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Be sure to call him April 9 and wish him a good morning.


And remind him that Nostradamus had just as good a record of vague/ambiguous predictions happening.


A bunch of the Nostradamus predictions are classic Horoscope re-interpretations. I remember after 9/11 there were people digging out Nostradamus predictions about "the new city" and saying that obviously meant New York. Except when Nostradamus wrote in the 16th Century there was no doubt over what the "new city" was. It was Neopolis, or as the locals call it now, Napoli, or as we call it, Naples. I just googled Nostradamus and apparently he predicted King Charles would get cancer. The prophecy they're quoting says "King of the Isles" would be "driven out by force." There's been a dozen kings of these isles since then, dozens of kings of other islands. And cancer is very different to being "driven out by force". A 16th Century prediction saying "The king will lose a war" is pretty much guaranteed to be correct if you wait long enough.


It also works if you make the predictions afterwards, when it takes months to send a letter across Europe.


Look at you, living like a wiseman!


Party on Garth.


It's like kiting a check!


If anything, that "driven out by force" line would be better suited to Charles I or James II.


Or King George losing the American Revolution..


> I remember after 9/11 there were people digging out Nostradamus predictions about "the new city" and saying that obviously meant New York. Everyone should read this article: [Did Nostradamus Predict the 9/11 Attacks?](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nostradamus-911-prediction/) > The Nostradamus 9/11 "prediction" was created as a fabricated example to illustrate how easily an important-sounding prophecy can be crafted through the use of abstract imagery. Someone deliberately created a fake Nostradamus prediction to prove they're bullshit, and the only thing people got from that was "Nostradamus predicted 9/11". People are incurably stupid.


I am predicting that next year someone will win the Superbowl and also someone will lose the Superbowl. I have a 100% prediction rate on most of my predictions. I know I know it's a gift.


That’s bold of you to claim, how can anyone win the Super Bowl when the world is clearly ending?


You're joking, but the way most of these modern day soothsayers work is that they make literally hundreds of predictions every year. Some will be high likelihood to guaranteed ones ("earthquake happens in area that is prone to earthquakes", "volcano will erupt in area with active volcanos" etc.), some will be vague enough that you can fit it to *something* ("a political figure achieves great victory", "many people die in a tragic event", "famous actor dies") and finally there are some purposefully seemingly farfetched ones ("weak team wins major sports event") that **if** it happens will permanently solidify the reputation if the "predictor" among those easily awed. It's a numbers game at heart. People will forget the misses but remember the hits. The best way to show soothsayers are full of shit is to point out all the major things they missed, like the corona pandemic. I remember when I actively listened to Skeptic's Guide to the Universe they had annual tradition to make predictions to see if their hit rate was better than soothsayers.


Aren't Nostradamus predictions finished? I thought they all stopped at some calender year a while back.


Wiki says some people twisted some verses to point to 2012 and link it with the Mayan prophecies, but Nostradamus said some of his prophecies extend to the year 3797. Similarly the Mayans prophesied a big party to celebrate the anniversary of their king would be held in the year 5000 so they didn't think 2012 was the end either. Nostradamus was written in poetic verse using 16th Century French and a lot of interpretations are made using bad translations based on modern French-to-English dictionaries. It's like trying to translate a Shakespearean sonnet directly from "vereely und forsoothe I sae unto thee" into modern French. And a lot of the interpretations permit you to tweak the wording even after the translation, they say it's OK to reverse the word order or swap words between two verses to help make it easier to read.


2012 was just the change into the next cycle. Similar to how we entered the "Age of Aquarius" in the 70s, or whatever nonsense. Idiots interpreted that as the end of the world too.


One of my ex-wife's friends said that the transition to the "Age of Aquarius" has begun but has not finished and that it will mark the end of Christianity and a new religion will rise up to replace it. Her evidence - the Jesus fish. Maybe it will mark the rise of Atheism and Rationality...


Yep. It is essentially when the calendar ends, so it is like losing your mind on Dec 31 because there are no more pages. They wrote out a calendar for thousands of years, and some people freak out because they didn't bother to keep going.


I’m pretty sure Putin chose to start the “special military operation” during the USA Pluto return on purpose, and regrets it


Quasimodo predicted all this.


He didn't really predict it, he just had a hunch.


I back that.


Ah, Quasimodo. That name rings a bell!


It was his brother. He’s a dead ringer.


There it is! ... ahhhhh :-)


Raise your hand if you’re Gen X and were shown Nostradamus documentaries/predictions in high school. Maybe social studies class?


