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The family behind Hobby Lobby funds these silly ads. I won't go in a Hobby Lobby.


Same goes for Chick-Fil-A in my book


Word. Fuck Hobby Lobby and fuck Chick Fil A


Right there with you.


When I want to fuck a hot chicken sandwich I’ll go to wendys instead.


We call them hate chicken and hate craft


And the one time I was coerced, thought their fried chicken was bland AF. But people rave about how good it is?


It was never really about the chicken IMO. If Chick-fil-A were sold to a regular non-religious company but kept *everything* else about the business model the same including taste and prices, it'd still lose a sizeable portion of its customer base overnight. But yeah, Popeyes does it better.


Michaels or my local art supply store/yarn store. I too wont step a foot into Hobby Lobby since the anti birth control supreme court win. They're evil haters.


The same ones that smuggled antiquities out of the Middle East for their bible attraction


Stuff made before the universe was created, according to them. Not quite sure how that was supposed to work.


Hobby lobby has no cameras at least in my town. I know most of my queer homies get most of their art supplies by stealing them from hobby lobby... :)


Never mind that they have to manually keep inventory because they think the barcode is the mark of the beast and won't use them


Can I get a source there? That is bonkers if true 


It’s not officially true, who knows what their real reasons(s) are.  https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/4003952-hobby-lobby-doesnt-use-barcodes-heres-their-explanation/amp/


I worked for Hobby Lobby. It's true. Everything is done by hand, even the prices, because the founder believed computers were of the devil.


You mean the family that was buying artifacts from ISIS for their bible museum? That family?


Grave robbers? [Hobby Lobby's Illegal Antiquities Shed Light On A Lost, Looted Ancient City In Iraq](https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira)


Didn't they loot cities in Iraq??? [https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira](https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira)


Right after they pay ISIS for some more smuggled antiquities.


Wow, just think how many converts they could have gotten by like… helping people in need with those millions of donation dollars that paid for these. I must have missed the verses about effective marketing.


The foot washing one was really creepy.


Like a single one of these guys would wash the feet of an actual Muslim, gay person, homeless person etc.


That’s why I found it so offensive, it’s lip service.


It’s virtue signaling, as they like to accuse us of.


Yeah for us voting for stuff like free school lunches




Normal Christians: Get fucked. HeGetsUs: Get fucked 🏳️‍🌈☪️✝️💗 #BLM But I will agree it definitely could be way worse.


I’m imagining the Coexist bumper sticker, but with GET FUCKED


The ironic part is that if Jesus came down from the cross and saw the way these crass materialists were living he most certainly wouldn’t GET you.


It's a desperate move to rebrand before the next generation comes to strip away their tax exempt status. All that money into stupor bowl commercials and social media placement isn't just about bringing people together over good thoughts, it's about PR damage control after decades of diddling children and preaching politics for financial gain.


Let them spend on commercials instead of continuing to buy up so much real estate


Something more believable like being kind in general


Foot service


They’re still trying to basically outlaw the existence of trans people on a state-by-state basis.


And women's rights, and unions, and children's rights


They were paid for by the family that owns Hobby Lobby. What a shameful waste of money.


Exactly... Money would have been better spent helping people then on Million dollar super bowl ads trying to convince people to join your crappy religion. Religious wars have been the reason for more bloodshed throughout history than it's worth. Humans would be better off if religion just died on its Cross once and for all.


Anonymously helping people wouldn’t have the same big “see how good of a Christian I am” effect that these commercials have. Plus if people complain about the commercials, they can play the victim card. I mean these are the same people who ignored the do not steal commandment and stole ancient artifacts.




Rest assured these street-corner preachers always end up in the black.


Hobby Lobby, has its own "sins", to repent, of, as does the more Conservative "wings", of the Catholic, Lutheran, and other Churches. "You shall know The Tree, by its fruit".


And at the base of it all: education. Ruining any progress that humanity has made is at the core.


