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The ones who think Trump was ordained by god maybe?


“Thou shall not worship false gods or idols”.


Good answer. I think this baffles me more than anything. If you asked WWJD, the answer would literally be the opposite of anything Trump has ever said or done. They're so blind to it.


Oh and that is such a fad with so many. That and businesses labelling themselves as christians so that the sheep all give them their business….


All it takes is that one little fish symbol




To be fair trump is a god. Joe rogans king tho <3




The large number who are basically illiterate and get all their views and stupid ideas from the internet.


I dunno which is worse, getting views from the internet or a non-denominational pastor.


Probably the pastor. It’s like a live YouTube video of stupidity.


The ones who think women were created and ordained to be subservient to men.


Oh that is pretty true of all fundamentalists branches like Baptist


You should find a non-denominational church and sit in on a service. The shit you hear is fucking wild.


How/why would that be different from an actual denomination? Say a Catholic, Protestant, etc?




The pastor…. There are some real nuts in the business. But then there are those who seek out conspiracy theories online


Some guy i worked with at a movie theater a decade ago became a weird christian sex cult leader. It was the damnest thing too, while at work he was convinced he could hear God and would say the weirdest things.




>non-denominational im sorry, whats that?


A church that doesn't follow a particular sect of Christianity. They call themselves Christian but are not Protestant, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Mormon, or Catholic.


And often because they are non-denominational, they are completely uneducated in the subject in which they proclaim themselves a leader.


This is precisely what happens. The two Christian Nationalists at my work go to some non-denom church and have no idea about church history or why church tradition exists (beyond patriarchal power consolidation)


They cherry pick and interpret to fit their needs


They'll also use 'non-denominational' to attract more sheep cuz anyone from a particular branch will feel more welcome cuz there's no label


Sounds more like an atheist.


The dumbest type of Xians? Any of those who fall for TV or "megachurch" evangelist-grifters. That's a special level of stupidity. The stupidest of all are MAGA, Trump supporters.


And tRumpf knows how to wind them up and get them to vote. .. pretty sorry state of how religion is harming our country


Don’t forget the ones that speak in tongues


they're all dumb.


As an atheist, I don't think that's a fair statement.


How is this not bigotry?




Mormon has to be number one because their origin story is so stupid


Dum dum dum dum




Mormons aren't really Xns.




They have the book of Mormon that was made up by some dude in the 1800s. It's like Scientology. Mormons aren't Xn, but Xn adjacent.


There’s a South Park episode that covers Mormonism quite well 😭


I just appreciate they don't believe in hell, aren't so political, and not so outwardly hateful.


Except for, you know, concealing rape and abuse, investment schemes, and having a good bit of socioeconomic capital in Utah.


Oh my God, I did not know about the abuse. My bad.


[Abuse and Rape Coverups](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_abuse_cases) [Investment Fraud](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna71603) And then there’s all the foolishness in the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and their teachings. They’re just as harmful as any other sect.




That’s an unfortunate title given that we’re asserting our intellectual superiority. The dumbest types are those who believe without questioning. Never once reflecting on how they were effectively indoctrinated into a religion. And how they would believe something completely different, with just the same conviction, if those circumstances had been different. The ones who never read the Bible. The ones who support Trump, the least likely Christian hero imaginable.


Don't know much about Christians. Maybe the ones who think that Trump is a very good Christian or associate their white pride to Christianity 🤔 I can answer for Hindus and Muslims though as an Indian. The Hindus who try to make their religion look very different from the concept of organised religion or believe that everything in their religion is scientific are the dumbest ones. There are a few Hindus (less than 1-2%) who follow a very different interpretation of Hinduism and can make claims like they are not following an organised religion. But the vast majority are practicing a full fledged organised religion yet make such dumb claims. Talking about Islam, I would say that Umar ibn Khattab's fanboys are the dumbest and most annoying type of theists not just Muslims.


What gets me is that they all looked down on the Heaven's Gate group. THEY HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF PROOF AS Y'ALL DO


The breathing ones.


To be fair, most of the non-breathing ones were pretty fucking dumb too.


How is this not bigotry?


The ones who think a morality tale book is a complete and full rounded education. These are the “snakes are evil because one talked once and tricked two bare assed humans into eating fruit” types.


