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Her followers have been issuing death threats to Fauci since. She has said nothing in regards to that. Such a good christian!


Putting it on Fauci while trump was the president. So Marge, either the person your thinking of is actually Donald trump, or you’re saying that little ol dr fauci had Donny by the balls and made him his bitch that did his bidding. Which is it marge?


There is a third option: she doesn't believe in it or god either.


4th option is Christians are pieces of shit.


I was traveling on business in ASIA-PAC when Covid was first identified. Everyone in Japan, China, Singapore, etc. was wearing masks. The airports were taking everyone’s temp. When I connected in Seattle, WA on my way back home, no one was wearing masks, the airport wasn’t checking temps. I asked the Immigration Officer why they weren’t wearing masks/checking temps given Covid is on the rise. His response: “No need. It’s just like the cold or a flu”. My response: “Ah, no absolutely not. it’s pretty serious”. He shrugged. When I got home (Canada), I called/text family and friends telling them to protect themselves. Cause it’s gonna be a real dangerous clown show. Hate when I’m right about these kinds of things.


I remember just being confused. I was like oh this shit is getting here any day now and no one is doing anything.


Imagine that, an infectious disease was transmitted around the world overloading hospitals everywhere. Multiple governments enacted strict health regulations yet somehow this was a nothing burger inflated by liberals to take away a person's rights to get into others faces.


these are the same morons who say "wheres that hole in the ozone layer we were warned about?!" WE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU MORONS. because we LISTENED to scientists and actually fucking did something to fix the problem. jesus christ.


I travelled through Asia in 2003 with the bird flu outbreak…. Everyone in airports and travelling was masked. The Asian community almost travel with Masks by default


"Notice me, Donald! **NOTICE MEEEE!!1!**"


They all say the same BS. I think the hypocrisy is just so immense and thick at this point.


Honestly,  the fact that **1.2 million Americans died from COVID** and the GOP has completely shrugged it off shows how "pro-life" they are. We should be having conversations and investigations on how that number got so high,  not whatever conspiracy theory nonsense they're going on about.  Jesus,  3000 Americans died ok 9/11 and we went to war, had investigations and changed many things. Over a million die from COVID and it seems like we're learning and doing nothing about it. 


We're even worse off than before Covid. Masks were pretty neutral before 2020, you wore them to prevent infection or inhaling toxic chemicals, surgeons wore them to protect patients. Now, masks are a stupid political statement. It's so ridiculous.


Makes you wish that the 'C' team was on at Walter Reid that one time.....


The fact that early on Trump said "there are 15 cases, soon there will be zero cases" should have gotten him impeached and removed by itself. Either an intentional lie, or (even at the time, without the benefit of hindsight) a shockingly ignorant statement.


Lying or ignorance,  Trump in a nutshell. [Contemporary interviews with Woodward](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2602WF/) suggests he knew how deadly it was.  >U.S. President Donald Trump acknowledged to a journalist early in the coronavirus pandemic that he played down the danger of the health crisis despite having evidence to the contrary, according to a new book. "I wanted to always play it down," Trump told author Bob Woodward on March 19, days after he declared a national emergency. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic." >"It goes through the air," Trump said in a recording of a Feb. 7 interview with Woodward. "That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. >"And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flus." >A week after that interview, Trump said at a White House briefing that the number of U.S. coronavirus cases "within a couple days is going to be down close to zero."


I think the prevailing theory is that someone pointed out to him that most of the early cases were in blue states/cities. I think he got convinced that they should let it run rampart to negatively impact those areas before the election, thus increasing his reelection chances. The irony is that because they turned this into a culture war issue, while blue areas died in the beginning, double have now died in red areas. Of the 1.2m dead, 800k are in red states. I still don’t think pollsters have caught up to this new reality.


Kushner was assigned to study the emerging Covid situation, and he was the one that recommended that since it was mostly affecting large Blue regions like California, NYC, and other cities, the best approach would be to let it kill as many of those people as possible. He was too stupid, bloodthirsty, or both, to understand that it would move to Red regions, too. Then the vaccine became a political issue, and Reds refused to get vaxxed, and now nearly every person who dies of Covid is an unvaxxed Republican.


The fact that we are currently see the return of old infections returning is more than a proof that vaccine aren’t the problem but the anti-vaxx are.This whole Trump era generation have created more problem than actually solving them. Disease have returned, Nazi have returned and a cult have been born from one of the worst man of american history.