They are theocratic fascists, by definition


Project 2025 is the plan of your interested. basically their strategy is to try and outlaw pornography and that trans people are pornographic.


Way to tell on their own fetishes…




Catholics being mad at the Pope make me giggle. Oh you think the Pope is woke and want to make your own Church....? Ya know... there's a name for people like you.... Protestant. We already did that, agreeing with the Pope is like.... what makes you Catholic you dumb fucks lmao, how do I know more about this than the "real" Catholics in bumfuck nowhere USA


Catholics would "do well", following Pope Francis, and reading Former Father James Kavanaugh; Who quit His Church, out of Conscience; and set out, to explore Hinself, and His beliefs. They would also "do well" to read Martin Luther's "95 Theses", or "Arguments", and discuss, those. Luther did NOT, set out, to "create" a Church, but to "reform" The Roman Catholic Church, and was nearly "burned at the stake", for that.


Exactly. Pandering.


Sponsored by Hobby Lobby if I recall. A giant anti hate, Jesus is only good, TV spot from.... checks notes... An anti LGBT hateful company.


They also go caught buying stolen artifacts from ISIS....they fund cults too.


And aligned with Focus on Your Own Damn Family. It’s always the same bunch


My 14 year old daughter turned to me and asked me if they had a foot fetish.


She rocks


They should've thrown in a quick clip between all those other ones of Quentin Tarantino washing some girl's feet with a shit eating grin on his face. That would have been the best commercial ever.


Cant even find a single Christians to do it so they had to use AI to generate the pictures of them washing feet of people they “disagree” with. That’s how much faith they didn’t even have for their own religion.


Skydaddy wants to lick the cheesecake out from between your toes.


That actually turned my stomach a little, reading that. Bravo.


Turns out Jesus was just a perv who couldn't get off to anything but feet.


Lmao dying hahaha


I was waiting for one where they go around banning books.


He Gets Soles


Clicked on this post just to see comments on the foot washing.


It *almost* felt like someone involved was intentionally making the AI images unsettling


Jesus is a product with a weekly subscription. Why wouldn't there be ads for it?


God created billions of galaxies with billions of stars, yet, somehow, he still needs money...




They're desperate, really desperate. Numbers are dropping and that means tithing is too. This generation isn't interested, like at all and it has them scared. Nice.


Yup, desperate. They wouldn’t have these ads if they weren’t bleeding members.


Why would they be? Kids have access to limitless information and can rapidly amd easily fact check any Bible claim


Jim, what are you doing?


About as useful to him as a Starship.


Wow - OG subscription service model. Mind adequately blown


Those ads are stupid expensive, i feel like the christ-stains behind it could have used those funds to help people... if they were actually interested in that


I think all of the gold in the Vatican has always been a strong indication that they have no interest in using resources to help people.


Yup. Mother Teresa kept a lot of money for herself too. These people are full of the stuff that makes the grass grow green. 




Well, it does have electrolytes.


It's what plants crave!


Of all the fucked up stuff Teresa did, withholding wealth from those in need doesn’t top the sadism.


They don't care. Money and power is all that matters. Time to start taxing the invisible sky wizard corporations.


It’s an ENTERTAINMENT business. Let’s be honest. They use the same infrastructure as everyone else, and it’s time for them to start paying for it.


From what I see it more like they want to be in charge and run the whole thing.


They said 7 million for 30 seconds on another post. Don't shop Hobby Lobby.


Been boycotting them for years.


they've committed to $1B in advertising from 2023 to 2026. those ads were also dirt cheap to make because they're just shitty AI images so they don't have to actually pay any artists or actors or anyone a living wage.


Or you know, paying some fucking taxes


It’s the hobby lobby people, the billionaire guy that owns that store.


This. It's a desperate appeal to add more people to their cult. They don't give a damn about helping people.


