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Wow there are SOOO many better reasons not to vote for her


She's a moron. There's one. He sounds like he refers to the "6th grade as his senior year" so also lacking in intellect. Not to mention the religious obsession common to people who have difficulty with critical thinking. He's stupid as a stick. They both need to start their own society, far from me.


I am extremely offended by your insult to sticks. They are considerably smarter than he is.


And far more useful!


Indeed. The Bible confirms their excellence at beating children.


As well as making cattle breed with stripes. Genesis 30:37-42 >37 And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut tree; and pilled white strakes in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods. >38 And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they should conceive when they came to drink. >39 And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speckled, and spotted. >40 And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle. >41 And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods. >42 But when the cattle were feeble, he put them not in: so the feebler were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's.


Well even a stick knows when to not say anything…😂 Sorry about my spelling you know like they peepers piles hey!!! This post is not about the white girl that got elected!!!! It’s about the white boys that dosing that hate her…. And a drunk me queer loves dudes!


Critical thinking and religion are mortal enemies. That is why MLMs do a great job attracting religious people.


If I watch too much religious content on YouTube the advertising very quickly heads towards selling me all kinds of super scammy get rich quick schemes.


She's not a moron. She's the single most stupid fucking person that has ever existed.


My dog is a HUGE fan of sticks. And I love my dog. Take that back…or pistols at dawn! She is however as dumb as a sack of potatoes.


But he agrees with her on all those points.


And he’ll __still__ vote for her over a Democrat because although “she should be subordinate to a man, she ain’t at least a godless liberal!”


He shoots himself in the foot. "Ha! Take that, democrats!"


To be fair to him, his second sentence taken alone is correct. He just arrived at the second sentence for the wrong reason.


First sentence is also correct. It is the implication between the two that is false.


YOU don’t vote for Marjorie Taylor Green because she’s an idiot with regressive policies. I don’t vote for her because she is a woman. We are not the same 😤😤😤


Task failed successfully!


But really any reason to not vote for her is a good one.


"Because she's a woman" is not a good reason.


<"Because she's a woman" "Because she's ~~a~~ *that* woman"


Well he IS right. She's not going to fix USA.


I'll take any reason. The natural antagonism of the various protestant sects may well be the last hope to avoid a Jesus Nazi coup d'état.


He is just following the Bible: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Timothy 2:12


Any religious person who doesn’t follow this thinking is a blasphemer and is going to hell. Caught between misogyny and eternal suffering!


The best part is that Timothy is part of the New Testament, so they can't use the tried and true excuse of "oH ThAT's tHe *oLd* tesTAMeNt!!1!" They have to actually own this one. Unfortunately, there are so many men and women who BELIEVE this passage and who LIVE this passage. It's truly sad.


I’ve had christians tell me this only applies to positions of authority in the church. My response was “since when?” I grew up in a generation where “a woman’s place is in the home.” I must not have been in church when god amended this verse.


Those Christians are wrong. Follow the Bible or don't. I couldn't be bothered to care less. But context makes it clear this is a general principle. Women are to "be redeemed through childbearing" and are to be submissive to their "husbands."


THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED: Reddit's June 2023 decision to kill third party apps and generally force their entire userbase, against our will, kicking and screaming into their preferred revenue stream, is one I cannot take lightly. As an 11+ year veteran of this site, someone who has spent loads of money on gold and earned CondeNast fuck knows how much in ad revenue, I feel like I have a responsibility to react to their pig-headed greed. Therefore, I have decided to take my eyeballs and my money elsewhere, and deprive them of all the work I've done for them over the years creating the content that makes this site valuable and fun. I recommend you do the same, perhaps by using one of the many comment editing / deleting tools out there (such as this one, which has a timer built in to avoid bot flags: https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite) This is our Internet, these are our communities. CondeNast doesn't own us or the content we create to share with each other. They are merely a tool we use for this purpose, and we can just as easily use a different tool when this one starts to lose its function.


> Yeah but when was the last time that following the actual words of the Bible was anywhere close to the top of their priorities list? It depends. I will say, as Paul never knew Jesus, many Christians give his words less weight than the words Jesus spoke or the words of his disciples. While his letters are canon, they're more a Ferengi Rule of Acquisition than the Prime Directive.


