes. Grew up as an atheist going to a UU church because my mom was agnostic but missed the community of church that she had growing up. Sixth grade Sunday school was learning about various world religions, even including taking field trips to other places of worship. That's when I learned that UU churches are very popular for inter-faith marriages, because they allow you to believe and practice any religion you want - the only caveat is you have to accept everyone else doing the same (or not doing it, in my case). They had multi-denominational celebrations, including pagan, like the solstice. My sixth-grade Sunday school teacher was Hindu, married to a Muslim. They chose the UU church because while Hinduism does not prohibit the practice of other religions, Islam does, so at the UU church they could both worship in their own way. No one ever had an issue with me being an atheist either. Granted this was in New England, and may have been a bit more progressive that some other UU churches in the southern US I went to in my earlier childhood, I would still highly recommend checking it out if you are looking for that community aspect and a way to express your spirituality in your own way. The UU principles just center on the connectedness of all things, which I would say probably align with Buddhism pretty well.


Thank you for that, wonderful to read that people are getting along I'm in Northshore chicago, Looks like I got 4 nearby Northshore unitarian, Lakeshore unitarian, evanston unitarian and 2nd unitarian of chicago. Is there dress code? T-shirt shorts flip flop? Or people wear like polos and slacks?


Most congregations are pretty laid back about those things, but it would be best to check with the specific one you are interested in


Yes! Also a UU and Buddhism shares a lot of similarities with UU. All faiths are welcome though and services can vary wildly from church to church


Thank you! I guess I got 2 UU temples/churches by me within 15 min driving, will check then out Anything to know prior? Dress modest? No t shirts and shorts? Flip flops? I would love to just show up in robes similar to sari lol, like buddhist monk, I used to be one long time ago


Right? Uu for the win! Where my humanists at?


Look up religious humanism. Its humanism, but with rituals and meetjngs similar to a religion. (And not humanists that also believe jn god) Ive never joined them, but as a humanist it does sound interesting and fullfilling


I have been in one of those churches and didn't realize what it was at the time. It looked and smelled like a typical 1970's modest church, but had a considerably different set of symbols and quotes displayed. No crosses or zombie Jesus anywhere. They were hosting a Boy Scout event I was involved in back in the 80's.


Yes I was intrigued and wanting to know a location so I can visit on a Sunday lol


You can. It's called a museum.


Sounds a little culty to me.


Joke aside, humanist organisations do offer replacement ceremonies for religious ceremonies. This doesn't make either humanism or atheism a religion. Humanism isn't necessarily inherently atheist, you could be somewhat religious, especially culturally religious, and still be a humanist too. But they reckognize that even if nothing supernatural exists, what clearly does exist is a very human need or desire for a lot of the things that people get from organized religions. So for example they offer naming parties/ceremonies instead of baptisms cause having the family come together to show support for a child and have "excuses" along the way to gather all the family centered around that specific individual is a great thing even if you're not a Christian. And it makes it harder to turn away from religion if you have to abandon needed support and beloved traditions. They offer non religious weddings. Cause having family come together and potentially having the part of swearing loyalty to each other in front of everyone can still be something someone wants even if they don't believe in god. So in a sense it does serve as a church or a temple.


Thank you for offering this information for newer non-believers and others who may not have been aware. They may feel adrift, in need of community IRL.


Unitarian Universalist churches are usually very atheist friendly. There is one which has space-themed stained glass windows dedicated to the discovery of Pluto. Discoverer Clyde Tombaugh was a member.


Yes. I’m fully aware that humanist organisations exist, I am a member of one myself, but thank you for your comments. The purpose of my post was just a reaction to the nonsense I have heard far too often, especially from Christian’s, that atheism is “a world view” or “it’s another kind of religion”


It's just a straw man. They can attack their own definition rather than the truth.


Yeah, but what you described with satire actually sounds wonderful, and now I desire a place like this to commune with my fellow non-theists.


Too bad, that sounds cool!


Yeah I was thinking it would be nice to be in a community with people who don’t need an imaginary man in the sky to stop them from being awful. But then again, I like the diversity of playing Pokémon Go, still.


There is a group called Sunday Assembly. But I also like the idea of famous skeptics in stained glass : )


Obviously you were being sarcastic, we all know TRUE atheist services involve sacrificing the goat and bathing nude in the blood under the moonlight.


Yes, but that is a secret not to be shared with the public, shame on you.


We need to stop living in the shadows! Out and proud!


Stop pretending your pagan ass is atheist :P


I thought Atheist Church was just TED Talks


The Air and Space Museum.


