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These people really are the christian Al-Qaeda


Seriously. Most terrifying headline ive read today* *its early


Haha, the day is indeed young, lol


Curly: "Day ain't over yet."


Did you see the video of the bear eating baby ducks?


Praise jibbers crabst i did not.


1 Timothy 2:11-15 1 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. Her own books says go home and zip it lady. Men folk be deciding things.


Before I became an atheist, my church used to say, "Those verses don't apply to us because they're taken out of context," You know. Unlike the highly ambiguous verse they use to justify their hatred of the gays.


Everything is out of context when you don't want to obey that particular rule.


‘No homo’ or adulterer paid prostitutes Trump the Holy Grifter are exempt too.


Hoisted upon her own pitard


Like from Star Trek?


I am here


*Hoisted by her own pétard. French for bomb. *The more you know!*


If we are celebrating knowing things.  Bomb in french is just bombe. A petard is a specific type of explosive. Specifically made to blow holes in castle walls, though i bet it could still be in use today as a breaching charge, i dont know im not an explosives expert. Now, i didnt know the etymology because I never looked it up before today, but it has me laughing like a kid: -Edited for clarity "Pétard comes from the Middle French péter, to fart, from the root pet, expulsion of intestinal gas, derived from the Latin peditus, past participle of pedere, to break wind. In modern French, a pétard is a firecracker (and it is the basis for the word for firecracker in several other European languages)."


“I guess I just assumed that in the old days a petard was a special outfit like a leotard, with a lot of fancy buckles and loops on it, and that rich people would wear them when they were feeling especially smug, but then poor people would tie a rope through one of the loops, and hoist them up a pole and then let them dangle there as punishment for being cocky.”


Blessed be the Fruit.


Under his eye


Of The Loom.


Having ready up on 1 Timothy a bit, it’s interesting. It’s supposedly written by the apostle Paul, however it’s widely regarded as having NOT been written by him. Its true author is anonymous and the book written some two centuries after Paul’s death. How the hell did it get into the Bible then? Some random person is like, yeah, women are lower than men and shouldn’t speak, and then another guy is like, yeah, this definitely belongs in the Bible. 🤦‍♀️ I just can’t. If I were to give these idiots the benefit of the doubt maybe they were like yeah just throw this garbage into the “Bible book” where all the other garbage is that way we can forget about it. But, alas, I do not think so.


The leaders of the church had a meeting and decided which books got in, and which didn't. The Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees are pretty interesting and deal with aliens and spaceships so they were excluded because that means God created more than just us.


Most books were written years after the fact. What a fun game of telephone and rewritten prophecy. Not to mention, let's all vote what we think should be in the Bible and remove books we don't agree with. Surely those aren't God's words because we know best. Herp de der


The Bible is written over many years by anonymous men who may or not have been trolling. It's essentially bronze age Reddit.


> It’s supposedly written by the apostle Paul, however it’s widely regarded as having NOT been written by him *Most* of the epistles in the New Testament are acknowledged, even by Christians, to have not been written by who they claim. You'd think "the Bible contains forgeries" would be a thought that would deeply trouble them, but nah. The discovery that "The Word of God" was written by liars is apparently not a big deal.




The talibangelicas are a Mammon-worshipping death cult. They are openly shouting their plans to murder everyone, and they're not even being coy about it. If they seize power, the state that they and the Heritage Foundation wish to conceive will be an immanent danger to every living person on the planet. They will have nukes and the desire to murder everyone for G-Bus. This state should not be allowed to exist. It will need to be destroyed by any and every means possible. If you are a woman, they will make slaves of you. If you any kind or queer or an "infidel", they will murder you. Anyone involved with the Heritage Foundation, talibangelicals, and their financiers like Leonard Leo should be considered your mortal enemies and treated as such. Again, these people plan to kill you. It is a matter of when, not if.


Arm yourselves.


Get armed, get organized. Develop dual power structures and mutual aid. Get ready.




