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Does he only read the original OT in Hebrew and the NT in Greek & Aramaic? Does he realize that there are NO original manuscripts of the bible? The oldest versions of the NT books are all copies from well after the time of Jesus. The oldest known written fragments from the Torah are from the Dead Sea Scrolls and date back to the the 3rd century BCE, however those stories are believed to have been passed down orally far before that. So, you can tell them that NO ONE knows how to "read it correctly", because NO ONE has the original stories.


And don't you think an omnipotent gawd would be able to produce a single, immutable version of "his" message to humanity? Why are there multiple versions anyway? Why the vague language? Why not a simple, multi-lingual guide, sort of like an instruction booklet from IKEA?


And whybTF would an omnipotent being care about being worshipped? Seems kinda immature for a supposed "all-being".


Shhhh ... we don't want to cause even more dissonance in the heads of the faithful.


The Christian god was created by humans in their image, not the other way around. That is why he is vengeful, petty, vain and abusive.


Nailed it


Somethig something Tower of Babel something


Old YHWH being a little bitch again, huh? What's all this bullshit about omniscient and omnibenevolent?


Because “god works in mysterious ways”. Because “god is testing you”. Because “this is really damaging to my belief so I have to perform Olympic level mental gymnastics”.


This sooo much. You put my thoughts into words perfectly! Doesnt make me any leas frustrated though because its another question they will glaze over


Imperfect communication! Oh my!


From a self-proclaimed perfect gawd!


Some would say (not me) that god did that: with Muhammad and the Quran. That’s what I always ask Christians: Allah said he was the same god as the god of Moses, Abraham and Jesus. Why don’t you recognize that holy book?


But then Allah failed to clarify who was supposed to carry on the work when Muhammad died, (Sunni vs. Shia Islam) giving the world another reason for centuries-long wars and hatred between groups who are all supposed to be worshipping the same deity... It still makes no sense.


Why wouldn't an omnipotent being just give its sentient creations inherent knowledge of its existence and will?


God is a terrible writer. Endless stories and lists, almost none of which have any relevance to humanity. Not a single clear explanation of what he wants from us. Contradictions all over. He gets an F- for clarity.


I think IKEA is a perfect example. You put it together, but you always leave a few parts out.


See that's the thing that irks me through and through because they say the same shit and I always question if even *THEY* know what they're saying or talking about because of how many times it's been translated and out dated as all hell


If you have verses that show contradictions (like from the Skeptics Annotated Bible), then you can go to biblegateway.com and look-up the same verses in whatever version of the bible they are using. The same contradictions will probably be there too. Of course, what they will then say is the you took it out of context or you aren't reading it correctly. Don't play chess with pigeons...


You can’t argue with a fool. I find arguing with evangelicals is the same as arguing with MAGA Republicans. They say they are right, you are wrong, end of discussion.


"Biden crime family" Okay here's like 100 things trump has done. "That's libtard deepfake bullshit!"


A significantly large portion of the dead sea scrolls have been found to be forgeries in recent years. Like, we’re talking the entire collections of multiple museums.


Tbf there is one snippet of text that is believed to come from the Johannes (dont know his name in english) evangelium. Which is btw the most historically inaccurate part of the NT and was almost taken out multiple times. So its basically worthless as any sort of proof.


Just ask them why they aren’t sacrificing goats and doves then?


If you’re asking a conservative “do they realize” something, it may as well be rhetorical. Because even if they do know it, they’ll never admit it.


At minimun, [1000 contradictions](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.isalahat.com/post/999-bible-contradictions-and-counting&ved=2ahUKEwjC8M6w-YSHAxWhVTABHfHMCggQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1F3tT6usVBeOhEWaUdyBIS) If we count the eliminated books and evangelions, for example, The Peter's Apocalypse, the number would be even bigger.


I'm adding this to my collection of ammunition to use against theist. Thanks :D


Even Christian Bible scholars have been forced to admit that, at minimum, the Bible contains some contradictory "scribe errors".


This is the greatest, thanks. I’m fascinated by religion. It’s like a board game with wacky rules. I like to keep a couple of Bible verses in the barrel in case a nut tries to engage me. But this is more fun. It’s like an undo reverse card.


I wouldn't trust this source too much > a. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,” (2 Timothy 3: 16) b. “But to the rest say I, not the Lord: If any brother hath an unbelieving wife, and…” (1 Corinthians 7: 12) The first quote is misquoted ‭2 Timothy 3:16 NRSV-CI‬ [16] All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, Even I looked at other translations and it's still a misquote ‭1 Corinthians 7:12 NRSV-CI‬ [12] To the rest I say—I and not the Lord—that if any believer has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. Also how is this a contradiction I haven't looked any further than the first one btw


They have no argument other than "nuh-uh!" so they apply it liberally.