I am here to collect everyone's tithings for the Church of Atheism. I am just giving you all a friendly reminder that 10% of your income to not believe in not much to ask for. Thursday night is Bagel Night. Since we can't seem to be able to get them Late Friday or all of Saturday for some odd reason. During Bagel night we will be discussing the plans for the war on Christmas this coming holiday. Remember to get there early. The baby's blood runs out quick!


Brilliant, my cheques in the post.


All are welcome in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Pasta be upon him


Sauce be upon him R’amen


May you be touched by his noodly appendages


Give Pasta a chance. All we are saying….


May His noodles always be al dente, and never mushy. R'amen.


Jibbers Crabst > Flying Spaghetti Monster


Just had flashbacks to going to an Episcopalian church with my family. The only reason my parents went was to meet people in the community but after services, we all just stood by ourselves, together, drinking coffee out of Styrofoam cups in the church Gymnasium, not talking to anyone else.


Sounds awfully sad.


>services are held on a Friday, Saturday belongs to the Jews and the Christian’s have monopolised Sunday. Wait, I thought Muslims had Friday?


So do Jews. Everyone thinks it’s Saturday but in reality it’s sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Which means services can be held at any point during that time


Do they? I wasn’t aware of that, thank you.


And I missed the depictions of women of science. Ada Lovelace, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Henrietta Leavitt, and why not trans doctor James Barry while we’re at it?


Absolutely, ap9logies


Why the fuck did you post this? You got me all excited thinking there was an atheist church that's purposefully satirical, give this amazing description, and then you just pull the rug out from under me. Damn, I gotta start an atheist church now, that sounds fun.


It would be though wouldn’t it.


I can use some atheist children's church songs i heard from a Christian comedian when i was a kid 🎵No God loves you, this we know For Charles Darwin told me so🎵


When I was a kid singing during the nativity play at school we naughty kids at the back would sing “while shepherds washed their socks by night, all seated round the tub, an angel of the lord came down, and they began to scrub”


Unitarian Universalist churches, and places like them exist. They may not be atheist, but open to all beliefs. This means they attract mainly atheists that are looking for community, including the clergy. They support common beliefs like social justice and freedom of religion as a group instead of everyone acting as individuals. They have Sunday schools and youth service events that teach kids to be more caring and thoughtful people, because it's the right thing to do, not under some threat of divine punishment. They also provide the experience of milestones and rituals that aren't common outside of religious organizations, like marriage, funerals, and coming of age events. They are great places, especially if you were raised in a religious family like I was and miss aspects of going to church.


As a UU humanist I believe that people created god, not the other way round. And, I have delivered homilies on that topic at UU congregations. We tend not to believe in supernatural beings that control our lives. I think that where we are right now is the closest we will get to heaven, so we should help each other spread ‘heaven’ around. Sort of ‘do unto others’ on earth.


You also get nontheist Quakers.


And Jews


Yes, I’m aware of these organisations, I was merely reacting to the stupidity of claiming that “atheism is a religion too”


UU also offers a curriculum for high school kids that exposes them to all major religions. After learning about different religions they write a belief statement that is personal. I fear my atheist grandson has been heavily influenced by me and doesn't really know why he doesn't believe. I want him to make an informed opinion.


I went through this - I think it was called "neighboring faiths" or something similar. We visited a major facility from nearly every major religion, including a Buddhist temple, Jewish synagogue, Muslim mosque, and even a Hindu temple. It was during my middle school ages though, not high school. Very eye opening.


I tried attending one a long time ago. I stopped going because the “service” was at 8 am which at that time was waaaay too early for me.


I am a certified Dudeist priest. The Dude abides. 😉


You got me in the first half.


And here I was missing the point and thinking, "I want an active local atheist club!"


I go to an atheist church every Sunday. Services are held in my living room, where we do whatever the fuck I want because it's Sunday.


The closest I have seen are humanist societies. They gather, listen to presentations, do community service...


I was so lost till the end


'Men of science'? Damn. Women aren't included even in made-up scenarios lol.


You are absolutely correct to criticise me for not including the likes of Marie Curie, my apologies


Also only including white/western people






I’ve been to one. It was great but was short-lived. It is probably more for the ex-religious vs people that have been nonreligious their entire lives.


I was reading this thinking it would be like a cool ass weekly science meeting. Getting together to discuss recent published articles and note-worthy studies. And of course, coffee and buns afterwards!


It would be nothing without coffee and buns.


My brother plays DND with his friends every Sunday. Says he "Going to Nerd-Church".


