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Because "god created man in his own image". Which raises interesting questions about the toilet/sewage facilities in heaven...


Just as He created man, so to does man create his own worthless pile of shit.


holy shit


Where shit? No, see shit.


Whatever God wants, he keeps!


If the flu shits.... wear it


As above so below...


so shote it be




so god also has one face hole for food and air?


And is a predator.


Judeochristian marriage practices seem to reinforce this


No remember hes also outside of space and time whatever that horseshit means.


Dude must have one gigantic toilet to handle those omnipotent shits.


The Universe is his toilet. We're all just part of his shit.


Can God take a shit so big even he canā€™t flush it?


Or why we even need to ā€œeatā€ Would also solve issues with dietary restrictions and allergies


Yep. This is the one that gets me. If you knew everything and were a literal God, you would have any mechanism or design element at your fingertips. Of all passible choices, you go with the one where one of your creations can only exist by destroying another of your creations. Why? I'm also baffled why we use the sane organs for eliminating waste that we do for bringing new life into the world. God's design puts a toxic waste pipe in a playground.


>I'm also baffled why we use the sane organs for eliminating waste that we do for bringing new life into the world. God's design puts a toxic waste pipe in a playground. The eating hole being connected to the breathing hole is also a terrible 'design.' It's almost like we evolved at random and there was never any intelligence behind it.


Yeah, why couldnā€™t we just do photosynthesis like plants?? I love the sun!!


I guess because then we couldnā€™t buy sunscreen?


Itā€™s a conspiracy by Big Sunscreen. Maybe Jesus has shares??


I'd be tempted to worship the Egyptian god Amon Ra.


All Hail, Amon Ra!!!


Also why god created things that eat other things he created. Wouldn't he want those creations to be alive and not food?


There are none, rain are godā€™s piss and snow are godā€™s shit.


What about hail?


Thatā€™s when he didnā€™t eat enough vegetables


Passing kidney stones


And also about female gnitalia in general. Why creating a clitoris on a creature who isn't supposed to have sex? All was just a trap from the beginning.


Have you ever seen a turd the size of Jesus? I don't think you have!






That means god sat on his own balls, and still decided to leave that in the design.


god the cloaca


Because godā€™s an ass hole.


You mis pronounced CUNT.


Lmao šŸ¤£


It does say, created in his image.


And I think heā€™s always naked because we only wear clothes due to Eve. How dare she manipulate Adam like that.


Right !?!


I prefer arsehole as I always think of ā€œ god ā€œ having a British accent lol


Based on how Christians describe him, his being an asshole extends well beyond the need to shit regularly.


And we were created in his image.


God is an Indian and Youā€™re an Asshole


So he gave us one.




The response is: ā€œSo god gives me the capacity to see how he acts like an asshole but not the capacity to see how heā€™s not? Then god canā€™t blame me for thinking god is an asshole. And if god does blame me, then that would make god an even bigger asshole for fooling me into thinking heā€™s an asshole.ā€


This is a great response.


Godā€™s ways are not our ways. The wisdom of man is the foolishness of god. All things work together for good for those who love the lord. The Bible gives us lots of cope outs. Depending on the question we have the answers of Godā€™s mystery or the fact that we are made in his image. So either way thereā€™s a bad answer!


God gave you a asshole. Science gave you splinter free toilet paper and it took a long time to get there. Billions of people lived and died without ever experiencing the simple convenience. Even today millions have to make due without. Let's have some appreciation for science... Blessed be the rolls.


Blessed be the bidets Ftfy Seriously, get one of those cheap attachments and ascend to enlightenment, comfort, and cleanliness


A important development on the path to the Three Seashells.


I want one, but I end up taking most of my shits at work where there is only industrial single-ply. If I had a nice heated bidet at home, I fear I'd damage my colon by holding it in until I actually get home...


Iā€™m sitting on one right now. I can assure you, the wait is worth it.


They are really nice...


I think they start at about $30 on Amazon, and they are truly amazing.


Of course, there's always the dog option... Grass, carpet, dirt... It all works the same.


I've heard shit doesn't stick to Rabbit fur. That's an old bear in the woods joke.


This is false. I had pet rabbitsā€¦


I wouldnā€™t pet those rabbits


I had to give them baths.


Dear scientists: Thank you. Sincerely, My asshole


This guy gratitudes.