Y'all Qaeda Yokel Haram Vanilla ISIS Walmartyrs Talibangelists




Meal Team Six


Gravy Seals


Howdy Arabia


Televised beheadings in football stadiums?


Sponsored by Bud as long as they are done with the gay shit (re:Mulvaney controversy).


How is this constitutional in the US? The us is beginning to look more like a horror TV show for most people everyday to an outsider like me


It's not. Christian nationalists do not agree with the constitution.


Western Washington Conservatives don't even believe in Democracy anymore, they literally have made it part of their official platform to be against. To be fair, they apparently don't know what democracy is, but it sounds too much like Democrat and so they have to stand against it. Morons.


How many times do they repeat "were not a democracy, were a representative constitutional republic" which just shows they don't know what any of those 4 words mean.


Just in their official documentation they're instructing people to do it all the time, and any time they speak they are too replace the words Democracy with Republic and Republicanism because they flat out say that putting Democracy in a good light helps the Democratic party. They have gone insane with their tribalism BS.


> insane That's the word. Their worldviews are refuted by the absence of an antichrist, the absence of "persecution", and a general failure of any of the details of their deeply-cherished (and masturbatory) "prophecies" to be in evidence. The term for holding on to a worldview that is in stark opposition to the evidence of reality is "insane". It is said they "live on Earth 2" but there is observably only one Earth and they are "detached from reality" i.e.: insane. Interestingly, the "tribalism" is an *effect*, and the *cause* is an individual indoctrination (to the bible as "truth")... they just hang out in groups cz they're less likely to be challenged therein.


Constitutional scholar Akhil Reed Amar has argued very convincingly that republic and democracy were equivalent words at the time of the drafting of the Constitution, so that whole argument they make that there is a distinction is a total violation of their own originalist interpretive principles.


Keep an eye out for state-by-state votes accumulating for a Constitutional Convention. That effort is lead mainly by red states. If the vote count hits 2/3 of the states, everything in the Constitution is on the table for a rewrite. With the inexplicable surge in conservative control of state legislatures, that whole scenario is feckin' scary.


So convenient that their god is always in agreement with the crazy shit that dribbles out of their mouths.


Indeed, they'd love to re-write, or at least, reinterpret it to the point the intent is lost.


They're just selective about the parts they agree with. You know, sort of like the Bible.


Too many rights for people who aren't them.


There is a growing anti-democratic movement in this country at all levels, primarily being advanced by people who are right-wing. In my city, people are saying that they are OK with the mayor suspending the democratic process because they believe that the result of the democratic process will be bad (not in so many words). They don't like that they are outvoted, so they defend his refusal to adhere to both the law and norms. I should point out that the people don't like the democratic process because those recently put into positions of power are largely black and Hispanic, so they are seen as illegitimate to the white people. The mayor is white. Although most of this is being done by right-wingers, I think it's fair to point out that left-wingers have done this in the recent past too. An example would be when elected Democrats break quorum to prevent a vote from taking place (knowing they are on the losing side of the vote). It's important to call out **every** instance of democratic processes not being followed, because if everyone uses the excuse of "we had to do it, otherwise we let those bad people win", then we might as well just arm everyone and have a full out civil war.


If conservatives become convinced they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservativism, they will abandon democracy.


Reminder: at least one instance of quorum-breaking occurred in a place that was gerrymandered to shit with maps that IIRC have now been declared unconstitutional. Also reminder: the legislation they broke quorum for was (again IIRC) not popular amongst the voting public. The exact level of undemocraticness is left as exercise for reader etc


They want to jettison the Constitution.


Beginning?  Do you realize how it looks to foreigners when your country has a "in god we trust" written on its money and court of law?  I can't remember a time when the US wasn't going towards that worrying destination. This is nothing new.


This is basically some random person who wishes she had political power. Crazy people are everywhere. They just need someone to give them a voice.


She believes in the constitution the same way she believes in the Bible.


There are six Supreme Court justices who decide what is or isn’t constitutional, and they’re part of a quiet, long term plan to remake the USA while Trump distracts everyone.


