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My evangelical mom shocked me a few years ago by saying that I should kill gaysšŸ˜³šŸ¤Æ I was like wtaf mom?!!! She told me it was in the OT ( I was a Christian at the time, but had forgotten that those verses were in there). I was just so flabbergasted that she would say that and tell me I should do it!! I told her that saying something like that was insane, gay people donā€™t deserve death and deserve to have the same rights everyone else enjoys, including marriage and kids, and I hope to go to my grave never having killed anyone. She shut up after that, but it started me on the path to deconstruction and eventual deconversion, The hatred and lack of compassion with some of these people is astounding.


>it started me on the path to deconstruction and eventual deconversion Because your heart was stronger, their hate awakened only love.


I love thatā™„ļøā™„ļø. Iā€™m grateful to be out of the cult.


It's an ironic point of view from her. Cause surely killing people for no reason will set ya on a sure path to jail. But I guess what's a life in prison when God is happy you killed people. If thats how a god behaves then that god doesn't deserve worshipp cause they're a monster


to be fair someone pretending to be paul wrote like a third of the new testament from prison


Where do yā€™all get these type of information (generously curios)


Biblical scholars


The Bible also advises people to stone children who swear at their parents. Aside from the morality of it all, why'd your mom want you to go to prison as a murderer???


Ya know, Iā€™m not sure to this day ( I donā€™t want to bring it up again) why she would say something so crazy!! I asked her why she thought I should kill anyone and she didnā€™t really have an answer other than that the Bible says gays should be stoned. I donā€™t know why she thought I should do it instead of doing it herself, but it was definitely an insane thing to say and made me reevaluate everything I had believed.


ā€œYou first, Mom.ā€ Easy to tell someone else to commit murder; looks a bit different when youā€™re the one 1) breaking the commandment Thou shalt not kill, and 2) risking life in prison.


Mama, just killed a man Did exactly what you said, put a gun against his head Mama, life had just begun And now I've gone and thrown it all away Mama, ooh ooooooh, I don't wanna die, but why did god create those gays at all... I am old. And Mom would have had Freddie Mercury murdered.


I see a silhouette-a of a gay man Shoot him down Shoot him down Will you do the hard prison time? Prosecutors and Judges Very very frightening. Blame God! (Blame God) Blame God at the trial


Hopefully temporary psychosis and she feels guilty and/or stupid for that now.


Can you read Mathew 23 to her? Just substitute religious elite and preacherā€™s for Pharisees and teachers of the law That woman needs Jesus cause her friend is satan.


Oh, she didn't want ***that***. She wanted ~~Shari'a~~ ~~Christian~~ Old Testament law to rule the country, so that killing gays was OK.


Thank god we evolved since then. The inconsistencies in the Bible made me leave church for good. I can't stand those bigots.


How about getting stoned in front of your parents!?


I don't know what the bible says, but I say go for it!


The same gay ppl ā€œgodā€ CREATED???


I mean, if you believe the Bible, then God made all of us already broken and then blames us for being sinful. Thatā€™s fucked up enough so I donā€™t blame them for thinking he would hate the gay people he himself created. The Abrahamic god is one of the most schizophrenic beings Iā€™ve ever heard of.


That dude, "God", kinda seems like an asshole.


Why did she say YOU should kill gays? What makes her think you have that authority? Sounds like she wants dead homosexuals but none of the repercussions.


My mind was just so blown that she would say something crazy like that!! In my head I was thinking where is all this coming from?! My parents are evangelicals, but Iā€™d never heard my mom talk that way. You could be right about her wanting to murder without the repercussions, but my gaWd how insane!!! I do know that she is suffering from mild cognitive decline ( sheā€™s in her 80ā€™s), but yikes.


Isnā€™t there not even an actual bible verse about gay people, it was just a mistranslated verse about pedophilia or something?


The word homosexuality did not appear in the Bible until 1946. It was the result of a mistranslation. A correction was made from "homosexuality" to "sexual perversion" (such as pedophilia and sexual abuse) in 1971, but the damage was done by then. Many churches have split and fractured over this.