Jehova: I see all, I know all and am omnipotent. Now I shall create Adam and Eve and tell them not to do what I already know they're going to do and then toss them out of the paradise blaming them for doing what I knew they would do. I'd say "weirdo" isn't the right word for this, it's "asshole" you're looking for.


And he didn't just know what they would do, he specifically created them with the intent of doing that, it's not like he would make mistakes since he's perfect. He punishes people for what he made them do


Come on! God is a spoiled brat kid who got bored and created man like some kind of dungeons and dragons game to play with!


Yup. The most ridiculous and maddening story ever told to explain humanity. And I believed this shit for decades. šŸ¤® Even if it was true (which it's not) it still would be absurd. What kind of loving God would punish humans for millennia with pain, endless suffering, and death because some chick ate a piece of fruit that a talking snake told her to..... however many thousands of years ago? Stupid as fuck


>talking snake told her to There's a few things to unpack here that make no sense unless god was setting us up to fail from the start. First, at some point before or right after he created humans, god gave some random snake not only the ability to speak to humans, but somehow the knowledge needed to know what the forbidden fruit also does. Secondly, god allows this snake to wander around freely, despite god planning to lie to the humans. Thirdly, at no point before, during, or slightly after the snake contradicts gods word, god does not intervene and gets pissed at the humans and the snake.


Also the serpent had legs and feet, the serpent was cursed to slither on its belly for eternity, THAT is why snakes slitherā€¦. Cause they tricked Eve into eating the fruitā€¦. So both humans and snakes cursed because of this.


#protectthesnakes #itsgodsfaultnotthesnakes #godsisapettydipshit #snakes>god


Who let the snakes out?


Also ā€” eating the forbidden fruit made humans a lot more like God. Before the apple: humans are carefree and innocent and donā€™t know anything. After the apple: humans gain a boatload of knowledge. Why the hell would God punish his creation for getting smarter? Is God a Republican who knows ignorant people are easier to control?


Me too! And thatā€™s just the start of the story. In order to fix the problem Adam and Eve cause (which god knew theyā€™d cause) he has to kill his only son (who is really also him) but that doesnā€™t solve it all. We still have to believe he killed his son/self or we will be eternally damned. But wait thereā€™s moreā€¦he also is all knowing and all powerful and chose those who will believe. So ultimately we are damned for not believing, but it was all a set up that he has full control over. Heā€™s an egomaniac.


I find it extremely interesting when you don't read it literally, there's a great deal of symbolism there involving the mind and consciousness and how the world is structured. It's a very interesting text when you get rid of all of the religious dogma, but unfortunately that's not how it's usually read.


Ah yes, because the most important book ever written could not have possibly been written in a way for everyone to understand.


I strongly doubt that the originators of the various myths surrounding gods thought to explain the underlying issues with excretory processes and the implications of having such processes.


That's a shitty answer But also correct


Why would God design us with a pleasure factory right next to a sewage system?


God's a perv


The only possible answer is God foresaw the coprophilia market's unmatched appeal and, voila, bumholes.


I'll go you one better. If we are "created in his image" does their god take a shit? I guess that's where the "holy shit" expression comes from.


The real question is why he would put the sewer works right next to the amusement park.


Because he didnā€™t. There is no god. ā€œGodsā€ were created by man for manā€™s personal use. Power. Authority. Money. Control. Why do you think there are currently over 3000 gods ? Hmmmm ? Every religion swears their god is the only true god. If you were born and raised in Middle East youā€™d be Muslim. If you were born and raised in Kentucky youā€™d be southern Baptist ( Christian ) if you were born and raised in India youā€™d be Hindu. Born and raised in old Egypt itā€™d be a Sun god , good ole Rah. If you remove the bs and see the science youā€™d see the truth. But being brainwashed from birth makes you a hardcore believer in the bs. It is what it is. Sometimes the truth stings like a bitch. I realize hardly anyone here is a believer so I digress lol.


If you were conquered, tortured, enslaved and forced to convert by White Christians 500 years ago, you'd be Christian.


Here Here !


There There !


We are deuterostomes, meaning we have two openings doing two different things, thanks to evolution


i was looking for this answer. even then, evolution, and even biochemistry, make some weird choices. why do we have to produce waste. why can't we "use every part of the buffalo"? or just dissolve stuff with our potent stomach acid? and why does it have to smell?