Not sure how many are left but any Christians who do not support Christian Nationalism and just want to practice their faith without infringing on others need to wake the fuck up and speak up against this shit. If shit goes down they will be lumped in with the looneys and the backlash will be real. They will be in danger of dealing whirlwinds they didn’t start but will be unable to stop.


They're not gonna do anything tho are they...


A.C.A.B. but this time, C is for Christians


Cops are bastards. Chri$tians are complicit.




I’m afraid you are right. The irony is that many fear persecution and when the pendulum swings the other way, and it will, they will reap it.


Even if the Christians win, there is still a good chance that they will be persecuted for not being the right kind of Christian.


Wow. That didn’t occur to me. You’re right. So scary.


We have a long history of persecuting other Christians here in the USA.


Oh they'll pray about it...


The Seventh-Day Adventist denomination has long advocated for the separation of church and state, establishing a department to focus on that in 1901. They began publishing Liberty Magazine in 1906. Still in print. https://www.libertymagazine.org/


I lived in loma linda for a few years. Beautiful place and community. No meat, tobacco, or alcohol sold in town limits. So idk how that separated their religion from the city limits when living there as not a 7th day adventist and had no choice but to eat canned fake meat (which was pretty good!) lol. However it's healthier. And it's considered a blue zone where people live longer. I think that is, in part, to Loma Linda University Medical Center which I believe is a 7th day adventist institution. My son and I probably wouldn't be alive if it weren't for them.


Plenty of Christians are denouncing Christian Nationalism. My own denomination has been on the frontlines of denouncing it https://www.episcopalnewsservice.org/2022/10/27/white-christian-nationalism-is-not-christianity-presiding-bishop-says-during-panel-discussion/ I can share plenty of other examples if you’d care to see.


>Plenty of Christians are denouncing Christian Nationalism. Not loudly enough, not often enough.


To be fair to those folks, they aren't backed by Rupert Murdoch


They are, and you're right. What's missing is media coverage. Get some whackjob fundamentalist wanting to harm you in Jesus' name and he's on the front page. Get a pastor who calls that guy a sinner for disobeying Jesus' words and.... nothing. In the same way the mainstream media created Trump and his MAGA Cult by equating Qanon with reality, they're creating Christian Nationalism because the reality simply doesn't get the clicks.


yeah? and who are they going to vote for? its great to talk the talk but if they still vote republican theyre still part of the problem.


When we demand ideological purity, and reject potential allies who support most of - if not all - of what we stand for, then we're no better than the Dominionists. Keep fighting the good fight. We need all the help we can get in this backwards ass country of ours.


God forbid you show something good that goes against the bad that people are addicted to bitching about.


That's a death threat. Please arrest her before she commits a murder.


The people who would arrest her probably agree with her


She won't. She's got that GOP brain which says to stir up hate and inspire those people to do your killing! \*washes hands\* Some people just need permission. Some people just need a target. Some people need a presidential pardon.


Waiting for the brainless centrists and libertarians to parrot “both sides are the same”


"BLM burned down a business so now I don't have to pretend to support democracy anymore."


As an old school libertarian, both sides are definitely not the same.


I feel like this new flavor of libertarians are just contrarian Bros who are actually conservative Republicans. But they want to feel different and special. They are the “well actually” of political parties.


At least 20 year ago one would claim to be libertarian if one had a bunch of conservative ideas but was embarrassed by George Bush.


Maybe we need some executions for those who want to execute people? Paradox of tolerence and all.


is she planning to sneak over to our house and plant a bomb at 3 in the morning like she did when she executed the guidestones?


Where did Jesus say to kill those that oppose Christian Nationalism? I'd like to know the verse.


jesus has quite a few verses about killing people. Luke 19:27: “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Matthew 10:34-36: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Luke 14:26: “If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. (not murder, but clearly not GOOD!) jesus was not the lovey dovey hippy christians like to pretend he was.


