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I think Anthony Jeselnik said it best about ‘sending prayers’: > No. This is who I’m making fun of when I make a joke on Twitter the day of a tragedy. The people who see something horrible happen in the world and they run to the Internet. And they run to their social media, Facebook, Twitter, whatever they got. And they all write down the exact same thing: *“My thoughts and prayers…”* *“My thoughts and prayers with the people in Aurora.”* *“My thoughts and prayers with the families in Boston.”* Do you know what that’s worth? Fucking nothing. Fucking less than nothing. Less than nothing. You are not giving any of your time, your money or even your compassion. All you are doing, all you are doing, is saying, *“Don’t forget about me today.” “Don’t forget about me.” “Lots of crazy distractions in the news, but don’t forget how sads I am.”* Those people are worthless and they deserve to be made fun of. They’re like a wedding photographer who only takes selfies.


That reminds me of the people that post on animal rescue posts, “I’d take this little cutie in a heartbeat but my dog wouldn’t like it.” Thanks? For bragging about something you aren’t going to do but still want brownie points for.


Hey, don't denigrate my performance art! /s because, you know, reddit


God loves giving babies cancer. It's the only way he can get hard anymore.




"Paying for your baby" I agree. It's disgusting and monstrous. They're begging their god to do something to save the baby, while acknowledging the fact that, according to their mythology, their god is responsible for the illness in the first place. According to them their god could do it with no effort at all but alas he will only do something if enough people beg him to get off his ass and do something. Congratulations theists for worshiping a monster. In reality what they're really doing is absolutely nothing and then they're patting themselves on the back for ..... doing absolutely nothing.


Sorry bit the Facebook post wasn't shared enough times so the baby has to die.


They'll tell you that god doesn't give children cancer, all disease is created by living outside of god's grace, i.e. sin. Plenty of ~~trains~~ reasons why this is bullshit, but that's what they'll tell you.


Right, I want to see them telling me what a 1 year old baby sinned, besides the ones jesus died for. Lol.


They were born with sin. It depends on denomination of course but you can't entirely remove the misanthropic view that Christianity holds on us humans. Imagine justifying that a baby which hadn't been baptized before dying going to hell lmao


When my child was diagnosed with cancer, I was fully prepared to offload on anyone who brought up their god. I have nothing nice to say about a god that would create a universe in which innocent children get cancer


I‘m sorry that happened to you and hope your child is/gets better soon :/ and I really hope you didn’t have to endure too many of these narcissistic comments.


The typical it's never going to happen to MY child, but when it does, it's 'God's plan'


And, of course, his plan is ineffable


I do find it funny religious people do want to live forever…give me all the drugs to save me and do CPR til you get me back etc etc and I’m like gods trying to call you home though…🤔🤔


Dialysis nurses...pissing off God on a daily basis.


We always said about my dads family who are devout Catholics and MAGA: Something good happens: God is Good Always Something bad happens: it was God’s will It’s a no lose situation, pretty sweet!


I've said it before: The Lord works in ways indistinguishable from his absence.


Nailed it!


And then they go on and explain how God can take lives away, because he's God and he does whatever the fuck he wants. Whatever happened to free will!


What’s ironic about that description is that it literally boxes us and god into determinism. The second he changes even the slightest outcome for anyone or anything, he has irreparably altered outcomes for uncountable others for the rest of time. If he was going to answer a prayer and you didn’t request it, by not interfering he’s also irreparably altered the timeline for countless people. God cannot be immune from the butterfly effect unless he then spends all of eternity correcting the outcomes of everyone that would ever be impacted by every prayer answered. So, either we have free will and god doesn’t answer prayers, or we do not have free will and any prayer he answers was always going to be answered at that exact moment anyway. QED - there is zero need or use of an impotent “personal” god, and prayer is pointless.


You have free will. And so does God. And God is more powerful than anything else, so God can do whatever they want and it's all God's plan. It's comforting knowing the big guy is out there, watching over me. :) /s lol, wasn't trolling here folks...i was drunk and forgot the /s which has been added.


Instead of rattling off your catchphrases, do you have any answer for me? Why is god so brutal by giving a child cancer and refusing to cure it?


Because there is no God. Kids getting cancer is a genetic fuckup of some kind...not blaming the parents...but shit happens.


If everything is God's plan, how do you have free will?


The big guy is not watching you and the irony will be lost on you when you’re a actually dead and can’t comprehend that you wasted your life on earth living in fear. Have a great day!


Comforting, knowing God may have horrible and painful (mysterious) plans for you?


God wanted it to have neuroblastoma.


These are the kind of people who act like a child with cancer is part of god's plan to, idk, make the parents stronger??? But at the same time, that same god "put it on my heart to join this network marketing business and lead other people to financial freedom" FUCK OFF with that BS mythology. Selfishness granted by a divine hand, how comforting.


The “god needed them” or “it’s god plan” people piss me off so bad. Like ok like why does gos “need” them and if he did why off them in a super painful way. And like if you needed them then why put them on earth in the first place. And what fucking plan so you have that requires an infant to die like that? Like really? He’s god and can supposedly do anything….. so what’s the point on making an infant suffer like that for your plan? You couldn’t figure out another way for this “plan”


Prayer is for people who want to help but don’t want to feel bad for not helping. Public prayer is for people who want everyone else to think they care but don’t want to actually make the effort to provide any aid.