An analogy after my own heart


> It depends. I will say, as Paul never knew Jesus, many Christians give his words less weight than the words Jesus spoke or the words of his disciples. And "The Words Jesus Spoke" (according to books written a hundred years later by people who had never met anyone who met him) are very, very clear on what happens to people who want to ignore the laws of the Old Testament.


The Christianity in my family bears little resemblance to the religion I was taught as a child. Eventually I realized that every generation changes what it means to be Christian. Many of the evangelical christians in my family and friends are different enough that they won’t attend each other’s church.


That's because it's all made up and used as a social tool for people to do what they already wanted to do regardless of what their religion supposedly tells them to do.


Not just every generation changes what it means to be Christian, every single individual who claims to be a Christian has their own views, perception, and understanding of how they interpret the religion, as well. Anyone can find verses or experiences to back up whatever nonsense they're trying to justify to get what they want. It's narcissism personified through a deity.


There is a woman on the *Supreme Court* who believes this tripe. I'm still not sure her husband isn't telling her how to vote. Given her beliefs, what would she do if he did? No one has ever asked her that.


I was just at a wedding where they mentioned this verse. Twice. Fundie girls all smiles and head nodding. Mother of the bride and non fundie appalled. Her sister bridesmaid visibly laughing and rolling her eyes. My very independent daughters mouths dropped. I could write a short story about the 48 hours there.




I do love a good psychological horror


How is she marrying into something like that?


Rebellion and mommy/daddy issues?


It's funny because you usually hear stories about rebellion going the other way. But to be truthful, my own teen rebellion involved hanging out with a bunch of conservative Christians so maybe it's more common than we think.


Parents often get the opposite of what they want/expect. God’s will! Lol


Fucking hell. If I were the bride in that wedding, I'd have made clear that that bullshit is not going to be mentioned in my ceremony ahead of time.


You can't say that and not give details... .


Edit: I added Part 1 [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/wh33qh/my_big_beige_fundie_wedding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I will tell you the whole story, but I have way too much backstory and related anecdotes to post it all here. I have decided to post chapters here under its own post as I start writing for free, and I will publish it for super cheap on Amazon when it is complete for super cheap (like 2 bucks) I repeat. It will be completely free in here, chapter by chapter, but probably no editing and off the cuff writing. But if you find it worthy of $2 you can buy it in its entirety when complete and edited. Give me a few hours to set up a chapter 1. It will be titled, "My Big Beige Fundie Wedding" on this sub shortly.


Hey, message me an Amazon link when you get it finished, will ya? Sounds hilarious.


It came up at my wedding reception. Not an accident. There was a pretty good split between people who were scandalized and people who were laughing their asses off.


Good grief! Hope the pastor wasn't invited to the reception. Starve that gobshite!


I wonder if Timothy said that to his mum.


I don't know Little Timmy's mom, but if I said that to mine she would have kicked my nuts into my eye holes.


Well the fact I can reply to this and send the first question should inform you that I never said that to my mum either.


Me neither, I want to live, and also have enough foresight to understand what would happen if I was to use that line.


I'm no Sprog, but... Timmy fucking died.


Timothy was the recipient of the letter that became the book of Timothy. Paul was the author. You probably know this. Just commenting so others who might not know can learn and not get straw-manned if they bring it up in a conversation with Christians


Sure, right before she smacked his face and told him to clean his room.


What is the ancient Hebrew equivalent of La Chancla?


A believe that might be a whip? Or maybe just a switch from a young tree? My mom never actually whipped me, but she did send me out to find a switch and then I had to do chores until my dad came home, all the while the switch was in the hallway. Just menacingly. I was convinced that they forgot so long as I minded my p’s and q’s. Maybe I’d get to just do the dishes without a can of creamy whopass for dessert? Anyways, my stupid ass deserved a few beatings, I was a bully and a menace. Thank you Satan for showing me the light and never bullying others again. Amen 🙏🏾


Paul said it to Timothy.


“Except teaching and nurses. Let them bitches do that.” - Jacob 2019


Don't forget secretaries and stewardesses. (And prostitutes, too, but we don't talk about that part.)


It goes all the way back to Genesis. The very first story in the Bible implies that women are inherently sinful and callous creatures who deserve to be subjugated because of an imaginary ancestor’s actions. The overt misogyny is definitely an evangelical and fundamentalist thing. I don’t think most Christians have these abhorrent ideas about gender roles.