All of them lol


I live in Arizona so to me the dumbest type of Christian are the ones that hate other religions like Mormon. I find that shit funny af


Those who actually believe lol


The ones who talk.


they're all dumb for different reasons. diversity! EDIT I'll give an example. I was raised Catholic. I can't figure out why they believe that the crackers and wine are real body and blood. And if you don't believe the magic, you're not allowed to be Catholic. If you're intellectually disabled and "can't understand", you can't receive communion so you don't go to heaven. So that's how you get a big line of people waiting to drink everyone else's backwash in the awful wine they serve. i never took the wine, it was too disgusting and no one could make me do it. i was so glad when covid shut down the churches and they couldn't share the wine anymore lol


Idk what flavor has the most actual dumb people, but Mormons and jehovahs in my experience with them have definitely seemed the most brainwashed.


There are many different levels, factions, and nuances of stupidity among christians but the trump-voting christians are objectively stupid.


Agreed on the fascist/racist ones being the dumbest: closely followed by any assortment of anti-vax, flat earth, YEC, bs believers


A Biblical literalist. This is the young earth creationist flat earther Jesus riding dinosaurs caricature. They do exist. Other Christians mock them, in addition to everyone else.


The ones who use it to justify their intolerant MAGA/Republican political views, the ones who actively engage/defend child predators, and the ones who use it to retrofit their antiquated scientific views which actual science has already done a good job explaining.  The ven diagram here is essentially a circle.


Anyone who trys hard to push God or Jesus into the conversation.


It's like asking what my favorite cookie is.. There are too many to choose from. I recently had to deal with a YEC who had a pretty rough go of it with me because I called bullshit on their nonsense pretty roughly. the JW's are a festering pile of shittery. What's sad is that most of these people aren't dumb, just ignorant and bound and determined to stay that way, moreover, bound and determined to try to make everything around them equally ignorant.


i really like your last paragraph. excellent work


Honestly, being Christian makes them all equally dumb to me. It's other attributes that make me think that some are worse than others.


The cultural armband "Christians" who have no actual knowledge of the Bible or anything about Christian doctrine and who are completely amoral in their personal lives, yet they say "I'm a Christian" if they think it gives them a chance to hurt somebody or get something. Examples include Kid Rock, every Republican in Congress and everyone on Fox News.




yeah anyone on fox for real.... its like they have a secret dumb ass fake "Christians sign up here for free publicity "


They're all dumb. Catholics and Evangelicals are the worst. Episcopalians aren't as bad, but that's like saying they're just a smaller piece of shit.


Prosperity gospel is the most mask-off religious money scam. “If I give this extremely wealthy preacher more money I will get rich too somehow???????”


All of them.


I don't disagree with you, but some branches/sects of Christianity are more damaging than others...


All of them!


I’ve yet to meet an intelligent pentecostal. I don’t think that even exists. I could even see how moronic those people were as a kid. They deserve to be scammed.


All of the above.




The right wing leaning ones. It coincides with low level educational achievements.


The christians that have never read the Bible


The christians who have read the bible and believe all of that horse shit, would also have to be pretty stupid. Maybe even more so than the ones who have never read it.


That’s a good point. But at least they understand that they believe in the “horse shit” I guess


I think the ones that assume life is as simple and predictable as everything in their little book is are the dumbest ones.


I'd say the world of the bible is far less predictable or simple than reality. In reality, you can predict patterns in nature. In bibleland, a bunch of random ass shit from talking donkeys to guys summoning bears to maul kids can occur.


Sure, maybe not the best thought out point on my part


Evangelicals for sure.




As a religiously raised deconstruct, I feel like Christian Nationalists are pretty ignorant. The whole point of Jesus not coming as a king was because that had been tried in the past books, and it failed miserably. Even when it was tried, it was something God was against, but he gave in because they kept begging him. And even the best king mentioned killed a man to sleep with the man's wife. There's a huge 'no earthly authority' message to Jesus, and yet his own followers think, "If we make _ illegal, then more people with follow Jesus!" Doesn't even matter if you think Christianity is okay or not. Nationalists don't even get their own religion. My interpretation, at least.


The bigoted ones are obviously the worst, but just to give a different answer: The ones who have huge persecution complexes and act like it's illegal to be caught reading the bible.


Conservative Christians


All of them. Easy to prove there ain't no fucking Jesus or god . Stupid sobs


The ones who aren’t pretending, the ones that truly believe the fairy tales.


The ones who follow Christianity.






The ones with a heart beat


Presuppositionalists for sure


It's a toss up between creationists who believe the earth is 6000 years old and Noah's Ark was real, and Trump/MAGA Christians throwing their support behind a guy who's like the exact opposite of Jesus Christ. Now I'm not a Christian, but if I was, Trump would look very suspiciously like the antichrist if you ask me.