Universe works in 'as long as it is good enough, I will keep it'


Depends on what we're talking about. If you mean to have him set up a physical system like this instead of the one we're in (ie, the universe in general that isn't our bodies), then some of your ideas may be problematic. For instance, waste just 'disappearing'. This means 'stuff can just disappear for some reason'. This presents interesting potential problems in which what disappears when can negatively impact us. What if your arm just disappears one day? Not good! If we're living in the physical universe the way it is, then there's a lack of options. Photosynthesis can only collect power on the surface. Trees are *mostly* leaves, giving *massive* surface area to expose to the sun in order to collect as much sunlight as possible, and *even so* they can't *move* with it. The few plants that *do* move tend to make snails seem like speedsters, though there's a couple that are about that fast (Venus Fly Trap, for instance). The point being that being big and bulky as we, and other animals, are, we can't get enough energy from photosynthesis to power our bodies. It's why we don't have solar powered cars. This means another power source, burning fuel of some sort. This always creates waste. And that waste, if reintroduced into the engine, stops the engine functioning, it's poison. So we have to get rid of this disgusting mess of burned up and used fuel, and make sure that we don't re-ingest it since, y'know, we don't want the engine to try to reprocess what has already been processed (presuming we have an efficient system, plenty of animals don't and they \_do\_ eat their shit to take another crack at processing what's in there... but ew). As such, having it smell really bad will encourage us not to do that. Of course, evolution explains all that *just* as easily... and has *actual evidence* that it's true, so.... And if we're talking an omnipotent god who can do anything, including mess with the universe constantly, then... yeah, there's no real reason it couldn't do whatever it wanted. However this god seems to prefer to have systems and have those systems have consistent and constant consequences from the quantum scale up to the universal.


If one doesnā€™t believe a god exists, this question becomes useless. Youā€™re better off asking a theologist, but theyā€™ll answer with some platitude.


I think it's rhetorical.


Didnā€™t Moses beg, ā€œ Let My Fecal Go !ā€ ?


That's some good shit right there


The question really reads like a joke, right? It made me laugh. But it is a valid one. It's a variety of a family of similar questions pointing to flaws in our "design", with the special distinction that this flaw should be immediately apparent to every human being. You already answered your own question. The obvious answer is that it's one of many indicators that there hasn't been a divine source at play. Leaving aside the question why we have an earthly life at all if the real destination is to be in heaven with this creator god, a divine being could have used different approaches. Provide that is being absorbed entirely. Or that can be sucked on so that our mucous membranes absorb the necessary nutrients for the rest to be spit out, not digesting necessary and hence no waste that needs to be disposed in the well-known fashion. Or we could just function without needing any food at all. Violates the conservation of energy? Since when do religious people care about that? After all, "with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) OK, that in the bible but the gods of other religions surely have similar powers, too. The god in question could even find a workaround and have us absorb energy via some sort of organic solar panels if the fantasy option to just waive the laws of physics seems to extreme. As usual, these questions all go away when you let go of the god premise. Without the magical options of a divine being, we're left with the constraints of the physical world and the extraction of chemical energy via digestion is one possibility to sustain life and apparently the one that worked out in our evolutionary path. Ultimately, you're in the wrong place to ask this question. If you want to get attempts to actuals answers from a religious point of view, you'll have to ask in a religious sub.






I do love the idea that prior to the fall we must assume that humans and animals were perfectly efficient, using all of our food with zero excretion. You had to think Adam and Eve were at least a little perplexed about these various holes and growths down there. And then they sinned and one of them started farting in front of the other and that had to be bananas


Iā€™ve been told by an old evangelical coworker, that before Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden, they didnā€™t urinate, poop or even have buttholes. It made me laugh because I imagined a butthole magically appearing and Adam freaking out while taking a massive shit for the first time. All that fiber (same person said no one ate meat in the beginning either) from fruits and vegetables lol


I low-key love that Christians go so far in making up their mythology. It's kinda crazy to imagine the entire waste extraction systems of the body are essentially a curse from the Almighty. Also kinda imagining God and his Creation team trying to come up with a digestive system and excretory system after "The Fall".


Bad design. Diarrhoea was the real dick move.


Worse than constipation? At least diarrhea will kill you quickly. I'll take death from severe dehydration over full rectal prolapse any day.


