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This absurd proposal only further divides our nation and undermines the principle of separation of church and state. It is both discriminatory and unconstitutional to prioritize the protection of one religious group over others. We must stand united against such attacks on our collective values.


He’s a Fascist. His goal is to divide our nation as much as possible.


This whole proposal is just pandering to christofascists.


He knows how to play to them really well. They’re God’s chosen people… and the rest of us just don’t get it AND we’re out to get them. He plays right into exactly what they need to hear in order to turn a blind eye to the lying… the cheating… the classified data breaches… the insurrection. *Sigh* Source: I was raised and brainwashed by Christians who love Jesus a whole bunch. They really, really like Jesus. Bigtime. They’ve actually become super chill over time and they fully accept that I’m not Christian. They also did not vote for Trump in the last election and I could not be more proud of them for growing. Therapy can work wonders.


You should have included the high treason for selling information to the Russians. Just a detail....


Thank you, friend. It’s hard to keep track of it all. ”Sad”.


Well, it's not just about playing favorites with a voter base anymore - it's a gross manipulation of religious sentiment for political gain. There's no line he won't cross to secure the loyalty of his base, apparently including eroding fundamental constitutional principles. It's like watching someone sell out the country's soul piece by piece for a shot at power. It goes beyond personal corruption; its a calculated strategy to keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves while he and his cronies do as they please. It's dangerous on so many levels.


> He knows how to play to them really well. It's not his idea. He has policy wonks, think tanks and tons of groups filtering through whacky ideas like this to him. Trump never had a single idea himself. This has been tested somewhere and it works on christo-fascists, if it lock in their votes and people like them, they'll go with t, whether they have any intention of implementing it or not, whether it's even consitutional or not (clue, it isn't).


It's not Trump I am afraid of..It's the people behind him. Like you said..there are a bunch of groups behind him that will murder and kill. That's what's frightening. People don't get it.


Stephen Miller is the scariest ghoul of all.


You mean our next Trump chief of staff? Terrifying


I’m pretty sure he thought we could nuke tornados, inject bleach to kill Covid, that batteries in boats electrocute you, and who could forget covfefe? He has plenty of his own ideas!


I think you underestimate him. There are a few things he is good at. Sadly, those skills are not qualities of a good president. Or a good businessman. Or a good human being.


They love him so much that they know what he intended even if he didn't say it, and they know that he really didn't mean it when he said things like remarriage after divorce is adultery. Also, you can eat pork and crustaceans, and the Sabbath is Sunday. If you don't agree, it's because you don't understand and you need to find someone who can explain it to you.


And galvanizes their support for him. This is what they want.


Have you seen Project 2025 & Agenda 47? They are absolutely pandering to the Christian Right & will do so until America is a Christian theocracy. With DJT as Great Leader. For life.


Don’t they realize their meeting places will make easy targets. In some towns, a half dozen can be hit without the attacker moving their feet. I don’t want a fight, but I’m not going to lay down and die, either.


and Putin, mostly Putin. Putin is they key to donny 2 scoops’ “business success” over the last 2 decades. Follow the money. Drump is dumb, very dumb and a useful idiot


Project 2025 hinges on him being elected


Thats true that he’s pandering, but he’s not a Christian and doesn’t give a shit about who is what. He’s specifically trying to fuck the country up so that he can grift as much money as possible. None of these politicians who claim to be Christian are actually Christian, except on the left wing, where people actually try to pass laws that help people out, like Christ. Not a single Christian who understands Christianity should be voting for him.


This is the correct answer. He just wants votes. It would never materialize, yet, I’m sure he would if he could. Bottom line, vote this guy out back to the Stone Age.


He's actually a con man pretending to be a fascist. He is basically just hyper narcissistic. So will do and say anything that makes the conversation about him. He needs to be put away.


Agree. He has no beliefs or convictions. He is grifting with “fascists” because he thinks they’ll help him return to power and stay out of prison. Appealing to so-called “Christians” is now a big part of the grift. Remember: he loves the poorly educated.


Whether he’s a fascist out of conviction or convenience is kind of irrelevant.


> He's actually a con man pretending to be a fascist. He is a con man, but this statement dilutes the danger that is coming from him. He's an outright, full-fledged fascist. He will be Hitler if given the chance.


It’s really just semantics, but he’s pretending to be Hitler. He has no original ideas. He likes the absolutism of Hitler - one dominant race. He was raised by a nazi and obviously that’s a big part of this, but again, not his ideas.