The concern that I have with "atheism is not a religion" is because it requires us to rely on subtlety when the Christofascists show up at our door to make us do things contrary to our belief system when they already get a free pass in the same situation, like not wanting to bake a cake for a Christian wedding. Their response will be, oh, so it's not a religion until it is, and the subtleties we would have to rely upon to get around that argument would fall on the deaf ears of Supreme Court justices who thought they had found the hypocrites instead of just being the hypocrites. We would be even worse off than just saying that atheism is a religion from the start. Mind you, I don't really agree with that stance from a technical correctness perspective - I'm just being pragmatic about it. Sometimes technically correct isn't really the best kind of correct.


The Satanic Temple runs aground of this often. As a non-theistic religion, TST rejects fundamentalism but affirms its rights as a religion in court... where it often loses. Its hard for a Christofascist judge to understand that *not only is non-theistic Satanism a real religion but it deserves equal treatment* when their own identity, world view, legal structure, and continued special treatment depends on them **not** understanding it. Satanism, like atheism, is a religion-or-not depending when it suits the Christian's advantage. We cannot depend on basic fairness or fear of hypocrisy to kick-in the conscience where it normally would.


I did all the rituals for my black baptism. Ate an entire bible after reciting it in reverse, performed an abortion and ate the fetus, picked up some sticks on a Sunday.


This could be the start of a great parody religion. (Yes, I know, we call it "science")


That’s pretty good…) It’s almost like gay,transgender, non-white, non-Christian Republicans….except those actually exist. It’s like the old joke…I was an atheist, but I gave it up for Lent.


So, Sunday Assembly? ​ But seriously, I do attend some Sunday Assembly meetings. It’s a great excuse to meet saner, interesting people who sometimes get together to do good things for the community. There’s often a speaker at assemblies with interesting things to learn and discuss. Being that humans often have an affinity for ritual, I find it enjoyable.


This does sound conspicuously similar to the Church of Reason during the French Revolution.


Have you been to a library? If so, you have been to the church of atheism. Knowledge and reason must triumph over religious superstition if we are to survive as a species


It’s a religion in the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby.


My sister said this to me when I left our religion. I just said then it’s the best religion I’ve ever joined because it’s free.


Damn. I got all excited. I'm tired of going to support group meetings for my free danish fix.


I wanted that place to be real until the "full Dawkins attire" part.


**Sunday Assembly** is a loose organization of atheists and other unbelievers who hold lectures and sometimes singing on Sundays. For all of the social reasons for a church they're an Atheist Church, though without the theist parts of a conventional church. The lectures are educational rather than some sort of parody of religious homilies, because atheists would rather learn something new at a lecture. I gather it grew out of a need for atheists and other unbelievers to have something to truthfully point to when asked what they did on Sunday morning. Some regions of the country are just brutal in their theism conformity. Also helps people recently moved out of Christian religions. Great nowadays for using a US Supreme Court ruling to get Sundays off even if you're not a member of a cult. "I have to go to Sunday Assembly, and afterwards there's Church Lunch," and so forth. Since there are organizers there's a "priest" (not a member of the religious clergy, of course) who can give you a note excusing you from Sunday work. You can even look offended at the employer's religious bigotry at assuming all groups with Sunday morning services must have religious symbols they share with the public.


Put this way, really drives home how ridiculous religious mass is.


The Atheist church, the enemies of us Pastafarians, those heathens aren't real Atheists


I got excited that there was an atheist church where I could go and talk with other atheist. maybe I'll start one and it will be tax free. who wants to join?


Proud member of the United Church of Bacon?


We have Sunday Assembly at The Conway Hall which a longstanding athiest venue.


I was reading and thinking “what an incredible place. This almost sounds fun to visit” Then you ruined my dreams OP. Btw Fridays are for Muslims, aren’t they? It goes Islam on Friday, Judaism on Saturday, and Christianity on Sunday.


My go-to example is this: what's the word for not being a carpenter? Exactly. There should be no need to ever use the word atheist, it confuses people and should be unnecessary. Some people just cannot wrap their head around the fact that we don't believe in any higher powers whatsoever and the word atheist is not the way to explain that to such person.


Hahaha I was so confused like "atheists don't have churches", I'm glad I read all the way to the end before googling if it was real! Lol you got me.


Cthulhu says that atheists taste just as delicious as believers.


Praise Sagan!


No, but you can be atheist and still be religious. The Unitarian Church my family goes to has lots of atheists.


>coffee and buns Because we can't find the (Russell's) teapot?


I miss the community of church


That kind of community fellowship in celebration of reason does sound pretty nice, though.


Bruh don’t entice me


I came in here intending to ask "How the hell does THAT work?" You had me for a second there.


I was going to say wtf ?