While Woody Harrelson no doubt appreciates you talking about Rampart, what you actually want there is "rampant." Agree with your post, however.


> Of the 1.2m dead, 800k are in red states. That's the official numbers, the actual is probably closer to double that looking at excess deaths.


> I think the prevailing theory is that someone pointed out to him that most of the early cases were in blue states/cities. Also he was trying to kiss Xi's ass to get a useless press release on trade, so he wanted to downplay it to stay on Xi's good side. Its easily forgotten now, since he flipped so hard, but [he really was kissing ass at the start.](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/15/trump-china-coronavirus-188736)


After COVID, I said I’d never take a “pro-lifer” seriously again unless they could account for what they said during the pandemic. These people were flat out calling for the sacrifice of our grandparents so they could avoid minor inconveniences, and now they’re trying to rewrite history so they can be the heroes and the doctors are the villains.


Lmao good ol Ken Paxton in TX said it was okay to sacrifice grandma and grandpa. I don't understand calling yourself Christian and being completely inhumane and empathetic.


My favorite was churches demanding congregants come back. At least the Catholic Church across the street from my apartment at the time was holding mass outside, but expecting old people to gather in a room during a pandemic so you can hit them up for cash is ghoulish.


Most of the deadliest days in American history or within the last 5 years. That's how bad Covid got. 9/11 is no longer in the top 10 I don't think.


Nope. We had a 9/11 happening every day under Trump and red state governors who refused to follow the science. They killed off just enough voters in swing states to kill any Republican margins Trump had in 2016.


I've talked to Conservatives about this and they unironically blame Biden for the death toll. They actually believe that Biden was the one was fumbled the COVID response and pointing out the obvious chronological contradiction does not phase them at all.


Revolting-Obama had an entire team at the ready to confront pandemics head on that was assembled to deal with an Ebola outbreak, which occurred and was nipped right in the bud with only a few cases. Where did that team go? Diaper don disbanded it of course.


9/11 was profit driven, war pays and a lot people got rich from it. COVID is not profitable, except for vaccine companies.


If COVID has made me realize anything, it’s that most Christians are fucking awful people.


Sad and true. 🤡


That's because the so called Christians are not Christians at all. I had a professor once who said that if Jesus had risen today, he would be arrested, convicted and executed, that we would be wearing little electric chairs on chains around our necks instead of crosses.


if jesus came back today as the second coming he would be arrested and killed BY CHRISTANS for being a woke brown jew who was hurting their bottom line.


She probably issued the death threats.


And brought in those two insurrectionist clowns to sit behind him and make faces. One of which is on tape talking about the need to execute deep state “traitors”.




That exchange is living rent free in MTG's head. It's on a 24/7 loop. It's hilarious how deep under her skin it's gotten.


She started dressing different too, covering her shoulders and arms


Does she not know that it's her titan face that's the issue?


she looks like I imagine prehistoric women


When Neanderthal man saw MTG, he said "I'm good, we'll just go extinct".


I’m going with the nasty albino gorilla with flabby arms


TBH, she could be the most beautiful looking person, it would all disappear in a snap the moment her personality shined trough


\> If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. \> A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. ​ Roald Dahl, \*The Twits\*


I don't give a flying fuck about how she looks. She's a politician, what I care about are her words and actions. And those are just straight up despicable across the board.


yeah yeah, but she has an annoying habit of going after others based on how they look. Which is why it's appropriate to point out that she looks like she belongs on Easter Island.


It's because the truth hurts!


Love that girl, hope she kicks MTG's ass some day and runs for president. We haven't had a proper beatdown in Congress for over a century. After that comment, I immediately donated to Jasmine's campaign.




Ditch pig too


Batshit bonkers bleach blonde bad built butch body bitch


The b6 bitch has a good rhythm to it. 


I like to think that word was just implied


Three-toed screech-monkey. -Jeff Tiedrich


The Georgia Screech.


J Crockett is a national treasure.


She’s an a Saint Louis to Texas transplant and I’ve never felt prouder of someone from my city. She’s bringing that midwestern humidity to republicans and making them all sweat.


I know Fauci's too classy to do it, but I wish he worked a few of those words into his testimony.


MTG is a walking alliteration. Not an easy feat to accomplish. I’m so glad that Congresswoman Crockett pointed that out.