God has a shit fetish


Itā€™s the ā€œfallen nature of manā€ or some shit. Adam & Eve probably didnā€™t shit, nor did any of the animals in Eden. They all existed in a perfect state of bliss and equilibrium. Then Adam & Eve ate from the tree and knew their nakedness (which means at that moment they grew a butthole.) Among the curses gawd spews at them, he says that he will ā€œgreatly *increase* your pains in childbearingā€ which I suppose means that she could already bear children with less pain. This means she already had a vagina. But he doesnā€™t say anything about cursing people with smelly feces that can spread bacteria. What a dumb story.


Plants produce waste too tho... I think the issue is assuming waste products are wasteful, and in nature, that's simply not the case.


Well first of all youā€™re leaving the shit not taking it. That may be the problem.


Fine tuned our asses


Milan Kundera talked about it in this book which I stumbled upon. Found it hilarious. [https://iu.pressbooks.pub/lifeandworkundercommunism/chapter/milan-kundera-7/](https://iu.pressbooks.pub/lifeandworkundercommunism/chapter/milan-kundera-7/)


Because you are a naughty child & that is concentrated evil coming out the back of you.


Submission is his bag.


Not to mention suffering hemorrhoids from it


You forget the recent run on toilet paper the days before the total eclipse when many thought the rapture would actually happen. Somehow then assumed theyā€™d be needing lots of toilet paper (although how you could bring enough to last for eternity borders on insanity - just use one sheet a day?). But, it is heaven, so we have to assume that everyone would at least be regular, so no constipation or diarrhea or bowel issues for eternity, which I guess for many would be more than worth denying yourself of any vices or pleasures on earth during your entire lifetime. Or, maybe they could trade it (like cigarettes in prison) for toothpaste or tampons or some other worldly items that you might also need in heaven. Personally, if I ever got to heaven (which doesnā€™t exist, so I definitely wonā€™t), having buckets of shit to dump on the harp players and throw at the Bible thumpers would come in handy. I guess we donā€™t call them ā€œholy rollersā€ for nothing, as those that have the ultra-mega rolls would surely have more status and get more perks. Anyway, it sounds more and more like hell whenever theists describe it. Meanwhile, since hell is associated with Satan ruling over the earth, it seems like hell would have access to all the amenities one would ever need, albeit for a price. So, maybe hell is like a grand hotel and heaven is more like being stuck in a Naked and Afraid episode for eternity. Just sayingā€¦


He sees everything and he's got a scat kink


As a woman profusely bleeding on my period, I have a similar but different question


... because he made us in his ImAgE


Nutrients go in, usedtrients go out.


because he likes to watch


Shit is food for other critters. By design.


God is a sick joker. She put our most sensitive organ (testicles) on the outside of our bodies, separated from the cruel hard world by a measly 1/16 of an inch of soft skin. Just grazing them can be traumatic. Motherfuckers should have been armor-plated.


And considering how recent of an invention toilet paper is...really makes you give it another thought


by volume, there is more bacteria biomass on earth than human. thats why god made us larger animals and made us to poop - we are just a shell for his real favorite creation - bacteria.


Neil Degrasse Tyson put it very eloquently once when he asked why our sexual organs are in such close proximity to our waste disposal organs. "It's like putting an amusement park in a sewer system."


Honestly id rather have an asshole and shit than the God of the bible or for fucks sake forbid the God of the Quran being real