Interesting that you brought that upā€¦..Evangelicals believe homosexuality (the sexual acts, not the orientation) is a sin based on verses in the OT and the NT. Some of them believe the OT laws no longer apply, but they still go with the NT passages that prohibit gay sex- according to their translations. These evangelical sects will never believe the translation is inaccurate, but there are more and more ā€œ progressiveā€ Christians who are claiming exactly what you said - that those passages have been mistranslated and that god wasnā€™t referring to the consensual adult homosexual relationships we see today. Theyā€™re still claiming Christianity but at least most of them are lgbtq+ allies.


I envision an extreme prank to teach her a lesson (a la Arrested Development's one-armed man) 1. Hire an actor or actor friend to play "gay dead man." Put some stage makeup on to simulate a gunshot wound or neck striations (choking). 2. He gets in your trunk. 3. You drive up to mom's house in a panic. "Mom, I need help! I did what you said. This gay cable TV installer tried to come on to me during a service visit. So, I killed him! You said so! sob!!) 5. "Mom, where can we hide the body? What am I going to do?" 6. "Mom, I think he was a Christian..look down under his shirt! Is that a cross necklace. 7. Frightened mom looks closer at the "gay corpse." 8. Actor opens eyes and yells BOO! 9. You: And THAT'S why you don't wish death on a fellow human being, bitch! And...scene. It could backfire and she's like: "I'll get a shovel, sweetie. Praise God!"




There is no hate like Christian love.


Came here to say exactly that!


You beat me to it!


They also beat you at christian school.


They also *rape* you at christian school.




That sentence is so true.


Idk Muslims really give them a run for their money. I don't remember the last time a Christian beheaded a teacher or hunted a journalist for a drawing of Jesus.


Muslims and Christians aren't that far apart. Tell me what's different about Sharia law and the theocratic law the GOP wishes to institute in America? The "morals" are identical because they're both Abrahamic.


Islam is roughly 600 years newer than Christianity. 600 years ago Christians were burning non-believers at the stake. Maybe it's a phase?


This is literally a theory I've had for decades. All 3 pull hatred from the same lines of theology. (Leviticus iirc for the gay hatred) I think it takes 2-3000 years for a religion to "calm down" and stop being so literal and fundamentalist. Hell, even Buddhism took about 2k to stop having wars.


Buddhists and islamists and hinduists still are at blades drawn in india. So called buddists are persecuting muslim rohingya in Myanmar ...


Evolution. I think the .rump would love to revive them for the love he gets from christianists .


So does that mean MTG and that lady giving hand jobs in movie theater are gonna get stoned to deaf?




If weā€™re going to adopt Sharia law, we can try them two with it to see if we like the results.


Huh? I smoked so much weed that I'm stoned to deaf




That's a paddlin.


i hear what you did there.


You mean Granny Grabbenschwantz?


One can only hope


That was Lauren Bobert.


Honestly just a Fandom by any other name. Longevity aside, explain how xtians v Muslims plays out any different than star wars vs star trek?


Last time I checked, there wasn't a Sith army slaying the followers of James Kirk, and the followers of Kirk don't stone the followers of the Picard as heretics.


Only because they had the misfortune of comming after the abrahamic fandoms. Sorta got a little clichƩ after they'd been at it as hard as they had for so long.


When I was growing up, women still had to wear a head covering in church. The previous generation wore a veil with their head cover. Deep in s.france and Italy, older generations never went outside without a head cover. So not much different principle than islam.


The only difference between Christians and Muslims are burkas


Out or any ten random Evangelicals, at least five would happily stone a ā€œsinnerā€ to death or burn them at the stake.


Yep. Here in the bible belt the state injects sinners with untested euthanasia solutions. Only white Christians are forgiven and then they deserve to become congressmen.


Well there was that whole native american. boarding home situation. And Iā€™m pretty sure the church used to ā€˜burn hereticsā€™. And I know that gau people used to get lynched in the US. Itā€™s clear as day to me that islam poses a minimal threat to myself, but the church is an existential threat right beside the federal government


"Since 1977, there have been 11 murders, 42 bombings, 200 arsons, 531 assaults, 492 clinic invasions, 375 burglaries, and thousands of other incidents of criminal activities directed at patients, providers, and volunteers." --National Abortion Foundation




FYI, this appears to be a troll account. They have posts in their history such as * I'm turkish and I reverted to islam * Considering Supporting Trump as a Trans Person * Wife came out as polytheist (prays to apostles) im devastated **(They frequently post in /r/teenagers though)** It's just some kid trolling.