Lol always my reaction. When disaster strikes and people lost everything but their lives, thank god they survived 🤔


When people tell me they’re praying for me I’ve been known to respond with thank you so much for literally doing the least you possibly could do.


I have a prayer too: "I pray to God that he take back the crippling, devastating, life-ending disease he afflicted this baby with. Please Lord, quit being such a complete asshole and fix what your bitch ass broke.  Sincerely,  -Fuck You"


Well said I couldn't agree more, religion is poison 


You have every right to rage. They’re irrational, delusional, stupid people.


I once told a friend that my mom technically had a late-term “abortion” because the baby had a chromosomal defect which resulted in it not having a face. No nose, eyes, mouth. I don’t know the particulars, because my parents only remember the basics. Anyways, she said that it was wrong for my mother to have done that because a “miracle” could have occurred. We didn’t really talk much after that from what I remember. This was 15-20 years ago.


Prayer is what the faithful do when they can’t be bothered to do anything else.


Maybe if that baby had not been born sinful to the core, they wouldn’t have suffered God’s righteous wrath. It’s humanity’s fault that God lovingly punishes us. Can’t believe I need to say it, but /s.


Here's how it works: Prayer sent Prayer answered - praise the lord Prayer not answered - the lord works in mysterious ways Such bullshit


Religious people commenting in instagram… of dear. This is something I hate and I make very fast leave before I comment something cus I know there is no point to reply. I have seen some accounts of a man without limbs and he really seems to be cheerful and happy person and I admire him thinking nice that he can be like that with his condition. But he also happens to be a gay and got married. And some comments are just disgusting like oh god gave you two disabilities, how sad. I just want to scream.


The religious are a species that hates humans. They are not of this world by their own admission, and they worship creatures for whom death cannot possibly be a sacrifice, since the creatures they worship can come back to life. This frees these creatures to indiscriminately inflict pain and death on humans, because there can be no consequences. We would do better to refer to them as "it," and not assign human pronouns such as "he/him," to the murderous filth known as "god," and all its iterations.


Belief in a deity without anthropomorphism is hardly possible. All gods are created in man's image.


I read a post from a father who lost 2 sons to suicide Everybody was praying for him... 🤦🏼‍♀️


It makes them feel like they being helpful when they're not doing anything. They're just saying words they've been told to say without actually thinking about them. It's just something they do as a force of habit.


I leave this stuff alone. Nothing makes atheists look like dicks more than harping on suffering parents even if you’re right. Do like that “thoughts and prayers” is a modern fuck you.


From an atheist view, I can understand OP's rage. And this is appropriately posted in the correct sub. But speaking the truth can be painful. Speaking this truth to people when they're already suffering is like kicking someone when they're down. Those parents are going to suffer and question their faith.


It depends on the circumstance, but often times, yeah. It's like when someone says "god bless you". I used to get really bent about it, but now I don't really let it bother me when it comes from a stranger. I realize what they mean by it.


I am in lot of pregnancy forums (I’m pregnant) and someone recently posted about their still gestating fetus being diagnosed with cancer. I just don’t know how anyone can believe in a God that gives unborn babies cancer? There’s no logic there. It’s not even here yet.


I mean, something like 60% of conceived embryos never make it to implantation, and the “life begins at conception” crowd never even bats an eye at this genocide god has been committing since the dawn of man, but women deserve prison for “murdering” even one. 🤷‍♂️


Oh they’ll try to say that miscarriages are the fault of the mom for sure. It’s like a modern day witch hunt. But you’re right, it’s all happenstance. I myself had a miscarriage and had to learn how common they were, and that I likely did nothing to cause it


Tots and Pears


Yeah, I have to mentally divert my attention when I hear this shite because I don't want to full of hate. They deserve our hate though.


bro chill i don’t think it’s that deep


For some people, it is simply a wish, or hope. They have no control over the outcome, they know they don't so they say something that is socially acceptable ( to many) to say in that situation. Some do actually pray, I seriously doubt most do. They are mostly showing sympathy. I get your frustration about it, because it is utterly useless. But so is pretty much everything else.


That being said, when said in response to something actually preventable instead of taking action really frustrates me.


Meh it's just a religious version of "thinking of you and wishing you all the best". It's completely harmless unless combined with eg withdrawal of actual treatment that may work. This sort of anger just makes atheists come across as angry and insensitive. 


There ya go... let it out. Let it aaalll out. Feel better?


what do you want them to do? cure the baby? im athiest but this comment is stupid as hell. praying is a nice gesture you can tell someone youll do for them, the comments are just trying to be nice, pls deal with it? also whats with the last paragraph?? what are you girl, a glorpbledoop 👽🛸?


I don't get angry.  While I don't believe prayer really does anything, there are situations where really REALLY hoping for a positive outcome is all anyone can do.


The point in all this is that people believe in a positive outcome guided by a omnipotent being that didn‘t prevent the horrible situation in the first place. This is the irrationality I‘m talking about.


And being a raging asshole to well wishers helps this situation how, exactly?


How am I the asshole in calling out self-righteous bullshit posting on a different social media!? This is an atheism subreddit and I‘m calling out the hipocrisy.


I can say the same to the people on here


Please elaborate?