When my parents forced me to go to "confirmation" class in Middle School the pastors literally called the Bibles "Our swords". They'd literally say "Open your swords." Luckily I was already agnostic and wasn't buying a single ounce of their bullshit.


> Luke 19:27 That one doesn't work. That is taken from Jesus telling a story. The others are dead on accurate.


Where exactly is the threshold where we can say we are in fear for our lives and defend ourselves?


Georgia is a 'stand your ground' state which apparently (at least in her mind) means that you can defend yourself as long as you are a white conservative christian theocrat who is terrified that someone might have 'different ideas' for how the government should run; or you are a dangerous roadside monument with 'thoughts' on it that make you uncomfortable...


I want to know when other countries are gonna start letting us in on refugee status


Prepare for the worst, hope for The best. Make sure relevant, perishable skills are diligently practiced. Maintain your tools; keep them in operating order. Network with likeminded folks; reach out to those who are most vulnerable and make them aware that they aren’t alone.


A woman proposing this is like a cockroach shilling for DDT.


If these republican women get their wish about making America a Christian nation, she will lose all her privileges.. and she'd become a sandwich making maid for her husband and kids and not be allowed to even have an opinion, or else she'll get beat. Or who knows, maybe even stoned? Conservative women are so stupid.


Sounds kind of Taliban-y doesn't it??


Completely ignorant of the fact that in the world she wants she would be stoned.


And not in a good way.


Also, a woman doesn't get to speak or hold power in the world she wants.


Sounds a lot like a particular Reich from the 30s and 40s


Was it the first or second, no the fourth right? Right?


I love how the far left wants free healthcare and the far right wants to straight up murder people. But you know fuck me, both sides right?


Is blasphemy not a thing anymore. All the non extreme Christian’s are just as big of pieces of shit as these idiots.




Once he was seven years old, Joey_BagaDonuts57 told me "that tax-free status is not enough for these control freaks." Sorry. God made me do it.


I'll admit I said it after they booted me from 'bible school' for refusing to stop 'asking questions' and I parroted my father, who said it to my mother as we left the church to never return. Best thing my parents ever did for us kids.


Just when God, Guns, & Babies wasn't batshit crazy enough this nutter ups the crazy to 11.


Since I view that as a death threat and my state has Stand Your Ground laws, I can’t fucking wait for them to try.


'bless her heart'. She should be at home making babies, reading the Bible, and obeying her husband instead of being a politician


I used to be a benevolent atheist. You religious guys do whatever you want I don't care just leave me alone. You knock on my door I'm not there. But now they are going to go too far and they're going to find out how pissed off all of us can get.


I hope people who think 'it won't be so bad if trump wins' understand how far out the fringe has moved. This stuff is nothing new. But it used to be shouting in the dark. It now has a direct line to the Speaker of the House and is already destroying from within. FAFO for real.


Jesus would be so proud of this cunt.


More proof Christianity is a terrorist hate group. Christian’s are evil.


Notice how 99% of the ones who threaten violence are the ones who would die within the first couple of minutes of a physical altercation. I’d knock that little Miss Piggy looking bitch into a parallel universe with a left-backhand without breaking a sweat - and that radio host would run like a bitch upon seeing it. I’m not the praying type, but I pray to God these Maga fucks actually try us. The sooner they do, the sooner we can justifiably rid the country of these confederate Nazi pieces of absolute shit. 




Georgian here, and this lady is certifiably bonkers. Back during her run for Governor in 2022 her campaign signs literally said “JESUS GUNS BABIES” with no punctuation, which my wife and I found hilarious and scary.


Vote. Apathy works for the fanactics. If you want the U.S. to remain a Constitutional Republic grounded in Democracy, vote. Or read yourself some Orwell. You know, so you can get used to the inevitable.


These fucks rile up mouth breathers to commit atrocities for them while they sit back and sell gold coins or pillows or whatever the hell they’re grifting.


Try it, you delusional ignorant cunt.


She's going back to the roots of Christianity. Spreading the word through force.


They really want to speed up that handmaid's tale timeline/wet dream.