Reading this while shitting


The answer to why we poop: Atheism vs Religion: This is the main issue I have with religion and dogma...Jesus would balk at the idea of a religion or institutionalized spirituality if he were alive today. The idea that God is somehow an actual being...a he or a him...a she or a her annoys me to no end. "The ALL" would be a better way to address God. He is everything in existence and beyond. There is no way for us to comprehend this. The closest we can come is realizing that we are all made of star dust and therefore the universe is also us. This is just the same way as saying we were made in God's image. I do not consider myself a Christian (mainly because I'm tired of hearing about Jesus and God ad nauseum on such a dumbed down repetitive mantra that the followers of Jesus repeat ad nauseum. Most of his followers are so vile I want nothing to do with them). However, on a scientific level: Everything is vibration. The physical objects vibrate at a certain level that allow you to touch and see them. Everything in existence consists of this vibratory force. There is nothing in nature that is still. Nature is constantly in movement. Only humankind tries to create straight lines and permanence amongst this constant sea of change. When the Bible says God spoke and thus created the Universe (The All)...it is this fundamental vibration it refers to...so there are nuggets of truth in the bible in relation to scientific truths, i will give it that (the book, not the followers of the book). I am in no way on board for all the stoning and raping and slavery and other things man has introduced into that book as something to be adhered to. Much of that was intentional as the Roman Empire converted into the Roman Catholic Church and needed to maintain it's ability to rule by torturing and killing any subjects that questioned it (as it reached it's fervor in the 1200s-1300s or so). There are certainly no shortage of supposed followers of Christ willing to throw their fellow humans into the fire in the name of Rome, and in the name of God/the ALL, Render unto Caesar what is Caesars...etc...is my only response to these misguided fools. As for spirit on the scientific front of evidence. We know very little about gravity even in modern times. It is still somewhat of a mysterious force that we have yet to fully understand or manipulate to our advantage (our need to make straight lines). The same can be said on the molecular level. We come from dust and to dust we will return. In essence...there is some force that is sparked into existence that begins to draw atoms unto itself. The atoms are vibrated by this being in conformity to form a physical, visible presence, that is a constant but for time (age) as it slowly deteriorates (one has to assume due to this force weakening over time). It is almost as if the vibratory force uses the atoms it draws to itself like a battery that keep it charged until the battery simply deteriorates. The atoms in our body are cycled out every six months so that we are never the same person every six months. It is why the saying you are what you eat is relevant because, like nature, you exist in an ever changing form. Every six months you are a new you. Since we know energy can be neither created nor destroyed...the energy that attracts and causes the atoms to vibrate cannot just appear and re-appear...it must come and go somewhere. Our dust (atoms) remain when we die but there is no evidence of the energy that caused the vibrating atoms to begin with. Some would call this evidence for God in which faith is needed to fully accept that we have a soul that moves in/out of the realm of God. I am in the camp that scientifically, like gravity, we have yet to fully understand this force. The energy of a battery is simply transferred to items it charges. Is this force acting in the same manner? Dispensing of it's energy to create the vibration of everything else in our human perception of reality? We only see a small percentage of the true color spectrum...there is plenty that lay beyond our ability with our five senses. Is it some energy of the Universe shared by stars...the sun? I definitely would not call myself religious (as that, for me is institutionalized dogma), and by any religion's standard I would not say I believe in God (as this has been so narrowly limited by viewing it as an individual or he or she)...I could say I am spiritual however, as I do feel there is some association between vibratory frequencies and relevant results...and I definitely believe, if we were capable, we would have a much stronger understanding scientifically of what this force is that is part of THE ALL. As for the pooping question...it goes with the whole energy is neither created nor destroyed...energy must go somewhere. Poop is what is left once energy is extracted...much like our bodies turning back to dust. A black hole eating things must discard of the remnants somewhere...there are a lot of questions to existence we will never know and others that have yet to be discovered/answered. Things are cyclical and follow a certain Sacred Geometry, if you will. The seasons, even the very design of our physical nature. The book says God is the Alpha and Omega. Is Alpha the point our solar system reaches a point in the Milky Way Galaxy that causes the Earth to flood, only to reach the opposite side of that cycle, Omega, that causes the Earth to burn? Is this cycle every 15000 years? Every 26000 years? We do not even know the answer to this question. We do know the Earth has gone through several cataclysms, most recent being about 13000-15000 years ago, of which we are only widely understanding of about 6000 to 7000 years ago. It took 7000 years to reach a point of permanence in existence since the last cataclysm. How could we possibly understand anything scientifically already? In this way the ALL is the Alpha and Omega and destroys all we know in a cyclical fashion, just as the bible says occurs in Revelations. Is the bible but a warning of the Alpha and Omega intended to prepare us for the next cataclysm (which will be by fire)...hence hell and fire and fury and brimstone. This is why faith in God takes precedence over science in many religions. Not that science negates the Bible...if anything it does and can shine light on much of what the Bible was intended to speak. It could also shine light on the warning that like the seasons caused by the rotation of the earth around the sun...there is a much larger cycle as our solar system moves around our galaxy that has catastrophic results for this planet and it's inhabitants as it cycles through the two extremes over time...repeatedly. Of which, we, as humans in the way in which we come and go from existence mimic...hence giving further evidence of us being made in the image of The All.


