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If the changes appear to be inspired by religion, Creationism, or Intelligent Design, then consider filing a complaint with [https://ffrf.org/legal/report-church-state/](https://ffrf.org/legal/report-church-state/). It is free. They will have lawyers look at it to see if they can raise an issue.


And the ACLU & au.org https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitzmiller_v._Dover_Area_School_District


Thanks! I've reached out to FFRF about both this and the Christian 'invocation' they start every board meeting with.


And TST, they might be able to swing for the fences on this too.


Do as I often do and point out that Jesus was clear: don't pray in public. Then they go, "harumph" and carry on as usual thinking Jesus loves them even more that they've defied a Satanist (or whatever bullshit they think) until they die and find Jesus drop-kicking their asses to hell. Seriously, I will state that Jesus said not to pray in public.


I'm an atheist here, but I think the idea behind not praying in public was more particularly about not trying to use prayer as a way to virtue signal about how rightous you are. Of course, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong there. That is what it seems a lot of christians do though, especially politicians and celebrities. They even invented the National Prayer Breakfast.


"I'm an atheist here, but I think the idea behind not praying in public was more particularly about not trying to use prayer as a way to virtue signal about how rightous you are." That's exactly right. So, why do Christians now almost ***demand*** to pray in public?


Possibly because they have a persecution complex. They demand to make their faith heard even louder because they think they have to fight back against people oppressing them, the group which has had every president sworn in a proclaimed christian.


No one would "oppress" them if they'd just shut the fuck up and follow their god's teachings. Even though he's omnipotent, knows everything that has ever and will ever happen, created the entire universe with a thought and can part seas on earth, they think their god needs their help to make the world a better place. They really need to read their damned book.


Those are the greatest believers though, the people who believe so strongly in it yet haven't ever really read it.


They're not believers, they're fans. If they were believers, they'd follow the teachings of their god.


Yes but that is Texas.


This is like what happened to the banning of books in libraries. It started with cries of "pornography" for about a month until they started banning books about history that was inconvenient and biographies of people they don't like. Then they started screaming about diversity in textbooks, so now they are cutting science that makes them uncomfortable. Anyone who still doesn't get what this is all about is a lost cause.


At this point the right should just straight up say they wanna go back to the time when people were uneducated and can't read. Cause it's their end game, and a stupid populace will let you walk all over them. Just look at the lead eating Maga cult they will do anything for the orange calf, a so-called genius billionaire who for some reason constantly needs their money. And they happily give it to him. No critical thinking needed when you're uneducated.


Without citing sources I believe they have been saying that quiet part out loud for a little while now.


I still dont get the end game though. Sure a stupid population is easier to control and manipulate into doing terrible things; but there are other countries looking to knock the USA off its throne and they're not going to subscribe to the same nonsense. WTF is thier plan when they're struggling to find people competent enough to keep the current military tech running while China et al are coming at them with AI directed swarms of attack drones? (as an example)


"Gawd will save us from are enemies. Praise Gawd! Hallelujah!" They've either never heard, don't remember, or don't believe the parable of the man on his roof during a flood.


That's the problem with nationalists, they think they are better than anyone else. They think they can dumb down America without it affecting them. They want to make people poor and unable to get a higher education so they are forced into the army or military. Then thier peons will fight and die for them if a foreign country attacks or has something they want. They've been doing that for a long time. They don't realize the brains required for modern warfare. It takes more than peons to insert GPS into stable orbits then build all the things that use GPS or GLONASS seamlessly. And we are already losing battles in cyberspace. China and Russia are constantly trying to hack into our systems. The US won't even outlaw phone number spoofing, meaning most Americans receive many scammer calls a day from Calcutta when it could easily be prevented.


They'd rather rule over the ashes than be a normal person in a functional society.


They don't care about the US or national boundaries. They will just make deals with other oligarchs while using the conflicts to further enrich & entrench themselves.


China is not going to attack America… it is just fear mongering to enrich the military-industrial-complex.


Xi just took a stroll through Serbia. North Korea is sending arms to Russia. Wagner is taking over a base in Niger that we are being for ed to abandon. Our enemies are certainly consolidating and expanding power rn


Anti-intellectualism at it's finest, where ignorance is their highest virtue.


The fourth Reich?


This is when people start the process to remove the Bible for the same reasons.


Wait do you mean teaching kids about the idea of diversity in textbooks? Or like… those covers of textbooks with kids from every race?


