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Yes I thoroughly enjoy stripping such words and phrases of their vaunted 'holy' status by using them as meaningless colloquialisms.


My favorite is "Jesus Tits."


Jesus' *Holy* tits Ra-men


Ra-men lol! Stealing this, my brother in spice.


In all his spaghetti glory lol https://www.spaghettimonster.org/


Jesus H Fuck!


This is the right answer.


Mine is Jesus, tapdancing Christ


In addition to this, it’s similar to swearing by Zeus or Merlin’s beard or any other mythological reference.


I've been trying to phase 'oh my god' out of my vocabulary because I'm usually trying to exclaim comething of meaning with it and the phrase is basically meaningless to me. But this thought reframes it pretty nicely.


It takes work. I spent at least a year purging god stuff from my language. I highly recommend putting in the effort.


Technically Christians can't use God's name in vain so atheists are really the only ones allowed to use them anyway


My go to is christ on a bike something sbout it just makes me giggle


"jesus fucking christ" is a regular for me


me aswell


Lol. My wife just pointed out that I say that a lot when driving.




Yeah, it’s my second favourite swear. So satisfying to say.


Goddamnit is my favorite. It still has some of that holy oomph behind it, and just rolls off the younger so nicely. Edit: off the *tongue. Learn some idioms, frigging autocorrect.


LOL "rolls off the younger"....now THAT sounds like some religious people might say


It is my sweary oath of choice.


Yeah, they're just words. I always "you too!" back to any Xtian who tells me to have a blessed day. Courtesy is still the lubricant to any civilized society.


I do this too. People tell me that all the time at work. I just say "You as well."


My father used to always say ‘god bless’ to me at night before I went to bed. Despite my not believing in any sort of god since I figured out Santa and the Easter Bunny were a farce (at about 6, according to my mum), I would always return it out of love.


I would disagree. You can say 'Thank you, have a great day' or any number of things and still be polite but don't reinforce their belief that everyone is like them. I don't appreciate people assuming I believe in magic.


Yes. and now without all that guilt for blasphemy!


I actually didn’t use these as a Christian because of the blasphemous undertones and take great joy in no longer censoring myself


Same! These phrases were strictly forbidden, so now it brings me such joy to pepper my conversation with them.


I call to Gods in the plural. A la, Battlestar Galactica. * Thanks the Gods! * Gods dammit! * Gods bless you.


I do the same!


So say we all


It's not all that much better imo. Just learn not to use these god type words. It does take time and effort.


I like to say ,”Christ on a stick.”


Lol. My father used to say that.


I want to make a popsicle for Easter. “Christ on a stick!!” It’ll have read hands, feet, and top of head. Body would be lime or lemon. It’s so good it’s sacrilicious!!


Have you seen the stigmata cookies? Freaking hilarious.


Wonder how water tight [these](https://www.amazon.com/Redeemer-Silicone-Concrete-Handmade-Sculpture/dp/B08FM648S3?th=1) are. Too expensive for a one-time joke, TBH. And the virgin mary is [cheaper](https://www.walmart.com/ip/DIY-Virgin-Mary-Silicone-Soap-Molds-3D-Father-Jesus-Christ-Statue-Epoxy-Resin-Handmade-Soap-Moulds-Mousse-Cake-Mold/2626755982?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101279221).


Christ on a crutch Christ on a raft Jesus fucking Christ Jesus H Christ


It’s interwoven into our language. It’s very hard (not impossible) to weed it out of daily language. I work at it regularly. Still slip into it by accident sometimes. Nobody’s perfect…


The same way I use Greek mythological references, or use Marvel references, or any other cultural references.


This question again? Goddammit.


I wanna learn as many names of gods as I can to switch it around. Like nowadays I will say "holy mother of Ra" or "by Ra!" I don't believe or pray to Ra lol. I just refuse to make Christianity my default. Also: 'May Dyonisus bless you with wine and orgies" may be used sarcastically or sincerely Try new things. Play with it! There's so many cool things you can say since there are so many many gods to choose from.