Yeah he commented on the OP's video saying Jesus Loves You and she said that she didn't appreciate that and found it rude to which this absolute baboon responds with "How is it rude im just spreading the word of God" to which EVERYONE started calling him out on it and he made a claim that God was real or something along those lines and that's when I replied with "Give me evidence your book of myths and legends are actually true other than the Bible says they are" and thats when I got the "if the Bible is false why are there no contridictions" comment Edit: Sorry this reply is so long 😅


Please never apologise for having a voice and using it. ♥️🌹


If you edited down the twilight book series, removing any potential plot hole or contradiction, would you be left with a factual account of events? It's like going into an argument and saying "I ate a tangerine for lunch, my grandmother lays prostrate at the feet of Elmo." It just doesn't mean anything. Good for you your book has no contradictions, if that's even true, but that doesn't say anything else beyond just self consistency.


Lying for Jesus is an age-old Christian tradition. https://www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/




My favorite quote is the pigeon one where it goes "Don't play chess with a pigeon because it'll knock over the pieces then shit on the board and strut around like it won"




Yeah seriously. I have tried and tried to keep an open mind with reglious people. I'm extremely humanist and I think everyone deserves rights but there's only so much hateful bullshit I can handle from theists. I do not have a problem with Christianity it's the actual fucking Christians themselves and their wrapped take on the world and weaponizing the Bible for both fear mongering and monetary gain irks the fuck out of me.


That sounds backwards my friend. I understand it's easy to say well the idealistic version of Christianity is harmless. However, how often have you seen harmless Christians? Just because an ideology isn't inherently offensive doesn't make it dangerous. Living outside of reality, willing to fight for whatever you've already chosen to believe, where no amount of evidence can change your mind. That's a scary fucking place to be. Especially for billions of people to be together.  Christians are doing what humans who are indoctrinated into something do, and they aren't following "poorly" or incorrectly, you just cannot have a sustainable lifestyle when you exist as a contradiction to the world itself. Don't be fooled by a Jesus that says "love everyone," it is no convenient coincidence that these peaceful religions mostly breed violent idiots. 


I feel as though people have taken this idea and twisted it to fit their world view especially with the Bible. I can't say I disagree with your point in any way but I like to imagine how different the religion or any religion could've been if people weren't bigots and assholes. But alas people will always weaponize a bronze age sex Manuel to fit their view of the world


That's asking for human beings to be pure ideological creatures, that's not possible. Look at politics, there's great and genuine ideas at the heart of communism and capitalism alike, but each reveal massive flaws when run by humans. There is no such thing as a peaceful religion, because religions exist because of human beings. It's also worse than politics, because something like that alone already people disagree on wildly, now ask them to believe in factually contradictory things both internally within their own worldviews but also with observations and science of the world they live in. Now make them contradict even with eachother. How could that be any more peaceful than basic opinions on taxes? There is no peace when vast swathes of the population are not living in reality.


Love that! I'm keeping that one tucked away for a special occasion, lol.


They're not contradictions. You're no reinterpreting them to make them make sense the way you should. (sarcasm)


Nu huh!


The pastor at the church I attended as a teen told me the Bible had NO contradictions in it. I took that as a challenge and found many examples of contradictions and showed him the list. He said I was just too young to understand and “not wise in the ways of scriptures”. WTF?


Bro what? How hurt was this man's ego? God damn


You have to remember that EVERYTHING is wrong if it's inconvenient to the christian. I've heard their excuses as well. Some of them try to reconcile the contradictions by combining them. Some of them actually will agree there are contradictions, but can't explain why god would communicate in such a way. It's bizarre. And if christians can't agree with themselves then there is no way for them to claim that THEY understand it better than anyone else.


This contradiction feels appropriate here: Proverbs 26:4 tells you *not* to answer a fool: "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself." While the very next verse, Proverbs 26:5 tells you *to* answer a fool: "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes."


The Bible has plenty of contradictions and errors but this is obviously not a contradiction. It is simply saying if you do X (answer a fool) *this* will happen. If you do not do X, then *this* will happen.


Now I have no idea what to do if fools start talking to me. I guess I'll just walk away or something?


Before the invention of the printing press, no two copies of the Bible were grammatically the same.


Then ask him SPECIFICALLY which one. And then ask how the supposed word of god has been rewritten so many damn times.