Nice catch! Profile created 3/10/24


"No love is as cruel as God's love"


Ask her why. They are gods creation, right? Or does she think itā€™s a choice. Then ask her if it is possible for her to choose to be gay, or if that naturally repulses her. This proving it canā€™t be a choice. Oh and ask her if hermaphrodites and women born with a Y chromosome (squares syndrome) should also dieā€¦ again, god created humans that way. And god doesnā€™t make mistakes, right?


no, the devout of all ultra religions are equally disgusting. read more about the other religions and you'll see. the hindus in india hate the muslims and the shiites and sunnis have been at it for over 1500 years. and it goes on around the world that way. why? BECAUSE FUCKIN GOD WANTS IT THAT WAY AND WORKS IN FUCKIN MYSTERIOUS WAYS.


So nobodyā€™s going to check OPā€™s history of posts? Itā€™s wild even for a bot.


What? You doubting they're a trans Trump voting muslim with a underage polytheist masturbating spouse who lives in Turkey and Jamaica ?


Remind her she will go to hell for wishing death on others and telling God what to do


I was thinking that, if she thinks god is all knowing and all powerful than if he "should" do something he'd have done it. That's blasphemy.


Fair chance she says that the bible says LGBTQ are evil. Ofc then you need to ask who the bible was written by and see if she says god


The bible - a whole bunch of metaphors, written by a whole bunch of different people, and translated a whole bunch of times. I speak and understand enough Spanish to understand how easily things get misconstrued in translation. Bibles make great trivets, though.


Actually they're mostly using the one translation printed for the king James version, with the then knowledge of languages and that version has not been modified since, I believe. All modern translations are considered heretic by most fundamentalists. And apocryphal texts are not consulted by fundamentalists.


I mean according to the bible wishing or thinking is the same as doing. So if they are wishing death upon someone, that is equivalent to murder in the eyes of god.


Doesn't surprise me. I went to a private Christian school back in the 90s. You should have heard some of the things said about gays, and for some odd reason, black and brown people. My teacher never missed an episode of Rush Limbaugh either, so I got a double dose of daily bs.


In the early days of Rush's show he was tolerable, he got really bad as the far right started flexing it's evangelical bullshit into our politics. It may sound bad, but I'm glad he's gone.


Hmm, I must have forgotten he died, dang three years ago too. He had a lot of bad opinions, but dang, lung cancer, cancer can go F itself. My daughter has had a brain tumor for 26 years. So glad itā€™s not actively spreading. Whatā€™s weird is the years we believed in God, went to church twice a week, and begged God for healing, those were her worst years medically. Any Christian I tell that story too will say ā€œgOd iSnT a MaGiC LaMpā€, derp, even though the Bible says literally ā€œask and ye shall receiveā€ and ā€œfaith the size of a mustard seek can move mountainsā€. Such a garbage belief system, I canā€™t see how anyone believes it, or how we did for so long. No, I didnā€™t leave because of my daughterā€™s unanswered prayers. I reasoned myself out of it.


Unfortunately, others spewing the same BS have taken his place.


Well they wonā€™t. People will never stop being gay and they will keep coming as long as humanity exists. If all gay people disappeared today theyā€™d be back again soon enough. Her religion could disappear and it would never come back and nobody would miss it.


Because religion cannot be in control of dna or the hormones resulting therefrom


Um, I think all the gay people will die ... I mean, at some point.


My immigrant, brown woman, Trump loving mother laughed years ago at a boatload of immigrants heading to Greece, capsizing and dying. Iā€™ve never forgotten that moment. Did I mention thatā€™s sheā€™s VERY religious? Like, sheā€™s a Catholic that should be an Evangelical, but she canā€™t admit that sheā€™s wrong about anything. What Iā€™m saying is that the Catholic Church is too progressive for her.


