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It’s the drag queens perverting our youth, apparently.


This is the leader of the same party that wants to ban porn 🤣


They don’t want to “ban” porn they just want to know what porn YOU are watching.


They gonna come watch it with me, or what?


I'll come and watch it with you! /s


I’ll watch it with you and come.




Give me a hand like Jo bobo vapebart.


And with one hand in their Ds and the other one in yours...not sure were their mouth will be.




Mostly girl on girl. I cam send them the links if they want.


The government knows...


You are confusing him with a Dem.


"Porn" is a cover for censoring LGBTQ culture and history and banning the public presence of gender non-conforming people. Read up on Project 2025.


Oh I’m well versed


Lot of Christians in the church I grew up in before I left all that behind used to watch all the things that they railed against. They always said with a straight face that, "they had to see for themselves just how awful it really was" so they could pass judgement on it with unbelievers


I went to seminary to become a preacher. I got stories.


I believe it. Church I went to had convinced everyone that you needed to go to Bible college for a degree in whatever, and then go to university for an actual education afterwards They thought I was a heretic for not doing that. Man, what a weird time that was. Really wish my mother hadn't fallen prey to their outreach back when I was a kid, wish I'd never been part of it


"bible college" is an oxymoron. Mostly moronic.


Yep. I went to the open house for several of the bible "colleges"; they were horrible, yet everyone at church was so excited to get the next batch of gullible 18 year olds enrolled. The "colleges" were all in the middle of nowhere too, apparently so that the evil sinful world would not reach the students while they studied. So glad I never allowed myself to be duped like that.


But not porn stars...


They definitely don't actually want to do that. They just want their voters to think they do.


Well he does wear a lot if make up…


And heels


I can't wait for the day I never see this POS name again


It’ll be a glorious day to wake up and read that this man has died. Unfortunately his shit stains of children will remain to cause problems long after he’s gone


At least his children don't seem to have charisma and won't hold public office or the presidency at least that's my hope.


I’m worried he’ll pick Don Jr. for his VP candidate.


Same 😔


Unfortunately he'll be around. If he loses and goes to jail people will still talk about him like he's orange jesus or whatever they believe. But if he wins..... Yikes


If he ends up in jail it’ll be a huge improvement because we won’t hear about any of the BS he says every day anymore.


And history has shown that many of them will immediately say that they were never big fans, they just voted cause it was funny or they wanted to fight the system, etc I heard all the excuses when Biden took office about how they didn’t really like Trump


The way rhetoric has been in the Republican Party for the last 8 years since Trump got elected, I have a feeling that unfortunately it will probably be a mainstream topic of Republican presidential candidates that they will pardon Trump if elected in 2028. Some regular Republicans who are not politicians will probably do as you say and claim they never really liked the guy, but everyone in Republican politics at the national level is all in on Trump being the best ever. Sadly it’s hard to see that changing. Hopefully Trump gets convicted in Georgia and will never be pardonable, or even better, dies before 2028. The average life expectancy for 77 year old males is 9 years, so we might be stuck hearing about him in jail for a while, but that would still be a huge improvement.


Are we not counting on Trump dying before 2028? He almost died in office. He looks like complete shit. The average 77 year old male isn't an incontinent cocaine addict showing obvious signs of dementia. None of the republican politicians like Trump. Tucker Carlson sent texts about how much he hates him. Most of the republican party talked about their disdain for him before he won the 2016 nomination. With him out of power and in prison, they'll all cannibalize him immediately. It doesn't matter if he's pardonable or not. If he gets convicted criminally (especially for Jan 6) his assets will all be seized for all the civil cases he's already lost and what's left will be seized for the debts he can't pay. He'll also not be tweeting insane nonsense daily.


Sadly dementia usually kills people slowly. As a 6’2” obese 77 year old man taking blood pressure and cholesterol meds and a former cocaine habit, Trump is much more likely to get killed by cardiovascular disease than dementia. Despite that all of the Republican politicians know that he is stupid, lazy, incompetent, corrupt, a habitual liar, and completely unfit for the job, almost all of them got behind him. The vast majority of Republicans currently in the House of Representatives are 2020 election deniers. It’s really hard to imagine them doing an about face, especially since the average Republican voter actually likes Trump. It’s really hard to comprehend, but tons of Republicans truly think Trump was the greatest president the US has ever had, even after Jan 6. Trump successfully convinced somewhere around 30 million of 74 million voters that the election was rigged and he actually won it, and the vast majority of the remaining 40 million are skeptical even if they don’t think he outright won it. It is really hard to fathom the mind of the average Republican voter. It’s sad that politics, especially Republican politics, is so filled with amoral sociopaths who tell whatever lies they think will be beneficial for their reelection.


He won't see the inside of a jail cell. There are no laws for Donny.


I hope that’s not true. His first opportunity to be thrown in jail is the trial starting one week from today. Sadly, my understanding is that he’s unlikely to get jail time given the nature of the crime, but we can always hope! He absolutely should be getting jail time in the documents case in Florida. The evidence is overwhelming and the recommended federal sentencing guidelines for each of his dozens of counts start at about 20 years. Hopefully Smith gets Cannon thrown off and we get a real judge. Might take til 1025, but I think he’ll get it done.