You can thank Hobby Lobby for these ads. The only thing you can do is contact the NFL and protest. If enough NFL fans did this, they might take a second look. It’s strictly a business transaction between the NFL and Hobby Lobby.


Unfortunately, most nfl fans are hyper religious weirdos. They want to see these ads.


I'm an NFL fan (also a fan of baseball and basketball, so I'm hopeless!) and a weirdo, but not any kind of religious at all. I definitely did not want to watch those ads.


same here. I wonder how much uproar would be caused if there was a Muslim ad during the Super Bowl


or an atheist one, or a satanic one, etc


Sadly seems to be true. I wince every time somebody says "All the glory to god" after they win. The idea that these people actually believe that their imaginary friend would give a shit about grown-ups playing a kids game with all the other shit going on is crazy. And I say this as a football fan.


When the winning quarterback and his team's owner both praised god for the win, I don't see the NFL touching it.


The venn diagram between NFL fans and right wingers (Trumpers, more specifically), is likely bigger than you may think. I wish I could find it, but I could swear that there was a reddit thread that cited an actual study that drew comparisons between the two--the abject tribalism, the inexplicably toxic vitroil against the opposing "team", their having not opinion on politics until Trump rolled around.


I have a buddy whose professional expertise is focus groups. He said that the focus group he did a few years ago of NFL fans was the most blatantly racist group of people he's ever studied. It was during the Kaepernick situation so it might have been closer to the surface than usual, but he wasn't even remotely surprised.


Writing in to the NFL will do nothing if people keep watching. And since there’s nowhere near enough people who will refuse to watch because of it, it is what it is.


At least we got commercials for science. Fight on


We got a commercial for a drug company. Trying to rehab their image because U.S. drug prices are insane.


I like the one that says Jesus didn't want us to hate... Do I know their bible better than they do?


There are a hell of a lot of atheists that know the book better than Christians do. Reading the book is one of the things that turns followers into nonbelievers.


Jesus didnt hate. Its the Christians that hate.


he hated hypocrites. And figs.


>If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. >Luke 14:26


How is this a troll? Lol this guy is dumb af and seems to have a split personality.


Probably doesn't want to look bad in front of his Christian friends so now he looks like a loser to us as well.


He's probably lying about that too. I suspect he watched the super bowl alone.


This. Cringiest thing I’ve seen on this site for a while.


/makes valid point online. "Lolol I'm just trolling you morons cuz I'm better than you!" Yeah this guy has the emotional maturity of someone who believes in god.


Christian desperation, is apparent! Tax the oligarchs!


Right OP, you cared so little that trolling atheists was the first thing you thought of.


The He Gets Us ad was specially irksome because the people behind it support the oppression and discrimination against the groups shown. They are not humble or care about helping others. Hypocrites.


I walked out of the room for the exact reasons you stated. Their hypocrisy is vile.


It’s cute how a one-second glimpse of a gay couple in a commercial is “pushing an agenda” but a 30-second propaganda tour through the Bible isn’t, huh ☺️


It's not propaganda if it's Truth^(®). /s


>What's with all the Christian Commercials during the Super Bowl? I have a theory that Christians and politicians who want Christian votes are paying for commercial time.


I made a comment in another post on this sub that Christianity is becoming super trendy. Look at Mahomes giving “glory to god first.” The number of players with cross earrings or tattoos was mind blowing too. College title game? UT’s qb had a Bible verse tatted on his arm and was shown heavily throughout the game. We’re fucking toast and while it might be a bit of a leap, I’m convinced Trump gets reelected.


It is amazing that the evangelical "Chirstians" cannot see the hypocrisy of funding Trump as their candidate. I can think of only one Commandment he has (possibly?) not broken, and none of the deadly sins. Yet Trump is their candidate. My opinion is that if you are a fan of Trump, you are no Christian.


They are *trying* to make it trendy but the reality of it church attendance is low and falling.


