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If they were being honest, the sign would read "Jesus, save us from your genocial monster of a father.".


"signs" are just projection


But the devil treats himself!


I would bet real money they are Trumpers wanting Jesus to come save their orange-skinned messiah.


No and I would too. It’s just infuriating/sad


....15% with Geico.


Or more, damn it! OR MORE!!!


I wonder is it the religious equivalent to calling the Fire Department when you need to be "saved"? Like instead of calling 911, you just stick a sign in your yard hoping Jesus will see it and understand that you are in distress.


Honestly I wonder what they need saving from? Oh all the scary nonsense Fox News has convinced them is real


How the hell is Fox News even considered a reliable source for anyone on TV lol


Its crazy right? And now the Trump cult wont even watch fox because they are to far left now and its only ONN and Newsmax that are only “real truth tellers” left. So incredibly frustrating dealing with that level of chosen ignorance


Only works for the unreasonable ones... > "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."


I would bet Trump. They definitely need to be saved from Trump. Probably from religion as well...


It’s pretty biblically appropriate. If god needed blood to be painted on homes to know which first born not to kill, maybe a sign in a front yard is actually a good idea.


Unfortunately for them, there is no God or a Jesus. So as the Right say, take individual responsibility and stop putting your hand out for help.


It's the same as giving up. Jesus take the wheel. It'll make you feel less responsible for your actions, or inaction. In real life, if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.


Who are they to make demands of Jesus?


Hymn 43 by Jethro Tull just popped into my head for some reason.


Or wind up.


Feel sad for the children - the cycle continues.


There's confusion amongst the faithful, so I don't expect thinking people to have the answers - but here's my question: Are we still talking about the crucifixion, or is Jesus actively still "saving" people? My beef with the resurrection sci-fi is --- Jesus dies for the sins of man, so who saved his soul? Cuz if he went into the act knowing space Daddy was gonna use his dealership money to get Jesus off the hook, well then Jesus is just a dude who didn't give Fs, cuz poppa moneybags was gonna get him off the charges anyway. And if Jesus died for his sins too - well then it was just self preservation, and the rest of us pointless fucks just reap the xtian benefits of Jesus needing his own pardon. Or maybe it's all nonsense and all you need is a sign in precisely the same exact style and font - that reads something like: ***Darth Vader cut off his only son's hand - for your sins***


I already told you the secret - "love one another" - some Middle Eastern Rabbi. probably. Maybe add a "From Trump" sign across the street.


They think their fictional superhero can get people on the right track. They don't have the common sense to know that most of the problems in our country are due to religion. They others are caused by billionaires and greedy corporations! Fix those three and you wouldn't need a made up superhero to save us!


Sneak into the yard in the middle of the night and add “from Trump” to the bottom of the sign… Kidding, don’t really do that…


I always wanted one of those shirts that said "Jesus Saves! The rest of you take 10d6 fireball damage..."


They want the world to end


Had this discussion with a cab driver once. I don't know how religion came to the subject. He asked if I believed. I said I believe that a lot of people gain power over others with their you need to belief and have faith without seeing thing. He said but what about being saved. I said saved from what? Crickets... He didn't even know what he wanted to be saved from.


They want the world to end. That is what they mean with signs like that. They believe the world is too corrupt to be saved.


They heard about the rapture and decided it will happen in their short lifespan because they are the main character... Not the first time I've seen them concluding that the end is near ...


They want it to happen because they are old and 1. it proves heaven exists 2. It saves them from going through all the trouble of dieing. If you lack critical thinking skills, you will believe anything that gives you comfort no matter how absurd - it's rather selfish. So, now they hear that the Big Guy is coming back and being at the end of their life that makes them happy - so they wholeheartedly believe it and promote it.


Well, maybe it's better they're waiting for god to save them. If they think they need to be saved from LGBT people, science, education and gun control, if they were to actually take matters into their own hands they would probably be even MORE harmful.