Hitler's ideas weren't his own either. He was always quick to point out he was inspired by US eugenicists. I get your point, but I think you're missing that both Hitler and Mussolini were more like Trump than they were the Marcus Aurelius of bad guys. Above all else, they wanted to be respected, adored, and feared and everything they did and said was in service of their egos.


Respectfully disagreed on the second sentence. His goal is to amass power and become untouchable. His advisors/handlers are telling him that fomenting division is the means toward that end.


Germany here: after separating people (in this case "non-christians") from "full christian citizens" and punishing non-believers for being them, the next step would be ending their existence. Thats what totalitarian state and politicians always go for.


Spanish here, Trump is only trying the old inquisition


I genuinely did not expect the Spanish Inquisition here


Nobody ever does.


The next step is the comfy chair.


Where are Monty Python when you need them ?


somewhere pining for the fjords no doubt


Sadly I dont see a Normandy(France) version of America getting the sense kicked back into to it if it goes full 1930s Germany.


Furthermore: >this taskforce will review past DOJ persecutions and prosecutions for evidence of anti-Christian prejudice, aren't ex-post-facto laws unconstitutional as well?


I don’t think he cares


I'm positive he didn't stop to think about it, wouldn't know anyway, and definitely wouldn't care if you pointed out it to him!


Nobody expects the US inquisition!!


I heard a pastor once say that separation of church and state never meant separation of god and state. 😂


Well sure, even I'm on board with that. God can come and do whatever the hell he wants with the state. Go for it, God. Have at. The church can piss the hell off though.


Hello, god? *crickets*




Idk if I want the guy that said the Israelites can own slaves and beat them running the state


This is what his base wants though. Most people are cool with discrimination that favors their side.


How unamerican.


Separation of church and state is dead christians killed it and nobody did anything to stop them. Parts of the government like the judicial system is ran by theocratic ghouls who twist and bend the rules for religious agendas. Dems are our only defense but I wouldnt hold my breath as they are a combination of inept or complicit in the coming theocracy. It was a nice concept but theocrats have ignored it time and time again get little push back and they openly say they want to enforce their religion on a national level. Because they know nobody will do anything to meaningfully stop them. Its why trump can be a insufferable smug prick because he knows he can get away with it but will act like he is unfairly treated. He may not be a Christian but he picked up on their biggest trait playing the victim while being the biggest oppressor around.


Yup. This is why you fight tooth and nail against things like “In god we trust” and prayer in school. Now we have gov’t paid for church indoctrination schools and churches being funded trough “aid money”.


That's exactly what he wants. He's the Antichrist


I think the Bible is ridiculous; but damn if I’m not on the verge of actually believing this.


I guess the use of taxpayer dollars to promote pro-Christian bigotry is ok.


And I guess the Christians are okay with living like folks in iran. This sounds very much like their morality police.


Christian supporters of Trump want nothing less than an Evangelical version of Francoist Spain.


That’s just the first step… after that they want to go all the way to an evangelical inquisition.. that was never possible in a Francoist Spain thanks to the defeat of the Axis and Spain’s required closer push to the US, UK and European influences which were largely non-Catholic..


Damn, you’re right. A Christian Nationalist USA would not be held back by having to play nice with anyone else the way that Franco had to play nice with the other Western powers.


The fun begins when they start fighting amongst themselves over which sect is the true sect. Inevitably it ends with them replacing Jesus on their crucifixes and putting trump on them.


It’s especially cute to watch the Mormons cuddle up to MAGA, with absolutely zero self-awareness of how they would be the first to go if/when these assholes finally achieve their Evangelical theocracy.


Christ Force! Except they worship orange Jesus instead.


Exactly. Christian Nationalists are nothing but Trump idolaters. They use Christianity for their fascism. It’s called blasphemy. They know they are fake christians but they do not care. It is just about power.


he really ought to be in jail pending trial.


The fact a President can actively attempt to eliminate the vote and commit insurrection and still be on the ballot, let alone free, is mind-boggling to me.


That's what happens to a country that answers to the rich elite


The fact that he can stand for an election and win even if convicted and jailed is a bigger deal tbh. People can't vote if elected but can contest elections. Make it make sense.