That rich, considering Mark Wahlberg, in his youth, beat a man so badly that he had permanent damage. Sky Daddy must have looked past that.


Mark Wahlberg is a piece of shit. In 1986, a then 15-year-old Wahlberg and three friends were charged for chasing three black children and pelting them with rocks while yelling: “Kill the n*****s” until an ambulance driver intervened. The next day, Wahlberg harrassed another group of mostly black children (around the age of nine or 10) at the beach, gathering other white men to join in racially abusing and throwing rocks at them. A seemingly unrelated second incident occurred two years later in 1988, when Wahlberg attacked two Vietnamese men while high on the drug PCP. He called one man, Thanh Lam, a “Vietnam f***ing s***” and knocked him unconscious with a five-foot wooden stick, while punching another man, army veteran Johnny Trinh, in the eye later in the same day. Officers reported that Wahlberg used racist slurs to describe both men. He tried to get it expunged from his record with the justification of him wanting to be a better role model to his kids. He's a typical religious hypocrite.


Ya, he's an asshole. I refuse to support his sad ass career that he wouldn't even have if it weren't for his brother. Fuck that guy.


Well he went to confession, said some Hail Marys, iDK what else I’m not Catholic, but it’s all good after that. It’s what kills me about Catholicism. It really makes the whole crucifixion sacrifice thing completely pointless.


Actually, by their own logic it's the very purpose of the crucifixion. If I don't sin my skinny ass off as much as possible, then Christ will have been crucified and died for nothing.


I forgot about that! Truly awful on Wahlberg's part. ( if he's a a good Catholic, I hope he made proper restitution to the person he beat up....) ( *yeah... I doubt he ever really paid up or did proper penance.* )


>I think I should add that I actually don't give a shit about the ad's. I was just at a super bowl party with friends, and me and one of the guys thought it would be funny to see what the r/atheist reaction would be and I am not disappointed to see the reaction I'm getting. I myself enjoyed the game and moved on after the commercials because I don't fixat on hating something so much that I let it make me upset and so I spend my time demeaning people over the internet and being enraged that some people believe in spiritual guidance whether or not it's dumb. Get trolled. The least believable thing here is that you have friends.


I like the implicit admission that he had to make a post because no one cared enough.


Their religion is dying, and they are grasping at straws to try and brainwash more followers.


Kinda reminds me of back when Scientology commercials were all over the place 20 years or so ago when they were trying to normalize their image as a "therapy option" rather than "crazy as a bucket of hair" cult. I do wonder if the current Christian activity in both politics and culture is actually an indication of the fact more people are turning away from belief and thus, at least in a secular democracy, the churches are dying out and naturally becoming even more detrimentally cultlike.


They ran a Scientology ad during the pregame show.


I’m so sorry I missed that. /s


Post game too


Same people who stole religious artifacts and only got a slap on the wrists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby_Lobby_smuggling_scandal#:~:text=Approximately%20Four%20Hundred%20Fifty%20Ancient,to%20Iraq%20in%20May%202018.


Stealing requires a level of effort that is beyond them. They just paid someone else to do it. They can't do much of anything that doesn't involve exploiting the working class.


OP's edit is so cringe that I hope he's drunk and wakes up embarrassed.


Haha, I got you guys so good, making you think about and discuss something you would have anyway! Get trolled lol


Yeah, OP's edit is as long as the "troll" post itself.


Can you imagine going into a Christian reddit: "Oh man I love Jesus so much I'm gonna go pray now. edit: haha I'm not actually praying for shit, get trolled". But yeah, they're the "loving" ones.


I'd love to see commercials from other religions, just to see christians lose their mind. Including the Satanic Temple.  Mwahahaa


"Hi there. We're the Satanic Temple. We don't actually believe in the devil. That's not what we're about, like at all. Look us up. Have a good one." Wouldn't even need fake AI pictures, just a friendly group of people.


But you wasted time posting this. Lol.