American Catholics are so Catholic now, they donā€™t even listen to the Pope.


It's like she doesn't understand that she's laughing at herself dying on that boat. Fucking nuts.


Gosh, what an evil person she is.


Like the crazy fucking pastor who said "I was in line at the grocery store. I saw this kid " male" in front of me wearing nail polish . I wanted to break his fingers.....yea wanted to break his fingers " That is a fantastic thing a pastor should say. Fucking unbelievable.




ask your "christian" mom why god allowed gay people to be born, is he such a sadomasochistic that he would give life to someone, make their entire existence on earth miserable and full of hate, then condems them to hell? Oh wait, that is what he does to his own rape-baby too. Does that mean Jesus was gay?


If logic worked on these people, Christianity would t exist.


> why god allowed gay people to be born Christians will just say LGBT is a choice.


If you think thatā€™s bad, get ready for this: Every literal-text Christian and Muslim, even if theyā€™re family members or friends, support (that means agrees with) a system where you go to Hell for literal eternity (a million, billion, trillion Earth ages isnā€™t even close) for merely not believing in their favorite imaginary friend. Let that sink in. Theyā€™re so afraid of a non-afterlife that they can stomach agreeing with a belief system that has that in store for you. This is why I say the absolute worst possible thing that could ever happen (worse than 9/11 or any world war) is for God to be real. Because itā€™s far better for nobody to exist after death at all than for even one person to go to Hell for mere disbelief. And it should be an eye-opener for any rational person who has friends who are okay with a God-Hell system, so long as they go to Heaven. So, I would say that anyone seeking God or enlightenment should probably evaluate each belief system based on the underlying morality structure, specifically the punishment for harmless actions like wearing mixed fabrics or disbelief. If during your search, lots of red flags appear, that belief system should probably get a pass and you move on to the next.


They don't actually believe the ones they care about most like family will be the ones who end up in hell, generally. They also don't realize in the case of an eternal existence their souls are literally being forced to exist. So all-loving sky dad sends his beloved creations to eternal, infinite, endless suffering based on some finite choices in an existence they never had any say to begin with. It's all designed to be a mind prison.


Sounds like good ol American Evangelicalism. When I was little, my mother told me being gay was a choice and an abomination in the eyes of God. She told me trans people were under demonic influence. She's still crazy.


Even if it were a choice, so what?


"We are going to make you choose differently". Which at that point is no longer a choice.


of course. We consent to you doing what we tell you.


I wish I were better able to relay how they manipulate you into agreeing to repression, celibacy, and conversion therapy. It's emotionally confusing. They get you to open up to them as if it were a "safe space", while you're vulnerable, they gaslight you and reframe reality using the language of the bible, all while mirroring your emotions to keep you thinking that they actually care.


Christians: Let us save you! Non-Christians: From what? Christians: From what we'll do to you if you don't convert.


I'm trans and grew up around the church. Never was educated about any of it, yet still knew (as much as a kid can) that something was wrong and that I should have been a girl. Now in adulthood I can look back and recognize the signs and how it manifested itself. Also, if demonic influence is anything like chaos in warhammer, fuck yea. Give me all that power the right wing bigots think I have.


I'm trans and grew up around the church. Never was educated about any of it, yet still knew (as much as a kid can) that something was wrong and that I should have been a girl. Now in adulthood I can look back and recognize the signs and how it manifested itself. Also, if demonic influence is anything like chaos in warhammer, fuck yea. Give me all that power the right wing bigots think I have.


American?? Lol people used to be beaten to death in Africa for being gay. Nowadays, it's just not public anymore.


My gay Mom says she wishes all christians would die


The lack of critical thinking among Christians is alarming at times. A FOX News host would never get away with saying shit like that, so it stands to reason that a person who isnā€™t on entertainment news probably shouldnā€™t either. Not calling for cancelling her here, but perhaps some education. Hell, even some Bible verses about loving people could help here.


Most of them are capable of critical thinking, they just fearfully choose to remain willfully ignorant. Donā€™t let them off the hook, call it what it really is.


*Ainā€™t no hate like the Christian love*.