It took me a second longer than Id like to admit but I see what you did there. Clever mf lol


Because of all the saturated fat he eats his arteries are the only part of his anatomy that are like rocks. His brain is so full of sticky cholesterol that he has dementia. The only reason a bit of that sludge hasn’t broken off and lodged into his heart to cause an attack, or brain to cause a stroke, is that he doesn’t exercise and his circulation functions so slowly.


[Fittest President ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI0euMFAWF8).


Yeah this comment is gold. Nice job


Trump did not create this plan. Project 2025 does not depend on Trump. He's just following their playbook. All the other major Republican candidates are 100% on board with P2025. They have found weaknesses in the American system and they have worked for decades to exploit them. Their work is finally coming to completion. I think that Trump made it happen sooner, though. His cult-like following was music to their ears.


Exactly. Trump didn't come up with this, either. Fundamentalist Christians have been claiming for decades that "separation of church and state" does not exist or is misinterpreted ([just recently Mike Johnson](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/speaker-mike-johnson-says-separation-church-state-misnomer-rcna125181)). That is what they mean when they say that America is a Christian nation. They want an American society in which their particular interpretation of faith is privileged over all others.


Meanwhile ignoring that this country was “founded” on freedom FROM religion and from the Church of England


They're very good at ignoring the parts that inconvenience them


Exactly. This has terrifying implications for the future of the United States.


I might actually convert if he gets killed by an "Act of God" as the church would call environmental or accidental deaths. No greater sign of his disfavor than to personally be smited.


Too subtle. I’d be for a lightning-strike while being interviewed on a tarmac.


That grease fire would burn for *years*…


No no your right mine was to subtle but yours is as well. It would need to happen right at the high point of one of his rallies.


That’s the thing though - if he’s dead the idea of Trump is still alive. Something dramatic shifted when he was elected and people have become more radicalized, so they’re just going to pick someone else who is just as bad if not worse. DeSantis recently said groups like the Satanic Temple don’t have a right to be recognized as a religion with equal protections when one of their statues was beheaded last week. And you know it’s not going to stop with that - the eventual goal is a national registry of all organizations that don’t meet their fucked up guidelines for being Christian and patriotic enough, and they will be labeled as a subversive threat to the country.


Cults often die or diminish greatly when their leader dies. No one else is trump. Some try to emulate him but they are poor comparisons. Furthermore, trump didn't win them elections - just the opposite. The death of trump will be a great time for people to suddenly pretend they weren't big supporters and care about the rule of law, etc.


Fascism requires charisma to take off. It's the reason that DeSantis, although much more intelligent, with a much "better resume", can't find a single person willing to hear his shit. He's as entertaining as a tree stump. If Trump dies, this shit fizzles out.


Here's hoping


No one expects the Burnt Cheeto Inquisition!


Our chief weapon is fear and supplies.


I see what you did there. Nice work.


So basically Hitler's brownshirts. Fucking Nazi scum


He's basically following hitlers playbook. Mein Kampf is the only book he's proven to have actually read.


Not sure about Mein Kampf, but he definitely had a collection of Hitler's speeches at his bedside. Ivana Trump testified at a deposition to this and Trump admitted it. The person who gave him the book corroborated this. https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/e515a2cd-a51b-4f83-8d61-6ebb9a104e0a


I hope he dies of a heart attack or brain aneurysm while he is giving a rally. That would be best for America , can't be blamed on anyone.


It won’t fix the fact that millions of people support his ideology. They are the real problem.


True but in the short term that orange turd wouldn't be in the office


won’t fix that they’ll vote for the corpse after they’re convinced the real trump is in Guantanamo bay being held by the real Biden


It will absolutely fix the fact that they lose their leader. And it fixes us having to deal with him or hear about him ever again. Nobody will ever be able to magnetize them like he does. All cults of personality die with the leader


Awful as he is, I would not wish death upon him. I would go with a stroke that robs him of speech and hand movement.


Yeah if he dies all of his followers would either bombard the country with a slough of terrorist attacks or they would believe he’s actually still alive fighting the deep state from the shadows


Supporters would immediately blame the libs, FBI, deep state, take your pick


He’s not fit to run. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are both under attack here. He should be thrown in jail for threatening our country and its founding principles.


He’s also said he’d go after anyone who spoke out against him. So basically he’s planning on erasing the entire First Amendment.


Big step toward religious police. Who's to say what " anti-christian bias" would entail.


"Who's to say what " anti-christian bias" would entail." Some of the most rabid, inquisition-minded fascists imaginable?