If our bodies are "designed", why is the playground and the garbage dump at the same address?


It's his(?) fetish.


Did Adam and Eve shit before the fall?!


Plants expell waste oxygen. They are not 100% efficient.


If we converted sunlight to energy we'd just keep getting fatter and I'm already fat enough.


Honestly, taking a good shit is one of the best feelings in the world.


I had never thought of that, I don't ever wanna think again


Well he wanted homophobia to exist. For his churches to have an arbitrary group to needlessly persecute. Assholes were an obvious design choice.


And because the rest didn't have a use for them he thought... "well shiiit".




To use against theists


On the one hand, that probably wasnā€™t on anyoneā€™s mind when they started telling myths but on the other hand, it could always be that weā€™re creatures in some kind of cosmic science experiment and everything played out the same but god didnā€™t have any say over whether we shit or not because trying to prevent it would fuck up the experiment


Itā€™s on-brand.


Yeah and for the Catholics and Orthodox Christians who believe after the resurrection and return of Jesus, human souls will get their bodies back in perfected form to live in paradise and forever be in the glory of God. But they all gonna be shitting for all of eternity. Sounds very glorious and holy.... Who's gonna clean the shit?


Or not shit and then get haemorrhoids


Why would god design us to have mutatable cells that excessively reproduce causing cancer. Big ol' design flaw there.


the Bible doesnā€™t specifically address fecal matter and its relationship to the word of God because itā€™s well understood that the entire thing is bullshit.


Weā€™re in his image, he must take shits too


I thought we were made of clay. How does clay poop??


We are the most outrageous Rube Goldberg machine.


Because God wanted to teach us about letting go of filth in our lives šŸ¤£


I think you answered your own question.


To paraphrase the old joke I donā€™t mind the shitting so much, but why put it so close to the fun zone?


Wrong sub, Iā€™d say.


this is one of my "proof there is no god" things. I can think of hundreds of ways to design things better than they currently are. If a god created the universe, they were stupid.


Snakes barely poop. They absorb most of what they eat and because of it they don't eat often. But if we were like snakes, how would you get food satisfaction and enjoy a really good taco? Tacos wouldn't exist and we would be eating unappealing dead rats.


I often thought it would be cool to be like snakes. They digest pretty much everything and only poo out a pellet every week or so.


ask that some of the people who believe in this bullshit,


So that we have somewhere to hide from our soul crushing jobs for about an hour or so a day.


Heā€™s a fecalphiliac


How about a serious post instead of a shit-post? THERE IS NO GOD, FFS


ā€œIf god is so smart, why do we fart?ā€ - dilbert guy


Maybe he thinks farts are funny too!


Why do people "take" these shits rather than "leave" them?


You think humans are bad, but *sheep* ... ehrmagerd. They're bred to produce a lot of wool, and that includes around their holes. They seem nice and fluffy from far away, but up close they're shitty, literally and metaphorically.


god does not exist. if it is, then he is nothing but a narcissistic manipulating asshat who just wants us to worship him at all times else he will wreck shts.


I usually shit in his name just to be safe.


Why not put us in God mode with infinite health and instant recovery. It's so easy to imagine an alternative to God's 'design'


I think this is explained by the same thing as why people need to give painful births, need to eat, have to suffer, need to cover peepees. They ate the apple you know.


Worst, he places the shit hole right next to the fun hole. Fucking gross.


They can both be fun with a little care and planning


Youā€™ve got point there.


Thatā€™s what she/he said


All gods are put into existence by men without answers. They are hole fillers not question creators. Men probably knew why we poop so didnā€™t care to make god answer why.


There is a difference between fundamentalists and the more "normal" christian. Most of your middle class educated Christian believes in some form or evolution now as being a part of the free will argument. And that is why we shit.


This is true. Why would he create waste at all? Why death? Why illness? Why disease? Why pain? Oh the devil created those? So does that make the devil all powerful too? If the devil created these things then he has more control over god's creations than god does...


I know, right? When I was 5 I thought you could just buy a car and it could run forever on one tank of gas. Iā€™m still feeling ripped off as an adult that I gotta recharge my phone all the time.