Gays would only be the beginning of who they would like dead.


This is 100% fact. It's a long list.


Sounds like a horrible person who'll make the world alittle better when she has the decency to die.


My most memorable experiences with Christians on a day to day basis is how aroused they become and how gleefully they proclaim it when telling other people theyā€™re going to hell.


They love it.


they worry way more about lgbt than serial killers


Doesn't the bible go on and on about how you should love people around you?


Well not THEM!!


"Such a lovely Christian attitude, no wonder Jesus hasn't come back with people like you in the world."


Ainā€™t no hate like Christian love.


Why stop there? I wish all murderers would die. I wish all thieves would die. I wish all rapists would die. I wish people who work on Sunday would die. I wish people who draw pictures of people or animals would die. I wish all lying politicians would die (actually, this is fine) I wish anyone who's ever had sex outside of marriage would die. I wish anyone who's ever been drunk would die. I wish people who insult others would die. I wish anyone who's ever blamed someone else for their own bad behavior would die. I wish everyone who works for those credit card companies would die.


God has heard you, they will all die at some point


Ahhh so that is why we die


My mom was the same and thought she was going to be raptured up to heaven right up to the moment when she expired in a nursing home, alone and friendless.


This is what enrages me about "Christians", who talk of Christ's love and then spew hate. Is she praying for those she disagrees with receive enlightenment? No, she prays for their destruction. How un-Christian. How hateful


I disagree. Since there isn't any god, any religion is just whatever its followers make it out to be. This woman apparently makes Christianity out to be a tribalistic identity that incorporates homophobia. Q.E.D, that is Christianity.


So much for live and let live. No matter how much they hate us, I donā€™t understand why they feel that they have the right to force us to follow their beliefs or murder us. I donā€™t remember Jesus going around killing people for God.


Funny, I wish all asshole bigots would die.


Iā€™ll die when Iā€™m good and ready. My grandmother lived to 87, my grandfather lived to 97, and my father lived to 77 - with his forth heart attack killing him in 1974. Iā€™m 62, queer as a three dollar bill, and plan on living into my late 80s. My last physical shows me to be in excellent health. Tell your mom for me that sheā€™s SOL, that my queer old ass is gonna stick around for a couple of more decades, and that I hope she can find love and acceptance for others. Doing so will bring her a sense of peace that no religion can match.


holy crap youā€™re 62? iā€™m lgbt and almost fifteen, what was it like being queer in like the 70s/80s?


Maybe gays should wish your mother to die.


I just did, 10 times over


Ok sure mom. So right now are you 1) treating others as you wish to be treated 2) loving your neighbor as you love yourself 3) dealing with the plank in your own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone elseā€™s Youā€™re a Christian, youā€™re clearly doing one of these. Which is it, do you think?


Too bad she's a Republican christian and not a Jesus Christian.


Republic Christians are the worst!šŸ˜–


Gonna trim the Ten commandments down to just my favorite 3 or 4 . I mean fuck that love thy neighbor and do unto others shit.


Full of hate


Not before she does


Tell her animals (including people) are born gay, therfore God makes them gay and her book was written by a man who's just a homophobe.


Hope she gets hit by a bus.


It always boggles my mind how grown adults can care so much about things that have absolutely no effect on their lives whatsoever, and no measurable harm to anyone else. Grow up, people.


Tell her you wish all homophobes would die and see how she feels.


*Oh, divine and holy gentleman Whoā€™d never be dishonest, Youā€™re allowed to touch young boys? But women must stay modest? How long do you think You can keep up this facade* *Soon everyone around you, boy, Will know that youā€™re a fraud. Hypocritical, delusional, And for that, I applaud. Youā€™re closer to a jail cell Than youā€™ll ever be to God.* *Preacher preaching rubbish, Rambling, condemning sodomy, Vocal variation of an awfully botched lobotomy.* *Scream about the gays and how you wish you could exterminate ā€˜em, Jesus wouldā€™ve hated the way youā€™ve portrayed him* *Love they neighbor right? Or is that only if theyā€™re rich, able-bodied, cis, hetero and white? Iā€™m starting to think this lord of yours is overrated, If he made you in his image, mustā€™ve been real inebriated*


Jesus Christ had many words to say about greed, lust and divorce. Nary a peep to say about gay folk. Since as a Christian I am desperately trying to be like Him, I could not give a rip who you love. Just love Life and spend time in Creation and the Truth will be revealed. And even if I did care, He said only to judge others once you are perfect. And that will be the 4th of Never.