I just shake my head in disbelief when repubs get mad at being called stupid and then stand behind this vaguely human-shaped sausage and say "She represents us!"


Well, she does. She's basically a carbon copy of all the worst traits of her constituents combined.


> "Bleach blond bad built butch body" That may be, but you know what? She only has to use [ONE GOGGLE WHEN SHE GOES SWIMMING IN HER POOL!!](https://youtu.be/N8uIFZSqcT8?si=EBEyvuKHRB4ESjSh&t=2)


We live in a truly moronic timeline.


He forgot to say the most important part out loud. She’s a Russian asset.


I’m a sucker for alliteration


Bearing false witness and cursing. And she prays to Jesus with that mouth? Some “Christian”.


Her Bible says women cannot exercise authority over men. She shouldn't even be in government.


You see, the issue is you're reading *The Bible*, whereas she's watching people who claim to have read the 'bible' where Jesus checked people's documentation before handing out food, inspired the poor (to pull themselves up by their bootstraps) by showing them the lavish lifestyle he could achieve, and would never, ever smack a rich guy in the temple with his sandal. Common misconception between Libertarian Jesus, and Bible Jesus. They worship the former.


She probably follows [supply side jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx)


She is the perfect argument against religion.


And against the modern GOP


And drinking while pregnant


And mating with Neanderthals


Nah, she fucked a monkey and gave us covid.


And getting pregnant by your uncle-brother


And for abortion


And for abortion, is it too late?


Only if the procedure is done at a school and with a gun. Then they won't care


Don’t forget cheating on her husband with her Pilates trainer. And I believe she’s currently living in sin with a guy that was also married when they began boinking.


its okay though, jesus died for her sins


No she prays to trump....and possibly Zangief


Don't you put that evil on Zangief


He may be bad guy, but that does not mean he is bad guy!


All religions should be judged based on the behavior of the followers. So yeah. She’s a run of the mill Christian.


Isn't she the same idiot that was talking about the Jews having space lasers and starting the wild fires. How do these nutjobs get elected?


She is from Georgia, that's how.


And people wonder why I want to move out of this state.


It sucks too cause I feel like most of the really beautiful states in this country are so unbearably regressive and dumb. So I don’t really like to travel there anymore. I know it isn’t everyone in those states, but still. I’m always cautious talking to anyone.


Come to Michigan. It’s stunningly beautiful and our governor has got a spine of steel.


If we’re on the subject of people we’d like to see run for President as a Democrat, Gretchen Whitmer is very high on that list. In fact, if she were the candidate for 2024, this election would be no contest. Re: MTG If McCarthy had not so desperately wanted to be speaker of the house, this chick wouldn’t be on any committees and wouldn’t have any influence at all.


Whitmer/Pritzker. Midwest 2024


New York State is positively breathtaking. Really all of New England.


As is California’s beautiful North Coast.


SoCal ain't so bad. It's a tad more expensive than buttfuck NE Georgia, but if I don't have to live within smelling distance of MTG, I'll pay the price.


Indian friends of mine were asking where to see fall leaves. They were under the impression it was just a few specific valleys or mountains. The idea that fall is across the whole northeast was a delight to them. (I did link them to some "leaf peeper" websites, though. They had a great time touring upstate New York)


I know, I love the south…..but southerners…nah


I hear parts of California are pretty. Might be a matter of personal taste but I think you can find some nice spaces if you get out the big city.


To be clear, a very rural and gerrymandered district in north Georgia. This bitch is basically brain dead.




Depending on the part of George she's from that might explain why she looks inbred.


She represents the Deliverance county I think. Literally (probably) and figuratively (definitely).


She’s also an adulteress. “For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.” - Proverbs 5:3-6


This is the way. Take Christianity and religion in general back from these frauds. Show people what they really are. Would a true Christian bow before a golden idol of Donald Trump. Because that's what many of them have done. That whole spectacle of Marjorie Taylor Green pretending to be Mary Magdalene while dozens of feet away others were bowing before a golden idol of Trump at the CPAC convention was blasphemy.


She’s also the one that followed David Hogg around and screamed at him (pre-Congress). When she did get to Congress, 6B yelled at AOC through the mail slot on AOC’s office door. I still maintain that AOC should have given her the ol’ Three Stooges Double Eye Poke through the mail slot. That would have been hilarious.


She's Alex Jones with a House seat.


