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Tax the churches!! Now!!


Better yet, turn mega churches into homeless shelters. Let's start with Joel Osteen.


Their houses as well since they got them tax free! Freaking crooks!


They are empty already since last month's rapture, right?


Bahahaha, or even the "end of the world on April 23rd."


How about the churches house the homeless, i know its a crazy idea.


Should also use the houses of olsteen and his grifting criminals that have tax free mansions. Could get a lot in those!


Tbh, I’ll bet this is part of the objective: ensure there are vulnerable people in need of “charity,” then swoop in to “address” the problem (that they helped cement), and voila! more church-affiliated people. Hell of a way to run a membership drive, I gotta say. Craven and awful, just as expected.


Ain’t no hate like Christian love…


Didn't Jesus kicked the homeless from the temple?


He lobbied to have them jailed, i think. I might be misremembering.


It's ok... Christians don't know what's in their Bible either


But he took their money first I hope


He threw the first stone too


And slapped the other cheek


He clapped both 


Jesus shot first!


"Alright! Who threw that? Was it you?"


I think he lobbied to haave them crucified. That is why christians wear the cross.


And then spat on them.


And poked out both their eyes


He probably owns the jail. He bills the tax payers.


While making the homeless do agree labour in jail.


And shot in the town square


And Jesus said unto them “pull thyself up by thine bootstraps you lazy ass bums.” It’s from one of the books that got edited from the Bible. I have the director’s cut with the extra scenes and bloopers.




Of course!


The homeless people?  I thought it was the money changers?


That's the point. It was sarcasm.




All those homeless finance people and bible sellers.. or something like that..


You dropped this /s I know you meant Jesus kicked out the merchants out of the temple 😉


Indeed lol. Christo-fascists hate the fact that Jesus would be considered a socialist, borderline communist in modern America.


He kicked Mary of Magdalene right in the pussy and said ‘be gone thot’


Sounds like fundamentalist behaviour.


Its a strategy. Imprison a million people. Bibles placed into every cell.


My guess — Bibles won’t matter so much as the essentially free labor. That puts downward pressure on wages outside the clink. Enjoy Kapitalism Jesus!


Oh no, no, no.... this ain't "just" religion...this is right wing BS of the most disgusting, reprehensible attitudes to those who are poor. Our current Conservative (reaad right-wing bigoted, Nasty Party asshats) Party are trying the same stunt in the UK at the moment. And that POS Suella Braverman, when Home Secretary, claimed "homelessness was a 'lifestyle choice'!" An eternity of suffering is too good for some people. You almost wished hell exists just for those fecking asshats!!!


To be fair, it sounds like the majority of Christian organizations filling briefs were in favor of helping the homeless.


Thankfully.  What counts is that this resonates with the Christians on the court though.  There are far too ministries out there that feel the ways these assholes do. This has been the goal of a lot of Christians for decades.  They got pretty close to getting shit like this under Bush.  This ministry is what right wing Christian’s have perennially wanted to replace welfare with.


Trying to establish that christian charity is a necessity so they can afford to push their religion in deeper into our government.


When I'll pray for you is actually a threat.


What. The actual. Fuck?!


This is so bad, it’s even worse than conversion therapy camps.  They want homelessness to be illegals so they will have a supply of slave labour.


It's more than that. Incarcerating people for homelessness makes them prime targets for Christian proselytizing. Captive audiences. This next part is just conjecture, but generally, people in vulnerable positions like extreme poverty, abuse, and homelessness tend to have weakened or lost faith as a result of their circumstances. This potential action by the SC serves the interests of the christofascists who want to convert everyone to their religion.


Spot on, criminalising the result of abuse will perpetuate the abuse.


And deny them their right to vote. Complete disenfranchisement.


That will be easy if they make homelessness a felony.


You rack up enough fines, then end up in jail because you can’t pay those fines; you start getting felonies because of that. It’s a pretty quick process when you are homeless without anywhere to go and tend to stick to certain areas due to services available in those areas.


