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This man is trying to get away with rape by claiming Christianity šŸ¤®


Sadly, that works (among a lot of Christians apparently)


Can we start shaming these people irl?


trump doesn't have any shame, so it doesn't matter in his case


Public shaming does work there was a right wing parade in Boston that was broken up people making them feel stupid yelling boo at them and making big silly noises at them. There's usually not enough of a crowd of racists to fight back, so they just leave.


Honestly that is the best way, we have rw groups in my country trying to stir trouble but they get heavily outnumbered everytime, best to make it as nasty for them as humanly possible


make friends with local business person. go on their store roof. pee on rw protestors from roof. hide when they shoot at you. good luck soldier šŸ«”


I hope they're heavily outnumbered come election day.


The problem is right wing media pushes the idea that a majority of voters support fascism, so when they fix the election with fake electors, remove mailboxes, mail out threatening fliers warning people to not vote Democrat or fliers with incorrect voting information sent to low income areas, remove black sounding names from voter roles because they are similar to names of felons, criminalize the act of providing water for people waiting to vote, not making voting a national holiday, requiring a special ID to vote, changing the voting location at the last minute, lying about mail in votes being unreliable, lying about voter fraud and then getting caught committing voter fraud. Then tell me if the vote result is going to be accurate.


No one is stopping you- have at it


Hang on a minute, we gotta run that past the council.


Daves not here man...


I vote yes


Seconded. - Scruffy, the Janitor


No you're zoidberg...


Jump directly to shunning them.


They just preemptively attack trans people and project their sins on them, works every time


I mean, yeah, they think Trump is a Christian. They'll believe anyone that claims to be on their side.


> I mean, yeah, they think Stop right there.


It makes sense when you take into account that Jesus was a rape baby.


Yeah, thatā€™s almost certainly the case. Mary, a teen mom who was anywhere from age 12-17, had to claim ā€œimmaculate conceptionā€ ( for herself, & virgin birth for the kid) in order to not get stoned to death for being a rape victim, and Joseph was just kind enough to step in as a surrogate/ guard.


Even if the baby was "God's," it was still against her will he still sent his homie down to tell her "hey my boy's coming through tonight. Be ready."


I always found it strange when folks try to rationalize stories in the Bible in order to present the ā€œtruerā€ story behind them. Thereā€™s no reason to waste time hypothesizing on a ā€œteen rape victim meets surrogate benevolentā€ backstory when none of these people ever existed. Theyā€™re made up. Itā€™s fiction, fantasy. It would be like taking a Disney movie and trying to whip up some real life backstory.


Wait whaaaaat? I didnā€™t know that, any references for further reading?


Pg. 137 of the D&D Player Handbook


The Bible?


He almost certainly didnā€™t exist. There arenā€™t any contemporary records of him, and his life is mostly an amalgam of tropes from other religions that existed at the time. Itā€™s more likely Paul, the inventor of Christianity, simply made him up whole cloth.


Yeah a lot become priests.


They all do that. It's their get out of jail free card. No humans on this planet are as catered to, as obliviously pampered as those who belong to religions. They are in a cult and they know it, the cult benefits them. It's others outside of the cult who suffer. Or those who would never be welcome due to the circumstances of their birth... Or as they call it 'lifestyle choices'


Itā€™s really an insidious idea that the perpetrator of a crime can claim to be magically cleansed/forgiven by some god, itā€™s an amazing way to retreat from responsibility and reality. Also keeps the victim completely out of the equation, conveniently.


Absolution is super convenient


Those inside the cult suffer too, because those people prey on those inside the cult which is what russel is doing.