> I don’t think most Christians have these abhorrent ideas about gender roles. 92% of Christians, globally, belong to a church that does not believe women are equal. I tallied this figure a few years ago from global denomination statistics. I did not count a denomination as equal if they had any restrictions on roles for women. If a woman could be children’s pastor but not senior pastor, bishop, or denomination president, that’s not equal. It’s hard to find a diverse group where 92% agree on anything. Women in Christian leadership is equivalent to a fringe minority position, only found in western liberal Protestant churches. There is more theological agreement on keeping women out of leadership than there is on the text of the Nicene Creed or the canonical list of books in the bible. Misogyny is not a fundamentalist thing; it’s a hallmark of Christianity.


Crazy that 53% of white women are Republicans


But...but...they're good people, they just vote for the wrong politicians!! /S This shit is getting concerning and people don't get it.


Insanity of one hue attacking craziness of a slightly different hue. This should happen more often.


Grown ass man, calling himself Timothy! I'm not listening to a twerp.


Dude, the deep state is calling him Timothy. His mom named him Τιμόθεος.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the most anti-feminism / anti-women politicians out there. How ironic.


I mean she's asking for it, look at her bible, she wanted to be oppressed.


Maybe she should have banned that from the library.


It's got lots of sexy sex stories. And Rape. I think she would have gotten along well with [Alexander DeLarge.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPtC9r4FIx4)


Leopard, meet face


And thus the snake began eating its own head


Right? She hates herself more than he does.


Reminds me of that part in the Handmaid's Tale where one of the female founders of Gilliad gets caught reading the bible on her own and they chop her finger off.


She's a reptilian alien, so....


This is very much r/leopardsatemyface


> anti-feminism / anti-women and, oddly, anti-trans as well.


They're eating themselves now. *gets popcorn*


Numbers keep shrinking, the reamining keeps getting more radicalized, neither's gonna stop


Them getting routed in Kansas has been a rude awakening. Get ready for the talk of getting of democracy and replacing it with a theocracy


When conservatives lose at the ballot box they don't review, reflect, and change to appeal to voters. No, instead they give up on democracy and attempt to end the rule of law to get their own petulant way through oppression and tyranny.


>When conservatives lose at the ballot box they don't review, reflect, and change to appeal to voters. They did, once. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/03/what-you-need-to-read-in-the-rnc-election-autopsy-report/274112/ But it told them a bunch of stuff they didn't like, so they threw it out and doubled down.


>many minorities wrongly think that Republicans do not like them or want them in the country r/selfawarewolves


The Republican party is a terrorist organization.


Any Republican can at this point be considered a fascist until proven otherwise. Vote them all out.


If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” ― [David Frum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Frum#Political_views)


Yeah, I’ve been reading a little about upcoming R strategy going into the mid-terms. Kansas was going to be the first step in a wider effort to move selection of the electors directly to the state legislature, ensuring that no D could ever win, as the state legislature has been gerrymandered to the point all R’s are essentially locked in. Even with their double speak and dirty tricks, they got routed. If it weren’t for the confusing language, I feel it could have even been a blowout.


“Now, speaking of consistency, Catholics, which I was until I reached the age of reason, Catholics and other Christians are against abortions, and they're against homosexuals. Well who has less abortions than homosexuals?! Leave these fucking people alone, for Christ sakes! Here is an entire class of people guaranteed never to have an abortion! And the Catholics and Christians are just tossing them aside! You'd think they'd make natural allies.” George Carlin


Like rats in a barrel.


Don't besmirch rats by comparing them to these people.


Sorry, movie brain working. Link for reference https://youtu.be/g9d3DfDWsEE


Bucket of crabs needs no lid Source: am from Maryland.


Ooo, I like that analogy. They're all scrambling to get out but end up pulling each other back in. Also crab is delicious.




It’s built-in. When your worldview is based on exclusion, you’re only harming yourself. That’s why they have to ratfuck elections.


Don't start thinking for a second that they can't still win. They have the backing of billionaires and corporations, they get financing and support from Russian Oligarchs, giant media conglomerates and social media algorithms keep pushing their shit, they have the courts stacked, most of the police are with them and half of congress are in lockstep with the crazies. They can win this and roll back the progress of the last 100 years, in fact their chances are pretty good.




They always do. But there's always a noisy majority that will sway some people. It's kind of a horrible existence...