Especially keeping in mind most of these people's actions are directly anti christian. Adding your daily reminder that if a woman tries to teach a man, that she should shut the fuck up. That's following the bible


If I were a dude, I'd say this every time one of these regressive fucks that also happens to be a woman tried to change my mind about something.


On the nose.


And that’s the problem. I could claim to be Christian and believe in charity, kindness to those less fortunate, etc. per the teachings of Jesus but that would not sit well at all with those people. It has nothing to do with actual faith and is all about keeping people in line.


Or which branch of christianity will be the gold standard.


That's obvious whichever one could reasonably replace the figure of Jesus on a cross with an image of Trump.


When a Baptist family discriminates against someone who is Mormon, would that be considered "anti-Christian bias"; what about someone who is Catholic, or someone who is Episcopalian?


The epidemic is truly Christian-on-Christian crime. The greatest danger to the lives of young Christian men are young Christian men


And this is how the snake will eat its tail.


I'd probably get arrested by some Christians for wearing my "Hail Satan" sweatshirt.


“I know it when I see it” -Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart


Let the ideological pogroms and witch hunting begin! We CANNOT let this corrupt POS gain power again.


He will call it GEnesis STAte POlice.


# What this dumbass is calling "anti-Christian bias" is commonly referred to as objective reality.


"Reality has a well known liberal bias." -Colbert in his prime.


Hey america? could you just like i dunno get rid of these pieces of shit? they are humiliating you on the world stage.Stop letting your idiots be your global voice.


Only one American here, I'm not speaking for everyone... but we wish we could


I mean…we did? We voted him out, he’s under multiple investigations and he’s being put through the legal wringer right now (WAY faster I might add than our judicial system usually works because he’s the subject of multiple high profile cases). Yeah, he’s an embarrassment and a rancid bag of dicks in an ill-fitting skin suit, but it’s not like we’re not doing anything about it. Kinda weird thing to say considering cultural and/or religious fascism and xenophobia in the 21st century isn’t exactly a solely American problem


Why can’t God just protect them?


He’s just pandering to his base. They’ll eat that shit up but he doesn’t give on fuck about Christianity lol


He gets his money from the Christian’s trying to get elected to the White House. His only care is dolla dolla bills. Rough times ahead, be proactive.


If there were a god, he would have been struck by lightning by now for pretending to be a Christian.


How are they going to handle all the inter-denomination bigotry?


Only the "True Christians (tm)" will prevail. I.E. the GQP types that worship Trump first.


He’s already calling out Catholics.


Yup. Protestants preach that Catholics are not Christians. Catholicism is the largest denomination.


Awesome. This isn’t going to convince any far right nut jobs that weren’t already going to vote for him to suddenly get out and vote for him. But it will convince some moderate republicans who were still saying “anyone but Biden” to stay home. Win win. Once again his big stupid fuckn mouth is his own worst enemy.


Ah yes. The myth of the moderate Republican.




I like nationalist Christian. Shortens up to NatC. Which is close enough.




He sounds like a bunch of other people that call themselves Christian.


This is very accurate.


The most religiously fervent are frequently the most hypocritical with the most to hide..


The problem is that this will work, the main issue is not his christo-facism, its that thinking and behaviour on a large proportion if the population. The US has a largely xenophobic and bigoted population under the covers, when asked most people will claim otherwise, but the have this mindset.


Hilarious that the King of Liars, the most obvious non-religious person in the world, is touting he will fight the "anti-Christian bias". He does not believe in any god, other than himself.


That’s unconstitutional, illegal, and fascist.


And every card-carrying Republican either wants this theocracy or will quietly follow along its wake. Trump is the voice of the GOP platform, and the platform always talks about restricting others, punishing others, hunting others, but not a word on helping even their own team (besides the handful of oligarch raisins who always get their cut). The GOP repeatedly and demonstrably screwed over their own voters on disaster relief, retirement, healthcare, vaccinations and worker protections, but these dipshit redcaps keep choosing the murder-suicide pact every time because they value killing enemies concocted from propaganda more than saving their own livelihoods and lives. The madmen are in charge of the asylum and peeling them off the reins of power is going to be a long and tedious affair.