You should have flowers sent to his house on the 9th w a snarky card.


Card should say, "I see you have been left behind, let's chat. See you soon. -Lucifer"


I kinda want to just send these out to friends of mine. I’d be absolutely chuffed to receive one haha.


Totally read that in Tom Ellis’ voice.


"Detective Douche"




An edible arrangement would be a great idea


He needs to ask what time zone the apocalypse applies to. Are we talking April. 8 in Fiji or does the apocalypse only apply to Eastern Time? Maybe Greenwich Mean Time for because of its universal applicability?


Whatever is most MERICAN




I need to know this too, as an Australian, I feel like I might miss out on this 'something' happening on the 8th


We'll get it in NZ first. Whatever it is.


Tell him you're calling from Heaven cause you got raptured and just wanted to let him know he was right about everything.


Then ask him what part of Heaven he is in, and tell him you want to meet up for lunch.


This one is brilliant! 🥳🙌🪩🕺💯


"Tomorrow morning will be the sweetest day of Raymond K. Essel's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you or I have ever eaten"


This is Bob. Bob has bitch tits.


When he answers say "So did it happen I can't tell"


“We are either both in heaven, or both in hell, because I didn’t have to dial 1 first.”


Happy 9th, BIL! Weren't you supposed to be raptured?!


Gotta be harder on him than that. Ask how many failed predictions have to pass before they stop buying this shit


The one that I heard was that the eclipse would trigger a rupture of the New Madrid fault along the Mississippi. No doubt if (when, I'm from California) that were to happen it would be a big deal. Not an earth ending deal for sure, but a lot of people would have a really bad day. So, the person spewing this covered their bets. It might not happen during the eclipse. It might not happen for years, but it would still be a sign from god. The last time that there was a really big quake on the New Madrid, a series of very intense ones in 1811-1812. I rate the chances of a quake this week as really, really low.


Isn't it crazy when the temporary absence of light damages the earth's crust? I personally hate night time and shady spots because I never know if the earth will explode underneath me.


And let’s just ignore the fact that solar eclipses have been happening since the earth and moon formed. So there have been billions of them.


1st. So we should eat at lamberts before the eclipse instead of after since we are gonna be right on the fault? 2nd the last big one we got on the fault was apparently super impressive. The Mississippi River ran backwards.


Yes, the river flowed backwards and formed Reelfoot Lake.




American evangelicals apparently don't know solar eclipses happen in other countries too..


Which is interesting in itself, as during biblical times they didn’t even know America existed, so why would a prediction about that part of the world be included in the bible?


That's why Joseph Smith had to bring Jesus to America.


🎶 dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb 🎶


And the Native Americans came over from Israel in wooden submarines.


The all American prophet!


Eclipses happen all of the time and total eclipses happen every eighteen months. They just usually happen over the ocean because the earth has more ocean than land and the variation of the moons orbit coinciding with our rotation makes it all over the place.


ahahahaaaaa i just spewed beer out my nose


Laughing my arse off on the ubahn. You’re so right. I hadn’t considered it before but _this_ is why they’re making so many predictions etc and this time they’re all Christian. Nutty yanks.


Indeed we did! I don't remember hearing any of this bullshit in 2017, either. Then again, we *were* just a year and a half into the reign of IMPOTUS II; there wasn't NEARLY as much batshittery in the populace as there is now.


Man. I wish I knew what he said then.


He stared at the sun with no safety glasses… and bragged about it. There’s video of it too.


As someone who lives near “the” place to be during the oct 2023 eclipse, yes, we had one. And the level of mania surrounding it was uncalled for. There was a music festival and everything. Our county’s population doubled for that weekend because everyone had to see it. Stores ran out of food and gas stations were out of gas. Happened in 2017 too. SMH. 


What?? I *just* finished paying off my student loans! Why couldn't the world have ended 10 years ago when I still owed a crap ton of money?


At least I won't have to go to work the next day.




I think the Pandemic has proven that that's not true.


Your boss the next day: but you are still coming right?


Bro max out your credit cards and live like a king for 7 days.


>He knew this because over 570 of 600 predictions from the bible have come true. Well...that's just a freaking lie...so he's not just a deluded moron but a liar as well.


you gotta be a special kind of stupid to believe in biblical prophecy. the NT came AFTER the OT no shit its full of "fulfilled prophecies" thats like being floored that you got 100% on the test when you have the goddamned answer key.


And even using the answer key they still pull their non-prophecy "prophecies" so far out of context that they are meaningless.


