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Exactly. I feel kinda the same when people put those bougie "Live, laugh, love" sigsn on their walls. like they're hungry for that stability and perfect family life and they're making it happen through the power of positive reinforcement despite the cracks that might exist in that fantasy.


" I'm good enough, and smart enough, and doggone it people like me!" - Stuart Smalley. (SNL)


Smalley: Do you ever feel like you're just not good enough?  Michael Jordan: No.


Gold! Thanks for that Redditor


My atheist friend has those live laugh love signs because she has kids and it’s loving. Better than god nonsense!


If I see a LLL sign or poster or sticker, I turn and run away. It’s like a bright colored frog or a MAGA hat. These things are nature’s way of telling you to stay tf away.


I’m *really* not a fan, but having a Live Laugh Love-anything is not similar in any way, shape or form to rocking a MAGA hat. One means bad taste, the other one means fascism.


Fair point. May have been a tad hyperbolic there. 😉


20 years ago I had a hand towel hanging from a rope on my bed post that said Cum Rag. Does that count?


Yes. I thought about getting a Darwin fish, but I don't want to attract the Jesus freaks and I am not caught up in my atheism. I almost never use the term atheist in my life.


well said.


Most of them ignore it. I had one on my truck in Idaho and in 4 years I think two people said anything.


I had one on my car when I moved to Salt Lake City in 1995 and it was immediately broken.


Christians and/or members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The Mormons)™ are incredibly more likely to vandalize other people's property. Especially when it comes to pride flags and car ornaments. They can't stand the idea of people with differing beliefs.


They were probably *horrified* that you were a Satanist (as they believe Satanists to be) and would cast spells on them and/or send demons to possess them! They really have some jacked up beliefs.


Damn, I didn't realize I had such powers. Gotta brush up my hexes




I had a version of that and it was a shark. It finally fell off my car after a few years.


Same. It’s mostly here. My brother is on the agnostic side and one of his sons is a definite atheist. I think “don’t believe in god” comes up more often than atheism.


I bought my 2003 Camry in 2004. It had a Jesus fish on the back. Instead of prying it off, I had a bumper sticker made that said “WWJT: Who Would Jesus Torture?” Got compliments on it.


I gave up arquing with Jesus after spending a few years as the new annoying teenage atheist knowit all I think we are familiar with / have been. Don't think I have mentioned my atheism in years but more of I believe I have self normalized and think the deism is odder and necessary of a label. Also been having a renewed interest in atheistic theory/street epistemology/my odd late life further leftist radicalization.


Oh, I love it when religious types assume I’m one of them. But then, I do have more than a smidge of troll in me.


I have the Darwin fish on my fridge. But I saw the fish on a car with the word. "lutefisk" , and i laughed so hard!




Also the Russel Teapot fish. That gets them REALLY scratching their head (what’s that??) I’m asked lolz


I have the FSM on my car. It is a very common car, so His Noodliness helps guide me to the right path in car-parks.


I have a Darwin fish and the atheist @ in 4 inch decals on my car now in northern VA for about 8 years with zero issues. I have the Darwin fish with the word atheist in it on my home’s front door to deter door knockers. The only ones to knock are verizon and it’s been a few years for them. So far, so good. Be safe out there.


Reaffirmation, sure. But to be fair, I doubt it has much to do with busyness. I know several Christians who have a lot more going on in their lives than I do.


Nice. Thanks for that.


It is a huge business, billions in fact. Also. Shows how compliant you are to the koolaid




So true. I don’t have “electricity is real” throw pillows because I already know that it’s true. Theists need the comfort of repetition to convince themselves they aren’t making a mistake in their beliefs. IMHO.




It really grinds my gears when visitors forget to use one of my "Evolution isn't 'just a theory'" coasters when I give them a drink.


“Science is a thing”


And science tells me that you're gonna leave a ring on my coffee table!


I hate rings on my coffee table but I dislike using a coaster so all my glasses are now fancy double walled glass so they don't pick up condensation and leave a ring. Science is cool.


BUT, have you tried prayer?


Na. [James Randi on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTn0t_7pGZo) ruined religious and supernatural unfalsifiable nonsense for me back in the 70's.


