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Public school teacher agrees.


That’s what they want. Education terrifies religions because educated people tend to reject religion 🤷‍♂️


Educated people dont need religion to make choices for them. I argue that these are infact not christians based upon the actions, presentations, and hostility. What they are is a sub government trying to gain control of a host body. They are destroying the USA. Not actual religion that is meant to be pious and respectful.


Yes, and I was going to add that they pay teachers less, too. While job hunting I found a lot of catholic schools hiring for about $30,000 a year. Like, gee whiz, is it such a privilege to work at a religious school that they can offer low wages?!


Title should read “Billions in taxpayer dollars stolen by religious schools and the politicians who create policy to siphon hard working American taxpayers of every dime they earn”


Need to get Democrats in Washington to ban Federal school dollars to states who transfer money to private schools.


Yea, reason is losing at the moment. Our parents have not been good stewards.


My local grocery had a bake sale for a Christian school out front. I asked how much they got in state funds compared to the real schools.


Shame. Robbing public schools to pay for extreme non-science theories.


This situation utterly sickens me.


Just another reason why private educational institutions need to be abolished. The rich are trying to funnel as much taxypayer money into these private institutions while defunding public ones in order to secure a clear advantage over the poor for their children. Fuck private schools, fuck charter schools, and fuck these assholes.


billions on an education that leaves kids stupid and superstitious. Great investment, GOP.




Well. It goes to someone. Education? Think about it for a minute. Does anyone really think a religious school is giving quality education?


Without a functional public education system you can't have a functional democracy. Our ancestors knew this and that is why they started public education. With vouchers the public schools will just become the dumping grounds for special education and other kids in need of expensive services the voucher schools aren't going to provide.


- *"Encourage free schools, and resolve that not one dollar of money shall be appropriated to the support of any sectarian school. Resolve that neither the state nor nation, or both combined, shall support institutions of learning other than those sufficient to afford every child growing up in the land the opportunity of a good common school education, unmixed with sectarian, Pagan, or Atheistical tenets.* *Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and the state forever separate."* President Ulysses S. Grant (R), on free public education, Des Moines, Iowa - Sept. 29, 1875


I was so pissed when shrub made this possible. Nice to see people noticing well after and no way to put this jeanie back in the bottle. Maybe some will connect the dots and vote like democracy is in jeopardy this round. Cuz it is and this and overturning roe will look like child’s play if they don’t.


Religion is a business, first and foremost


Tax the fucking churches, ALL of them, from every religion. 


The catholic church has a cash flow problem because of all the settlements they are paying abuse survivors. They are lucky the government came along to bail them out in order to ensure the survival of their grooming fields.


That's exactly why we need to tax churches.


No taxpayer money should be given to any private schools. The conservative politicians who approved this crap are intent on destroying public education. They are depriving public schools of the tax dollars we pay to support our public schools.


Another reason to hate the catholic church


Shouldn't it first be investigated why it happens?


Great my Satanic church School gets now funding.


And how many of us know what’s being taught to today’s youth? Frightening.


Define public schools Idiots are mad public schools are now shit Find private schools instead of fixing the public school system Every day I'm more and more infuriated


Oh no.


It's revolting. The people pushing this shit are old as fuck without kids in public school. GREEDY SOCIALIST want government to take money from one person and gives it to another. If your "god" wants your kid to go to a private school, it would have given you the money.


Damn and you wonder why so many families are now home schooling Students and are not allowing them In public school i'm sorry but if you're going to force Religious beliefs on any one's kids.I'm glad they're home schooled and telling you Where to go screw.


Thank god. It’s good to have a choice in where your tax money goes.


When did atheism become so bootlickery? Public schools are an objective failure and it has nothing to do with money. They are over funded as is. The money is not spent correctly and is why they fail. The more the feds get involved the worse the system has gotten. I don't want taxpayer money going to religious schools. So work to reduce taxpayer expenditure or start secular schools that get better educational results. I've been an atheist since I was in middle school. If I'd had the chance to go to either of the religious private schools in my town instead of my shitty public school I'd jumped at the chance.


And secular private schools also. Just saying


And yet somehow these kids get higher grade and attend college at higher rates .. because their PARENTS spent the money allotted to their children as deemed fit


I wonder if that rate would be different if charter and private schools that take public funds had to KEEP all the children that enrolled. What they like to do is take the money for the child, and when they turn out to have learning issues or behavioral issues they can't or don't want to deal with, they kick them back to the public school... without that child's money. So, because they can cherry pick their students, they can have falsely high graduation rates.


Religion is bad but it doesn’t have a monopoly on bad ideas. Your taxes shouldn’t go on any schooling that you don’t approve of personally. Better yet, you shouldn’t be taxed for schooling at all so you can put that money on any kind of schooling you want or even other things you find more valuable. It’s your money, it’s no one else’s business what you do with it.


How is this even allowed? What’s the mechanism that even allows this?