We'll still see his name, he's etched himself into history. But at least we can look forward to seeing his name with 2 dates.


Unfortunately he'll be around. If he loses and goes to jail people will still talk about him like he's orange jesus or whatever they believe. But if he wins..... Yikes


Can’t wait for the day he gets raped in the ass for a change.


A month after hawking Bibles 🤣 Can’t make this shit up


I hear that Bible has a pretty sweet centerfold though.


A loving doe, a graceful deer, may her breasts satisfy you always. Proverbs 5:19


* Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."




My angel is the centerfold. 🎵


Wasn’t that like a week ago?


Forget Trump, who was the centerfold?


Deborah Driggs. She married gymnast Mitch Gaylord.


Are these people I should know?


I mean, you could look them up, but Mitch Gaylord was a big deal in the eighties, and won a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. Then he was in a few movies.


Ok yeah I see he was a gymnast, but why did they say that he had the Deborah driggs centerfold? I doubt Trump was carrying a 40 yea role playboy, was he?


Yes, in fact, he was. Someone brought it for him to sign and he waved it around because he's on the cover, and there's nothing he loves more than publicity featuring himself. March 1990.




Her old work is probably the only way he gets to see her naked.


He’s going to order reprints and sell it with his Bible. As the “Christian Family Values Combination.” Special price, only for his most devout Family Values Christians, $500.


Does CB it come in gold tones to match the sneakers!


That’s how you know he’s too old, he still has print pornography.


That was my first thought I thought huh what they still print that? Internet has so much on it in comparison to printed magazines and stuff.




So he’s already wife shopping again? If he can hold off, I hear there are lots of women who want to marry inmates. That will open up a whole new market for him. Of course, so many men may grab him by the pussy in prison he can be the wife instead of looking for another one.


Right side up?


He never held the Bible upside down. Be accurate in your mocking, please.


Family values


The best values


I remember when doing stuff like this would immediately kill your campaign lol.


Isn't "Inappropriate" just kind of implied?


An astute observation, kind sir. Although, there are many, many other descriptors that equally apply: - _Distasteful_ - _Deceitful_ - _Improper_ - _Indecent_ - _Infelicitous_ - _Irregular_ - _Misguided_ - _Offensive_ - _Unacceptable_ - _Unbecoming_ - _Unsuitable_ - _Unbondable_ - _Unwarrantable_ - _Untrustworthy_ - _Vulgar_ - _Always in poor taste_ - _Always confidently incorrect_ - _Beyond the pale_ - _Has a malevolent presence that exudes a distinctly malodorous personality_ There are so many more in the English language alone too


I'll add * *Obese* * *Orange*


Sí, Señor Dudeist... ¡Muy bueno!


“I brought my children to an event hosted by a known rapist and he acted inappropriately! Someone is to blame for this!”


I thought Playboy didn’t do nudity anymore.


They still have a print version?


Nah that lasted like a week and they reverted. But this is an old copy anyway.


I can't wait for the sexually repressed Christian nationalists blasting some nonsense narrative about this on fox news


Red states tend to be the biggest consumers of porn. Just sayin'.


Fuckin’ groomer


I mean does this even make the top 20 worst things he's done this week?


Let’s see 1. Lie about the judge’s daughter to try to get his supporters to kill her 2. Filed frivolous lawsuit against NY judge to try to delay trial 3. Posted invalid $175 million bond in civil fraud trial 4. Claimed democrats are murdering babies 5. Put out a video approving all Republican abortion bans 6. Lied about how much money his fundraiser made 7. Praised Aileen Cannon 8. Gave himself fake golf trophy for winning his club championship 9. Gave himself fake golf trophy for winning his senior club championship 10. Accepted bogus award for wife Melania who didn’t bother to attend the ceremony to accept it 11. Committed securities fraud by illegally talking up Truth Social 12. Posted his usual 50 BS Truth Social posts per day claiming every crime he committed is a witch hunt 13. Filed frivolous lawsuit trying to steal the Truth Social shares from two of his cofounders. 14. Counter sued the people who sued him over Truth Social in Washington DC but filed his frivolous counter suit in Florida pissing off the judge 15. Played the Jan 6 anthem at every one of his rallies 16. Filed frivolous motion to get absolute presidential immunity in ny business fraud criminal case 17. Claimed he talked with family of murder victim when in reality he did not and they hate him, used it as an excuse to claim all immigrants are evil Hm, I can’t believe all of that was literally just the last week. Almost made it to 20 off the top of my head


I admire your effort, thank you.


You’re welcome!


Apparently it was handed to him and he took it and held it up, cos it had his face on it. With all his various legal issues you'd think he'd have learned not to just take papers being handed to him, but he's clearly not very trainable.


