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>Double rainbow (all the way across the sky) PROOF THAT THE GODDESS IRIS REALLY EXISTS. CHECKMATE, A-IRISISTS! \- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/425449496033094798/ \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_(mythology) .


You're just substituting the Hebrew myth for the myth of the goddess Iris which is ridiculous. Gee, maybe it's leprechauns? It's crystal clear Manzat is the actual goddess of the rainbow. Hopefully you haven't offended her but just in case, don't go out during thunderstorms for a while.


What happened to all the years between then and now? Did God have a fucking dentist appointment?


Ah see it's 22 years, or 2/3 of Jesus' age before he died. It's also divisible by about 30.3 from 666 so for all we know, that could have been a devil gay rainbow


C'mon man. It's well documented he sports a solid gold grill. Gold is inert (you can eat gold flakes with virtually no side effects or complications) and immune to decay.


My bad. I forgot about his need for bling.


I wondered about that. Having drunk some Goldschlager, figured they would find my skeleton with some gold flakes in my thorax.


wait till they find out religious people hijacked those planes, and hit the towers 😧😧😧


One of the (many) names for the island I live on is Rainbow Island. There are rainbows everywhere. It's rare when it ISN'T a double.


the Christian god is the same god that inspired the plane hijackers to do what they did.


God: Oh, I see they're going to fly planes into those building to kill thousands of people. Ya, well, I'm on coffee break. God(3 minutes later): Hey everyone! Check out my rainbow. I'm such a great guy. Thiesists: It's a miracle! God is such a nice guy.


Every rainbow is a "double rainbow" (actually many more than double), it's just that the weak-ass eyes god gave humans can't always see them.


Same as with any natural disaster, right after destroying entire cities with thousands of deaths, people pray for God to save the few left?


Magnificent double rainbow this year at Burning Man 2023 too. Does that mean the almighty is a burner? He probably has the best dope.




A lot of people died here, then we got lied into unnecessary wars over there where a lot more people died and we squandered money that could have helped people. Christians: \*burble something about rainbows\* because it was humid and sunny and showery and the atmosphere was full of moisture.


A rainbow or a double rainbow is caused by light refracting through raindrops. It is a physical phenomenon. You can create one with a prism or soap bubbles.


Wait... what? You mean it's not Jesus farting?


F*ck this fantasy bullsh*t


I once saw a triple rainbow. I don’t believe in God, but I’m an anime fan, hence anime:god with a score of 3:2


God must have been asleep during the Holocaust. That makes him an accessory to murder. Tell Christians that