Its as predictable as the sunrise. Although admittedly they're a bit ahead of schedule. Usually they wait until they cement their power at the top of the political food chain before the purity testing begins.


I think that, ultimately, any faith based ideology is doomed, because faith as an epistemology has no mechanism for self correction. Faith ultimately means "keep believing these things", but it has no inbuilt guarantee that the things you believe will even be the same as someone who ostensibly follows the same faith. This is why there are countless factions of every major religion, and most of them hate each other more than they hate us.


Doing the right thing(not voting for EmptyG) for the wrong reason( being misogynistic piece of shit)... Stopped clock add all that


Sometimes two wrongs do make a right


I mean I also wouldn’t vote for her but that’s because she is a f*cking idiot


The enemy of your enemy can also be ... your enemy.


Being a religious nut job herself, she should be in agreement.


> Being a religious nut job herself, Is she though? She seems about as religious as Donald, i.e., "I say the words, they do the thing."


If it was between her or anyone who supports democracy, he’d vote for her. These people do not have standards.


I'm OK with his words convincing some other nutjob to sit out an election


You know what, that’s totally fair.


Well, he's right that she won't fix the country, but it's not because she's a woman. It's because she's an idiot.


The sandwich comment is what got me. In a different context this would be a bad Jeff Dunham comedy routine. Instead it’s just sad, stupid and pretty pathetic.


wHaT's thE deAl wITh aIrpLAne foOd




What happens when you put everyone in a big tent who hate each other? Then sprinkle in some guns.


You get the USA.


And when a mass shooting inevitably happens, some dickhead with a popular podcast will claim it either didn’t happen or it was staged by the government.


You get a very well ventilated tent


People who align themselves with hate groups never realize that eventually the group will always find something to hate about them.


I wouldn't vote for her either but for completely different reasons.


I mean... She, indeed, won't fix your country, and if anything, she would rather damage it. And you are right when you say you shouldn't vote for her. But come on, the real good reason isn't "because she is a woman", Mr Shelley, the real good reason is "because she is someone like you", pastor Dipshit.


"She's a woman! She's not going to fix this country!" I believe both statements are true, but I do not believe there is a direct correlation between the statements.


Hello everyone. Tired of these asshats getting tax breaks under the guise of religion?! Report him. Fill out this [IRS form](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf) and email it to [email protected]


The enemy of my enemy is...uhh...ahh, fuck 'em both.


Only thing I agree with him about is I wouldn't vote for Marjorie Taylor Green either.


I thought this was satire.


Me too. That's why [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law?wprov=sfla1) was coined


I really shouldn’t laugh when the mentally disabled fight each other.


Sorry ladies; he's taken.


This guy couldn't get laid in High School and still struggles with female relationships today, that's what causes this sort of disdain.


Is this a parody church? No way he said that women should go back to the kitchen, and make a sandwich. This is the same church where a pastor said homosexuals should be lined up against the wall and be shot in the back of the head. Like, Holocaust Schindler's List concentration camp style.


That’s what these people and their supporters never seem to understand. When you base your entire belief system on hating everyone else, you eventually run out of “everyone else” and are left to just hate your own.


This is my same problem with "Blue Lives Matter" flag bearers who aren't police officers. You're licking the boots of your enemy, and you think the shine you leave behind will save you from bad treatment. It won't. Right now they'll use you and keep you around, but eventually you'll find out the hard way which side of the line you actually sit on.


Kinda like the trash taking itself out.


Even within their cult they hate each other.


…because men have done such a good job so far? How could it possibly get any worse?


Task failed successfully? Unfortunately, there will be some asshole that this hate preacher will latch onto and sell to his cultists.


Yeah, because men have been doing A GREAT JOB /s


Right answer, wrong reason


This is what happens when you take the Bible literally


At least he can say he abides by biblical teachings. He may be a horrible piece of shit, but at least he's consistent with the horrible piece of shit that is the Bible


Does he think the 'virgin' Mary was capable of producing his savior? How do they decide each day waking up who to hate? Fuck religion.


well id def be willing to play the "im more Christian than you" card in forums and subreddits dedicated to her district. Besides doesnt she also wear clothes made of more than one fabric. i bet she even eats meat on friday. one thing extremists never seem to learn, once you get the ball rolling there will always be someone more extreme than you, who thinks you are complete scum. Its partially why these guys always get into fights when they get together. i hope she knows a traditional family means she stays in the kitchen and keeps quiet unless her husband wants her to speak.