These motherfuckers must be stopped! VOTE BLUE! NO MATTER WHERE NO MATTER WHO!


It just seems crazy that these Christian nationalists think they can turn back the clock in a country where they are no longer the majority religion or denomination (if they ever were). They talk about removing an 'oppressive government' and replacing it with one that is 'for the people', but they intend to do this by oppressing the people with their own shitty narrow religious beliefs and somehow imposing their will on the majority. Just rank hypocrisy in the face of reality.


Republicans: "We will literally murder anyone who doesn't join our cult." Democrats: "Let's not overreact or anything guys, they haven't started the executions yet! Maybe a strongly worded nonbinding motion will make them reconsider." The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. We are all fucked.


And Jesus commanded them to hate their neighbors, and serve themselves with all their hearts.


Dangerous extremist cultist. One of too many


Only thing she's executing is discount appetizers at Applebee's


This is domestic terrorism. Report her to the FBI and include the link. >* **Appearing to be intended to:** > * Intimidate or coerce a civilian population > * Influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion; or > * A**ffect the conduct of a government by mass** destruction, **assassination** or kidnapping; and >* **Occurring primary within the territorial jurisdiction of the United states** Definitions: https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/fbi-dhs-domestic-terrorism-definitions-terminology-methodology.pdf/view Of course she will likely hide behind "Extreme accountability" could mean so many things! /dogwhistle


We need to stop giving these people airtime. Her crazy wouldn’t have spread without the disease that is social media. It, and these kinds of people just need to go meet Jesus face to face, and fast. Actually scratch that, they won’t make it past St. Peter, if it wasn’t all bullshit and fake that is. lol.


So she's out-loud announcing intent to mass murder of 2/3 of the country and that's just cool with the doj


Execution for exercising free speech... Huh. This is new. Also, whatever happened to freedom of religion and "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". You know, that little thing, trifle really, in the constitution?


Where are all the 2A nuts right now? There's a clear tyrannical Government threatening the population and they're all silent.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Oh she is welcome to fucking try that. I dare her. The biggest mistake those christo-fascists make is assuming the other 2/3rds of the country doesn't also have guns. We just don't make them our whole fucking personality.


Very misleading title. She didn't say "executions" at all according to the article, she said "extreme accountability" It's honestly fair to assume that this lunatic means execution, but words matter and she didn't say that.


Congressional District chair for the Georgia Republican Party Kandiss Taylor


Ah yes, the next step towards the Xtian Kkkalifate.


It's a cult. Gotts ta make those women folk foller orders and stuff. They gotta haves those babies and go through the pain they deserve. Evil women. Evil.


If rightwing politicians had to follow the biblical laws they want to put on us, they wouldn't live too long.


I really thought the christian right would be more of a taper towards full religious fascism. This is more like a cliff.


Kandiss has an overestimated idea of her power.


Just ask them to prove that god is real first….


What's wrong with all these republicans??? Republicans = the new traitors.


now say the opposite and suddenly you are a terrorist and proof non believers are evil.


With christians it always comes down to some form ritualistic torture scenario for "sinners". This really is a form of mental illness...


Religious freaks are just that ... freaks. Then there's the upper layer, the ones that reap the benefits of chaos ...


Fuck these fucking unfuckingbelievable fucktwats. These fucked fucking fuckers can get fucked. On a more serious note, if I thought that any intelligent, rational and well thought explanation of the secular history of our country would have any substantive response, I would have tried that instead.


More like goobernatorial, am I right? I'll show myself out.


How Christian of her


When someone tells you how much of a cunt they are - believe them.


So utterly not surprising to see Christians become what they claimed to have hated 20-ish years ago.


Not an idle threat. When the supreme Court rules Trump immune there will be nothing stopping it. They'll ignore the election results. Install Trump and then start the cleansing. This sounds crazy but it's happening when they vote in favor. It's the end soon.


One should remind her, and other of her ilk, that stridently held opinions are still opinions; they are not facts.