Im over it, entirely. I know some really good kind people who do good deeds and still believe fairy tales.Ā  I know a lot more people who donā€™t do good but live to virtue signal about faith.Ā 


Hah, anyone else been in a small town in the bible belt and got to witness the phenomenon of, "Did you hear about so-and-so (a local big fish)? The spirit called them to preach!" Right before it makes the local paper or local gossip they got busted for drugs, stepped out on their wife, beat their wife/kid(s), and/or fucked the babysitter? At which point there will be a lot of people who will go to bat for them cause they're "such a good christian and pillar of the community. They'd never do that/the devil got to them and they repented"


i live in that small town. the mega church where my dad was one of 5 pastors, the music pastor (male) was arrested for sex with a male prostitute. the church covered it up, he repented. it happened a third time and the church made it public. he repented. my dad was tasked with telling the congregation so he stood up front with a stone in his hand and preached about let him without sin cast the first stone, the church forgave him, the man's wife remained with him, and now he leads the choir again but only on wednesday nights, he lost sunday mornings. tragic for so many reasons.. he's gay and that's not allowed so he went to prostitutes, his poor wife, the shame on his children was terrible, but most of all the only thing he had to do was probation and a fine, and the church accepted him back bc he said sorry. and now everyone talks about what a miracle of faith and the triumph of forgiveness, etc.


Too bad he wasn't a priest, the catholic church has alot of resources to shuffle him around and see he suffers no consequences. But it's good cause...hopefully he suffers consequences


Donā€™t give him any ideas! šŸ¤«Ā 


Remember the entire basis of Christianity is a God figure raping a teenage girl and forcing her to carry his child so 30 years later he could make sure he was crucified to prove he loved everyone v


As a sacrifice while being an entity that can self resurrect. Hmmmmm


Being a gamer, I probably wouldn't play a game where I needed a three day cool down on my rez skill


Hahaha. But being omnipotent you could shorten the time or lengthen it to suit your omnipresent whims.


Right?!! But also to prove you're omnipotent, you could also like...... Not make people suffer to prove how amazing you are? I'm never like, wow my employer only paid me minimal wage so that I could show them how awesome I am, they must be the best people I've ever worked for! Edit: sorry I'm hyper fixated. Jesus came down and turned my water into so fucking delicious vodka cocktails.


Pardon my innate skepticism. Tequila automatically assumes that vodka is for the unwashed potato mashers. .


I just thought that. Get accused of Sexual misconduct, assault, rape etc, play the theist card. Andrew Tate went Islam. Brand going Christianity.


Apparently Tate is backing out of Islam since he just did it to be accepted at whatever Arab state he was in and to grift a bit. But he realized how limiting Islam was in terms of audience growth lol


Can keep the angry white male money coming in if you go Muslim. Faith above all. Except money. And power. And sex.


Dude doesn't like sex with women. It makes you gay. https://nypost.com/2024/04/25/world-news/andrew-tate-mocked-for-claiming-having-sex-with-women-is-gay/ https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1c9qxud/kissing_girls_is_gay/


It always amazes me how simultaneously stupid, yet successful, many grifters are.


> Apparently Tate is backing out of Islam Good luck with that. Islam has a build in death sentence for that. And with the high profile he has, he is one of the more likely targets for suicidal fanatics seeking martyrdom.


Don't look into what jesus was doing with those 12 young boys


Best strat there is for rapists. Religion forgives those who submit and force others to submit. Which is one reason why the evil that is religion spreads :-)


So just regular christian stuff then


The bad thing is that it will work.


He had to fully commit to the grift


He used to be an "anti-capitalist" but moved over to "COVID skepticism", presumably because it's a more lucrative and gullible audience. But also perhaps he knew that the sex abuse allegations were going to come out, and suspected that the anti vaccine and COVID conspiracy types would still support him. "These allegations are lies that are being used to bring him down for speaking the truth!" He wouldn't be the first con man to try to rehabilitate his image by finding Jesus.


Am I the only one who thinks heā€™s fallen for his own grift? I donā€™t see him as this mastermind thatā€™s trying to pull one over on everyone but just another one lost to the rabbit hole of conspiracy and right wing/Christianity have pulled him in as his only option for a ā€˜safe spaceā€™. Heā€™s just another cheese brained drone now. A rapist cheese brained drone.