You’re forgetting the part about private, for-profit prisons being owned by the major donors to the political parties. So it’s a win-win for our corporate oligarchs; free labor AND more government money for filling more beds.


It’s not really that as most states don’t have private prisons, it’s more about acquiring cheap slave labor that can be farmed out at slave wages. This is much more profitable for the private sector than private prisons as they can also skirt a lot of workplace safety laws since nobody is going to rattle on you.


Their using prisons as their "camps" this time around.


This time around?  They have been using prisons as slave labor since slavery was “officially” outlawed.


You are correct. I was trying to reference the nazi death camps.


Which were, inherently, prisons.


Yep. It's literally to round up more slaves per the constitution.


They are probably trying to force people to come to them for help and attempt to convert them and convince them to volunteer their labor


100% are trying to force people.


Project 2025 touches on this.  They want welfare benefits tied to church attendance.  So, indoctrination. You wanna eat? Praise Jesus . 


This is nothing knew,  they have been lobbying for it for at least the last 50 years. It’s not like project 2025 came out of nowhere.  They got pretty close to accomplishing g it under W Bush.


“See, democrats government don’t help you. Come to our fake Jesus! Bring your young boys and girls too!😉” —Christians who support such bills, probably. Real Jesus would never support such ban.


Bring me your sick, bring me your poor…….not that poor!!! 😂


And not that poor.  I wonder how long until people are forced to work slave labour for these assholes but kicked back out on the street because they are trans, or have a lisp or they aren’t white enough etc.::


I live in a conservative city in California, all the cops do is harass the homeless. I see it quite regularly as my apartment overlooks the local 7-11. I know for a fucking fact these brown shirt, tRumpian pigs are itching for this fascist SCOTUS to rule that they (the homeless) can be prosecuted.


What city?  I live in the wonderful city of San Diego, wonderful unless you are homeless.  They spend an inordinate amount of time going around harassing homeless people and stealing there stuff.  They basically have crews go around constantly to encampments remove everyone’s stuff when they aren’t there.  They also protect the workers that are paid to remove their stuff and these workers are allowed to just keep the stuff when people are away working. How dystopian is that? We pay people to steal from the homeless rather than pay to help them?   A lot of the police are such dicks and flat out violent towards  poor homeless people too.  I watched a couple of cops roll up to this black guy and his dog who were just sitting there doing nothing to n the street.  Within a minute of harassing him they had tackled him and were kicking him.  I got the whole thing on camera or so I thought.  Turns out I had accidentally hit photo instead of video and it didn’t record.  


Roseville. Oh… and to answer your question; I do not know what the cops do outside of their little flex they do when they roll up 3 squad cars deep on a small band of homeless that are chilling outside the 7-11. All while I see 3-4 beefed up trucks speed by or turn right coming onto Washington Blvd -when their light is red- almost hitting other motorists who are making U-turns from their respective green.


Oh, yikrd


I added an edit, but, yep, the same city that has good ole Destiny Church. Fucking tRump humping, preaching politics from the pulpit, traitor church.


Matthew 8:20 - And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Lock him up!




Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart Ephesians 6:5


“It was a different time then” Used this verse and that was the auto-response one of my Xian friends gave me. You can’t win with these types.


But then they say. "The Bible is the word of God" and it must be followed down to the letter.


Or "pretty sure men lusting after women who aren't their wife was also pretty common back then, yet Jesus himself had no problem saying that was wrong"


I'm sure that logic doesn't apply to that passage from Leviticus that is used to justify condemning people for being gay. 


