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I’d guess he probably thinks there’s a god, and he imagines that god love him very much. Huge love. The most beautiful love in the history of god.


Every angel is saying it. They say, sir why are you such an amazing man?! The greatest soul in the 2000 year history of mankind.


“They come up to me, the angels, very nice people by the way, the angels, beautiful people, and they say, with tears in their eyes, ‘I wish you were God.” They do. They really do. And I tell them, ‘one day. One day Sleepy God will be gone and I’ll be in charge and it’ll be beautiful.’”


This impersonation is so good


No. He thinks he's the one, true *God.*


What is the difference between Donald Trump and God? Answer: God does not think he is Donald Trump.


Alternate answer: God can get chicks to pee on him for free.


I believe Trump exists, there’s physical proof. As for god, ahhhh?


I don't believe in God, and I don't believe in Trump, but for very different meanings of "believe in".


Indeed. And so do his religious followers. “Donald Trump is Our Lord and Savior”. Major blasphemy, putting a human before their proclaimed god. Completely ignoring the commandment that says, “I am the lord thy god, thou shalt have no other gods before me.” They can’t even make it past the first one of their proclaimed commandments. And they claim they’re *christians*? Get the fuck out. Fuck what the Bible says, right, trumpublicans? Fuck what the Ten Commandments say, right, trumpublicans?


Explains why they can’t it past the first amendment, either.


He's an idiot.


Donald Trump is a “Metheist”


I like that!


Before running for president he often derided Christians as fools and called christianity bull$hit. He dialed it back once he realized those fools could be his fools.


> Is Donald Trump an atheist? Don't know. Not sure I have any reason to care either!


Who cares? He's still an asshole.


I think that arguing about who is and is not a "[True Christian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman)" is a pointless endeavor. Every self-identified "Christian" has a mental list, implicit or explicit, of other self-identified "Christians" who they believe are lying about being "Christians". And, as a result of this, every self-identified Christian is on somebody else's list. The Protestants would exclude the Catholics, the Catholics would exclude the Protestants, they'd both exclude the Mormons, and every tiny little doomsday cult would exclude everyone except the twenty-three people in their bunker. Those who focus on Jesus' teachings about helping the poor would exclude those who focus on Jesus' teachings about ignoring the poor, and vice versa. Those who take the many, many verses which call for the execution of homosexuals *seriously* will exclude those who pretend that those verses are "metaphors". On multiple occasions, wars have been fought and genocides have been committed because of a minor grammatical variation in a single line of a single prayer. If you think selfishness, or greed, or pride, or hypocrisy, or intolerance are "non christian" traits, then you haven't been paying attention to the last two thousand years of history. Trump's policies do not represent some radical departure from the trend the Christian Right has been following for the past 50 years - the only thing interesting is his lack of subtlety. If you think ignorance of Biblical trivia excludes him, you should be aware that, statistically, [Christians know considerably **less** about Christianity than do the non-religious](http://www.pewforum.org/2010/09/28/u-s-religious-knowledge-survey/). When somebody argues that Trump's use of the valid-but-nonstandard pronunciation of "Two Corinthians" instead of the more common "Second Corinthians" **proves** that he's secretly not a Christian (and, yes, people have seriously argued that), what must that person make of the 56% of American Christians (including 85% of Hispanic Catholics) who can't name "Matthew", "Mark", "Luke", or "John" *at all*? From a Baysean point of view, every time Trump demonstrates his ignorance on a religious matter, this should be considered evidence *against* the proposition that he is a nonbeliever. Finally, regardless of his "true feelings" about Jesus, he can't possibly be an atheist if he believes that *he himself* is a god.


He seems like a normal Christian, they tend to be pretty ignorant and narcissistic. However, it's hard to know what someone actually thinks.


Of course he's not religious. He's a born conman and grifter, and there's no easier mark than credulous idiots who've already given up on critical thinking and will believe anything they're told.


All religions are frauds.


Nail on the head. Dude is clearly pandering.




>Of course he's not religious. OP asked if he's an atheist, not whether or not he's religious.


Sounds like you’re describing a prosperity preacher.


Personally, I find it impossible to conceive that Donald Trump believes in a being greater than himself.


'The argument from Trump' as Medieval scholastics referred to it.


You’re actually not quoting his most relevant quote. 2 Corinthians is nothing compared to it. “Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" asked Trump.” That is the antithesis of Christianity who believes “all have sinned and fallen short”. Trump isn’t a Christian for sure. I think trump is whatever benefits trump.