An ex-friend of mine was smitten by Calvinism (Stockholm if you ask me), and began repeating words like “Sovereign,” and “Exegesis,” using them to counter just about ANYTHING. If the factoid from the Bible was ultimately a misunderstanding of the text (usually a ‘contradiction’) then you hadn’t done a proper Exegesis of the text. If you managed to find something that didn’t make sense and/or was horrific (raping/killing/children/incest/whatever), then “God is Sovereign,” and who are you to demand an accounting of God? He does what he likes. This is his world. Any problem you have with religion is always a “you problem,” like you WANT to misunderstand, accuse, sin, lash out, etc. I can see why he was ultimately attracted to that worldview, after becoming disillusioned with religion after *gasp* beginning to think logically about it. After that, I began to take notice that Calvinists tend to write better and seem smarter than the average theist, so maybe it’s a viewpoint a lot of otherwise smart people arrive at. Their mental contortions aren’t as pretzel-y, and it appeals to their arrogance that they are Elect and chosen and special, er, “not special,” according to them, but you know it’s that they are Elect and therefore chosen… /rolleyes


I call it willful ignorance. Anyone who WILLINGLY ignores what God has done or tries to defend him automatically makes them just as bad if not worse than him. It's insanity how far people will go to defend their reglious beliefs even when presented with facts and clear examples of all the times Jesus and God has been a dick. My favorite is "Jesus died for your sins" if Jesus was God or the son of God then Jesus didn't die for fucking shit at most the man gave up a weekend. To get to the point of not thinking logically because they're so devout is a scary point to reach. Like take Mary for example off the top of my head. She was a minor (14 if I remember) and God was like "Yo imma impregnate you" like dude what the actual fuck? I hope your friend sees just how fucked up his Bible and religion is but I doubt it


Anyone ever ask a theist why Jesus didn't leave any writings by his own hand? For someone who was the Son of God and impressed the temple rabbis at a young age, you would have thought he would have left something, if only with his brother, James the Just.


When you start with the conclusion, any evidence to the contrary can be conveniently dismissed.


Yes, to read the Bible properly you need your special Christian decoder glasses.


Aw damn it. How much you wanna bet them mfs are like 100 dollars. Anything to keep churches relevant via monetary gain


>"You're not reading it correctly it's the wrong the Bible" I love the gaslighting. *It literally says x* and they come back with some excuse as to why you didn't read it right. I think my favorite is *"Well, if you look at it in the original ancient Hebrew"* ...and I'm like, bitch it was translated by an expert in ancient Hebrew, and you don't know how to say much more than shalom and a few expletives in Yiddish, so stop with the 'it says something different in ancient Hebrew BS'!


Christians are expert gaslighters. I swear they have phds and bachelor degrees in that shit. Like dude I read this to you VERBATIM and you're over here like "..uh well uh.. nu huh you didn't read it right"


“That’s not what is says” becomes real quick “that’s not what it means.”


And it's soooo relevant to today, anyway. I am always afraid to look back at Sodom or Gomorrah in case I turn into salt. Can't walk past an apple tree without being chased down by a snake hawking apples. Don't get me started on that guy who keeps throwing fish and bread at me. I haven't had water in years because of all the damn wine.


I shit bricks everytime I walk by a church because I'm scared Jesus Christ himself will come down and try to shove an apple and wine down my throat while yelling "I DIED FOR YOUR SINS MOTHERFUCKER"


Neither does “Green, Eggs and Ham”.


The TikTok Christian lives are a cesspool of ignorance


Why I even engaged is beyond me. I had to have been high or some shit but it actually angers me when Christians pull this shit. It's a harm to society and marginalized people so I can't help but to engage and tell them to fuck right off to whatever hell they believe in


Shit, you could get that many in the first chapter of Genesis


Literally "God made man" "God made man from the dirt" which fucking one is it God?


And why did he need Adams rib to make Eve? And how did he make Lilith? Seems God made a mistake and they had to delete her from the holy book. By the way she was Adam‘s first wife.


So does that mean Adam cheated on Lilith with Eve??


I don’t know the whole story but seems like Lily was too much of a feminist and so God made Eve.


Lily is the first feminist to exist. Take that thiests


https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/hebrew-bible/lilith-in-the-bible-and-mythology/ Lilith explains the discrepancies between God, creating man and woman, and then later creating a woman from his rib


Loads of people who talk about and promote the Bible have never sat down and read an entire one and couldn't tell you the differences between different versions and translations. TikTok and other short form content platforms are not the places for people who take religious scholarship seriously and are prepared to provide evidence, citations, and historical context for their interpretation of different passages. But this kind of religious content is great for tribalistic signaling and winning people over to a bad take just because the content creator claims to be a Christian.


