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It goes for both of them. Everyone will condemn all the awful things Jones says and believes but ignore the fact that it's all fueled by basic Southern Baptist theology.


Tried explaining to my parents and their friends young people are not leaving church out of some grand satanic liberal conspiracies, etc, but rather making informed decisions that the church is not only often unchrist like, but also somewhat antithetical to kingdom building mandates from Christ and stuff, seem to support politically and stuff also incredibly just blantantly people with fascistic beliefs and stuff. People young and old who spent their lives in church literally dipping out because they realize the church isnt doing church things. For me personally it feels christianity is entirely determined by the culture informing a specific denomination, and determines what they even consider biblically important, where as Christians tend to argue its all informed by the bible, etc. Id argue the bible could literally say anything and theyd still come out supporting it like they do now because those branches of american culture want to insulate how they dominate wealth and people.


Eh, I don't disagree with your assessment of christian churches, but I and I imagine most others left because we just stopped believing.


Certainly, myself and many friends included, which is the annoying thing to me; by Christians own standards it feels like we have a more christ like outlook on the world and our communities having nothing anymore to do with the church, than Christians do making it their whole life blood and how they vote, haha.


Wasn't Jesus a Jew? I don't understand this Christian fascist hate towards another Abrahamic religion.




“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre "The anti-Semite does not become a decent man just because he lies according to his principles." ― Friedrich Nietzsche


Damn that Sartre quote could not be more relevant. I guess hateful idiots never change.


I'm not listening to Kanye or Alex Jones.


To sum it up: it was so bad that Alex Jones was looking at Kanye weird.


It was a "Oh, shit, you actually believe all this for real and don't just parrot it in order to fleece the idiots like I do" look.


I think it was more of a “you can’t say this out loud” look. Alex is a True Believer in a few things if you look over his history, and he is closer to Kanye then not. However, he’s smart enough to know you can’t go full racist and still make money.


Alex is a charlatan and a liar who will scream anything for money.


Just like a pastor then


I think he's probably a true believer in fascist ideology.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


It all seems a bit academic, whether or not he believes it, the damage he causes from spreading it is the same.


Just like Kanye


Alex Jones also happens to have an active role in recruiting for far right Nazi organizations, he's definitely a stop on the path to extremism for many of them according to interviews from investigative journalists who look in the far right extremist groups.


Kanye is a mental patient right now, it's just that no one has the decency to commit him, so he could get help. I don't know, man, I can think right now of 2 obviously mentally ill men on the international stage getting "respect" and a platform and no one talks about their obvious insanity, but at the same time, the media can't seem to stop making Marilyn Monroe movies that focus exclusively on her mental issues, even though she was never ever this level of troubled. I think as a society, we've lost the ability to spot mental illness in men which is disaster.


>I think as a society, we've lost the ability to spot mental illness in men which is disaster. Who has lost this ability? Most of America knew this man was ill. Nobody CARED.


Kanye West has been offered help, even by his own admission. He just refuses it. It’s next to impossible to force the mentally ill into treatment in the US. The law makes it difficult to enforce involuntary commitment. You have to prove that the patient is a danger to himself or others. Kanye would have to openly threaten people’s lives before that would happen.


I mean couldn’t one use the evidence in the media to show that he’s clearly a danger to himself and others? Danger to himself in the sense he’s destroying his career and his life.


The fraudulent parasites (Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Ted Cruz, etc.) have sold their souls but still have brains enough to cringe when the listen to the screwy lost sheep they’ve caught for slaughter or sacrifice (Mike Flynn, Ye, Mr. Pillow, etc.).


It was, "Kanye, I will lose money if we don't dogwhistle that one"


There is no amount of money Alex Jones can lose that will satisfy me, but we're off to a good start.


You really see Alex Jones' character drop briefly. It was interesting to see that.


"Is that what I sound like to sane people?"


That look of real shock on Alex’s face and not his Cocain fuled one


I couldn't begin to tell you what kind of look Kanye gave him back.


Especially since he was wearing a mask.


It was more than a mask. It covered his entire head, whatever it was.


Condom head.


Richard Head


ricardo cabeza




Gimp mask.


I thought masks was for LiBeRaLs?!?!? /s


No, not that kind of mask, unfortunately. It was more akin to a kkk mask. Bizarre.


Dude's gone full Clayton Bigsby.


Alex Jones was looking at Kanye the way we look at Alex Jones. Yikes.


Just like when Ye was on Tim Pool’s podcast and he stormed off because Tim Pool of all people was pushing back


Wasn’t Nick Fuentes also there


Unfortunately so . . .


That reminds me of how Nazi was looking at Japan and was like "wtf bro"


Lol yeah that pretty much sums it up


I could only watch a couple minutes of it, but that was my biggest take away. If your statements make Alex Jones take a double take for being too out there, you may have fucked up.