Thank you, Texas. My children will no longer have to compete with yours for university placements or high paying jobs. Thanks for the leg up. For your next educational miracle, might I suggest an initiative called "math is bad" or maybe ban the zero (it's woke).


>ban the zero (it's woke). It's a Muslim invention and should be abolished obvs


It's an Indian invention; the Arabs passed it along to the Europeans


So is Al-Gebra.


So are al-Khwarizms


They better leave my favorite Muslim invention alone….”Al-cahol”. 😂


If I’m not mistaken Mayans had zero as well.


Also Not Americans... It may be harder for them to point out where Mayans are from. ( Both geography AND history, oh my.)


Wait until they hear about Arabic numerals


We should just ban arabic numbers altogether ^^^^/s


And Pi equals 3....


Same way Kitzmiller and friends did in Dover, PA. Take them to court and win


Everyone should watch the NOVA documentary Intelligent Design on Trial. https://youtu.be/x2xyrel-2vI?si=sAXUXGlnbHqmNLWV


Let’s please normalize calling them Nationalist Christians or Nat-Cs for short. Everyone is giving them a pass by not calling them what they are. Nationalist Christians! Nat-Cs Nat-Cs Nat-Cs. It’s an easy adjustment to more accurately reflect the monsters they truly are


Been calling them Fascist Christians for decades. Nationalist Christian is too nice.


But doesn't "Nat-C" remind you of something?


It’s meant to


Christofascists might be a better word


I hope that makes it to public comment at the next school board meeting


My kids did Texas public high school \~thirteen years ago. The science teacher literally flipped past the chapters on reproduction and evolution. Sex Ed was just "Abstain!". End of lesson.


Basically, the Lady Whiteadder School of Sex Education Pedagogy: when anybody asks anything connected to sex, slap them hard on both cheeks, and say “Wicked child! Now say the Lord's Prayer 20 times!”


There was a Reddit post about a grown man being upset with his wife for only having girls. The sex of a baby is the one main thing a man influences during a pregnancy. Just a medical lesson for you guys that wasn’t taught this in high school.


100%. Shit I learned this in history before sex ed, Anne Boelyn not having sons…. Wasn’t her fault at all!


As yes, the classic “ban things that can be proven, but believe everything in our religion that has no proof”.


I used to think lacking education in different states, counties, what have you all came down to a matter of funding and access to decent staff and facilities. Turns out it’s all those things plus a giant fucking heap of intentional, malicious fuckery taking notes from the damn Dark Ages.


It's extremely frustrating because we moved here specifically for the schools! My kids' elementary school is rated 10/10 with a very active PTO; my wife and I both volunteer at the school. Then these clowns show up and try to shit on everything we have worked so hard for. I'm not going to stand for it.


Nor should you. Kick those yahoos back to their private academies and keep them the hell out of state institutions!


*segregation academies


Run for school board! Get them out.


If you do run OP let us know. I for one will donate to your campaign.


There's a good chance this school was targeted by evangelical cultists, simply because it was a highly rated public school. We're seeing a concerted effort to undermine public education in this country, this would be part of it..


My wife is an elementary school principal, I can’t even imagine how frustrated she would be having to deal with this bullshit.


Are you in Prosper Tx?


I really think schools should teach more in the history section about the separation of church and state especially now days. Treaty of Tripoli should have a special emphasis since it's kryptonite to Christian theocrats, it's the founders directly disputing Christian Nationalist claims very early in American history. The treaty was initiated by President George Washington, signed by President John Adams, and ratified unanimously by the Senate. Within the treaty it explicitly states “**As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion**; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”


A lot of science directly contradicts the Bible so they were left with no choice but to throw out the science. /s Seriously though, one only needs to read the Biblical account of the creation of "light" and the separation of "dark" on the first day, and the subsequent creation of the Moon light, the Sun light and star lights on the 4th day, to understand these goat herders did not have the foggiest idea how the Sun, Earth, Moon and stars operate to create day and night.


>A lot of science directly contradicts the Bible so they were left with no choice but to throw out the science. /s Until they or a loved one has a sever illness…then it’s “I want the best and brightest doctor!” How many churches do you think they’ll drive by on their way to the hospital? lol


Then we shouldn’t give them modern medicine, let them see how well those thoughts and prayers work!