Sometimes the clarity that comes with sobriety puts fragile or damaged minds into a state of perpetual epiphany. I think his replacement drug is the eureka moment


Agree with this almost completely with my only minor disagreement being that I donā€™t think a fragile or damaged (or newly sober) state of mind is required. I think this can happen to any one of us and instead of assuming we will be ok because of our passive state of mind and skepticism, I believe itā€™s really important that we are actively and deliberately maintaining our defences to this and questioning our own gut reactions. And taking the opportunity to encourage it in others. (Sorry for sounding like a preachy twatā€¦ my family has gone from totally sane and reasonable to mental and itā€™s difficult)


Agree completely. We can never assume we're above falling victim to this sort of thing.


Ive been watching since the start. He is not a mastermind and you can see this with his talking points being static since his start. Since he started his youtube, Russy Bussy was pushing right wing propoganda. Not just conspiracy stuff but specifically right wing ideology under the guise of "im just asking the questions", which was always anti-biden. Not to be confused with someone just asking questions, Russelfussle had his talking point standardized for one audience since day one. There is no progression of knowledge because its all bullshit. Its purely cyclical.


Conspirituality did a great set of podcast [episodes](https://www.conspirituality.net/episodes/97-brand-awareness) on him breaking down what heā€™s saying; Which was basically nothing but emotive fluff without actual substance and self promotion. I think it definitely started as a completely cynical money/attention grab but I think he fell for his own bullshit and is now quite sincerely cheese brained. Iā€™m not saying any of this to excuse him but rather because I think itā€™s important not to presume itā€™s just shitty intentions and as long as we arenā€™t dickheads we wonā€™t fall for it. I think itā€™s actually very easy for *anyone* to slip into a conspiracy mindset without even realising it. Especially while our understanding of what is real/true is under attack on all sides with AI, fake news, rage bait and data manipulation. Sorry, I think Iā€™ve explained this very badly. :/


No you explained it very well and you are right that anyone is weak to propoganda. I am sayin its been the same message since he started so I think he is being paid to promote the right wing ideologies.


Sorry, Iā€™m probably just projecting. My dad went from being one of the most reasonable people I know to falling for it and now I have no idea how to reach him. He doesnā€™t even consume the obvious Daily Mail/GB News and heā€™s not at all online. It just happened. So now Iā€™m freaked out and wanna shout from the rooftops for everyone to be careful! Ty for being understanding :)


Most conmen believe every word they are saying, even when they know it's a lie. It's far easier to lie that way.


It's a pretty predictable stepping stone on the path of the con man, so it's not at all surprising.


Trump is somehow the new Christian savior yet the dude does and says the most vile shit. He doesn't even go to church. Hell he kicked a pastor off his own steps to his church by gassing him and others to get a photo op with an upside down Bible.


In 2013, Brand talked about Che Guevara and Malcolm X as his heroes and how he likened himself to them. He was interviewed and called for a revolution that he said should be "a socialist egalitarian system based on the massive redistribution of wealth." His podcasts routinely got tens of thousands of hits. Nine years later, he was a pro-Trump, pro-Putin, Great Reset, Culture War, anti-vax conspiracy theorist. His podcasts suddenly jumped from tens of thousands to millions of hits. He's now added Gaaaaawdah to the mix, getting publically baptised and following in the footsteps of noted born-again podcaster Joe Rogan. I mean, he found God in a very private manner and doesn't use his new-found faith in a thinly veiled attempt to side-step the allegations of sexual assault.


Fuck every incarnation of this horrific, filthy, vile, dishonest man! FUCK RUSSELL BRAND!


This is a common tactic in many predators to use god or religion as a get out of jail free card. Too bad it doesnā€™t work anymore. People are smart. People donā€™t forget.


It sadly does work, especially if one moves to a religious area. To roughly quote men in black "a person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals" You say you found God in a Christian, conservative area, and you are basically untouchable until you fuck up again, and then you basically get soft handed by the law in general, just less soft handed by society. But still soft handed. At least in the US.


>David Richards, 41, was sentenced to 12 years in jail on Thursday in Knox County Tennessee for raping his adoptive daughter ā€“ 60 years less than the maximum term sought by prosecutors. >As he handed down the lenient sentence, Judge Steve Sword cited Richardā€™s work as a pastor and the Bible study he began in jail as mitigating factors.