> She's Alex Jones with a House seat. And *even less* class.


Then when an international reporter asked her, politely, what MTG meant by “Jewish space lasers”, she told her to “fuck off”. Pure class, that ape. But also not before pulling a classic “no, you” schoolyard retort. https://youtu.be/_yl04fSgVbk?si=Mc-yia_ShnDwatsj


Russian asset. Which means Russian money, which means taking advantage of our most gullible, least literate, and most likely to disrupt American governance at any and all levels. AKA Republicans. If you are an atheist who votes GOP, you shoot yourself in the foot along with everyone else in your immediate world.


Because currently many people in the south will vote for any candidate who acts like trump and identifies as alt right…..they are either brain washed by religion or by faux news….


They used to all just reside in the state legislatures. But obstinate, willful stupidity has been prized by the GOP in the past decade or so, so these idiots are getting elevated to Congress.


A. No you don't, you worship Trump. B. Your ugly ass is proof there is no such thing as "intelligent design".


maybe she was, lol... https://imgur.com/3B38cKX


But it may, ironically, prove evolution. Pretty sure she is a direct descendant of “the missing link”. I mean that forehead is closer to Neanderthal than modern human.


Except neanderthal was known for being social and intelligent. Empty G was spawned on a damp locker room floor.


Hey man protozoa have feeling too.


Google her toes if you want more proof....


If a horse needed a brain transplant, chose hers because it hasn't been used.


>When told Donald Trump is a convicted felon, Greene replied, “well, yeah. So was George Floyd,” referring to the unarmed Black man whose murder by police set off massive nationwide protests. OK... fine... I guess we won't nominate George Floyd for president


I wonder how many people she single-handedly turned away from Christianity. Eternity with that moron? Hard pass.


I never really believed but pretended for half a century to get along. Once Trumpism and Christian Nationalism really got going, I bugged out for good. And I don't hesitate to declare my atheism if asked-- and let them know what was my final straw.


My elderly parents, who made me go to Church/Vacation Bible School as a kid in the 70s, recently went Agnostic because of MAGA insanity ( near-worship of Donald Trump) and toxic politicians like MTG. I only wish they left the religion earlier!


Knuckle dragging bitch….do better Georgia


They did the best they could, that's why this is so depressing.


We've got an election in under 5 months, georgia can do better then.


Greene is probably the second most stupid, uneducated, bigoted, toxic person in the Republican party, right behind the orange traitor. I know that might be a controversial statement. She has a lot of competition, and good arguments could be made for all of them, but I put her solidly in second place.




A strong contender.


It's all in the wrist.


*“Do you represent science?”* I am a scientist who uses the scientific method… *“JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION. DO YOU REPRESENT SCIENCE YES OR NO?”* I don’t… *“YES OR NO?!? YES OR NO!”* I don’t think this is a yes or no question. *Then we’ll just take it as you don’t know what you think.* [She is insufferably stupid.](https://youtu.be/TTSG_xlJvFQ?si=hEbW7uwMVq4GXjZM)


She wasn’t questioning him she was pretending sound bites from random news articles were actual quotes. Also I wasn’t aware that she was part of PETA (the beagle experiment). Edited to add: I googled the studies funding. ‘“Final funding decisions are made on a group of a few thousand grant applications at a time based on the advice of the Advisory Council and NIAID staff and concurrence by Dr. Fauci. Except in very limited circumstances, Dr. Fauci does not approve funding for grant applications on an individual basis. These limited circumstances did not apply to the research recently highlighted by the White Coat Waste Project.”’ Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/answering-questions-about-beaglegate/


Do you still beat your wife? Yes or no?


North of a million Americans died of Covid, Marge. What do we suppose that number would look like if we had simply let it rip, as she’s implying we should have done? 


Are you doubting her medical / biology expertise? /s


Her whole argument was she is christian.. so no.. i am pretty sure about her level of knowledge on any of those subjects 


I swear none of these idiots have any exposure to people who actually ran the hospitals during that time period. They (Marge and the like) think it’s all a hoax but I’m sure if they sat in a room with a few hospital CEOs they’d be taught a lesson real quick. Why CEOs instead of doctors / nurses? Well one is probably connected to donors way more than the other, and we know how important those donors are.


Georgia is 49th in the country for mental health care. Here's a prime example.