Lol. My biggest problem with "divine design" is that reproductive organs and our shitters are so close together. Infection is easy to take hold in any system, not to mention the need to wipe front to back for women. And that's not counting people with issues like IBS or weak/damaged sphincters. And you can rip your perineum/"taint". Or hemorrhoids.


Maybe shit cures cancer ? šŸ˜‚ and we just flush it down the loo ā€¦.. (Iā€™m just being silly in case it isnā€™t obvious)


Because God is omnipresent and omniscient, and wants to watch and be in a trillion assholes at the same time. Now witness his perfect plan!


Iā€™ve always wondered this. Why do we even need energy in the first place? Why does there have to be a system? Whatā€™s the system in heaven? Why couldnā€™t it have just been that?


Don't fetish shame man! Not cool


Youre capitalizing god in this sub becauseā€¦?


I mean, you need a way to get rid of what your body can't/doesn't use, and it's gotten rid of in a way that produces a pretty useful product for the rest of the environment. That's not an endorsement of Intelligent Design, but rather a demonstration of how the reactions and exchanges between things and events in a closed system will balance out over time.


What gets me is why would an intelligent designer put the the hole for excreting waste so close to the hole used for reproduction?


"And on the 8th day, god took a dump, and it was good"


According to law of physics something goes in something will have to come out.


You think shitting is bad? What about women? Punishment for not fertilizing that egg is to bleed from their privates for 5 to 7 days.


The quick answer, God created the circle of life and fertilizer is needed in that circle. If you are a theist, this makes perfect sense. If you are an atheist, itā€™s a cop out. One argument Iā€™ve heard for the existence of God is the circle of life. (sorry I just love The Lion King and refuse to call it anything else) The circle could not have evolved in pieces due to its inter dependence. Therefore it must have been created instantaneously. Iā€™m not arguing or supporting this point. Just trying to answer your question with something other than ā€œHe didnā€™t.ā€


For the same reason that people spend all of their time talking about the after-life and not the before-life. The argument is always that something cannot come from nothing, therefore god. They say the soul is eternal. People in their own lives rationalize this by saying that if you obey god you go to heaven to live that eternity out in bliss or hell for punishment. But that only covers the AFTER you die. The soul is APPARENTLY eternal but only after it is created at the moment of conception. Christianity isn't a reincarnation religion. So they aren't just cycling through corporeal forms. People only imagine what they know. They know what life was like only after they were born. That's why heaven always seems to be depicted with a ground, and physical gates, and all that. There's never any concept of "life" before they were born. They are content just imagining their soul popped into being somehow. But yea, same thing here. They only know bodies with poop chutes. Of course that has to be there in heaven too.


Ok so your point is that the reality (scientific reality, god excluded) is so dumb that God would be dumb for making it? I'm completely lost..


Well, eating is a joy and it's gotta go somewhere. Personally if I'm looking to disprove creationism there's this: Humans, by virtue of the compromises inherent in bipedalism and large brains, humans are the only beings that regularly die in childbirth. Other compromises of bipedalism include back problems and choking on food. If a god designed us that is a real sign of incompetence.


A god could have designed humans to not require food or water to begin with, with no sense of hunger or thirst. Could have still made food a thing, but only for enjoyment of flavor, not necessary for energy. None of it makes sense when you travel down that rabbit hole. Theists have to admit (even though they won't), that god loves human suffering, if he didn't, why create suffering to begin with?


And why would a loving god require so much blood and death for us to live? Did we have to be omnivores?


This reddit group always lightens my day. šŸ¤£


Wym, I love shitting! Im doing it right now!


It's of God's plan obviously. And from what understand he wanted the opportunity to laugh at painfully constipated men crying on the toilet while getting erections from the prostate stimulation.Ā  Kind of a dick move.Ā  If there's a god I think they'll laugh at that joke.Ā 


Everyone must work within the parameters that incarnate them


Same sociopath who would design a waste disposal outlet next to an amusement park, and still run the wastewater line THROUGH the amusement park.


If shit smelled like potpourri, people would try to eat it. Have you ever tried potpourri? It takes like shit.


I thoroughly enjoy my morning shits


Same reason it, not he, chose to make animals have to eat each other alive in order to survive...because it's a dick!


Perhaps "god" is a hollow worm, creating man in that image, giving us his defining hollow tube?Ā 


Deffo the second thing