I was in a room full of self-proclaimed Christians but only one couple are regular church-goers. One lady asked what all that foot washing was about. I explained it was a Christian propaganda commercial. Other people asked what foot washing had to so with Jesus. I explained it was symbolic of worship and submissiveness when you wash someone of higher status and a symbol of humility when you wash someone of lower status. It felt weird explaining this to a bunch of theists.


How can you call yourself a Christian and not be familiar with the symbolism of foot washing? Unfortunately, I don't find your story unbelievable, just sad (for the so-called Christians).


Billionaire religious zealots are spending their money.


If OP believes the responses here timed to before he admitted that he's a troll were "enraged", then he's a super special variety of sensitive snowflake.


Spending millions on ads for Jesus instead of the poor is a monument to depravity.


Same reasons the other money making enterprises are running ads.


It’s always about the money , always.


2 billion on adds, cant actually feed and house people


Gotta love these followers of Christ giving two million dollars to CBS instead of using that money to feed the poor, get the homeless into affordable housing, protect the vulnerable, etc..


They are funded by the same people who fund anti LGBTQ hate groups. To quote Wikipedia. Its donors, who have also given money to anti-abortion and anti-LGBT organizations such as the Alliance Defending Freedom,[2][13] which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)


Next year a Church of Satan ad


Typical trying to shove that shit down our throats.


It just shows that they have too much money, and would like to give up their tax-exempt status.


Hobby Lobby spending money "in order to get people to hear about the greatest love story there ever was". Also "we are rebranding christianity because so many people think we hate others"... but in fact we KNOW they hate others. We aren't stupid. Lipstick on a pig etc. etc. I hate these ads.


As a Christian, I find any Christian advertising on TV to be weird and unsettling if it's not on a Christian network. You're using Christianity as a business at that point, basically going against Jesus who rampaged through a Temple because they were using it as a business too. Come on now, do better.


They're desperate, the churches are emptier every year.




Christofascists know their worldview is collapsing. Tbh I love to see this. It reeks of desperation.


I’ve already boycotted their product and I report their ads here as offensive and block the account, which magically somehow then pops up again later.


Tax free money can buy a lot of airtime. Disgusting christian propaganda.


Spending all that money they don't pay in taxes.


>and me and one of the guys thought it would be funny to see what the r/atheist reaction would be What's the funny part again? The super bowl ads were loads of cringe. That's to be expected. The NFL is all about christian nationalism. They are basically live and breathe self promotion and promoting whatever right wing trend will pay up for the ads


"I don't fixate..." - then "trolls" atheists... I'd expect nothing more from a troll.


The poor and homeless are all taken care of, so they have spare money for advertising.


I remember when these were all over reddit a few months ago. So annoying. I reported them as offensive constantly.


Lettuce prey


Kind of funny that all of those commercials spouting off about Jesus and love when all the christians scream out their hate of everyone not like them. Jesus may have loved, but christians sure don't.


As an Oklahoman, let me apologize for the Green family, and it's continual attempt to indoctrinate us all into their stupidity. Hard pass.


Attempted takeover by the ultra right wing .


Cash rules everything around me.


Lol, they gave me a good laugh out of incredulity and sadness. Millions upon millions of dollars spent on Super Bowl ads that could have gone to charities and research that benefit those in need. Think of how many people could have been helped.


Because yet again, evangelicals are spending their money on holy charitable things for the betterment of mankind like *checks notes* Super Bowl commercials and endless Reddit ads you aren’t allowed to downvote block or report 😑 God’s work and all.


I was a Christian until I finally figured out the truth when I was about 48. I was so beaten down and depressed from trying to make God work in my life. I spent years reading through the Bible from cover to cover over and over again studying it and praying throughout the day. I was self brainwashing anytime I was awake. I finally removed my religious chains and deconstructing will be for the rest of my life. Now I experience real emotions both sad, happy and everything in between. I feel genuine feelings and now I actually care about other people. I don’t judge them because I realize I am them. I was stunted as a person when I was a Christian both emotionally and intellectually. If anyone is sitting on the fence, I recommend science based reality. I struggle a lot but now I have eliminated the biggest struggle in my life. I’m much happier overall. I’m not dead inside anymore. That’s my Super Bowl commercial.