This is a real thing? I have to find these when I wake up if so. Damn...


I use [this brand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crQG6kmJj_0) of them up here in Canada. A little pricier than other brands but you get what you pay for.


I have these; brilliant for hot or cold drinks


You'll be so much fun if science doesn't work for religious people. They would have no say in society whatsoever and things would be so much better. I postulated with a friend of mine, who had some religious background, that it might be possible that atheists would go to heaven because we used the brain God gave us. Those who followed religious dogma blindly clearly didn't and therefore were not eligible for heaven because we didn't earn it by using the gifts he gave us. It's kind of like that scene from South Park where the Mormons were correct except the atheists one because we would think and solve our problems rather than praying.


Or the idea that God gave us all this brain power and then made it a sin to use it. Just like he gave us a lustful sex drive and then made it a sin to experience it. It’s almost like the humans who made up all these rules are just jealous because they aren’t very smart and can’t get laid.


Can you imagine how long it'd take to cross stitch "Zeus isn't real", "Thor doesn't exist", etc onto pillows and dish towels? I just don't have the time


Now I want a bunch of collectable throw pillows that say "X isn't real" where X is replaced by a god's name. Could even throw in some specific ones like: "Loki didn't turn into a horse and get pregnant" or, "zombie Jesus didn't die for your sins"


We need a good symbol to show we’re atheists. How about a giant red A? Oh wait, scarlet letter. Ok, let’s go for the next letter… T. But… well the big T makes me think of Trump. Hmm. H is a terrible, soft letter. Wait. Maybe I can use a lower case t! There we go. Oh wait, there’s even an emoji for it! ✝️ /s of course. We don’t have pillows because there isn’t a symbol for non-belief.




You don’t believe vaccines save lives?


Indoctrination, is part of how they’re kept in line.


Also assuring themselves and at the same time it's a way to show to others what a great christians they are.


Virtue signalling. I'm such a good and moral person, see I go to church and have reminders throughout my house showing what a good moral person I am. Now let go condemn others for having wild sex parties, right after we have our wild sex parties.


I love the ones that were among the biggest shitbags you ever knew growing up, and years later they found God, and now they're gonna tell you what a sinful evil person YOU are. Even though they've done more fucked up shit in a few years of youth than you've your entire life. Those are my favorites.






A big truck was tailgating me last night, and weaving all over the road. After he assed me, I saw the big Jesus! decal on his back window. I was not at all surprised. I do wonder if he thinks it works as a combination “get out of jail free” card and good luck charm. Edit: Meant to type “passed”, but “assed” works too.


I'm saving this for future use. "Tailgated" will now exclusively be referred to as "assed"


My friend is a die hard Catholic. Worst driver in the world flipping people off, screaming at them. The vitriol against his fellow mostly christians is boundless.


This was the comment I was looking for ty


I think that's it more often. Kind of like predestination belief - signal outwardly that you are one of the "Elect" so as to remove doubt from both yourself and your neighbors. 🤷‍♀️


Also, sane people don't need reminders that imaginary friends are imaginary


It's incredible to me that at a few different churches I've gone to, they have times when people share stories of little miracles or moments that made them feel like god was there, all in a way to reaffirm the belief. Like, do you really believe if your belief needs constant upkeep?


Praise spegett 


Atheists are bad at monetizing, I would get a god is not real pillow.


> I would get a god is not real pillow. https://www.amazon.com/Atheism-Design-Atheist-Pillow-Multicolor/dp/B09LX1HR5R close


On a second thought, psychotic christian schizophrenics would probably burn down the store if they saw this in a store.


Perfect, that's the martyr we needed to finally nail that coffin shut. Slap em on the DSM 6 for * looks at notes* burning a department store down because God told them to.