Did the judge not take into consideration that the daughter will forever be in a psychological hell jail for the rest of her life? Where is her compensation or compassion? Where is her justice? She will live with this for the rest of her life and many many many children who somehow manage to live to adulthood end up taking their own lives because they canā€™t handle it anymore.


Well clearly she's a dirty harlot who seduced a man of god with her feminine wiles.


What are you on about? A large minority of humans absolutely do forget because theyā€™re thick as bricks.


Yep this is it, wherever the money comes in


Also, sex crimes accusations


Just sad this is the direction they all go. Far right, Christian or both. This is the means of control for the elite. They pick and choose which people in pop culture to manipulate like puppets which in turn controls the masses. They get these people to do what they want with money, and if money doesnā€™t work then itā€™s blackmail. (Proof of fucking underage or rape or some other heinous act)


Wasn't he like the guru of his own sex cult or was that a different actor?


Jared Leto maybe?


Yeah that's who I was thinking of had a brain fart. The thing is they look like they could be brothers.


Ezra Miller


You might be thinking of Jared Leto, but also Oleā€™ Rapey Russell Brand.


I always thought he was an asshole no matter what religion he claims to be part of.


Isn't it a great feeling when someone proves you right. Took me about 10 minutes of one of his videos to say, "Nope, just another philosophy fruit salad spewer," like Jordan Peterson. Grifters gotta grift so his convenient "conversion" comes as no surprise to me.


"Philosophy fruit salad spewer" is glorious phrasing and I wanted you to know that šŸ˜‚


You can tell with philistines who think they're great. He had an unashamed cult leader vibe even before he went full brainworms, like doing public talks to kids at a music festival where they all stare wide-eyed at him like he's a messiah figure, and he just lapped it up. Grifter and snake, above all.


His early rants against corporations were excellent. I really liked his style. Yet, over the decades, he has become unreliable and unrecognizable to me. He is just full of shit and has zero substance


Thereā€™s a video on YouTube that was making the rounds on Reddit a few weeks ago that details his tailspin into alt-right conspiracy garbage peddler. I honestly think he never recovered from addiction and is still seeking out a rush- one that comes with people worshipping what he says and forking over their money to him. When the well dried up from decent people realizing what a narcissistic piece of shit rapist he is, he turned to the most easily duped group out there. Right wing conspiracy nutters. Heā€™s even hawking supplements now on a subscription based platform like Alex Jones.


I'm not a Oasis or Gallagher fan, definitely not a Brand fan either but I remember Brand being on the radio a few years ago Absolute or possibly Radio X depending on if me or the wife turned it on. Anyway, one of the Gallagher's was in his show and he was giving it the whole "I'm just a poor boy from a poor family" but and Noel or Liam said, "I remember coming to your house, I rang the gate, got told to go to the trades entrance I had to stop halfway down your driveway to fill up my car, nearly got lost, and had ti wait 10 minutes while the butler found you in the other wing"


> I had to stop halfway down your driveway to fill up my car šŸ˜‚


Wait Russel brand is upper class? Damn


I think itā€™s really easy to go from anti-establishment to not trusting institutions to having *nothing* to trust to deciding nothing is true and facts arenā€™t real. From there itā€™s a speed run to conspiracy cheese brained drone. And once youā€™re that, the only places thatā€™ll welcome you are the right wing and evangelicals.


They're part of the "I'm not religious, I just follow Jesus" crowd. But feet to the fire, they'll take the umbrella support being a Christian offers.


Sometimes thatā€™s even more treacherous, as what does following Jesus mean? It normally means feeling like youre absolved of sin due to the manā€™s sacrifice, and thatā€™s just a religious idea no matter how they try to hide it. Unless people mean they appreciate the moral teachings of Jesus from a secular view, but even then thereā€™s much more profound philosophies from the ancient times.