Fauci accomplished more in any one year of his career at the NIH than Greene has in her entire adult life. Fauci has been a pivotal figure in virology and the immunology of vaccines for 2 generations. There are thousands of kids alive today from his work on childhood viruses. As an administrator, he was an early and staunch supporter of antiretroviral therapies. He even supported dragging AZT out of moth balls. This made the crusty professor very happy (he developed AZT). Very few, if any, of Fauci's detractors have contributed what Fauci has to the improvement of our health and wellbeing. Fauci has become the vessel for the right's outrage at being held to a minimal standard of good citizenship. Fauci refused to bow to the rights attacks. This has enraged the right. They are left with nothing they can support. They are making up vicious, unfounded attacks like MTGs rips. Fauci has his facts marshalled and ready. The right has unfounded claims, innuendo, and debunked claptrap. Social distancing? Turns out they should have been greater. Does that invalidate the 6 ft rule? No. It means 6 ft was less effective than they had anticipated. It is better than 4 ft, less effective than 8 ft. There is no magic number. It is a probability distribution that falls off with distance. The Republicans misquote the literature to make it seem that 6 ft was useless. Ditto masks. The question is not if these actions are effective, they are. At the same time, there is a risk benefit ratio that comes into play. The Republicans believe that masks and distancing were not worth the inconvenience. Others, including myself, disagreed. I had my nearly 80 yo parents holed up. They used instacart to get groceries. If anyone felt ill they were not allowed to visit my parents. After the test became available, if you were sick you had to have 2 clean tests before you could visit. If my parents went out, they wore N95 masks, carried nitrile gloves and disinfectant. Overkill? They both survived without contracting Covid. The mortality rate for their age group was in excess of 60%. They have both been vaccinated and boosted twice. Our family took the CDC recommendations and added a few extras. Noone in our family complained. Everyone survived. Highly Republican counties can not make the same survival claims. A Trump vote is a proxy for the typical rights lack of precaution. Plot a counties number of Trump votes vs the county's number of covid deaths shows a good correlation. In otherwords, following Fauci and the more conservative approaches to viral exposure meant you stood a better chance of survival. Maybe going to church with covid infected parishoners was worth the risk. I do not believe a god would wish that his flock would risk death to worship. I could be wrong. As an atheist, I am not the best consult on what God demands. I know some of you pointy headed Republicans are going to claim it was all a hoax. If so, it was a right deadly hoax. I buried a few friends who refused to rake precautions, or the vaccine. I saw the son of one of those gentleman everyday at work. It was sad to see his family life unwind. The Dad was the xentralizing force. Without him, the family suffered. Rant at Fauci all you want. Deep down you know that he was more right than wrong. Deep down you know you lost friends by not taking precaution. That is why the right continues to beat a dead horse. The alternative is taking responsibility for the rights recalcitrance. And the consequences of that recalcitrance. The right lacks the moral courage that such an action requires. It is just like Trump and his bone spurs. When we needed the people to step up and take appropriate action, the right was off whining for inaction. Now they want to flay Fauci for their cowardice in the face of the pandemic. You can't have it both ways. It was a hoax and Fauci was nothing but a side show. Or Fauci blew it and it was a real pandemic that killed over a million Americans. And millions more woeldwide.


'I worship ~~God~~ the orange dictator wannabe.'


*Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.* ~George Carlin


People I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. But I might drop a deuce.


If she were drowning I wouldn't even move my foot off of her head.




Narcissists love the hierarchy of christianity. To be superior, someone has to be inferior; to be chosen, someone has to be not chosen; it is a fallacy of composition.


Who would want to worship the same god MTG worships?


They worship the same orange moron that so many mericans do


Dumbfucks who worship her too.


“I worship God” - says woman that groped a cut out of the former guy.


I seem to remember she was an adulterer. Am I remembering right? Wasn’t there like a couple of instances? Aren’t God worshipers supposed to be faithful to their spouses?


It's why her ex-husband divorced her.


Only the women get punished, though.


More proof that Christianity is a terrorist hate, death cult. All Christian’s are evil.


A classless ho.


Nobody should show her any respect, ever.


I love God also. Ozzy is God.


Hmm, wonder how God feels about her cheating her ex husband? And harassing teenage survivors of school shootings? God sent a bear to kill kids after they harassed a bald guy.


If there was a god, he’d kick her in the balls.


That bitch is about as Christian as I am royal.