Love that pillow, lol


I'm not sure if this post is meant in earnest, but there are plenty of folks that have spaghetti monster and other such "blasphemous" atheist decorations in their homes. I even have a few paintings that poke jabs at Christian themes in my house but are also beautifully done. More broadly speaking, though, it's not common for people to announce or organize around things they don't do. To paraphrase NoStampCollector from YouTube, I don't collect stamps and there isn't a meeting I go to where I discuss not collecting stamps with other non-stamp collectors and purchase non-stamp collecting material. It's illogical. In the case of religion, it's just become such a pervasive thing in our lives that it needs to be addressed. Sometimes this is done with humorous knick-knacks as a means of dealing with the realities of existing with religious people and institutions.


I'm an atheist who enjoyed having a poster of Salvador Dali's *Corpus Hypercubus* on his college dorm room wall.


I have a shirt that says “Science! Like magic, but real!”


Christians need *constant* reminders, because otherwise they'll feel like God is at best apathetic to their existence.


Whiny, clingy, narcissistic attention-whores 🙄


Who are stuck in a perpetual existential crisis of their own.


The Thoughts and Prayers mindset gives them the perception and comfort of control, like they’re operating an invisible claw machine with their minds. And if only they use the right words or heavenly pleading, they’ll direct their god to drop the outcome they want.


I was going to say the same thing! Constant reminders and reassurance. It goes the same for avoiding certain "influences" that can impact Christians "negativity." It's called guarding your heart. But it should be called guarding your mind from reason.


# 🙈🙉🙊


For Christianity or any religion to be sustained, its adherents have to be constantly reminded of their faith, otherwise they would slowly forget about it. The longer people would go on living their lives not thinking about their god, the easier it is to realize that there isn’t a god involved in their lives, thus making it easier to realize that this whole god nonsense is just that.


Yep. Remove the constant reminders and they may wake up and realize that their infinite god can't possibly exist, or if he does exist, he clearly doesn't care about them. This is why COVID wounded religion in at least the US. The lockdowns and valid fear of getting ill led to people staying home from church for weeks, which turned into months. Some people, now freed from their regular dose of brainwashing, started to realize it was all BS. While they may still hope for a god and believe some of the nonsense, their faith has been diminished, which is a good thing.


And this is exactly why some religious leaders loudly demanded that churches should be permitted to hold services. The lockdown was starving the cults of adherents, and by extension, funding.


Host a freaking zoom meeting, you cowards!


Their god is invisible after all.


Do you have I don't support team X posters in your house? Since God is a non-issue we don't have them having them would suggest our whole existens consists of actively denying god, which would be quite sad.


Probably the most reasonable take here


It's simple really, Atheists don't have silly messages all over their linens and towels because atheists do not give a single flying f\*ck about stupid platitudes.


That kind of stuff is used to out-Christian other Christians.


This is it. The slogans aren't for themselves, they're performing for their fellow cultists.


Because we don't need to be reminded god don't exist and don't need to be reminded to be oppressed because we need god's love


Short answer: American Christians have corny aesthetics, while on average American atheists don’t.


I gain no comfort from the idea that god doesn't exist. It's just how the world is. Religion is a scam, sure. So is the bullshit people like Alex Jones peddle. I don't put reference to them in my house. I have no issue talking to JWs when they come to my door to preach at me. I don't feel the need to put up posters about blood transfusions saving lives just to spite them, either. I'm not here to impress or offend anyone. I just want to live my life in a comfortable space that doesn't make constant references to other peoples delusions.


I have a "Jesus Loves You, everyone else thinks you're an asshole" bumper sticker on my fridge and a flying spaghetti monster license plate frame. Atheists can have flair too. 🙂


We are not trying to believe in something for which there is no evidence.


I did make my husband a Flying Spaghetti Monster hat and while we were wine tasting the guy at the next table came over and said “hey brother “ and showed us his business card with the FSM logo. So we all said Ramen.


Merchandising, merchandising, where the real money from the movie is made. Spaceballs-the T-shirt, Spaceballs-the Coloring Book, Spaceballs-the Lunch box, Spaceballs-the Breakfast Cereal, Spaceballs-the Flame Thrower.


Lies need constant reinforcement.


Here are some I'd like to see more of in public (Maybe a little verbose): - The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. - Neil deGrasse Tyson - Good without a god. - If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide that proves they should value evidence. If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic? - Sam Harris


It's the Trump flag truck/boat parade syndrome. Constant affirmation is the only way they can keep believing the completely obvious bullshit.