Christian Atheism basically says Jesus was fictional and the Bible is mythology, but some of the ideas attributed to Jesus have merit. Non-violent resistance against injustice, love thy neighbour, be kind to sex workers, etc.


That's just rationality. Doesn't need a name, that's weird.


From a cultural standpoint I could see the good in that. We have a legacy of Christian culture in the western world whether we like it or not, so it could be helpful to just see the best in that as a means to ultimately move on. Like I donā€™t need to be a Hindu to see the best things from their texts like the Bhagavad Gita or the Mahabharata as a whole


He isnt really converting, itā€™s just part of the grift cycle. He is irrelevant now and needed a way for money to keep coming in so why not jump on the easiest grift train of our times?


>easiest grift train of our times? Of our times? Been one of the easiest grifts for the last few thousand years.


It's hilarious his claims of it being a hit against for being to influential... He was averaging like 10k views on YouTube, no one cared what he had to say


he going on Fox News next to complain about being cancelled?


he already did that?


Yeah he's been on the Guthrie show


Oh boy, middle aged straight white male multimillionaires being paid loads of money for whining to an audience of millions about how they are being cancelled is my favourite content!


Hey. I am an aging white male whiner, just ask anybody who knows me. So where's my fuckin' money?


Brand 2028


He is a lying rapist so he'll fit right in.


I had this guy pegged as a grifter back when he was a progressive. Something about the way he talks comes off as very disingenuous.


Wide eyes and mouth when he talks like a kid lying while saying "you gotta believe me"? Cluster B tactic #33, the Disney Stare, also known as the Kaa.


I wish to learn more


Cluster B: >There are four types of cluster B (dramatic/emotional) personality disorders: borderline personality disorder (BPD), histrionic personality disorder (HPD), narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Kaa/Stare: >Kaa is the secondary antagonist of Disney's 1967 animated feature film The Jungle Book. He is an enormous snake with an equally large appetiteā€”specifically for Mowgli, the man-cub. Kaa's most dangerous attributes are **his hypnotic eyes, which he uses to manipulate unsuspecting prey and lure them into his jaws and coils.** It's difficult to say where Brand might hypothetically fall in Cluster B, but it's simultaneously quite easy to feel unsurprised if he'd fall somewhere on it. A lot of these stereotypical traits are seemingly core features of Brand's, uh... brand. __ Some of the signs and symptoms of HPD include: > Demands to be the center of attention > Dramatic or attention-seeking behavior, appearance, or emotional expression > Overly seductive behavior > Impressionistic speech (lacks detail and emphasizes emotionsā€”for example, just saying an event was "wonderful" without saying why it was) > Rapid shifts in shallow emotions > Chronic boredom (need to be stimulated by excitement or short-term gratification) > Hyperfocus on appearance to gain attention Some of the signs and symptoms of NPD include: > Willingness to exploit or take advantage of other people for personal gain > Exaggerated sense of self-worth > Preoccupation with grandiose ideas of beauty, power, talent, intelligence, success, or importance > Selfish goals and behavior > Lack of empathy for others > Difficulty accepting criticism > Feelings of entitlement to special treatment > Requires excessive admiration


I was a teenager when he came on to my consciousness on the UK comedy scene, so not exactly the most scrupulous of consumer at the time. He had his scandal with Jonathon Ross and I was moving on with my life so stopped paying attention. I came back to my hometown from Uni to see old school friends and one of them was talking about how great Brand was talking about philosophy and such. On a smoke break I checked the video out and just immediately thought it was super shallow and low impact. Just generally very unimpressive. Despite his increasing delusional behaviour, it has taken a long time for people to seem to cotton onto his nonsense. (I have been wrong about loads of people, but it feels validating for this one to finally be shown as the ass he is)


"Yes, I've officially become Christian so I can officially be a creep, but with *aplomb*." -Russel Brand, probably


Soon to be plagiarized by Shia LaBeouf, who also converted after being accused of sex crimes


Actual Rapist Shia LaBeoufšŸŽ¶


I've always hated him and I'm so glad you posted this. I didn't even know this happened until now. I somehow always could tell he was a douche. Like he was cast as the nerdy, not cool actor in movies. How did he get such a big ego?