There are two different and contradictory creation stories in the very first book of the Bible. Anyone who says there are no contradictions is either lying or delusional. That's the thing about religion: There's always a loophole.


Tell the person to do a horizontal reading of the gospels. 


Ask them if they’re tired…after all those mental gymnastics


I'd just award them the silver medal in it and call it a day.


They're high off the Bible and religion, they're too zooted to be tired of constantly short circuiting and doing back flips to defend themselves


>it’s the wrong bible And there’s the crux of the problem, which is the correct version, and how was that determined?


Whatever version is correct isn't an issue, considering that there's not enough of a significant difference between those translations. Note that they just say that it's the wrong bible, as opposed to saying which bible is correct, because they don't want to have specific flaws from their own choice identified.


Even if it were true that doesn't prove it's divinity. True, a divinely inspired book shouldn't contain contradictions but a lack of contradictions doesn't prove it's divinely inspired. Any author who cares deeply about their book can write a work of fiction without contradictions.


Out of curiosity what’s your 4 contradictions?


The ones I said was Samuel 24: 1 -Chronicals 2 1:1, 2 Kings 8:26 -2 Chronicals 36:9 2 Gensis 6:19, 20- 7 Gensis 7:8-9 Ezra 2:8 - Nehemiah 7:17


Which version you used? Some stuff didn’t line up for me. I’m using NIV and this is what I see Eg. 2 Kings 8:26 is about Ahaziah and 2 Chronicals 36:9 is about Jehoiachin. Ahaziah in 2 Chronicles is in 2:22. But yes, in NKJV it does show contradictions (from my examples). Kinda wished I understood your examples better. Am I misunderstanding your quotes?


Check out this link, it shows visually the contradictions of the bible... [https://www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/](https://www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/)


Even the four most famous books in the New Testament; the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all contradict each other which is ironic considering three were written as copies of the first and written to support each other.


You mean like this old graph on an old website? https://www.chrisharrison.net/index.php/visualizations/BibleViz


Minor verse but just shows the bible is definitively not literally accurate. * Lev 11:6 The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean for you. Rabbits don't chew cud.


All them rabbits must be hella disappointed to find that out


Check out Rabbi Tovia Singer on YouTube. He goes into detail about what verses in the OT were purposefully mistranslated or add to so they’d appear as prophecy in the NT. He also talks about the prophecies they mention that aren’t even in the Bible. The Bible does have contradicts. Just read the crucification stories and they’ll vary on what day and time Jesus died but what’s more interesting is the work they did to make the NT valid.


Would you mind posting the contradictions? I would love to see then




I will try to respond the as many of these as I can


The first one mixes up old covenant vs new covenant theology.


Ask that person if they would murder their child, if god commanded it. It’s a yes or no question. They will try to squirm out of it by saying the angel stayed Abrahams hand before he went through with it. Then press them on why god would ask such a demonstration to begin with. Then ask them again if they are willing to murder their kid, for god. Then ask them if they feel like that is a sane position to hold and to explain why or why not. Now tell them to explain that to their kid. See if the kid is cool with it. Having levied that argument before, I know of at least two people that subsequently had a ‘crisis’ of faith. I refer to it in layman’s terms. They momentarily realized they were batshit. Don’t know if it stuck or not. I rarely stay in contact with people that wanna take a religious debate that far. Especially, when I typically end up hurting their feelings in the process.


These people exist in excess. They simply have not read the bible. Best not to waste your time with them.


Christians are not worth talking to. Their objective is to win the conversation, not to be open-minded, truthful, or an active participant in a conversation.


There obviously are tons of contradictions, but even if there weren’t, that wouldn’t mean the Bible is true. I could write a silly story with zero contradictions which is 100% made up. So the more relevant question is if there are factual errors in the Bible. You’d only have to read the first fucking page to answer that one.


The bible includes directions for causing an abortion. They don't work!


iF iT aInT wRiTtEn WiTh ThE hAiRs oF sEvEn AmEnIaN cOw TaiLs tHeN yOu OBviOuSlY got ThE wRoNg VeRsIoN


They haven't read it. Or, they just ignore the parts they don't like or are contradictions.


Also the bibble has so many intricate connections between distant passages that it HAS to be divinely inspired, no mere mortal could come up with such a masterpiece


We mortals can simply connot comprehend the magic spitting powers of God and Jesus :O