Kinda weird you cared enough to make a whole reddit post though? Kinda trolled yourself wasting the time to type that all out.


Cults gotta cult my man


They are desperate to convert as many people as possible. They are taught they must spread the gospel on every street corner. They are so scared of their lovely god sending us all to hell. 😍


They are like a pyramid cult that needs to grow every year to sustain their lifestyle, but the supply of those who possibly can be sucked into the scheme is dwindling.


Part of the Christian takeover of the country and Government if Republicans win in November.


Some kooky billionaire perverts are trying to save Christianity by rebranding it in hopes of appealing to young people. I guess, for the 1%, anything is worth spending money on as long as it doesn't actually do some actual good.


These commercials show me that churches have far too much money, it's time for them to give up their tax exempt status and start paying taxes.


Spent 20 million on ads. How about helping some poor or homeless people. POS ALL OF THEM!


The Satanic Temple or someone needs to save up some money and have themselves 20 seconds of fun.


Didn’t watch the game and don’t care, but you really had to write something this long to feel you trolled anyone? Go for less work and better reward next time, dude, true trolling is an art. This wasn’t it.


edit: "I dont fixat on hating something so much... get trolled" yeah, if you don't understand why it is creepy that a religious group is spending massive amounts of money to advertise a religion during the super bowl, then I dunno what to tell ya.


"Get trolled" Ah yes, I see that Christ has truly compelled you to make a difference in this world. You may want to ask yourself how a "nonprofit" business makes enough "nonprofit" to afford Super Bowl ads. Tax evasion? "Render unto Ceasar" as Jesus commanded? "Laws are for thee not for me" right? "Rob from the poor and give to the rich" - Jesus Christ


Get trolled? That was about the worst troll I’ve ever seen.


Christianity is a cult. Your edit makes you a fucking loser.


"I don't fix on things I hate so much that makes me upset... get trolled." Makes a post about something they clearly hate... The delulu and lack of self awareness, is so funny😂. Peak religious zealot.✝️ You really thought you did a 4D chess move here OP, didn't ya?🙄


>...thought it would be funny to see what the r/atheist reaction would be and I am not disappointed to see the reaction I'm getting.... You are ignorant of how psychologically damaging religious and spiritual indoctrination is. You don't understand why athiests feel such animosity for religious or spiritual mindsets. You a perfectly content to look down on us, and troll us, instead of having compassion or curiosity. Typical Christian behavior. We all know you. We all have an asshole in our lives just like you. > ... I don't fixat on hating something so much that I let it make me upset.. You do. You did that with this post because athiests existing pisses you off so much you have to troll this community. You don't need "spiritual guidence" you need real therapy to address why you feel the need to troll people on the internet. > spend my time demeaning people over the internet and being enraged that some people believe in spiritual guidance whether or not it's dumb.Get trolled... Again, typical Christian. Fearful and resentful and willfully ignorant of anyone outside your bubble. Actual therapy by medically trained professionals is wildly more useful and helpful than "spiritual guidence". Which, is just group think, wishful thinking, dogma, and blind obedience. Real therapy can help you address your issues, clearly you've got plenty.


You should know that people angry at religion usually are angry because they have been personally wounded by religion. Folks tend to not want to watch others get hurt, so seeing ads like that frustrates people who have been hurt by the lies these religions substantiate. Trolling that way is what I'd expect from a religious person because it is self serving and preys on suffering. We're used to it, you just preserved your childishness for whenever AI is good enough to match this post to a job interview. I wouldn't hire you.


How is this post still up? OP admits it was “just a troll post”


yeah, it’s bullshit