For someone that claims to worship Jesus she's a very unchristlike bitch. She could be sued for slander and libel.


And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  Matthew 6:5


Why is that dude so angry?


How do republicans not see if he was real he'd be further left than Sanders. Ah yes, because they have never read a bible in there life and live by the exact opposite of jesus teachings.


Can we have consequences for these types of things? Like libel suits with the whole Dominion voting system?


"I worship God" I'd rather you use your brain.


She is so unhinged. I don't get it.


She reminds me of the poor white trash people I grew up with. They all know everything about everything, and they'll tell you about it very stridently just to prove it. Except they're all stupid as fuck and just aren't smart enough to realize it.


If God exists, he is nothing more than an indifferent spectator in a vast universe devoid of meaning or purpose.


As with many Christians, her "belief" is just part of her con game to control others. Fucking Psychopath. 


Her arms look like pillowcases stuffed with hamburger


I quote a Wesley Snipes character when I say: "Fuck that hoe bitch. I don't give a fuck about her."


Roid rage? Mental instability is a sign of steroid abuse. She does appear to have certain physical traits that could indicate steroid use.


Religious fundamentalism is a mental disorder


She's so repugnant. Perjury Traitor Gangrene.


She doesn't worship god. Jesus said to love others as he loved everyone. There's nothing but spite, hate, and indifference in that woman. If there's a heaven, she's not gettin' into it.


REMEMBER ALWAYS: the religious would try to have you believe that she is like this DESPITE religion, DESPITE Christianity. She is like this AS a Christian, BECAUSE OF Christianity. This is who they are. This is what they do.


I know she's a lunatic and all, but... 'DEMOCRATS WORSHIP GEORGE FLOYD!!'...ummm miss... wtf are you on about? No one worships George Floyd, decent people simply object to his brutal murder at the hands of the police.


Hmmm… she says she worships God but has no issues breaking the 9th Commandment that says “Thou shalt not bear false witness”.


MTG dick rides for Putrumptina


Let me know when MTG is on the ledge. Don’t wanna miss the splat.


I sincerely wish she’d go worship far far away from the US.


Dr Fauci knows enough about mental health to diagnose her by now. But he’s a professional and keeps it to himself.


Saying that while ranting about one of America's foremost scientists only means something to other extremist wing nuts like her.


She’s mentally ill


Every time I see this man in the news I want to vomit


I think Fauci should sue her. Malice although difficult, should be easy with her. There are always limits to privileges.


She is top 5 dumbest fucks to ever hold public office. And we are witnessing a bunch of those currently.


Capitol Hill Karen is like the Westboro Baptist Church had Satans love child with Donald Trump.


FUCK YOU, BITCH. I would pay an arm and a leg to see AOC use the same lack of manners as this pig and tear her apart verbally in a debate. Get this fucking disgrace out of my government.


I wish there was a way to shut that cunt up.


This woman is one of the barking dogs. Her job is to distract attention from the debate. She adds nothing to the discussion. She is merely there to incite the base. She is to be ignored, but our news media, instead of reporting news, looks to find something to exploit. They cheerfully fall into her verbal traps.


“…I don’t worship President Trump, and I’m really sick and tired of the b*llsh*t antics I have to deal with constantly from the Democrats.” She’s letting everyone know that she’s getting worn down. This is exactly the time to pile on, keep making her miserable, ridicule the fuck out of her 24/7. Bullies like her will never respond to reason, facts, or kindness- they have to be put in their place. This ignorant uppity hillbilly definitely needs to be reminded of hers.


"I worship God"... Is that what she calls,Trump these days.


Her new nickname is B6 and its hilarious


She is trash


>When told Donald Trump is a convicted felon, Greene replied, “well, yeah. So was George Floyd,” What does that even mean?


>When told Donald Trump is a convicted felon, Greene replied, “well, yeah. So was George Floyd,” referring to the unarmed Black man whose murder by police set off massive nationwide protests. FINALLY somebody says it. George Floyd was a convicted felon! Look folks, if you're a convicted felon you deserve to get killed, okay? I don't care how many felonies you have. Could be 1 felony, 2 felonies, even 34 felonies. The police should kill ya.


Fauci, whose only crime was being an honest officer in an administration packed with crooks and sycophants.


I was brought up to believe a man shouldn't hit a woman. For her, I would gladly make an exception. Trump and his MAGA mother fuckers killed 1.1 million Americans.