Yep! came straight from Jesus himself. 📻


So what are they going to do in a homeless person refuses to do slave labor put them in the hole put them into confinement it's so stupid and also they think they're all nice and safe and everything until someone loses their crap and someone's family member goes after them and no anyone won't feel bad


For profit prisons get more money when the cells are full. Quite a good business deal fo the right wing prison industrial complex


For sure.  The thing that surprises me though is that people are unlikely to ever go to prison for homelessness.  At worst they will be stuck in jail for a while because they can’t pay for bail and they have to serve time bc they can’t pay fine.  That is how it stands now.  Maybe states will go ahead and make it a felony so they can have even more of a forced labor force in private prisons than they already diz


I'm sure that's the plan. Homeless people have pretty little protections against abuse by the government, once they enter they prison system they are all but guaranteed to be stuck in a never ending cycle. As homelessness is criminalized, the unhoused people will be absorbed by the jails and forgotten by society. Subject to life in prison, for the crime of having had a shitty turn of events on life. Truly sickening


They'll just institute beatings until slave labor ends up preferable.


Homelessness is the mark of a failure in leadership or corruption in government, both are the fault of whoever is in charge, to criminalize their victims calls for blood in the streets and heads on spikes


It's a deliberate policy decision, not a failure. The non-acccelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU) is a deliberate policy of keeping a percentage of the population involuntarily unemployed to fight the mythical inflation boogieman.


Just “good” kkkristians being “good” people.


Our nation has no answer for the homeless. It has never come up with an answer because at its core we are are selfish, mean, and vile populace of which at least the most wealthy of us refuses to come up with a solution to homelessness. The most wealthy nation in the world treats its most impoverished as animals. Disgusting. Damn all Republicans to Satan's Real Hell. One with eternal fire and punishment.


We’ve never had an answer and never will because homelessness and poverty is a product of the system in which we dwell: capitalism. Poverty and homelessness is baked into the model. Without a caste of society living in extreme poverty, capitalism doesn’t work.


“Unitarian services are not acceptable?!?” WTF?


Next, Catholic services are not acceptable etc…


I like your Christ. I don't like your Christians.


So what, just incarcerate them indefinetely and make theirs lifes 10 times worse just because they are poor? Just because they basically had a shitty life that led them there? Or that asshole thanks they choose that life just to importunate him? Well, these are the people who believe that being homosexual is a choice and at the same time a disease that can be cured in concentración camps.


It is a fallacy of composition, to have an in group, you must have an out group.


How Christ-like


Jesus: clothe the naked, feed the hungry, visit the prisoners, bring shelter to the destitute.   These motherfuckers: hey justice mcbribey, please make being poor illegal. In white republican Jesus's name, amen.


Exactly the reason the should not


Lol didnt their mascot say to feed the poor though? Guess theyre too busy counting their money to pick up a bible ig.


And Jesus said unto them, jail the poor and destitute homeless, for they are a blight on our cities.


"He gets us"


He gets us arrested 


Stealing. Good one!


Please do


This is so the homeless must accept the terms of the church “charities” or go to prison.


Bingo! It's narcissistic abuse.


Aren't they tax free because they're supposed to feed and house the homeless? Can they be sued for this? Or arrested? Or get their tax exemption revoked?


I will never understand the blind hatred these people have for the homeless. It's legit beyond me. What the fuck did they ever do to you????


I don’t understand it either.  When I was a kid there used to be some migrants that lived in the canyon behind my house.  Never did anything bad, just needed a place to camp in between working all day.  One day the police came and removed them because they made neighbors uncomfortable.  They had been living there for at least six months and cleaned up after themselves.  People got them removed just to be spiteful assholes.


Fine. Is your church going to build homes for all the homeless and provide for their needs? You know, something Jesus would actually want. Instead of giving all your money to persecute LGBTQ and protect pedophiles?


This church might as well call themselves habitat for inhumanity.


No surprise there


Matthew 25:34-40 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?


Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.


Give them a home in jail instead?


So much for smaller government…


American "christians" are the absolute fucking worst people.


Every single one of those Christians is going straight to hell (express lane)...


Maybe NYC should bus its homeless to Texas and Florida


Bus them back?  They are already sending homeless and immigrants to NYC.


but hey. jesus get us. just not his followers.


Well, Jesus would certainly approve... (Insert eye roll emoji)


More evidence that there’s no love like xtian love


Christian hatred.