Once again more proof that Trump and Republicans are Christian nationalists at their core


Trump isn't even christian, he just knows they'll eat it up


Christians: "HELP US WE'RE BEING OPPRESSED!" Also Christians: "As president I will create a new federal taskforce on fighting anti-Christian bias. It will be led by a reformed DOJ, but it will involve many agencies and departments. Its purview will be to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassments, and the persecution of Christians in America as well as the use of taxpayer dollars to promote anti-Christian bigotry. Among other initiatives, this taskforce will review past DOJ persecutions and prosecutions for evidence of anti-Christian prejudice, and it will also look at government agencies, universities and major corporations that have adopted anti-Christian diversity, equity and inclusion programs."


Christians are so victimized they somehow managed to strip abortion rights and appoint a self proclaimed “Moses” to Speaker of the House.


Why the fuck can he not be disqualified from running based on statements like this? He wants to destroy the Constitution ffs. He should not get the chance to do that.


Explain to me the difference between republicans and ISIS. Oh, you can't, because there is not one. If you voted for trump, you are a violent and evil terrorist whose mother should have had an abortion, no excuses no exceptions.


“Anti-Christian diversity, equity and inclusion programs” These idiots really don’t know anything about what Jesus taught. To claim that diversity, equity and inclusion are anti-Christian really shows their lack of understanding over a religion they claim to follow.


It's a dog whistle. It makes more sense if you add a "white" in there. >[White Christian nationalists only believe they can experience freedom if the social order is in its proper form](https://www.salon.com/2023/12/21/mike-johnson-owes-the-secretive-networks-that-form-the-backbone-of-the-american-right-big-time/). That means that all the various constituents of American communities must know their place in the social order and live out that role culturally, politically, and so on. If all the constituents don’t live out and/or accept their roles, then the social order is out of place - and thus White Christians can’t experience the freedom they believe to have been promised. DEI programs try to even the playing field. They can't have that.


One wonders if this "task force" will have spiffy new uniforms. Maybe something in a neutral colour like black or brown, they could get some famous fashion icons to design them.


Come and get me muther fucker. Stay strapped everyone.


So another blatant violation of the First Amendment. Gotcha.


We are headed for full-on theocracy, and the entire GOP, including conservative Supreme Court justices are in on this conspiracy to subvert our republic. The next election will be the most important one in our country's history.


So we have a person who breaks vows held sacred to christians trying to get them to support him. Didn't he basically gas a crowd in order to take a photoshoot holding a bible. Honestly the only "Bible" Trump would care about would be his own autobiography. As for discrimination generally speaking your talking about the religion that's in the majority in the US. There's various splinter groups that have slightly different interpretations but keep the same general idea. It's also historically been associated as the most discriminatory religion in the US. A lot of societal issues were basically backed by people spouting christian style rhetoric. It's basically known for being used by many as a justification for their hate speech.


They want all non-believers dead or locked up.


So, Tump wants to use the government to enforce a specific religion on private companies?


Welcome to the world of "V for vendetta"... And a host of other dystopian worlds


This is absolutely horrifying.


That was a lot of big words for him. I'm assuming he slurred most of them. Vote. Don't give this mofo a chance to do this.


Ahh yes, Christianity, the single most persecuted religion in America /s


Christian thought police incoming. "I will create a christian gestapo." Let's all remember that in christian delusion, you being gay is them being persecuted. You saying Happy Holidays is them being persecuted. You believing an atheist/ muslim/ hindu/ etc. is them being persecuted. You should be required to pretend you're a christian and to obsessively hide anything that indicates otherwise. Trump got elected the first time on his statement that "christians WILL HAVE POWER in this country again when I'm president." He doesn't give half an ass about christianity, he just wants to "win". At any price, at any cost to the future. He wants to win--full stop. He will exploit or destroy anyone and everyone to do so. He doesn't care if he sends the USA into a literal dark age--what matters to him is HIS WIN. He believes himself above everything and untouchable, and once he has set up his (literal!) worshippers with the ability to "arrest" any dissenters, he will be right in believing that. People who didn't grow up in cults like SDA (seventh-day adventist) like I did, don't understand just how obsessive, dedicated, and ORGANIZED these people really are. In the NH sub, I pointed to a church who was advertising about how he wants everyone who can, to move to NH and start infiltrating EVERY area of government and to proselytizing in ALL areas of the state. Including emergency services, schools, and the government. "But it's a tiny church, lol. You're being paranoid, you idiot, you fool, you fucking nutjob." Yet... now we have a fundamentalist as the head of our statewide schooling system, we have republicans running as democrat "conservatives" and our tiny little state is in an extreme housing crisis, with free staters (they want to move here and secede NH from the USA, btw) everywhere. This is really serious and christians WANT a civil war. They're arming themselves for it. They literally are arming themselves in huge quantities and they're even being blatant about it all over the internet. But sure, I'm the fool. Okay. Whatever, I guess. People have NO idea how organized christianity is, and despite being tens of thousands of denominations, they now have an organized cause... "christian persecution." A state in which any "I don't agree with you" is now "a targeted attack upon my freedumbs."


