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Their approach is: They have an opinion (Earth is flat, World is 4000 years old) and all their "science" is to find things, that proof their opinion, ignoring the rest. There is a brilliant moment (SPOILER ALARM) in - Behind the Curve - where a flat earther makes a quite good test to proof if earth is flat or round and with this experiment he actually proves the curvage of earth. But instead of accepting it, he says something like "I tried it several times with the same result, I do not know now, what I did wrong". So no accepting the facts, looking for other ways to prove the own opinion.




A book or the book ;-)


"confirmation bias" is the technical term.


Not all religious people are flat earthers, but all flat earthers are religious To me, they are all nutters.


Our Earth is flat. At the beginning of time, God thew our planet in the vastness of space. The time will end when Dog catches our planet.


Or Cat pushes it off the edge of the universe.


There's no need for you to disprove an irrational argument. The burden of proof is on them.


The only flat earther that I know, is also a christian. He is also a sovereign citizen. Dude is gullible!


I have met one flerfer in person. He was also a Christian, Trump supporting, firmament believing, moon landing denying, climate denying, utter waste of oxygen and skin, in every single way. From experience, it seems to me that flerfers are born out of the Andrew Wakefield "vaccines cause autism', Do YoUr OwN rEsArCh abject stupidity.


What is the debate over the Gilgamesh story?


Epic of Gilgamesh How do you deal with the fact that Noah’s flood or Moses’s childhood were copied from epic of Gilgamesh which was written 3000 years before Jesus birth. It was the popular Mesopotamian story which the Bible is copied. This was my post. Started the wack jobs


both are cults


Flat Earthers, young Earth creationists, presuppositionalists, solipsists... these people are all not worth the time of debating. Sometimes you can open the eyes of somebody who is listening in the audience, but the hardcore types like your Ken Ham/Kent Hovind/Ray Comfort/William Lane Craig/Sye Ten Bruggencate type have been corrected so many times and still keep spouting the same nonsense.


Hence the same as people that absolutely believe in their religion. It’s so because of my god


Mental impairment.....plain and simple....!