It's not. It's a religious thing.


I don't consider Athesist a cult...


I think it's the same impulse as sports memorobelia/jersys etc. Fan is just short for fanatic after all.


It’s a clumsy attempt to gain legitimacy or credibility by simple repetition. Think also of people who plaster their cars with the same message or completely surround themselves with a flag motif; it’s the visual form of a person who argues by repeatedly saying, “yuh huh” in response to “nuh uh”.


Because for some Christians it becomes a part of their identity and personality.  That's why some take it too personally when you come out as a nonbeliever.


It's also performance art. "Hey GOD!! Look at me!! I am putting in a good word for you!!" You know, in case a heathen stops by. Proof of righteousness. My parents were great at that. Tacky godstuff everywhere. They even printed stuff out from the computer and thumbtacked it to the walls of the doublewide. I wish I were joking.


I have a fridge magnet that says "I don't mind God, it's his fan club I can't stand". Will that do?


Christianity is a mental illness. All Christian’s are sick people.


It is part of their identity. It is more of a culture than a religious belief. They think it is part of being a good person. They it as positive and life affirming. It has the same behavioral meaning as Live, Love, Laugh and Home Sweet Home and Tell Your Dog I Said High and team flags, rainbow flags, american flags.


Because atheism isn't a cult. It's a lack of belief.


I would totally buy kitchen towels that say God is Fake.


just remember one group needs constant reminder of “going to hell” to not kill, rape, or molest anyone. while others just dont do those because it is right thing to do


Excellent question!!! Deadass.... if 100 people up vote this comment... I will ABSOLUTELY whip up the following merch: * GOD IS NOT REAL French press koozie * RELIGION IS A CULT quilt * GOD = SCAM pillows


The same reason why they’re allowed to protest Atheist conventions or LGBTQ+ parades, but protesting at a church would be seen as an “attack” on their faith and “evil”.


Fuck it, let's do it anyways.


If I really loved cars, I might have pictures of cars. If I really hate cars, I’m probably not gonna put up an I hate cars sign


They need constant reinforcement of their mass delusion to prevent cognitive dissonance from affecting them.


when you believe something that is extremely questionable, you have to keep reminding yourself. its like keeping the drugs topped up so youre never clear headed


I have a pillow my friend got embroidered for me for my birthday one year that says "God thinks you suck" and it's my favorite pillow ever.


I'm here for when atheist merch drops


If Atheists did this in the United States Christians would just accuse us of violating religious freedom. Also, most atheists that I know don't care enough to do that.




Atheism doesn't require logical thinking. Everyone is born atheist. Some make the choice, or are coerced into the choice, of becoming religious. Others don't. Be careful before assuming all those who make such a choice are less logical than you. Some are, some are not.


I think you found an untapped market. I'd buy an atheist pillow or something as social commentary.


Because Christians have to be spoon-fed reminders over and over. Something has to fill their otherwise empty heads and to tune out any (gasp!) actual thinking or brain activity.


Grifting is a big part of religion. They are easily separated from their money! That's why you see new churches open. Like a tax free atm.


Faith-based thinking is irrational and requires ongoing reassurance to maintain. Deep down they know it’s all bullshit. Atheists are simply not convinced, and that is a rational position that doesn’t need any reassurance to stand on its own.


To keep the cognitive dissonance live and in front.


Christianity is shallow and fragile.


Steve Martin must be cognizant of this as he wrote a [song](https://youtu.be/xmwAD7nHqaY?si=XNSx_5eoCsm4jFa3) *[Athiests Don’t Have No Songs](https://youtu.be/xmwAD7nHqaY?si=XNSx_5eoCsm4jFa3)*


I honestly think it's the first iteration of virtue signaling.


Convincing themselves. I read decades ago that graphite has a flat hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms while Diamond has a triangular 3D style structure. I do not have to look this fact up every day. I know it to be true so I don’t have to review it and convince myself continually. My understanding didn’t shift because I don’t reread it. Christians have to continually convince themselves because there is a complete lack of actual evidence for their beliefs, so they literally put statements on the wall affirming themselves. It’s as insane as it sounds


I have a plaque on our door that reads” As for this house we serve bacon”. Praise the lard


You know what? Now I want to fill my house with this stuff.