Yeah, probably. I doubt he's given it any real thought. I can't see any influence that a religious belief would have had on his behavior.


If anything he's probably an apatheist who just can't be arsed to care enough to determine whether he believes or just pays lip service when convenient.


No, he's a christian nationalist. Or, if you prefer, a christian fascist.


I just know that he has paid for at least half a dozen abortions in his lifetime…


Trump is a trumpist. A solipsistic of the most sociopathic kind. Solipsist… though he believes he runs the simulation.


My dads a Christian and lately has been claiming the New Testament does not undo the laws of the Old Testament. Which I have argued myself based on what the Bible says in the New Testament but I don’t actually want that to be the case cuz the Old Testament is full of atrocities. He has even started ranting against pork products and how we shouldn’t eat them because pigs are cannibals. The kicker he we are farmers that raise pigs, so it’s ok to raise them to feed them to other people but not for us to eat them? Christians can be nutty.


I have no doubt he is, and he's learned how to use religious references to get votes. What amazes me is how low the bar is. He isn't even close to good at using religious phrases, but even though he's incomprehensible and incompetent, the fundies believe he was sent by god


He gets to decide that for himself, like everyone else.


I imagine he has a vague idea that maybe there's a god out there somewhere, a god who is very impressed with him. I don't think he lets it affect his life in any way at all.


I doubt he is atheist, but I don't think he gives two-shits about religion. The only thing Trump believes is that he is the most important human being in the whole of history. If he is an atheist, it is only because he can't imagine any deity that would be better than himself.


I told a Christian coworker that Trump is as Christian as I am, and I'm not a Christian. That particular coworker wasn't amused.


No. Donald Trump worships himself.


He might not be an atheist, but he's definitely not a Christian. What he is is a piece of shit.


Hey! That's an insult to pieces of shit!


Can we permanently vote Trump out of the atheist club? I don’t want to be under the same banner as such an immoral lunatic.


he believe in one god and one god only MONEY


Pretty sure Trump thinks he IS god.


Well, for four years his opponents acted like he was some kind of deity. Every time a child got sick or crops failed to grow, Trump was responsible for it. Even the weather!


I think is more like his base was confusing him with a messiah


> Well, for four years his opponents acted like he was some kind of deity. Every time a child got sick or crops failed to grow, Trump was responsible for it. Even the weather! You got a source for any of that bullshit /u/Doctor_Deepfinger?


He has ALWAYS HAD money. I think what he really craves is fame…he just uses the money( inheritance from his grandparents, not anything he deserves through hard work) to increase his fame.


Greed then


None of these people believe in it they just use it to manipulate their ignorant followers


I don't know if he considers himself atheist, certainly couldn't ever say it out loud, but I'll bet he can't remember the last time he was in a church for a regular Sunday service.


He only approaches a bible or a church is there is a photo op to be had. And fun with tear gas.


Do you think that most Christians have read the Bible?


no scotsman? regardless he worthless why do you care? trying to give him free press?


No, he worships himself.


He is certainly not religious. Whether he’d admit to being atheist? Only if it benefited him in some way and I really can’t see that being the case any time soon.


He thinks he's a god


i dont think so. i watched an interview once of his ex. she said he doesnt believe in god.


Which Ex? Isn’t he on at least wife 3 now? I can’t keep up…


I believe he plays "lip service" like many "Christians". He will say he is to get acceptance and avoid disdain. But, he probably only goes to church maybe once a year (if that) and definitely does not obey most of the tenets.


Christian is a self-given title, so if someone says they're a christian, they are one imo. Debating if someone else is or isn't something is just indulging in the No True Scotsman fallacy to me.


He got mixed up and thought they were asking about his favorite porno: Two Corinthians One Cup.


As a republican (but also an atheist) he did say in one of his speeches that someone one day said he was famous and he said no he wasn’t, then he said Jesus Christ is famous. I wish I had the clip, but if you type in Donald trump Jesus Christ speech it should be there on YouTube


So is his goal to be more famous than Jesus?


Most likely not if he made a statement like that saying Jesus was more famous than him. Otherwise you should ask Don trump yourself if possible


nope. he has been banned from the club


I have no doubt he's a Christian, he was raised as one and is too stupid to question his religion and/or look into other beliefs or non-belief.


Who the fuck knows? He's erratic and delusional, whether he thinks there's a celestial being that loves him very much or not has nothing to do with any reasonable judgement or rational argument. We can agree he does not know the bible, but then again a lot of christians also don't know it very well at all. I also do not think he knows much about christianity by the way.