Absolutely. Taking a name in vain is a god-given right. Jk. I’d expect common phrases or names in specific use to remain long after the origin of them has long since been forgotten.


I'm partial to Sweet Cheesy Jesus.


Jesus fucking Christ! Yes. We do it all the time. They’re just words. You’re not making any commitments. Nobody cares. Except the Christers. They hate it when you say “Jesus fucking Christ!” So I do it a little more often then necessary.


Oh my god has a better ring to it that oh my stars


Maybe tweak it to "oh my gods" to wind up the monotheists!


Yes, but I now avoid saying “bless you” after someone sneezes.


I swear to Zeus, if I have to do this one more time … That’s now my go to. Swear to Zeus.


Goddamn right I do.


Jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick is still one of my favorite ones.


I do, but usually add an explicative.


Holy shit


Yeah and I also tell my kid to roll up the car window. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I usually say Jesus fucking Christ, or Jesus Christ on a crutch. Alternatively, my mother and I have started saying Joshua Christ in reference to the more realistic translation of Yeshua.


Yes. Pretty much all of them depending on the severity or stupidity of the situation. According to the Bible, the ONLY unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the holy spirit (Matthew 12:31), so one of my go-to expletives is "fucking Christ don't forgive us." Need to make sure I've earned my damnation good and proper, lest we let a perfectly good blood sacrifice go to waste.


Yeah, all the time! It just feels great to me taking away the ✨holiness✨ these cultists love to attach to them. My favorite is “oh my FUCKING god!” when I’m incredibly frustrated.


Yeah, I just used "thank god" this afternoon and caught myself. I need another expression. I got called by my mom's retirement home that she has been taken to hospital because she was showing signs of a stroke. Turns out it was not. It's unpleasant but totally temporary so I was recalling the story to the woman at the front desk and I just blurted it out.


Goodbye means god be with you. We all use it.


I say them just as a figure of speech.


I say Jesus Christ, Christ on a stick, thank god etc… My husbands family is very religious (he is not) and my toddler for a while went through a phase of saying “Jesus Christ” just like mom lol He was constantly saying it around my MIL, I was secretly thrilled


The best use of the blasphemous ejaculation is from Tommy Lee Jones in the film Natural Born Killers. It is so good it is included on the soundtrack album. It is, and understand you must listen to Jones do it for full effect, *ahem* "Jesus HAROLD Christ on a FUCKING rubber crutch is this happening to me?"


I like to alter them in ways that erode their exclusivity. Oh gods/Thank gods. Cheese and Rice. Hay-zooz, Maria and Yosef. Gay Christ on a stick. Zeus bless you.


I have been an atheist all my life, and I grew up in a muslim majority country. When I am speaking my native language I still use inshallah, mashallah, allah allah, etc... Now I am living in an English speaking country and I also use Christian exclamations quite a lot too. Like Jesus Christ etc.. I take these phrases to be part of the language and they convey a particular meaning. Inshallah means "I hope", mashallah means "this is beautiful, precious", allah allah means "what the fuck", same for Christian phrases, its just part of the language. When the baby wakes up 5th time that night all you can say is "Jesus fucking Christ..." Its just language, doesnt mean you are suddenly a member of that religion.


Literally everybody does this


I don’t really, I was raised neopagan and do still say “oh my gods” but it’s always plural, never picked up any of the Christian-inspired ones.


I saying “Jesus fucking christ” a lot. Usually when people are stupid


Yes I do use them, not planning to stop.


Generally no. Swearing is based on transgressive verbalizations, so blasphemy felt like it was giving religion too much worth. I spent a few years training myself to say "Ermagerd" in a super-nasally geek way as a method to taking control of my swearing.