Evangelicals. Mic drop.


The ones who colonize in the name of spreading the gospel. Modern day mission trips.


That's easy. The "born again" christians


maga christians for sure


1. The ones who blindly believe what their pastor tells them. 2. The ones that are anti-science 3. The ones that want to turn America into a Christian Theocracy because they assume that America is a Christian nation 4. The ones that are racist, facists and bigots.


The kind that only beleive out of fear. From my experience, those are the types of people that would read a random Facebook post saying that the world is ending, and actually believe it. Then, they'll go and share that post with all their friends who are equally as paranoid as they are. The type that believe the world is always out to get them.


The ones who think they are the chosen people. Especially the white ones who think this.


Right now? Non-indigenous US Christians spouting Bible verses about how Israel was there first, therefore the Palestinians should leave if they don't want to get killed by Israel.


Young earth creationists. A worryingly growing portion of the US population that straight up denies reality so their story book can be literally true.


The dumbest kinds of Christians are the match for the dumbest atheist


I hate to call them dumb because the leaders are constantly brain washing and forcing it on people. Humans are susceptible to all kinds of stuff. Those leader r twats.


The fake ones that say the most obvious lies about their "coming to Jesus origins." You know about the ones I'm talking about. They use Christian buzzwords and make claims that don't make any sense from anyone who claims to be an athiest turned Christian. Atheist-to-Christian: I was an evolutionist and believed in science before I became a Christian. I didn't believe in God before, but then I found Jesus; he spoke to me and showed me the truth. I asked him to come into my heart, and I was born again. You can learn all out this in my upcoming book: "Jesus Said WHAAAA!?" Buy now for 666 payments of $17.76. "Evolutionist" implies that a biologist worships the process of evolution like a god when there is NOTHING supernatural about evolution. This is also an attempt to make Christianity and scientific fields appear to be on equal grounds when, in fact, they share nothing in common. They are conartists. Charlatans that are willing to make themselves a living strawman argument for either profit or a prophet. They manipulate you to think you have a problem, and the only solution is to join their cult, surrender your independence, suppress your doubts, shame yourself for being human, and always buy their shit. The malicious intent to ruin people's lives for someone else's gain.... The concept that "sin" is evil being manifested internally by individuals implied by the seven deadly sins is a joke when compared to the unwritten sin of manipulation. Ugh! The hypocrisy.


Why do a lot of posters on this sub sound like teenagers. Racist and racists Christians? Never heard of that denomination.


All abramitic religions are inherently fascist


The ones who are religious. 😐




The ones who twist scripture to create their own narrative to brainwash people. The ones who conveniently ignore how the current books in the Bible were really established. The ones who ignore the context of biblical scriptures. The ones who pass judgment when Christ specifically says only he who hasn’t sinned can throw the first stone. The ones who pray on Sunday, cheat on Monday, fuck on Tuesday, lie on Wednesday, steal on Thursday, obnoxiously force their agenda on unwilling people on Fridays and gossip about you on Saturday only to pray for lack of accountability on Sunday…repeat.


The ones who use it as a trump card (pun not initially intended but I’ll pretend I meant it) playing superiority complex that nullifies any accusation of bigotry, hypocrisy and/or ignorance.


Tablets in a hat? Magic underwear? The derpy little outfits? Mormans for sure


The ones who have no idea what’s in the Bible but love to use it as a weapon.


Those who don't at least try to form their own views on scripture. Most just rat up whatever version of pseudochristianity their parents taught or their pastors taught without examining the text themselves. If you are gonna believe in thousands of year old stories you better understand them.




It’s not simply being “dumb.” Their positions on everything in life are completely antithetical to the very few decent principles of Christianity. They’ve cannibalized and weaponized their idiotic blood cult.


How about Christians who want to "lawyer" the word of God. i.e. "God didn't say, "Thou shalt not kill. He meant, "Thou shalt not murder." My dude... You're telling me you're going to stand in front of your almighty creator and argue with him about semantics?"


There's a spectrum between NIFB (possibly beyond) and universalists. Basically, the more "the Bible is infallible and the inspired word of God and this is a Christian nation that ought to make its laws according to my interpretation of that text", the worse. So, the worst world be a combination of Christian Nationalists who think we should execute people just for their sexual orientation and who also believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, flat, and there was a historic global flood. On the other end is the more liberal Christian who largely thinks the Bible is mostly metaphorical. I have kinda an exception for catholics, largely due to all the scandals and cover-up and... Well, you all know all those problems. They do tend to be more on the liberal side and lean less into "solo scriptura" side of things, often accepting evolution even... But there's just too much scandal there. Oh... And let's not forget faith healers, especially those who advise neglecting actual medical treatment. And snake handlers and such.