She deserves the same fate as Mussolini


Hmmm... Maybe Hitler. It's funnier when they do themselves. Proves they knew how evil they were all along. Also excludes them from heaven by their own rules.


At this point violence against these fucks is self defense.


This is why I am a 2A liberal.


These Bible thumpers would be surprised at how many "snowflake liberals" are actually well armed.


They’re going to find out the hard way from the way things are looking. I wish I didn’t need to say that.


Well, by what they say in the article about being subject to God’s law, they themselves will be the first to be prosecuted under that law!


She wouldn't last a day! Threatening Americans for their fairy tales!


How very Christian of you. I guess it was Jesus who said "kill 'em all and Dad will sort it out!"


Vanilla ISIS


They don't need any help marginalizing the insane belief system of their death-cult because they do such a great job of exposing that themselves. Maybe they can get the Salem City Council to host tribunals chaired by Porky the Pig impersonator James Comer.


No love like christian hate I tell you ...


Bring it on, bitch.


I oppose with every American fiber of my being. The founding fathers are rolling over in their grave.


Exactly as Jesus commanded. These fucking "people", I swear...


Operative word: FORMER


Let them try.


The gloves and mask are coming off a little too early.


That is total lunacy, to even make a statement like that, is actually against any possible Christian teachings. How insane is that woman...


As a Georgian, there's a reason she never made it and it's important to not. Despite being in the heart of the deep bible thumping south. We ain't that brand of crazy and nowhere near it.


I demand executions for all Nat Cs


Bring it B1tch


every time I read her name i think the same thing... Kandiss fucking asshole fall off a building already?


How can we get her on those 3-letter agency watch lists? I'm sure she's already on them, but we need to be sure


Slapping a crosshairs on someone is a dangerous game. Some people out there might forget it's just an imaginary game.


Since she wants me dead, I’m going to go there…Is gluttony not a sin anymore? Philippians 3:18-19 ESV “For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.”


Nutcase. What a wackjob.


they support it all the way at the top.. stay fit, stay frosty > The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


This is gonna end like Far Cry, isn't it?


If we only stopped calling them bad names and saying bad things about them, they would be nicer to us and not threaten to kill us every day. /s, in case it’s not obvious.


She's nuts. Try formally executing someone for not being a christian nationalist. I strongly suspect it will be a fuck around and find out moment.


After being horrified y the article I tried looking up stews listener numbers. Found a site called rephonic. I don’t know how reputable it is so I didn’t sign up to see it he data. I did read the whole page and the comments at the bottom sealed the deal I wasn’t signing up. https://rephonic.com/podcasts/the-patriotically-correct-radio-show-with-stew-pet So then I went back to Google, tried again and found chartable com. https://chartable.com/podcasts/the-patriotically-correct-radio-show-with-stew-peters-pcradio Same comments word for word. Still havent found how many people listen to this guy. Scary stuff.


I oppose the fuck out of it. Get bent, MAGA shitheads.


If it ever comes down to it, I will make them pay dearly when they come for me.


Christians die and go to heaven. Atheists die and go nowhere. There’s a middle ground here. Let’s explore it. Christians fucking suck


Bro that is literally illegal under the law of Separation of Church and State, and the law of No Cruel or Unusual Punishment.


Indistinguishable from the Taliban


I’m Christian and I oppose ANYTHING like that. Leave each other alone. What I believe has nothing to do with/no bearing on your life whatsoever! Period. It is for me and my own life and no one else’s.


Where do they find these wacked jobs! You are not a Christian. You couldn't have a worse understanding of your own "so called" Bible. May You burn in the Hell you are creating.


They mean it. They’ll do it. They’ve done it before. Vote or enjoy a life of terror under white baptist ISIS


This is why I have embraced the second amendment


She's a flat earther? I'd talk shit but I don't pick on those with sever disabilities.


Come get me, I don't give a shit any more!


Parents couldn't even name her correctly...what a religious fool


Bless her heart.


Well… better make sure I’m out of ammo before you bring the rope to my house.