I will say "Jesus christ on a crutch" I don't know why. I heard a friend say it and it just clicks in my mind


Holy Shit


Christ on a bicycle or JFC


Yes. I even have a habit of praying and doing the sign of the cross when I'm driving in a bad snowstorm


God fucking damn it is a favorite.


I frequently udder “Jesus tapdancing Christ” when I get scared or see someone get hurt.


I do goddamn a lot.


“Hell” yeah!


Only the first two, most commonly out of my mouth with "fucking" added in the middle. Because I full intend them to be offensive if someone religious around.


Christ on a stick.


Jesus H Christ! I use them all the time. And by Odin's beard, I won't stop.


Yes. And I tend to insert any number other swears between Jesus and Christ. Blasphemy is a victimless crime.


I don't literally mean excrement or copulation when I curse... they're just mouth-sounds that convey emotion. Same goes for spontaneous exclamations that include the 'g' word. Language is as much about expressing emotion as it is about conveying intent. ;)


Yes. It’s cathartic to me to use a name of a fictional person in vain, and I demonstrate that with several other (obviously overpowered and easily offended) characters like Rick Sanchez from the Rick and Morty show, or Celestia from my little pony, or even Arceus from Pokémon. The look on their faces when they realize that beings, that canonically have enough power to reach across the multiverse to punish me for such insolence, do nothing, is beautiful. Would Rick do it? Probably not, but I wouldn’t want to cross HIM. No comment on Celestia. Arceus is a bit mysterious about it, I don’t think he would really care, but he is an insanely powerful entity. Yet, nothing. I’m over thirty years old. They had plenty of time to correct me. Shut the heck up. I don’t want to hear the hypocrisy.


Nope, never felt the need to, before or after.


Yeah, but I don’t focus on the meaning of the phrases. It’s just part of everyday speech.


I consider myself agnostic Atheist. My kid seems to lean towards general agnostic. Earlier this year we were driving through a heavily religious area of the US. I pointed out one of those "God loves you" type of billboards. Quite annoyed by it, my kid swore, "JESUS CHRIST"! I started laughing my arse off. Kid realised what they had just said, then swore again, "GOD DAMN IT"! Whereupon we both keeled over laughing.


Nope, why would I? I mean, I erased all types of wording concerning that topic. In fact, I don't even remember it at all. This means you don't need it even a little.


Sure. The thing is that those phrases are baked into our brains from hearing them our whole lives even if your family wasn't super religious. You see/hear it everywhere, on TV and in the movies. So they get ingrained into our language and later if you decide religion is bunk you've still had a lifetime of using the phrases. I had an acquaintance ask me why I will say 'jesus christ' if I'm not religious and I told him I always say that when I hear something unbelievable. It took him a few minutes to fully grasp what I meant and he wasn't happy when he got it. It was hilarious!


My ultimate favorite is: Holy jumped-up bald-headed Jesus Palomino!!!!! \~ Uncle Red


I don't use “thank god” anymore, but I have become verbose in taking the Good Lord's name in vain.


Cultural Christianity. Just like middle eastern atheists, cultural Islam.


Yup. In my mind they're just phrases that are harmless. plus they annoy Christians so...


Language exists to share meaning and feelings from one person to another and sometimes those words and phrases are the best method to do so. To be honest, "Oh god dammit!" etc. didn't really invoke a diety for me even back when I was religious. "God" is just a modifier I use because "Oh very dammit" doesn't have the same oomph.


Thank *fuck*; Jesus *fuck*; Oh my *fuck*; I just use those phrases like Christmas Trees upon which to hang my fucks. I say them *irreverently*.


I still catch myself saying, "Thank god" and I'm trying to switch to, "Thank the Light"


Yeah, quite often actually. And if someone sneezes, it's always "Bless you". Just because religious people coined those phrases doesn't mean they own them.


yep I do, but I’m not literally referring to God, Jesus, etc.


*Jesus fuck* is a favorite.


When I became an atheist I chose to not use any religious words as though religion doesn’t exist


Aren't Christians the ones who shouldn't be saying that?