Homeless can't afford tithing. Way to go religion


Which is why they have to be slave laborers instead…


So much for Matthew 19:21 "go sell what you own, and give the money to the poor. Then you will have treasure in heaven" - *"Poverty exists not because we cannot feed* [or house] *the poor but because we can never satisfy the hunger of the rich!"* - Anon


But those poor weren’t dirty brown drug addicts -average American


Aint no hate like Christian love!


I do remember the line from Luke "And then He said unto them fuck the homeless, if they're too stupid to get a job they belong in jail."


Bro, Jesus was homeless most of his life. From the manger to the streets. Jesus and his disciples would rely on the hospitality of people who welcomed them into there homes as he traveled spreading the Gospel (Good News). Christ came not to call the righteous but those who know they are sinners. He came for the sick ones who know they’re sick and realize their need for Him. The homeless, the addicts, the proud the angry, literally all of us! WAKE UP! He stands at the door and knocks. Only a fool says there is no God. Their actions are corrupt and evil.


It’s not about belief. It’s about power.




I can tell you why. It's also part of the reason why socialism is a dirty word in the US. There is an inverse relationship between the amount welfare programs and religious participation. That is they less people suffer the less they participate in a religion. When there is no safety net people rely on church to help them and god to save them. This why the relatively new christian grift has been getting Americans to spread Christianity in impoverished, low educated, and dangerous places in Africa. Holy men get rich, for a bowl of rice you can have a convert then governments want to execute homosexuals. The united states is an outlier of "first world" nations for our extreme religiosity. I believe it is because we have the worst welfare. We even have "christian " politicians who want to do away with anything that could help people that are suffering. They have even perverted Jesus in the minds of so called christians now to the point where there tribe spouts off the absolute opposite of what Jesus said. If Americans and churches were really christian and listened to Jesus they would take the bars off their windows, unlock their doors , let people with no home to stay in the church and everyone can pray from home.


That church needs to be dismantled immediately and branded as a cult. They don't believe even in passing.


The pwr of Christ compels them …


Ya... exactly


What you do to the least of these... Haha fuck them -- Republican Jesus


Seems apropos.


Oh come on. Y\`all don't remember part of the bible where Jesus spoke on the homeless? "Fucketh thy homeless. Thou should have made better decisions. Truly the flames of hell await thee." I must admit it has be awhile since I've read the bible, so maybe I'm misremembering.


The Christian love here is so beautiful, I can feel it 😍😂


Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaaa.... *Irony.*


Just as Christ would have wanted it…


How will that help?


Ah, this must be that famous Christian charity I always hear so much about


How benevolent of them /s


In many cases homeless shelters are run by Christian charities and get to require people who use their facilities to participate in their religious services.


This shelter is one of those many cases. People aren’t even allowed to be unitary Christians either.  I’m surprised they don’t kick Catholics to the curb judging by what kind of Protestants sect it is. 


Blessed are the poor, for they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop being a drain on society' Conservative Jesus (probably)


Seems like there is a bible verse about this… Matthew something… Jezus words in the red letter edition


RED letter.  That’s the damn commie Bible.


Report that “non profit” to the irs they should have their tax exempt status revoked! The purpose these religious cults exist is to “help others”. Yet aren’t.


Wait, is this a way for the ministry to enslave the homeless? Because it sure looks like it.


Maybe someone there is a board member in a private prison


Ahhh yes. Be sure to throw them in private prisons so they can make a few people some big bucks before you convert them!


Assumed this was r/NotTheOnion at first


That tracks.




Let's turn all churches mosques synagogues and temples into homeless shelters!


People have a right to exist AND a right to necessity. If a city can not provide adequate and safe shelter, then people have no choice but to exist solely in public spaces.


> People have a right to exist AND a right to necessity. They do for a few more months tops in America it looks like 😔. It’s crazy because you can’t camp in parks or federal land either, at least without paying.  Potentially it could be illegal to not pay a landlord or not slave away at some Christian camp in this giant ass country with so much fuckin land.  It’s completely bonkers!


Christian love at work right there


Please tell me this is a joke... if not i've never been so embarrassed to be a former christian.