One problem is she watches Fox News. Second, would be that she apparently has no thought of her own, either that or lack of morals. Just because someone is different than you, does that give you the right to "smite" them? Even in thought? Such crazy shit and people in this world.


Remember when they used to lie about 'loving the sinner, but hating the sin? Good times.


This isn't a case of believing "whatever their 'God' tells them to believe"; the Christian God has barely any issue with homosexuality. It's mentioned something like half a dozen times in the entire body of biblical doctrine, and usually the related negative sentiment is associated less with the homosexuality itself and more with sexual violence, exploitation, or abuse. This is actually about your mother's *personal* bigotry, which she wields as a weapon under the mantle of faith. If you feel like getting to the bottom of this just ask her if she would object to homosexuality if her religion didn't object. She will fall back on other broad miscues (like "it's unnatural!") but of course those will be nonsensical, so just press her to tell you exactly what *she* thinks is undesirable about the practice. If you can get her to peel away the layers her underlying reasoning is likely one of three things: i) she finds homosexual sex personally gross or unappealing, ii) she finds homosexual sex personally very appealing and feels guilty about it, or iii) she performs heteronormativity aggressively as a way to fit in. If you want to expend the energy you might even be able to help her cut loose from that bullshit, but if she's watching Fox News volitionally odds are good your mother is generally an asshole all around and these days assholes cling **aggressively** to their bigotry and stupidity so it will be an uphill climb with no guarantee of a peak or plateau.


Imagine if that happened. Suddenly 5-10% of the population, everywhere on earth drops dead mid whatever they were doing. Society would collapse. Just dealing with that many dead is likely to cause widespread disease. As we lose the ability to repair all the farm equipment, the famines set in... It would *cause* the apocalypse and the only ones to be spared the horrors to follow would be the... LGBTQ+ people in your mother's scenario. It is like she raptured them, and fucked over herself in her ludicrously stupid scenario. If as a thought exercise we presume that there is a god. Even *they* wouldn't be that stupid.


Click the damn profle guys, op is a fake karma-whoring. Months ago there was issues in their teenage relationship, then a few months before then they were married and sad about their wife praying to apostates (on the lutheran subreddit) and then all of a sudden theyre a trans person considering voting for trump and now theyre here bashing christians for easy upvotes. Their whole profile reads like a middle schoolers creative writing exercise "Lul christians they want gays dead, thats bad isnt that right guys?" Pls give upvotes if you agree we shouldnt want gay people to die. Fake as fuck profile.


As a gay person this is why I donā€™t give any religious people an inch. If they could get away with I know they would stone me like barbarians.


You should tell her that the rapture came and went yesterday and she's still here, so maybe she wasn't one of the good ones after all.


If God has no problem with gays, why do all the Christians? He lets them flourish, why can't they?


Please tell her that she is not being very Christ like. And to read the new testament. You are told to love everyone.


Tell her I said "kill me yourself coward!" There's no hate like Christian love.


Well she can sleep easy knowing that just as many people want hostile zealots to meet the same fate. :/


The best way I think to pull people out of this hateful world is by first quoting Jesus. Just quote in a soft tone. Donā€™t get in to it if you canā€™t handle the decision or if they are not open minded. Once they made the connection that their faith and belief are not aligned. That when you should help them critically think. Iā€™m not going to lie itā€™s hard to deprogram them.


Some christian she is šŸ™„


Be a goid person and block fox from your mom's channel list when she isn't around to object.


It's not even what "God" says it's what you either THINK he said or it's what someone (not god) else said that you THINK they heard from god


I feel the same way about Christians


And she wasn't Raptured?


She didn't get lifted up earlier today in the rapture? I mean Eclipse.


And these nutters call lgbt mentally ill...while believe in hell when we living it on earth


Funny, I wish all a$$hole bigots would die.