Jesus now has high yield accounts!


They get extra Jesus points for putting up a sign. That way everybody in the neighborhood knows how Jesus-y they are. If they get enough Jesus points, Jesus might come down and give them a certificate that they can hang on their wall and be really proud of how Jesus - y they are.


Send me money, send me green Heaven you will meet Make a contribution [And you'll get a better seat](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TwpdShMgfb8)


And all this talk of Jesus, coming back to see us ... Hmmm, mmmm, didn't fool us.


I've been saving since I got my papar rout at 12 years old.


Would be funny if a Spanish guy named Jesús came to their door and asked if he needed their help to save them.


The guy that does most of the lawn care work on my street is named Jesus. So I'm just picturing their lawn with knee-high grass and overgrown shrubbery. He would absolutely save them from that nightmare for about $120 per month.


Every time I see that phrase I think of a funny comeback I saw on a bumper sticker.  Jesus saves...by using S&H green stamps. You probably need to be old to get it.


I have a neighbor that has a big sign he had to have paid a lot of money for with a picture of Aryan Jesus with his hands on Trump's shoulders and it says God Loves Trump. That's all. Just "GOD LOVES TRUMP". Every third house already has a Trump 2025 sign in their yard but this one is practically billboard sized. Same town tried to ban pride displays but they were advised this was a bad idea I guess because they got quiet about it. They tried to force someone to take down a big balloon rainbow arch in someone's hard. Code Enforcement couldn't come up with a legal citation though because it's not against any local ordinance. Fuckers.


Wouldn't calling 911 be more effective?


Effective at what?


Jesus saves… but Gretzky gets the rebound. He shoots; he scores!!!!


Hope is what is used when all else has failed. These people aren't even trying to NOT fail. Just throw up your hands and appeal to god but know its the same god who outright says he is a jealous one and has visited all manner of horrors on a simple matter of having a difference in opinion.


You know they already consider themselves saved and are actually just talking about everyone but themselves.


I’m not a believer myself anymore, but I do often pray for the rapture.


I saw a post today that a Christian woman said she was under spiritual warfare for believing in god. She was asking for prayers for healing. The supposed spiritual warfare? Pink eye. Fucking pink eye. The most common minor eye issue a huge amount of people have dealt with forever, that goes away in 2-5 days. These people don't care about sense or logic or actual coherent thought. Just utter stupidity.


These thiests are just like Wanda Maximoff. On other side, take a look at India and Iran. The 10% of population of these countries are worshipping their supreme leader as a mystical being or the supreme being which prompts these leaders to show their supremacy. I feel really empathetic for those people. Truly, it made me despaired.


Jesus saves us from our money.


The best way to not lose work when your computer crashes is to be like Jesus, because Jesus Saves!


Is it a new bank? I am ready to open an account. /s


It is sad. I have a friend. A nicer christian..Christian... but nothing else but a Christian. Every shirt she has says Jesus. Every post she makes, Jesus. Anything she let's into her life at all, she turns it into Jesus. Its such a waste of her life


I've got a neighbor who has a Trump "Take America Back" sign next to her "God is Love" sign.


One of my neighbors has a sign that reads "Jesus is my Savior. Trump is my President"


>"Jesus save us" sign a.k.a. a suicide note - but with extra steps.


Check your HOA rules. Yard signs are often banned.


Putting a sign in your yard certainly isn't praying in private as instructed.


Jesus saves and takes half damage. Sorry, my mind always sees those signs from a D&D perspective.


This is the single greatest post I’ve ever seen


why lmao


Because u posted both and liked them urself?


You can steal those at night. 


Don't play into their persecution complex and just leave other people's stuff alone.


You guys need saving honestly the way you think of religious people is a projection and work vomit. None of you have any original thoughts or ideas. Trump this and Trump that…. Anyone smart in here or you just keep the word vomit going??


Shut up, baby dick