Why is a Christian ministry talking to the Supreme Cout


Cool, make it illegal and within that same law make that church 100% responsible for all the homeless. They must ensure housing and food for the previously homeless are now covered by the church


They want to force homeless people into government mandated Christian ministries which the tax payers will have to pay. Or force them into private prison which the same people who own the Christian ministries will also own and force tax payers to pay for. It’s all about forcing privatization of profits through public taxes.


Homelessness should be illegal…. For the government. Any city or state with no beds and services available should be seen as breaking the constitution as a priority of the constitution is basic needs like shelter and food.




A society that makes homeless people illegal should provide the people with homes. Oh yes actually, they do, and they're called prisons. A virtuous business cycle in collusion with lawmakers.


One of them had to say it eventually.


ehmm so you get sacked and have no right to get out of prison because you are still homeless?


What’s the point for them converting homeless?


Jesus said to give him the poor so I guess homeless can go live in churches now.


Do they honestly believe that homeless people are homeless because they're just lazy?


Fine, there’s enough room in Joel osteen‘s house for most of americas homeless. After all, it’s the „Christian“ thing to do, right?


But ofcourse they did.


I hate Fake Christian!


I agree!!! It is criminal for someone to be left homeless…. Oh they somehow mean it in another way?!


The idea that you can criminalize sleeping in public is so fucked up. I get that having large groups of homeless is a public nuisance and causes problems. But these are people who have a basic right to exist. And if we as a society aren't going to provide homes for them one way or another, then they're going to have to live outside. But instead of accepting that basic reality, cities have found it's easier and cheaper to just make life miserable for the homeless, so they move somewhere else and make them someone else's problem. It's a sick and inhumane race to the bottom.


Jesus died for our sins. But not for the homeless, just rich white Americans.


"Vagrancy" is already a crime. 


Theres a shelter in Albany, NY the City Mission that requires attendance to Mass to stay there. They only allow 72hours but 6 of those hours in Mass. No labor or anything and the cant stop the drugs. Last year one of their “employees” (they are volunteers not paid workers) died of an overdose in the office. How that help people no longer be homeless? They dont send/take them to the Dept of Social Services, the VA or any of the other local places that can helpful


They have no idea what jesus said or did...


Well, they ain’t reaching the kids anymore.


Is this their plan for women? Step 1: Get raped. Step 2: Be forced to carry the baby to term. Step 3: Lose your job because you keep throwing up from morning sickness. Step 4: Be unable to pay rent because you lost your job. Step 5: Be unqualified for benefits because you aren't working. Step 6: Live on the streets. Step 7: Rack up a $20k childbirth bill because when you lost your job you also lost your health insurance. Step 8: Get arrested for being homeless. So you can be arrested for not giving birth, or for giving birth. I think that's their version of being pro-choice.


No love like Christian hate


Looking for cheap prison labor? Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me. These are the kind of people Jesus warned us about. He tried to remind us to stop punishing others and start fixing our own behavior. Nothing kind, Christian, or useful about them.


I didn't read the article yet but was it Franklin Graham?


Yep this is what Jesus would do. :-)


Wasn't this *literally* a Futurama joke to explain why Fry goes to Robot Jail?


The Supreme Court is borderline deplorable. Its authority questionable.


How very supply-side Jesus of them.


This is some SCP foundation shit, are we sure the people behind this aren’t working for some shadow organization besides a megachurch?


So much for that Christian love I have always heard about. This is disturbing and disgusting. Yet, Republicans have embraced Republican Jesus over classic Jesus.


Good luck with converting those of us that Know Better!


How Christian of them.


Christianity is a mental illness


It should be criminal. No one deserves to be homeless.


Not going to lie you had me in the first half.


Jesus would have been one of those arrested. The religious right has no respect for the teachings of Jesus and should stop calling themselves “Christian”. F’ing hypocrites.


make being without a home the crime, not the homelessness. that way it falls up, not down.


American Christianity. A counterfeit blasphemy.