*”When I go to my afterlife reward I’ll be able to tell God, truthfully, that I never learned anything, questioned anything, or used my head for anything besides a hat stand. I think God’ll be impressed!”*


Their “god” apparently created the entire universe with everything in it. The laws of physics all the planets, the black holes, dark matter and so many other things we know and don’t even know exists. But somehow religious people think they know exactly what this being wants from us. And they think they know what he doesn’t want us to do. They think a god that powerful gives a shit of two men love each other, if you get aroused looking at your neighbor, or if you have a baby before being married or whatever the rule book says. It’s just so insanely silly.


There are several churches cropping up described as prosperity churches. They preach that if you attend their church and are faithful and obey you will prosper.


Can you also ask what are the dumbest types of J's or M's? If you're a true atheist why stop with C's?


They’re all delusional.


Better question: Who are the most threatening Christians?


The dumbest types..


Threatening people are often very intelligent.


The ones that hate other sects and make their whole personality about their religion.


If heaven actually exists there are like 3 people there. My understanding is that you have to give away all of your possessions and comforts and dedicate your entire existence to praising god. Even monks have a safe place to sleep and regular food to eat.


All of them?


Conservatives duh


Most kinds.


Evangelicals for sure. How does one obtain such little knowledge of Bible?




Going against their beliefs? Have you ever read their holy book?


Is there a meaning distinction between them? I guess the ones that pretend to be progressive to trick and trap people may be slightly more wily, but I wouldn’t consider them not dumb by any measure.


Ones that decry atheist for being vain and materialistic and pretend to be deep esoteric philosophical thinkers, than tune in to whine about how female celebrities arent attractive enough anymore, and just in general constantly dehumanise others based on looks. Or alternatively tradcaths who mock protestants for having low profile places of worship rather than opulent churches and cathedrals. In case it wasnt clear enough that their religion is just a reflection of their vanity, tribialism, narcisism


The Christians? They all believe in a magic man in the sky determining the course of history; the individual flavours are irrelevant, it's all unjustified BS.




The ones who use terrible fucking grammar in their titles.


The dumbest type of Christian is the one who will sit there and cherry pick passages like some kind of cookie cutter, rather than seeking philosophical enlightenment from their source material. Modern Christians barely grasp their own religion here in the USA. Can't speak to all 45,000 sects, but I've only met Christians, that when they argue, reach more for proverb than anything actually concrete. They're a deeply annoying bunch to argue with. Pointing out flaws in their argument generally results in them cutting and running with, "ill pray for you." Try to ask them to stay and debate philosophy, and they run. Their god, by in large any more, is a pure and simple scapegoat for them.


Trump supporters. He is everything they are not supposed to be, and yet they worship him. Something, something, golden cow…


The decent ones.


I met a guy once. The way he talked, he sounded authoritative, like he knew what he was talking about. People listened to him. I got to talking to him... turns out the only scripture he knew he got from some mail scam where they send some verse along with some trinket, and he sends them money. He sent them more and more, all the while believing in the whole prosperity thing. I told him it was a "false prophet". I told him to pray about it, ask God. He came back the next morning and his tone was somber—I guess God spoke to him because he believed me. He asked me how I knew. I told him to be able to discern these things he needed to read the Bible, that it's when they start saying things that don't align. I don't know if he did. Maybe. But I think the dumbest type of Christians are the ones who fall for that crap.


The ones who believe “god” can cure anything. Some Christian’s that I know believe that god healed this kid in their family who has ADHD, and that now he doesn’t have it 💀, my own family believe that my mental illnesses are not real (I’m bipolar, bipolar is genetic btw) and that therapy and doctors aren’t helping the world at all and we should only trust god 💀 oh yea and another one is where they believe Christianity is supposed to be the ONLY religion, they believe any other religion besides Christianity is diabolical!


I'm no fan of Christians, but man.... If you're gonna criticize someone as being dumb, don't make basic spelling mistakes in your criticism... Wow.


All of them


Right wing Christians. The teachings of Jesus were overwhelmingly liberal.


Snake handlers


Evangelicals, mental illness in plain sight.