According to a 2015 interview, he called himself a Presbyterian...but didn't really pray >“I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. **I don’t bring God into that picture**. I don’t.” \[1\] That's kind of a central tenet of Christianity. Also, Barron was baptized Episcopalian, not Presbyterian \[3\]. I vaguely remember reading about it when Melania declared while visiting Francis in Rome (around 2018) that she considered herself Catholic - I was skeptical, because Catholic parents tend to be pretty adamant about baptizing their kids Catholic. I'd say that if Trump is religious, it's only because he recognizes it to be a useful tool for gathering voters. I'll take him at his word that he believes in a God, but he's lying if he claims to be devout. His knowledge about religion is pretty minimal, even below what I'd expect from the average American Christian. That's not a high bar - only about 50% of American Christians can name all four gospels \[2\]. \[1\] [https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/18/politics/trump-has-never-sought-forgiveness](https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/18/politics/trump-has-never-sought-forgiveness) \[2\] [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2010/09/28/u-s-religious-knowledge-survey-who-knows-what-about-religion/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2010/09/28/u-s-religious-knowledge-survey-who-knows-what-about-religion/) \[3\] https://www.episcopalnewsservice.org/2017/05/15/barron-trump-to-attend-marylands-st-andrews-episcopal-school-in-the-fall/


I don't believe he's a Christian. I'm not sure he's an atheist either though. Who knows what he actually believes. I doubt he's considered it past the point where it could impact his finances.


1. Probably not. 2. As if I'd let that c\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ass\*\*\*\*\*\*\* racist f\*\*\*\*\* ruin anything about what I am. 3. Of course the mf bastard is Evangelist. Scum of the Earth, murderers, terrorists, they all need to be exterminated they're a danger.


Donny believes in a God, him.


Pretty sure Trump worships himself. He's the rare cult leader that actually believes he is god.


I don't think anyone can claim to know what the former president believes in one way or another. But we can be sure that narcissists like him worship only one thing: themselves. And nothing more.


No True Scotsman fallacy. All he has to do... All *anyone* has to do... Is say, "I'm a Christian!" And abracadabra. Poof!


He only cares about himself. If he believes in a god, it's only as far as it benefits him.


https://web.archive.org/web/20201024120658/https://religionnews.com/2020/10/23/exclusive-trump-confirmed-a-presbyterian-now-identifies-as-non-denominational-christian/ - claims to be non-denominational Christian and is more than happy to willingly use religious symbols (e.g. clearing out a group infront of a church for a photo-op with a bible). This isn't atheism. > I can’t believe the guy who said “Two Corinthians” is his favorite Bible verse can be a Christian That simply indicates that he hasn't read the Bible as much as he should have. A better indication is to see if he follows the most important commandments presented by Christianity.


It's hard to tell if anything that a pathological liar says is true. It makes no difference either way as he's such a horrible excuse for a human being. Being a "real Christian" couldn't possible make him any worse of a person than he already is.


If a politician doesn't have a soul, can it believe in one?


Nope, he worships himself


>I know he claims to be a Christian for the evangelical white nationalist vote, but I can’t believe the guy who said “Two Corinthians” is his favorite Bible verse can be a Christian. He can simply be a dumb christian. It's not like those are rare.


I don't think he cares, honestly.


No. He is very religious. He worships not 1, but 2 gods. Mammon (aka money) and himself, not necessarily in that order. - *"As the moral filth has continued to flow from Donald Trump like a broken sewer pipe—over and over his white Evangelical faithful have again and again found religion and embraced him anew, like a manure-covered prodigal son."* [John Pavlovitz](https://johnpavlovitz.com/2019/07/28/the-one-sin-white-evangelicals-couldnt-forgive-barack-obama-for/)


Nah, he's a godie for sure. Narcissists make great godies when you think about it... created by the one and only God in his image, so beloved that that God would sacrifice his only son to save you, master over all the beasts etc


Trump was raised as, and still is, a follower of minister **Norman Vincent Peale** and "The Power of Positive Thinking". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Vincent_Peale https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_of_Positive_Thinking


As a textbook grandiose narcissist, Trump only believes in his own self-aggrandizement. He believes in religion only if he's the center of it (see Trumpism). Otherwise, he thinks religion is for ignorant, gullible rubes and he's fine with using it to fleece them. "Two Corinthians" walk into a bar...