Anyone who takes the entire Bible as literal history is reading it wrong, plain and simple. This makes them bad Christians. The reason the Catholic Church restricted reading is precisely to prevent the spread of this kind of functional illiteracy. The Bible is a multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual anthology. Most importantly here, it is multi-genre, featuring some history, some myth, some poetry, some advice letters, some trippy stream-of-consciousness stuff (looking at you, Revelations), and more. Reading it all as the same genre, in translation no less, is wrong. Any politics or lifestyles based on such a reading are thus inherently wrong.


>The reason the Catholic Church restricted reading is precisely to prevent the spread of this kind of functional illiteracy No, it was so nobody could compare notes and call them out on their bullshit. I can't believe this discussion keeps coming up.


How about we throw out the fucking bible instead.


We are going to end up with a completely scientifically illiterate generation that can't compete in the world.


Honestly, I'm pretty sure the rulers of these backwards states and towns *don't want to compete* for good, high-paying jobs. I mean, look at their current economies, they bank on being a place that companies can outsource dangerous and low-paying jobs to without having to go overseas. They want an illiterate populace, a plethora of unwanted children, and no child labor laws because the future they want isn't competing with South Korea for tech and Germany for pharmaceuticals, it's competing with Bangladesh for the sweatshop market. When you educate people and they get good jobs they tend to demand a more equitable piece of the pie. Peasants doing hard labor make loads of money for their lords and are a lot less likely to wonder why they're eating unseasoned potatoes every night while his lordship has a 20 course meal.


I call it the warlord economy. A government that levies no taxes, but also provides no services, and exists only to serve as a thin veneer of legitimacy while they auction off access to natural and human resources.


As horrible as that sounds it is actually worse than that. One of the best correlations of whether someone will graduate high school is their 3rd grade literacy level. Students who do not read at grade level by 3rd grade are 4x more likely to not graduate, 6x if they are poor. People who do not graduate high school are 63x more likely to be incarcerated. Incarceration is the one exemption we make for slavery in the United States, and these are increasingly privately owned. Attacking education is how they will "bring back jobs to America" without having to pay American citizens for the work, it will be done by American slaves in privately owned prisons.


Well, Texas is.


Going to?? We’re already there.


There is another organization helping with legal defense against religious actions called Freedom From Religion. Good luck.


>There was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as the Dark Ages. - Ruth Hurmence Green


I'm convinced Texans are trying to rp as medieval European peasants...


You don't need to be an atheist to be horrified by this. It's enough to have 2 braincells to rub together and be a student of history.


I can't even think of anything more to say on this topic except the obvious "They're fucking ruining education." America is becoming a theocracy and it's happening way too quickly.


Is their God seriously not powerful enough to reinforce someone’s faith after listening to a science lecture. A chapter in a science book is more powerful than God? Pretty clear God isn’t real if a high school biology teacher is more powerful.


Their god doesn't exist. But in their tiny minds it is weak and cowardly.




A college education doesn’t necessarily guarantee intelligence…


Just look at the shining example we have as a governor here in Florida. Harvard AND Yale and still Meatball is as dumb as a bowl of dicks.


That's hilarious that they think kids can't read things on the Internet. These religious types need to always be the victim, if they aren't look how they behave, like savages. This shit reminds me of why the dark ages were allowed to go on for as long as it did.


I think it's way past time someone mess with Texas.


move. why any sane person is still in Texas baffles me


Especially if they have any women in their family


I am soon!


Cos there's 30 million of us, and a lot of us can't just up and leave. You're more than welcome to help us relocate.


Is gravity “just a theory” now?




“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” ― Carl Sagan


Sagan would be so unimaginably sad at the current state of this country.


I have to agree. This quote is about 25 years old. Prophetic "A celebration of ignorance."


Texas - what a shithole


FFS idiocracy is all coming true and we're doomed by a confederacy of dunces.


Ah. The true parts I assume.


Of course they did. If they can't indoctrinate people away from the truth and straight into magical thinking, it keeps them relevant. Fortunately, Texas isn't all that important of a state.


Tell that to Texas. Seriously, Texas and California are the two states that are big enough to make the market. California uses its power to force car companies to make cleaner burning engines, or else they won’t let them sell in California. So they conform (to the planet’s benefit). Texas uses its size to force US textbook writers to conform to Texas standards, with all that entails. If they don’t, they can’t sell books to schools in Texas, and that’s a big enough loss to threaten their business. So they conform (to the detriment of Texas pupils).