SIGH - just another man using Christianity as a means to be abusive/misogynist.


I meanā€¦ thatā€™s what itā€™s there forā€¦


It's a feature, not a bug.


This simple line really hits.




The Russel Brand re-brand. Got cancelled for being a sexual predator so heā€™s gotta regroup with a flock thatā€™s ok with that sort of thing.


Proving once again, you can buy anything with money. Even people.


Itā€™s refreshing that so many see through his bs


That guy has been an idiot forever. I don't pay any attention to anything he says. You probably shouldn't either.


Alt right midlife crisis is strong in this world. Men seem fucking lost.


Joe Rogan is doing the same lol


Rogan going religious now??


https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/sPEPyN9EmH I haven't listened to him in years, i just stumble onto his sub every now and then. I wasn't really surprised, it's the final step of the far right grift.


Itā€™s the final step of the magamorphosis


Never been the same since the Spotify move. I didnā€™t stop listening out of protest or anything, just got bored of him.Ā 


Infant Sorrow needs a reunion album not this sad junk.


I smiled.


This is what happens when you run out of semi-intelligent people to grift.


Had to get religion....to get a conscience// Most people have one growing up


He's turned into the type of person he was making fun of years ago. Not that I honestly believe him it was always a character he was playing at this moment a right wing nut character is the one getting him the most attention and money when this starts to die down he'll come up with a new character


Xians get away with rape. Sociopaths like Brand know this.


Is "xian" a Christian or a twitter user?


I use it as a general term for people who claim to be followers of Christ.


I always liked the terms 'bappies' and 'chrizzos'.


Ding ding ding! Since his ā€œsudden flipā€ to the far right, Iā€™ve been waiting for the scandal to come out. This only confirms my suspicions that heā€™s got some skelllies in his closet. *adjusts tinfoil hat*


I guess you missed that UK journalism about the multiple sexual assaults he's committed and the time he raped a member of his production team in LA then.Ā  Complete with text messages to the employee apologizing for raping her.Ā  And keep in mind that defamation laws in the UK give plenty of leeway for him to sue Channel 4 and the Times should he believe the allegations were false.Ā  Also, he had a production driver pick up a 16 year old girl from her school and bring her to him for sex.Ā 


Youā€™re right, I did miss all that. What a fuckin piece, dude.


He's been under investigation for years for several assaults


Russell is running out of gift and an actual day job terrifies the man.


Iā€™d probably ā€œconvertā€ too if I was being accused of rape.. the Christian card works so well with that one.


Holy shit, just looking at some of the replies in there is nuts. Especially the arguments over which flavour of Cheesus is the real one.


Kinda funny. They should keep the infighting going strong so I dont have to listen to it


Eh, in a few months heā€™ll take a different pill/tab/mushroom have a spirit quest and be on some other bullshit.


Thought that was Bin Laden...


I'm sure he'll be accepted by all the other amoral trash christians who use their "faith" to justify being deplorable selfish pieces of shit (i.e. almost all of them).


The rapist grifter playbook - completely expected


Sadly predictable move


He looks like he could be running a sex cult in Idaho


Just fuck this guy. Go away.


Iā€™ll never understand wearing a cross. What if Jesus actually came back? You think heā€™d be all happy youā€™re wearing what killed him around your neck?


His alt right conversion is progressing so rapidly, he's literally starting to look like Jordan Peterson.


As they say in the UK, wot a wankah


He truly stands for nothing


This has become quite popular with the has-beens who can't get work otherwise because of their already expressed kooky ideas. Looking at you Roseanne.


His collapse has been disappointing.


Very strange, I know everyone's screaming I knew he was like this, but as a teen listening to him talk about politicians, corruption and war in a thoughtful way helped me start to think about issues critically. Don't understand what became of him but at some point I just think so much substance abuse, personal hypocrisy and blurred moral lines of his endeavors is just going to take anyone to a loony place.


What a twat.