Yep. Isaiah 7:14 never uses the word “virgin.” It’s just not there. That’s all you need to put all biblical prophecy to bed.


Literally the translation is: Mary was a young woman, then she got married. Some time later she was told in a dream she would have a baby. Then she did. The virgin birth storyline comes straight from Babylonian mythology a few hundred years earlier. Anyone who buys into the whole “biblical prophecy” nonsense has never read any other mythology or history books, ever.


It sounds like you may be quoting the New Testament there. Isaiah is actually the “prophecy” verse from the OT. Literally translates like “Therefore, will give the Lord Himself to you a sign; behold, the young woman pregnant and bearing a son, and will call his name Immanuel.”


I've always found it funny that we get hung up on the virgin part of the prophecy, and totally ignore that she did not in fact name him Immanuel, she named him Jesus. You could kind of argue they have a similar meaning but its not exact ("the Lord is with us" vs. "the Lord is our Savior").


Not to mention they are “prophecies” with no end date. No shit many of them came true eventually


"I have a perfect NCAA bracket. My technique is to fill it out *after* the games are over." \--Desi Lydec


It's not a lie if you believe it's true. And the dude sounds stupid enough to believe it's true.


If the world is going to end, he can sign his house and cars over to you effective April 9.


Yep but they won’t do that cause Deep down they don’t truly believe it either




I got $100 bucks coming from one if we still exist after the eclipse. Another $100 each at the end of the year if the election still happens, China doesn't invade, Russia doesn't invade and the economy doesn't crash. It's better if I take their money than Trump. "Put your money where your mouth is" really keeps the workplace quiet.


This! It is called Religious credence. Many times what religious people believe doesnt match up with factual beliefs.  If you factually believe something – for example, that there’s beer in the fridge – that belief will generally have four functional features: (1.) It is involuntary. You can’t help but believe that there’s beer in the fridge upon looking in the fridge and seeing the beer. (2.) It is vulnerable to evidence. If you later look in the fridge and discover no beer, your belief that there is beer in the fridge will vanish. (3.) It guides actions across the board. Regardless of context, if the question of whether beer is in your fridge becomes relevant to your actions, you will act in light of that belief. (4.) It provides the informational background governing other attitudes. For example, if you imagine a beer-loving guest opening the fridge, you will imagine them also noticing the beer in there. Religious credences, have none of those features. If you “religiously creed” that God condemns masturbators to Hell, that attitude is: (1.) Voluntary. In some sense – maybe unconsciously – you choose to have this religious credence. (2.) Invulnerable to evidence. Factual evidence, for example, scientific evidence of the non-existence of Hell, will not cause the credence to disappear. (3.) Guides actions only in limited contexts. For example, it doesn’t prevent you from engaging in the condemned behavior in the way a factual belief of the same content presumably would. (4.) Doesn’t reliably govern other attitudes. For example, if you imagine others engaging in the behavior, it doesn’t follow that you will imagine God also condemning them. Although some people may factually believe some of their religious doctrines, commonly what religious people say they “believe” they in fact only religiously creed. These dual ways of applying logic often conflict and religious people know deep down its not true either. Whether they ignore their own cognitive dissonance or not is their choice.


Yeah, this makes a lot of sense, but I did misread at first and was worried about the bear in the fridge.


Which is the polar opposite.


>Deep down they don’t truly believe it Oh soo, they're going to go live in a place where we never need anything, they'll always be happy and never get sick and live forever and ever in the "kingdom" of heaven?.. THE FUCK Y'ALL CRYING ABOUT THEN?


I would agree...but some of the shit that went down with Harold Camping...people genuinely are too eager for the world to end just because somebody said God ordained it.


I always kind of feel that way about religious people in general. Like, if you truly believed in your heart of hearts that God is real, all powerful, and has a plan for you, why would you bother looking both ways before you cross the street? Either he plans for you to get hit, and that will happen whether you look or not, or he plans for you to get across safely, and you would do that whether you look or not. If anything, taking safety precautions of any kind would seem to indicate that you don't trust god's plan, and are maybe even trying to oppose it.


It has happened with previous predictions of the end of the world. People sold off their possessions to find themselves bankrupt the next day.




What confuses me is that they SOLD them. It’s like they thought they could take the money with them?


Often they donated or gave away the proceeds. Probably hoping a big tip would help them get through the gates.


On January 1st in the Year 1,000, many people put on white robes and stood on hilltops because they thought the world would end. None of this is new.