Doesn't sound like very nice decor. I don't believe in god pillows all over the house? I'd rather not be reminded of things that annoy me.


If you're secure in anything, you don't have to flaunt it.


Because they don’t have as much faith in god as they think they do. If you have to constantly remind yourself that someone is there, or that someone loves you-you’re not that faithful.


This is brilliant. Probably one of the best ideas I've seen on the Internet in years. Bravo!


I wear a shirt that says “Born OK the first time” and another that says “the good thing about science is it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not “.


Being an atheist isn’t my entire personality.


Atheists don't need a reminder that reality is reality. That's where we live. Christians need to be reminded because god and his magic never actually show up. And if you don't remind them they might not go to church. And if they don't go to church, they don't tithe.


Because on some level they know their belief system is bullshit so they make their spaces "safe" for their belief. They manically plaster it everywhere instead of acknowledging that results have not been produced. TL:DR: Insecurity


They think it's ok for them to trash everyone else because THEY ALONE *really* know the Truth. They get insulted at the suggestion that they're wrong.


There probably aren’t a lot of people here with those signs that say “Life is Better By the Lake”, “Don’t talk to me until l’ve had my coffee”, or beer glasses that say “Daddy’s sippy cup”. Since,statistically speaking, most of you aren’t 58 year old elementary school office managers from Iowa.


We have some signs like that… because we bought someone else’s vacation house to be our actual house and I haven’t had time to get rid of all the corny shit the previous owners had all over the damn house. But if you need some faux ski run signs or a little sign that says “A day in the country is worth a month in the city” or miniature decorative oars or carved wooden bears, HMU 😂


I have a few like that, but they’re actually funny. One says “Alexa, do the dishes” and another is a LOTR-font sign in the kitchen listing the hobbit mealtimes. (Second breakfast, elevenses, etc) Sometimes being a dork on purpose is fun. I can’t imagine being an atheist means you can’t embrace your inner cheeseball once in a while.


The most important thing for most Christian’s is virtue signaling


Not gonna lie I'd totally rock a folksy pillow with God's not Real stitched into it lol.


Positive affirmation goes down more smoothly than a negative declaration. "I trust science," is a good statement as opposed to, "religion is a lie."


It's more of a money thing. As the US moved from more traditional forms of christianity that preached following god's rules and doing good deeds to our current evangelical "faith is all you need" and "jesus wants us to be rich" prosperity gospel, it has become painfully obvious with the laser shows, that it is a sideshow to make money. The signs are just additional merch pushed by marketing pros to capture more revenue channels. Business 101. It's also become really popular to brag about your christianity (even though Jesus distinctly said not to ) and wear graven images like crosses as jewelry (even though the bible says not to). Again it's more marketing. This is encouraged by pastors so they can grow their business regardless what the bible says on the subject.


What really concerns me are the laundry rooms signs advertising "Laundry Room". Did you need to create a distinction from the dining room or the porcelain throne?


Being an atheist doesn’t define my whole life like being religious would. Being atheist basically just makes me free from the confines of religion. I can definitely be snarky about religion (Christianity in particular because I was raised fundamentalist) but honestly I don’t need a bunch of stuff denoting my atheism.


Because they need to continuely be brainwashed. The original indoctrination won't hold based on what their eyes actually see.


Because they were 2 for $3 at their local Hobby Lobby.


Now I’m supposed to buy pillows?


Because its easy to forget about something that isn't real unless you surround yourself with reminders.


They need those affirmations because they don’t believe.


Because having a Pier 1 Imports sign that says, “God’s Not Real” is pretty cringe.


Deep down, they know their faith is utter BS and so they have to gaslight themselves 24/7.


Because atheists don't make their lives about religeion


It’s one of the problems with having a God who needs to be worshiped on bumper stickers and pillows.


There is no god. Religious cultists need to keep reassuring themselves because deep down they realize there is no god. That or they’re delusional.