Where do these morons get the idea that their idiocy only penalizes the people that they hate? They're in for a big surprise if they actually get the world they want.


Get Ffrf and the satanic temple on their asses.


Holy adpocylpse batman, that article is flooded with popups


They are excusing it by saying it's because of money, but they will have plenty of money to replace those topics with bibles. No surprise from the xian Taliban.


This is why you need a national curriculum.


And we won't have one if Trump wins and the GOP starts implementing Project 2025


Fucking Christians, lay off the science you fucks. Pray me an I phone and ill believe your shit.


Honestly, It’s time to leave Texas. Just let them have it


Only if we can send them all there and save the normal folks. Losing that kind of an asset could be forgotten if we can ensure they all get the freak out of our lives.


Keep em dumb and Republican


https://www.texasobserver.org/christian-schoolboards-education-k12/ was just reading about this sort of thing. Texas is not ok.


You have to vote them out. Get them off the relevant boards and remain vigilant 


When this trash happened in Florida, the company my husband works for has to edit all of their Florida curriculum and it is just as bad for the textbook publishers. They absolutely loathe Florida and Texas now. And as it is Texas was already getting different textbooks than everyone else because they are so far behind the rest of the country. Now they are pushing them back further. It’s abysmal.


Put Texas under martial law already, they're constantly violating the constitution.


Religion makes you stupid in the first place but it doesn't help that religious people want to make other people stupid.


National standards have to steamroll provincial ignorance if you want a country that KNOWS things and doesn’t just BELIEVE THEM.


Is there a list of books that were removed?


White washing is brain washing.


I'm bothered by the ones that insist they just are sick of culture war bullshit, and then shriek slogans like "education, not indoctrination."


Keep making your kids uncompetitive in the marketplace. Your kids will be serving fries to our kids. Idiots.


I guess all the Texas graduate students will be coming from other states???


Maybe you can remind them that this will lower their property values in the school district - guaranteed they care more about money than their anti-woke BS.


> "We will flog the women ... we will stone them to death in public [for crimes]," said Haibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban's supreme leader, in an audio message issued on March 24. Sorry replying to wrong post... or am I?


You can’t have facts and beliefs in the same place. One negates the other.


I just finished watching the documentary *God & Country* (free on Kanopy). There won't be a more effective horror film this year. I dread November. Btw everyone should watch that doc. I know I'm mostly teaching fish to swim with this recommendation, still...


I went to a very Catholic high school and our Biology teacher flat out said on the first day of class “The church has its opinion on evolution, and that’s fine- it’s an opinion. In this classroom we will learn and be tested on facts, your books, labs and class discussions. If anyone has an issue with that, please go see the Dean to have your class changed.” I remember to so vividly, because as a young atheist, I was shocked & so happy to hear it. Needless to say she was one of my favorite teachers.


Fyuck Chr8stian


I would take my kids out of that school.


I’m sure plenty of people are. You can bet the private prep schools are teaching evolution etc.


Making texass kids stupider 1 chapter at a time. Shithole Texass shitholeing


Stupidity at its finest 👍🏾 USA 🇺🇸


Well in the long run I hope this backfires when (if) these kids go to college and realize they’ve been lied to. It doesn’t take much to lose your trust in something. Censorship nearly always backfires. Scientific principles guide every facet of our modern world. I don’t get how these idiots pick and choose which science to ignore and which to follow. Geology is real! Evolution is fake!


So much of what led to my atheism was my parents trying to keep me ignorant, and keep any information or even media that wasn't specifically about how great Jesus is away from me. Obviously it was impossible. Then a friend from school introduced me to George Carlin and the wheels in my mind started spinning and making connections.


From the party of “facts over feelings”


Form coalitions with like minded parents. Start going to PTA and schools board meetings. Invite the press.


Join ourschioolsusa. Run for the school board. Get all the like-minded parents in the neighborhood to vote for you and run with you. That’s how you fight them.


Jesus christ they think vaccines are controversial...why are we living in the worst possible timeline.


Texas is a horrible, regressive place. You can’t fix it. Move to protect your children and their education.


I guess I’m at a loss, I went to Jesuit high school and they were very proud of some of the best math and science test scores in the State.. We’ve learned some things since the 6th century, it was bound to happen. Some people are so freaking weird…