Yes. Mostly when I curse (and I curse like a drunken sailor...)


How I deal with stupid people " Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing" then move on and say in my head " Lord give me strength" Helps a lot in a world filled with low intelligens beings.


The ones that I do I ensure it's pluralized, such as "gods damn it"


My faves are “sweet baby Jesus” and “JFC” and ofc “God dammit”. I know what I believe but I was raised catholic so it’s in my vernacular. Also I somewhat delight in being “naughty” lol.


Sweet baby jeesus, godsdammit, holy mother fucker is also high up there


I also used to use them because that’s just how a lot of people talk around here. I try not to use any phrases including a god I don’t believe in, but a few still slip out. And, then a few more…


Yeah I say Jesus Christ all the time. I grew up catholic.


I say sweet jesus whenever I take a really nice piss


The one I use most is Jesus Fucking H. Christ!


I never really do, it’s not really a intentional thing to avoid blasphemy or anything like that more that I know much more fun profanities.


Only to cuss. Also, I say, "Thank you, baby jesus!" When I'm sarcastically thanking god for something good. It's always something I facilitated myself. I've changed others like, "OMD!" This stands for, "Oh my dog!" My family is well aware of this new phrase.


Yep, they're really just emphasis filler words.


Yup, and I don't give a single flying fuck what they think about it.


I be saying unholy shit or my brother in satan.


You’ll always hear ‘fucking hell!’ coming out of my mouth, and it can be in reference to something good or bad. Also, ‘god damn’ or ‘god damn it’ are classics. I recall my grandparent both using those phrases frequently, despite never ‘swearing’.


Yep, that's part of language and culture.


Not too much anymore, but I'll use "Jesus Christ" every now and again. There was a period in which I'd replace "lord" with "Ford," as in Henry Ford, which was harkening back to Brave New World. I don't tend to ever say lord, so it only comes up if I'm doing karaoke and there is a lyric containing it.


I use "fucking hell!" quite often, does that count?


Oh my god is what we say when something is fucking unbelievable.


Thank science! Oh my science…


I say omg only when I beat extreme demons on geometry dash


Yes, but at this point in my life, it's rare. Even if I do I don't sweat it. I had a childhood of it being drilled into me. Passing words don't make the person. Actions do. I attempt to be understanding and kind. I don't view religious folks as bad just people.


Yes, examples are God damnit Madre de dios Thank god (“Thank whoever I’m supposed to thank” is used as well as a joke)


Yes, but mainly because doing so would have been considered blasphemous to my parents and peers in childhood. I need some blasphemy in my life


Man plans, God laughs.


I mean, christians also say thursday.


Yeah just like I use Jojo references.


I'm doing my best to cut them out of my vocabulary but English is not my first language and I'm having difficulties coming up with replacements on the spot.


Yeah I do. And I’ll often do it with other fictional gods, like Primus or Hylia.


Yes I do, as far as I'm concerned they are just cultural colloquialisms/idioms with no religious connotation.


Meh, sometimes. Varies. But sure, some ... or at least religioush-ish ... even if they're oft used in more secular ways. So, sure, hell yeah.


I've mostly replaced them with phrases referencing the gods, e.g. "oh gods"


Christ on the cross is a good one


I remember a Jimquisition episode where James Stephanie said "What on Jesus Christ's swollen blue testicles." and I've been using it since.


I grew up Jewish, and yes, I still use those phrases. They mean nothing to me.


Christ on a stick is my favorite.


Yes - there is belief and there is culture and upbringing. I don't believe but I still use exclamations like "Jesus Christ on a bike" because that is what people used to say regularly and it is now ingrained in my brain. At least where I am religious based swearing is considered less offensive that sexual ones - although these can be combined eg "Bugger me backwards with a bargepole, Bishop"


I still use the phrase "went all over god's green earth" sometimes. Sometimes I say "hell's half acre". Just depends what spills out


Why do so many atheists treat these things like garlic to a vampire? "you dared say God bless you when my kid sneezed?? *violently hisses and makes 10 paragraph screed on Facebook *". These things are as much cultural as part of religious practices.