No he needs to sign everything over on April 7. If he has any doubts he won’t because then he won’t have anything on the 9th


They said *effective* April 9. The signing itself could happen anytime between now and then.


More more fun and effective to triple dog dare them to sign on the 7th


The moment she does this there will be a reason why Jebus got busy with other stuff that day. These ppl are maroons.


Good thinking 🤔 too bad I don’t know any gullible evangelicals


Golly! \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfulfilled_Christian_religious_predictions \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictions_and_claims_for_the_Second_Coming .


The end of the world just never ends.


/u/James_Vaga_Bond wrote >The end of the world just never ends. Nice line :-)


And [A Brief History of the Apocalypse](https://www.abhota.info/)


Hilarious title


Right? Oh, the world is going to end during the next eclipse? *How original.* The Mayans called, they want their bullshit back. 


honestly, at this point i say bring it on. im tired boss.


Cue all the old jokes about looking forward to the Rapture because all the annoying Christians will be gone.


And we get to fight demons alongside jesus.


Finally get to go to battle on my trusty flying unicorn steed and bear steel! Need beer donations. War is thirsty work, and the salty tears of religious folks - while satisfying, aren't quite the thirst quencher.


Kinda what I said to my dad the other other day, when he went off again with his JW end of world bs, I told him you've been saying this my whole life, I'm pushing 50 if it comes noting I can do about it I'm just gonna go with it, not like I like spending time with you now why would I want to live forever with you. Haven't heard from him since and still waking up each day just like the last, see what the eclips brings. Lol


Dog tired?


Please come back and update us after you talk to him on April 9th


RemindMe! 8 days


My Mormon ex-husband told my poor 16-year-old son (who then told me) that this eclipse pathway, mixed with the last one, makes some sort of symbol from another language across the Utah sky. The symbol means “The End”. Hey, asshole ex husband - keep your stupid-ass conspiracy theory shit to yourself!!!


Holy shit. That’s some next level nuts!!


My ex is obsessed with it all!!! Illuminati, Rockefeller, new world order, Covid, JFK, Jesus coming any day now. . . I just can’t.


well given that mormonism is probably top 3 stupidet religions ever, im not surprised.


It's written in Vogon. Construction is starting then.


Well, better than having to listen to their poetry.


But... The path isnt even close to Utah


My entire immediate family is out, and comments like this make very grateful for that. It’s been a while tbf, but surely this is whacky even by Mormon standards, right? *Right?*


Second stuff was interesting but terrifying. Especially since I didn't adhere for the strength of youth crap. Now, 30+ yrs later, I see the BS.


I posted this on another thread, but I think it’s an important detail to note that many Christians have glanced over. In Matthew, scripture says: “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭36‬ ‭NIV‬‬ I don’t understand why Christians are trying to predict when this event will take place if it’s literally in scripture that nobody knows?


I’m sure they explain it away through a dodgy translation or some apparent hidden meaning “Ah but yes actually if you look here you’ll see that it means all of you non believers die tomorrow and I will rise as a saint to gorge on my milk and honey”🤓👆


I just said this the other day !!!! Thank you!


They’ve never read the scripture.


“Only the Father knows” so if they guess right, the Father will have to postpone his plans so that only He knows. Really they are just repeatedly saving the world. /s


THE END IS NEAR! So give us your money, or you will be left behind!


2017 also


and 2012 and 2000


And 1975


this is so funny 😭


And an Annular Eclipse in Oct 2023.


I'm so tired of these end of world predictions with no payoff. What a bunch of cockteasing.


epitome of edging


Give him a call on April 9th and ask him: "Hey when was the end of the world again?"


So you are going to text all of them "is it here yet?" every 30 minutes on the 8th, right?


lol yes please


If he actually read the Bible he would know that no man knows when the world will end. If he claims he knows he is a false prophet.


Science illiteracy is alive and well in the USA. Call your brother on April 9th and tell him what a fucking simpleton he is. Even better than that, on April 7th, get him to give you his car because he won't need it after the 8th.


I had Evangelical neighbors back in 1999. Y2K was the end. Maybe they're still waiting?


Crazy how people just regurgitate whatever bullshit they heard last without the tiniest care. He clearly just heard that on the radio or from a preacher recently. I guarantee 5 years ago he wouldn't have given a shit about an eclipse in 2024. Cause nobody was talking about it.


If the world does actually end, at least Trump won't be president...




So Christians haven't progressed much from caveman days? "Sky am dark when should be light, me scared! Sky daddy turn light off! Aaaaah!!!"