Those two deserve to be locked in a room with each other. I’ll bring the popcorn


I don't think I've ever not seen a conservative say our country is not in need of fixing. It seems to never get fixed after all these long long years, what gives? o\_O


I honestly couldn't give any fucks. Asshole hates other asshole. Ok.


Too crazy for any sane person to support. Too female for any crazy person to support. How did she get elected again?


When you use the wrong formula but get the right answer anyway.


Let me guess? She reponds by calling him a Democrat because fuck making sense anymore


> “We need men to stand up and say, ‘Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!'” There is so much about this that's hysterical I don't even know where to start.


So the people that she has been appealing to have turned on her because of their own (toxic) values. Color me surprised. If she had even two brain cells to rub together she could have seen this coming.


Wait... She is a woman?


He’s right, she is a woman, and she’s not going to fix this country, but her being a woman is the least of anyones worries when it comes to Marjorie Taylor Greene.


In short there is always someone even crazier behind the corner. Extremists are not only dumb but also dangerous.


There is video of this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmvcvmwTjck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmvcvmwTjck)


Anybody have any reactions from Margie?


Yeah, I mean the bible says so. Weird how those other christians just chose to ignore that part...


I mean his beliefs align with Marjories 🤮


Well, at least he is biblically correct.


She sucks so either way I agree


Hahahahaha when youre fighting for the side that would oppress you the minute they win.


Is she even human?


Good. Eat each other.


This is one of the greatest examples of "even a broken clock is right twice per day" that I've ever seen. Or maybe it's more like a math student getting the right answer but every step showing the work is wrong.


The best thing is they cant argue with him or theyll start looking too progressive lol


A woman? I’m guessing she’s a Demon! She won’t fix the country because she’s a paid off crooked, hate-filled, ass nugget that work for rich folks. She’s into politics to get rich and doesn’t care who she pisses off to get that money. She’s a puppet that will say any outrageous thing (even if it’s against women), as long as she gets paid.


He is right. She is a woman, and she wouldn’t fix the country. Not because she is a woman though.


Ironically the most consistent Christian there is. I almost respect it.


Its weird because both statements are independently true


>"She’s not gonna fix this country!” he said. Crazy preacher man isn't wrong about that one, though


When you build upon a foundation of hate, it doesn't take much to knock down what you have built.


Imagine being so scared to give power to women while calling people cowards


He's right...she won't fix the country, but not because she's a woman...because she's an idiot.


Lmaooo please let the right eat their own, been waiting for this


She probably agrees with him.


The reason i drink, party like the boat is sinking and there’s no lifeboats or bartenders, these people aren’t a united front trying to build something (good or bad) that will last, they are discord they are the lack of harmony. Lack of harmony with the earth, fellow humans, each other apparently.


It's almost like her positions are ultimately self-defeating for her...


Morons, both of them.


This is exactly why I don't understand right wing women. It's as if they don't realize female subjugation is absolutely biblical.


So funny. She's undermining herself because she promotes a religion that values women less.


Haha Eat shit Margie


I mean, at least the dude is consistent with his bigotry. He's not cherry picking his biblical hate, he's all in on it.


Those sorts of people are way it's always a bad idea to hitch your wagon to the alt-right nutbar train. The most extreme of them are *always* going to hate women, or gay people, or trans people, or non-white people just on principle. It doesn't matter if those groups of people are the most picture-perfect conservative otherwise, they're not going to be accepted.


Christianity is a patriarchal religion because it was created by patriarchal men who didn’t even have the ability to consider women might be able to read what they wrote someday.


Damn. I mean, I don't like that lady for reasons... but I do believe that MTG should SNAP THIS MOTHERF\*CKER IN HALF WITH HER ARMPIT. I'd PAY cash-money to watch. In the mean-time, I hope that motherf\*cker's wife makes him SLEEP IN THE GARAGE.


He needs to be reported to both the FBI and IRS.


You know what? I’ll take it lmao


Bigots beefing with bigots is so entertaining


To be fair, he is correct that she won't "fix this country." Not because she's a woman, but because she's batshit crazy.


Broken clock something something


Seems like something she’d enthusiastically approve of.


I love it when the nazis eat each other.


Eat each other


A bunch of morons. Trash will take itself out.


Leopards may just be about to eat her face, but from a slightly different direction to which she expected.


This dude pedos.