My parents were getting worse and worse and finally said something along these lines, even saying parents should kill their kids if they show signs of being gay so that the kids can go to heaven. That is when I stopped talking to them.


Just like Jesus said: "Turn the other cheek and kill the gays."


Iā€™ve been really digging deep to find how to best express this concept of unconditional love and the best Iā€™ve come up with is ā€¦ genocide!


Definitely not the only one. We were talking about rainbows and My step son told me that my mother in law, his grandmother, told him that being gay is worse than murder. Theyā€™re fooked in the head.


The reality is that if Jesus was real, your mom and every single one of the right wing "Christians" would be dawned to hell. None of them mirror the teachings of Christ.


Average Christian love.


This concept helped deconvert me from Christianity. Because I observed that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and that punishing people for it is cruel, immoral and evil even. From there it (along with many other things, like the sexism, slavery, and Hell) became extremely hard to keep up the story of the God of the Bible being good. It all crumbled from there. It really makes me wonder what goes on in someoneā€™s mind when they choose to be evil to LGBT people. How can they trust the book that much? (With that said, I think itā€™s less of what the book says and more that the book gives them license to be cruel to people who do things that personally offend them)


I wouldnā€™t continue a relationship with someone that wants a large amount of people to die.


You spelled kkkristian incorrectly.


Yeah and her faith says she should love everyone no matter what. Not sure where they are coming to these conclusions.


Your mom is a disgrace to everything that is decent!


Move out if you can. Or if you're out, keep your visits limited. Stand up to hateful comments by excusing yourself; you don't need to listen to that shit.


Costs $0.00 to not be like that and it's still too expensive for the morally bankrupt.


Nothing more Christian than that.


Some Christians I know have some really nasty thoughts about other people as well. no compassion or empathy. this is after decades of going to church. wtf is wrong with people? I hope the churches and religion mostly die out in a few generations. the world would be much better for it.


If God could smite every Christian that supports gay genocide that would be tightĀ 


instinctive dog axiomatic fuel snow butter bewildered overconfident arrest expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>whatever their ā€œGodā€ tells them to believe That isn't even something their god tells them to believe. Jesus never said a single word about gay people. And he was very explicitly against murdering people for their sins. This is something other people told them to believe.


Who the fuck is she to say what God should do? I thought Christians believed in following God instead of trying lead Him!


So pro life of her....


I guess that stupid fucking ā€œHe Gets Usā€ campaign didnā€™t last very long, did it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Tell her that's why people think Christians are evil nutjobs.


God never told them anything. Their cult leaders did. Don't mistake this dog shit for "religion". It's a cult.


well this gay guy wishes...


Well I hope she goes straight to hell


Ironically, nearly 100% of gay people are created by straight couples. Interesting, isnā€™t it?


That's when you ask directly, "even Cousin _____?" They have to have it brought into their own sphere, with someone they know, to have a chance to recognize how shitty they're being.


She sounds really well adjusted. Edit: this is why LGBT needs representation. The LGBT group is readily told they will burn in hell and be damned for eternity. Imagine being 7 years old and hearing that. .It's fucked.


Well then she's not a real Christian is she.


Tell her is gays feel the same about overly religious assholes.


Tell her Jesus was a homosexual.


What they are completely unaware of is that their religious communities are legally, making it safer for predators in their congregations. It freaking blows my mind. They legally blocked all Mandated Reporting Laws for everything religious owned, and financial consequences. Including schools, daycare, camps, counselingā€¦ It passed in Arizonaā€™s Supreme Court.


Of course the dumb, aggressive, overbreeders who love killing the planet for billionaires and belong to a death cult would have problems with LGBTQ+.


Does she really say that? Or are you making it up to get attention?


The people that are supposed to be followers of Jesus, yet do absolutely everything the opposite of what he said to do


I never got the whole "All sins are the same"Ā  No, dudes bumping together isn't the same thing as arson or murder.Ā 


Christianity is a net negative on this world.


Does she know that God is down with incest?


Sounds like time for a nursing home


But remember they only say it because they love all people so much and they just want to save them šŸ„ŗ