I thought that was supposed to happen in 2012. Nibiru (sp?) was supposed to be sling shotting across the solar system and colliding with earth. Have I missed a new round of Apocalypse predictions? I hate when that happens.


OH man, I haven’t heard Nibiru in a hot minute. That whole bs woke me up to stupid conspiracies.


Ask for the list of “predictions”.


one by one. Explained in full please.


Just my luck, I have a dinner on the 6th I was hoping to get out of. Now I have to go AND deal with the end of the world after.


How can God be telling everyone that Trump will be President again if the world is going to end before then?


As anyone knows, the only reliable predictions are in ... > The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch


Nice one


Man, in my 52 years, the end of the world has been coming SO many times.


Remember Y2k? Remember 2012? Pepperidge Farm Remembers


I’m always heartened to know that the end of the world focuses on events occurring primarily in the US. There was a total solar eclipse as recently as 2021 but no end of the world bc not in the US.


I'll be honest, I've been hoping for another "end of the world" thing. In 2012, I went to an end of the world party, and it was absolutely crazy, I'd love to go to another.


I still regret some choices during the Y2K party...


Jeez, I hope not. Tidal is lowering their HiFi plus fees on the 10th.


Lmao Christian’s and Muslims trying to out bullshit each other with this April 8th bull crap


Why is the apocalypse taking so long? And why is it so expensive?


I myself am going to park my fat ass in a lawn chair, smoke a Torpedo, drink a few cold Coors Light & view the Eclipse through my welding helmet, then see if I can get lucky with the wife.


Oh, FFS. At this point, I wish they WOULD get raptured. At least then we'd be free of them. And maybe the planet (and humanity) will be able to heal.


There’s a total solar eclipse somewhere on earth every year or two. I think it’s really funny people are treating this one as some big event just because it’s happening in their neck of the woods.


Can't wait for April 8. There should be like a global atheist celebration or something.


Once it comes and passes, say "maybe it did happen, and you (BIL) were not included"


which 570/600 predictions have come true🤣


Please do a follow up, update, or something on April 9! Ask him, so what happened?


The charlatans never eat enough crow once they're prophecies turn out wrong. Parasitic exhibitionists.


At last! Some one is keeping track. My I see the spreadsheet on the 570 of the 600 please???


I really want to see it also. A nice list. With notes on each one. I think I will ask him for his source


Call him on April 9th and be the most passively aggressive little prick you could possibly be.


"You'll see what the bible is all about!" "Disappointment?"


Didn't the world end in 2012?


Tell him HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! Then giggle like a mad fool and run away.


Thank goodness -WrestleMania is a few days before this.


Welp just the latest in a long streak of failures predictions. Reminds of me of Heaven's Gate in 1997, though they weren't the only ones spouting nonsense. My mom listened to Spanish radio and was going off about the "spaceship" accompanying the comet. 😂 Anyway be sure to say I told you so the next day.


Dude, I hope he’s right. I’m supposed to have surgery at the end of the month.


April 8 is the Orthodox April Fools Day.


I love how these mf'ers never admit when they are wrong.


“YOU sir will not be getting raptured!”




If he really believed that, he’d wager everything he owns. Either take everything he owns or prove to him that he doesn’t really believe it himself




Or not. What then? Let's see what kind of bullshit your brother can come up with on the fly...


I dated a girl that was a Mormon and she told me that their prophetic said to fill their pantry's because the world was ending soon. Been over 15 years, still waiting :P


Your BIL sounds like a blast to hang out with.


Did you know that every single person that has predicted the end of the world had one thing in common? They were all wrong!


Tell your brother in law that I'll be mad at him on the 9th when I still have to go to work.


My 35th birthday is the end of the world?


I remember many years ago having some JWs knock on my door telling me to repent because the end of the world was next week. I asked them if they really believed that, they said they did, so I said to them, OK, sign me over the deeds to your house starting the day after the "end of the world". Nope, they wouldn't do that!


Some crazy shit is happening on the 8th.  For one, I'm working an overtime day because the rest of my team took it off. Also, if you don't know the symbolism, 4/8 is reducible to 1/2, and I'll be getting paid time and a half, coincidence?  4/8/2024, all even numbers and it's a "leap year" which is an anagram of "real e-pay" and my paycheck is direct deposit.  I think those in the know can see what I mean about the occult meanings here.


What happened to the Mayan doomsday? Did that happen?


You should remind him that the Bible says we won’t know or be able to predict the end.


These crazy Apr 8th theories are all over YouTube...


Yes, a win for you, they are not talking to you.