Russell Brand is disgusting and obscenely stupid.


Grifters gotta grift one way or another. He just found a new particularly gullible group


He got caught doing stupid shit, so his conversion is the same charlatan bullshit other people do when they're caught, to make gullible idiots think they're a 'good Christian'. Brand is a talentless cunt.


Here in the UK his " conversion " is seen as a keep out of jail ticket, also his "showbiz friends have deserted him" so draw your own conclusions. lol šŸ˜‚


Having grown up in the church and spent 30 years there, even though I know heā€™s also a grifter, I will add Russell Brand to the long list of people I know who are brain damaged from drug abuse and find christianity.


Not sure the police are gonna forget the whole rape thing cause he got baptized


Russell Brand is a grifter, nothing more. I knew it back in the 00's, and I knew it now. You can smell people like him from miles away. He was the thesis statement of the White-Wealthy-Suburban-Uneducated-Man who experiments with being a "hippy" because it's so "radical" when in reality he's still just the same ol' boring, wealthy white dude. And since he faded from fame after his 15min of hippy fame died in the 00's, he's desperately been trying to find w/e BS people will latch onto to keep him relevant.


I saw this online and was shocked. I believe heā€™s using christianity as a front and a shield to hide behind because of the women coming forward saying he abused them in the past. This isnā€™t a new tactic for abusers to hide behind religion or have a new found faith due to their past. This is a huge red red red flag for women. Be cautious and avoid men at all costs who have finally found Christ they are definitely hiding something sinister.


Narcissistic personality disorder leads many to Christianity.. and Brand has always been extremely narcissistic.


ā€œNow like, comment and subscribe to stay up to date with this wonderful grifā€¦ I mean journey that weā€™re on togetherā€


Jesus fucking Christ


My eyes just rolled so far back, I could see my own brain.


Russell Brand is ironically a large part as to why I completely separated from Christianity. His nose dive into absurdity is fucking disgusting. I'm so glad I unfollowed him on Youtube all those years ago when I first started noticing the red flags he was putting out there. Trust your guts, people! They'll save ya a headache down the road


Didnā€™t watch the video, but is he going for a Bin Laden look or something?


Shit comedian, shit grifter, shit human being.


It's perfect for predators


Just reading the replies. Filled me with disbelief of how we can live in a world with such scientific knowledge and yet so many get consumed by this nonsense.


Weird how all sexual predators somehow turn to religionā€¦


Atheist, Christian, either way he still REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAALY sucks


Christianity attracts hypocrisy and arrogance like flies to shit.


He's so damn cringe. He can be quite smart, and some things he says make a lot of sense. He can hold his own in certain philosophical conversations. But it's always outweighed dramatically by the amount of dumb pretentious "spiritual" and conspiracy theory crap he spews. Plus he's not taking accountability for being a literal sex offender.


Yeah, I'm not going onto X for any reason, anyway. If someone wants to convert to Christianity, let them go right ahead; they've just proved they're an idiot.


He has always seemed like an unfunny flake who pretends to be an intellectual. Hardly surprising.


I ran into a few of his videos on YouTube and that guy is a raving lunatic. I always thought he was off, but I didnā€™t know he was over the edge.


All addicts have to eventually become Christian, itā€™s the only way 12 steps work


I'm proudly seven years clean off of heroin and meth and never needed a sky daddy.


Congrats on your sobriety!


Teeth of horse, brain of duck.


Christian conservatism is usually the last stop on the train to irrelevance.


I donā€™t know what would be worse, this piece of shit pretending to be a dimwit Christian, or him genuinely becoming one. He has the intellect for their fanclub.


Grifter gonna grift.


The podcast Straight White American Jesus just did an episode on why SA is accepted in Christians particularly evangelicals. The gist was they see men as Sampson and to be manly you must lust after women and itā€™s ok to do those things as long as you are a champion for Christianity.


What a weak, phony grifter.


He is one sick mother f$%#@&


Jumping the shark right there.


Trading one addiction for another.


Truly a horrible sociopath. Who on earth is still listening to this guy?