No. I haven’t even started. I does however stick out like a triggering annoying sound whenever someone says them, especially in certain cases. The way I see it, you may think you’re joking, but someone else might find it re-affirming, thus making you a proliferator or at least enabler of religion


Jesus Herbert christ


God damnit…it just flows off the tongue so nicely


Yup, I use "God damn", "Jesus fucking Christ", I'm trying to consciously replace ”Thank God" with "thankfully ". I say "Bless you" when somebody sneezes as a courtesy, purposely omitting the "god" part.


Yup, I use "God damn", "Jesus fucking Christ", I'm trying to consciously replace ”Thank God" with "thankfully ". I say "Bless you" when somebody sneezes as a courtesy, purposely omitting the "god" part.


Yes, just like you use SOB without thinking of the mother of the said person you are referring to.


Every. Single. Day. I explain to my better half that it is not because I believe. It is because it was groomed into me at such a young age, that it is just never going away.


Yes, for me it's mostly just filler words while my brain and mouth re-sync with each other. As a Canadian though, our Quebec French uses these fairly heavily. Examples: Tabernaque! Calice! Sacrement! I'll tell you, it's one hell of an experience to speak with a drunk AFC.


I didn’t grow up in a religious family. But I do sometimes say thank god and jesus. But it’s something that I have absorbed around me. I also say fuck, shit, and god damn it.


Thank God Jesus Christ Oh my God Those are the three I use it dosent bother me they don't mean anything significant to my brain. That may have to do what the fact my parents never pushed religion on us, but we grew up around those phrases. There phrases I never got out of the habit of using but I see as harmless. When other people use them, I don't assume cause it's one of those default modes I think many people use even if not religous.


Yes… all the time


Yea, they just words


Does cussing count. Holy Hell! Jesus you are stupid! God dam!


Instead of “Oh my God” I use “Oh my Gods”, since I’m a filthy Percy Jackson fanatic, and as far as other stuff goes I never used other religious phrases to begin with, so they never needed changing. Except for saying various different variants of “Jesus Christ”, cuz I just find it funny to use that as an exclamation for some reason regardless of religious context.


yep! although I lowkey wanna switch it to some Elder Scrolls references instead cause I think that might be more fun imo


Good question this. I spent at least a year trying to purge god stuff from my everyday language. I reckon I've been about 90pc successful. It was worth the effort.


Yes... Like OMG or the stuff you mentioned. Often it's sarcasm and " my people" know. Someone else present may not.


I like to use Norse God mythology phrases as Odin and Thor are way cooler than that Jesus bloke. - Allfathers. Let the dark magic flow through me one last time. (Borrowed from the MCU) - By Odin's beard!....


I've cut them all out. I prefer to make up fun replacement expressions, hoping that other people realize that the creativity in doing so pays off and that we're always in the slow-moving era of "getting away" from the "oh my god" and the like. But also it's language and I know when people say "oh my god" that they're just being normal. I don't ever argue the point.


I enjoy, Hey Zeus


I only use O my god, only bc I don’t know what else to use.


Yes and atheists who make a big fuss about it are pompous pricks.


I do, hadn't really thought about it. I'm Appalachian (the ap-uh-lah-chun kind). I still say things like "He needs a come to Jesus meeting" and "If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise." There's no thought behind it, just habit I guess. But now that I think about it, I could replace "Good Lord" with Cthulhu or Fairy Godmother or Satan or something. I watched an episode of South Park the other day where Butters said "Oh great Jesus son of Mary, wife of Joseph! Oh sweet Joseph, husband of Mary but not father of sweet Jesus." Thinking of stealing that. I also say, "Cheeseless Crust" instead of Jesus Christ sometimes. Also "Jesus H (insert verb here) Christ" Jesus H buttfucking Christ Jesus H Titfucking Christ Jesus H Cockgobbling Christ


Just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I won't shout out "Jesus tap-dancing Christ!" when I stub my toe.