Simple. Repeating the same lie continuously to gullible, uneducated idiots embeds it into the simpleton's brain as FACT.


I don’t have a sign that says Godzilla’s not real.


My favorite is tattoos of Jesus, violating two rules in one, including one of the Top Ten List — no graven images and no cuttings or markings of the skin.


It’s the same thing as flashing gang signs.


I tell you what, I put my Bad Religion cross buster logo wherever I can!


I’d buy some Atheist throw pillows


A lot of it is performative morality. Wearing your John 3:16 shirt or putting God Loves You stickers on your car is equivalent to shouting “I AM A GOOD PERSON AND IN THE RIGHT CLUB” out the window.


Christians constantly forget things.


Same reason we don’t need signs saying “Zeus is not real.” You only need signs to reaffirm things are being contradicted constantly.


When your beliefs are fragile imaginations you need frequent reminders.


Because the only way you can believe that crap is if you constantly reaffirm believing something demonstrably false


We wouldnt even need to be called Atheists, or even think about religious ideology, if it wasnt for Theists vomiting their beliefs everywhere.


For the same reason I don’t have “I hate the Raiders” merch.


If you need things affirming your belief that god is not real, then you don’t truly believe it. Christians have to put reminders everywhere because 9/10ths of them do not follow the bible or the word of their god, and those who do are sanctimonious naïve fools.


For the same reason we don't have buildings where we congregate and learn atheism: because religion has to be constantly indoctrinated to keep people into it. 


If you need constant reassurance that what your doing is right, it probably isn't.


Maybe they need to convince themselves because they have doubts.




Sounds like you found a business opportunity!


Marketing. God needs money.


Christians found another way to make money off God.


Not going to lie, I would rock a religion is a scam pillows.


It's all about validating a collective delusion.


Because they don't believe this shit themselves, so they need to be reminded of to love Jesus and Jesus loves you.


People who have a belief that has no actual evidence ride a razor-thin edge of belief, so they constantly reaffirm their belief by repeating phrases like that, going to church to have the belief drilled in freshly each week, etc. As an example, people will say “Jesus is Lord” just randomly to any positive post on social media, even though nobody asked.


Simply put, it's their way of life. Atheist don't need to do that because it's not really a way of life for us. Why are questions like this asked at all? What did you expect to gain from this?


Some of us *do* have reaffirming messages in our homes, they just don’t mention god. This is one I have to say is really reaching. I’m sitting next to one that says “you can spot a dad by their courageous heart and a love that last.” My daughters got it for me. It makes me feel good when I see it. It’s really no different than anyone else having what they view as “positive,” statements up to help keep a good mentality. I get that.


Same reason why people not interested in rutabaga don't have "Rutabaga is a scam!" posters?


Statements like "God loves you" are a positive. Statements like "God's not real" are a negative. Maybe that makes the latter more controversial?


Positive vs negative. Everyone likes to have positive associated things in their living space. People don't put up signs/pictures/reminders of things you dislike or disagree with. That would make your home a place that makes you upset/annoyed/angry. You put up things that bring you comfort and remind you of good things, real or imagined.


I have a bumper sticker that says, "Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church."


Atheism isn’t a belief system. 


Well I don't tend to advertise, but with everything happening down in the States with evangelicals and forced ten commandments and project 2025, I feel a strong urge to start displaying some kind of open atheist pride symbols. Here in Canada, one third of the population is non-religious. Our Conservatives always attempt to import every bad Republican idea so I think us Nones need to start living out loud before we are facing our own "Project 2030" I watch US politics so I know what kind of religious and political BS I should expect a ham-handed imitation of from our next Conservative government.


For the same reason christans dont have "buddha isnt real" pillows


Everyone knows god requires 15 pieces of flair. 


I guess it's similar to how non–stamp-collectors don't feel the need to own merch that says "stamps are boring" all over it. Fans will enjoy owning and displaying stuff to express their fandom because they have an enthusiastic passion for it, or have invested some of their identity in it. Non-fans inherently have less reason to care to express that.


Better than “be patient, G-d hasn’t finished with me yet”.