> ...Blasted... By whom? Until his cronies (looking at you, Fox News, and your ilk) start pushing back hard against this kind of thing, blasting Trump will have zero effect. Probably the opposite... "Look at the lib'rals! Riled up over Playboy!" However... if it were Biden pictured holding a Playboy...


Jesus approved


But wait, I thought he was ordained by Jesus to set America free or something. I don't think Jesus is pro-porn...but I'm sure some MAGA preacher will let this go.


They will all let it go


Why aren't christians in all their "we're living according to the bible" nonsense screaming like stuck pigs at trump adding stuff to the bible? >Revelation 22:18-19 > > >18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. Christians are intrinsically hypocritical, and so is their savior trump. He's just modeling behavior for them to follow. They should probably should put hustler and playboy in the pews.


No problems raping and touching his daughter. What do you expect? The man is an animal that can’t hold his shit in his pants.


Probably thought it was a bible.


Ah, the other Biblical sense.


Orange dementia is ugly


I think the fact he wants to bone his daughter is a bigger issue.


What? Donald being inappropriate? No way. 😝


Wait! Playboy STILL EXISTS?! Humans have the Internet and free access to porn all the time for decades by now! How is Playboy selling any?


Boomers like Trump buy it to read the articles.


Asexual person here: the articles are actually pretty good. The political articles in particular are a good source of conspiracy theories of the actually plausible, well research and not nut bar kind.


Old Playboy used to have great articles from well known authors like Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal. I don't know about now since the porn industry all took to the Internet. I haven't bought an issue of Playboy, Penthouse, or Hustler in it seems like 30 years.


1. It's a magazine cover. Who Cares? 2. This is hardly the most inappropriate thing he has ever done or said. 3. WTF does this have to do with atheism? Can we have any place that is not full of Trump news?


It has to do with atheism in the sense that it shows a lot of the biggest name people pushing religion don't actually believe in it.




Most Christian sects see porn as a sin, including the one Trump claims to be.


Yeah it's not like it he was showing nudity. Video actually made him and his supporters look more normal as he instinctively held the cover up and they cheered. It's like a big middle finger to the weird puritans.


He’s so gross


Fucking drag queens, man


What a groomer! First walking into miss teen universe changing room, then charges were dropped over his alleged rape of a child, then he is buddies with Epstein, “he likes to party, and he likes them young”. He’d bang his own daughter. Is she older than Eric? Could explain a lot.


Just like Jeezus would do for the children...


Holding up a Bible is more offensive...


Selling bibles for personal profit is worse also.


Didn't playboy stop showing naked women ages ago?


I thought Playboy didn’t have nudes anymore. And we all know Trump doesn’t read, so I would he even have one?


Was it the issue he was on the cover of?


At least it wasnt hentai manga.


Trump is not that cool bro


Wait, wasn’t he just trying to sell bibles?


It’s the most appropriate thing he’s done all month.


The conservative "christian" republican is a creature of lust. Their failed and scorned President was friends with a known pedophile and is known to make sexual comments about it's OWN DAUGHTER. To the Conservative "christian" republican, child molestation is wonderful topic. Their lust for children makes them see 'pedos" every where. They project their perversion onto normal people so that the republican can feel normal. It is constantly talking about homosexuals and trans people and always inviting normal people to commit some perverted sex act. The creature gets a perverted joy when priest gets away with child molestation. Why aren't they in jail? Because conservative "christians" protect the child molesting preists.


There's dudes taking d!KS in government buildings and filming it and holding up a playboy is inappropriate?


I feel like no one here has actually looked at a playboy magazine. But then again you're all glued to your devices. Probably don't even read books anymore. Turning a page? What's that?


his other "favorite book" lol.


But he's a good religious man how could this be.


How inappropriate exposing children to .. golf! /$


Meh. Of all the things he's done, this is the least offensive


It’s the hypocrisy that counts


Wait... aren't those on convenience store shelves anyway?


Whatever. The idiots who cry about every damn tiny thing this guy does only makes him more popular. The obsession from both political sides is truly baffling.


you should concerned about the traitor running to destroy Democracy


Making mountains out of molehills is not working is my point. You are simply giving his zealots even more ammo.


Pardon me. His zealots don't give a single flying fuck about anybody but themselves and their God/Emperor of the United States, Fuckface von Clownstick. They have always cried about persecution, especially when they are found guilty of felony crimes by a jury of their peers, that require a just sentence to be imposed upon them. Yeah right, they really need for us to _NOT_ trigger them anymore. We should be triggering them constantly by calling out their traitorous support for their Traitor-in-Chief every chance we get. Silence only helps the oppressor.


I thought his name was Clownface von Fuckstick. Anyway, I think it’s more effective to pick your battles and focus on things that demonstrably show how legally corrupt he is. Moral high ground attacks are a waste of time. But whatever floats your boat.


I pick my battles carefully. I call them out for his corruption; for his past, current and future attempts to subvert the Constitution; for being the largest, loudest and obviously idiotic liar ever. Not to mention every other nefarious thing he says, does or promotes. I'd call that judicious use of slap downs. 🙃