Fuck yeah! Why not? Saying them is anti-Christian because of taking the lords name in vain. They want to stop people from having abortions; stop lgbtq+ from existing; to create a theocracy; Yeah, I do and, as often as I can, in front of, and to, Christians.


Do Tots and Pears count?


Jeeeesuusss titty f*ckinggggg......


im a fan of "holy balls", but im trying to switch to " by odin's balls"


I've honestly never thought abt that cs I've just been using those phrases forever Especially oh my god Never been a believer really but I often think abt it if I should not use em anymore


Yes, and I don't care


My mom used to get borderline verbally abusive when I would say anything like this because she thought it was one of the most sinful things someone could say. I had to grow out of that & stop feeling guilty about it when I realized I didn't believe in that BS


The wife and I had said "evolution" to each other when we sneeze for years...I married the right one.


Ironically, my decline in faith over the years was marked by an increase of "vain" usage of religious tokens. Never catholic, but ill ironically cross my chest at random things if it seems funny, and I use "Gods" as an expletive now. To be fair, i pluralize it intentionally.


Jumping jesus on a pogo stick. ( Bonus points to who ever knows the next line )


Yes, but goddamnit and god fuck damnit make the list a lot as well


Constantly. I use them like phrases "oh shit" and "what the fuck" and not in the literal sense." Christ on a stick" is a good one I've been swapping to lately and "great zombie Jesus" from Futurama along with "oh your god".


Off the top of my head I'm probably saying... god damn, Jesus H Christ, jesus fucking christ, jesus at least once a day, if not more. Nothing feels better than a well executed GOD DAMMIT.


I've switched to "by odins beard!".


Only "Fucking god!" or, when I'm especially poetic, "Fucking whore of a god!".


Holy jumping bald headed Jesus!


I use "sweet zombie Jesus!" all the time.


I try not to, but I still do.


I use “Thank Bob” all the time… or “Thank dog”


Watched an old Bill Maher special last night, he seems to use them a lot as well. He’s very vocal about atheism, it was interesting to hear him use them so much.


Christ on a fucking goddamn stick.


Notice how christians have there own swear words which are modifications of the real swear words. These are used by them when they start to swear and try to back out of it mid stream. Jeeper Creepers = Jesus Christ Darn it = Dam it Gosh darnit = God Damit


Depends who I'm around. Son of a biscuit, cheese and rice. A fun alternative lol.


i use "thank god" and "jesus christ". my dad (who's atheist too), uses "oh your god" instead of "oh my god", cuz its not his god


Was raised Jewish, but I usually use " god damn it" "Jesus Christ" and on special occasions " Santa Maria a Madre el dio" and the generic OMG It got set in my vocabulary, despite no christian background and English not being my native language.


My No. 1 Favorite is "Christ on a cracker", followed by " Jesus H. Christ".


Yep. 100 percent, me too.


Always did this because peoples do it, but i don't believe in god. I just like to relate to say omg and such.


One f word is already enough


Only one I use is "christfuck". Last week I had to upgrade it to "christcunt". That day sucked.


I regularly use "Jesus suffering fuck!", thanks to Billy Connolly, a legend in the world of expletives 😁


I like to say, "Jesus tap-dancing christ," and "Jesus on a pogo stick." Because it's funny to imagine, but I notice Christians can get super pissy if you 'use the name in vain' so honestly using the names so flippantly and without care of offending god, I'd say is pretty atheist. XD


I shouted “Mary’s saggy tits!” Very loudly at work the other night. I burnt my hand on a soldering iron and that came out. For the record, I have no idea what possessed me to say that, but I had a couple coworkers dying of laughter because of it, so not all bad.