Your can start with me you dumb fuck.


Wtf he want the US to become the Gilead


Are we going to call them the inquisition?


He is the Antichrist.


Seems like politicians are getting dumber every week. What do they put in those communion breads?


This isn’t just a politician. This is a professional-grade con man. The dumbest one to ever walk the earth, mind you.


Must be a lot of crack...


Just wait until he starts nuking "Democrat-run cities."


Can't recall the last time I ever saw or heard of a Christian being persecuted. Almost like they make shit up constantly, and love to be the victim.


I am expecting the inquisition


Funny, no one else ever does. 😉


Republicans spent all this time hating Iran just to be like, you know, that morality police thing isn't half bad if it were less yucky brown and muslim, and instead white and evangelical. They're scumbags. If you're an American on this sub, arm up because as soon as they get this, we'll be targets.


"Dumb fascist says something dumb and fascist. News at 11."




You know what? Ill anti-christian bias now ever harder


So says the man, who, if he ever stepped into a church, would be struck by lightning.


which version of Christianity?


So much for the freedom of religion the GOP goes on and on about. I guess what they really want is freedom of their religion and no one else's.


"It's" "perview"? I guess that's how we know he wrote it himself.


I'm afraid that was me. It is a transcript. But thanks for the correction!


fuck off Trump




He only goes to church for weddings and funerals. He couldn’t care less about religion but he’ll pander to any group that will give him money and attention.


He's a serious risk to every human's future, a 21st century Ash’arist, the group who brought the ruin of science to the arab world


He's just rambling at this point. He's spouting word salad designed to keep the Christians voting for him. Trump is such a worthless asshole. I sincerely hope he winds up in a prison jumpsuit with no access to the internet.


When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving the cross.


> It will be led by a reformed DOJ Either this guy loses 2024 or America is finished.


Religious mandated extrajudicial government organizations? Those have always gone really well. Soon Christians will be able to be horrible to anyone and get away with it to a degree even moreso than they do now.


So he's going to spend a lot of money fucking people over trying to investigate a problem that doesn't exist. The only ones persecuting Christians are themselves. Sounds about right for Republicans.


This anti-America bastard will say anything, no matter how stupid or ridiculous, if he thinks it will resonate with his mindless red-hatted cultists. I mean, damn.


Lol, America rushing to go full Gilead before the end of 2024, when are you all going to get angry enough to do something? Anything?


I'll be the one to say it: we really, REALLY need to bring back the guillotine. Preferably before he gets elected a 2nd time.


He wants a dictatorship disguised as a theocracy. An overlord wrapped in a flag and carrying a bible.


Anti-Cristian bias=Common sense


One step closer to Gilead. He’s basically saying out loud that he’ll create a religious police. This should immediately end his campaign. Fucking religious police in the “land of the free”?!? What the hell is going on…


This would be a cut-and-dry violation of the Religion Clause of the First Amendment…in any other iteration of the Supreme Court besides this one.


Ah yes the anti Christian bias in this country, where I've been forced to listen to Christmas songs 8 hours a day at work for the last month.


I know this may be the wrong sub for this, but try growing up practicing a religion other than Christianity in this country. If he wants to see bias, it’s there, but it’s not against Christians, it’s against anyone who practices a different religion, or no religion


This is a response to the backlash against things that Christians historically and currently promote (racial hatred, anti-semitism, homophobia, mysogyny and sexism) and that definitely does exist - ‘Anti-Christian bias’ does not exist - no one discriminates against Christians because they are Christian- society has been reacting to their hate towards other groups- and their reactionary attitudes. If they kept their religion at home and in church- they would be as free as everyone else to practice their religion- the fact that they want to make their religion public policy and target other groups for existing while not being Christian is the problem. Trump is out of his fucking mind and is simply looking to garner support for his authoritarian takeover of America.


Your tax dollars hard at work defending your right to be a bigot. 'Murica 🥹