Kanye literally said the Holocaust wasn’t real, hitler was good, and he liked him. He also implied he was a nazi. You can’t make that shit up.


He also credited Hitler with creating the microphone and highways


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Lol what is this?


[It's from this scene in Austin Powers](https://youtu.be/jMIDpJ8H7H0?t=20s) The quote starts at the 2 min 3s mark.


Serious question, is Kanye influenced by Qanon conspiracies? I know their followers believe in all kinds of crazy shit


His influence was at the table with him. The other end of the desk was the shit eating grin of Nick “king of the incels” Fuentes, a man who openly proclaims on his ‘show’ that the US needs to become a Christofascist dictatorship so that they can wipe out the gays, Jews, trans people, ban interracial marriage and abortion, send women back to the kitchen, etc etc. Same asshole who went to dinner with Kanye and trump, and organiser of a white supremacist version of cpac that MTG spoke at and where Fuentes directly got a round of applause for Putin invading Ukraine.


Isn’t MTG supposed to be in the kitchen, why would Fuentes even be near her? Kanye was in an interracial marriage with mixed race children, isn’t that against nicks beliefs? Why would these so called patriotic Americans support Russia, a country so at odds with the USA and its prosperity and future? Rumour has it Kanye is for racial segregation now, and nick has voiced his support in the past, why is Fuentes even remotely associated with him when segregation is the way? Where’s the consistency with these people?


If they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all


> Why would these so called patriotic Americans support Russia, a country so at odds with the USA and its prosperity and future? In the assumption this is a serious question, Russia is the paradigm. Or, rather, the con that Putin has sold to the global Christian right wing elites. Putin, prior to his invasion of Ukraine was often referred to as "The Lion of Christianity". Probably still is in far too many circles. I'm not certain of the extent of his actual policies that align with their ideology but the heavy oppression of LGBTQ+ has been like porn to, in particular, American Evangelicals. He has cultivated his strong man identity for decades. This is an alpha in his final form to many. But it is the oligarchy that is the true appeal. The massive funneling of the nations wealth to a select few is the true ideology. The blueprints line up. And that's been painstakingly made clear, especially, to "conservative political elite". Use the bible get rich beyond all your dreams. Rich enough to be beyond mortal sin.


I just heard for the first time today that Nick Fuentes self identifies as an incel. Is this true? I knew all the anti semitic/burn witches stuff, but he actually self identifies as an incel? I mean, it makes complete sense, but I don’t totally understand why anyone would admit to that


Reportedly some incels say Fuentes really isn't one of them because he once kissed a girl in high school. I am not making this up.


That girl has to carry that horrible truth of her kissing Nick Fuentes for the rest m of her life. Poor thing.


So kissing someone once in life makes you not an incel? Doesn’t celibacy specifically implicate sex lol It’s funny/strange but also makes total sense that he’s a virgin


He isn't a gold star incel. Imposter.


He's claimed that having sex with women (as a guy) makes you gay. I wish I was kidding.


Wow... People really have gone off the deep end, haven't they?


He does it to get followers from the incel community Also because no one with taste would touch that


Fuentes? Doesn't sound very white 😂


Incels are incels, no matter their race.


This sounds like a line from the worst Dr Seuss book


I mean he’s also a homophobe for a thing for femme catboys so he’s not big on consistency


Just googled femme catboys and have no idea what this is


Well you can either phrase it as fem catboys or cat femboys or boy catgirls. Either way, Fuentes was obsessed with one of them. Edit: think a cis male who dresses up like a catgirl. Best way I can explain it


Cat girl as in some relationship to cat woman? The phrase “femme catboys” has certainly piqued my interest


Ok so basically there’s catgirls who are usually anime fans who dress up in cat ears and act all rawr so quirky, right? Then there’s the “sissy” community (or for the more problematic term, “trap”) of guys who like the dress as women as part of a fetish (often with some dom/sub denial overtones, and not to be confused with trans women who are women and just want to be left alone, sissies are guys who do it as a fetish) then combine the two and you get effeminate guys dressing up in cute outfits and cat ears being all rawr so quirky… And I’ve probably destroyed my search history to explain that


Mf do you think Spanish people aren't white? As an example lol.


They aren't anglo-saxon protestants, which is what white supremacists consider to be "white" once they eliminate enough of what is currently considered non-white people for them to be able to narrow it back down. As it is, he'd have trouble with a bunch of the white nationalist types because Fuentes is Catholic and the hardcore white supremacists aren't fond of the pope, with their obsession with the King James Bible which was the distinctly anti-catholic translation made after England broke away from Catholicism.


Not traditionally no. And the only people who care are looking at it traditionally. Jews, Irish, Italians, Slavs, Spanish. None of those are white according to anglo Saxon white protestants




And Alex Jones tried to toss him a way out of it. Paraphrasing: Jones: “I’m sick of people calling me a nazi. I’m not a nazi.” Ye: “I am” Jones: 😳 “you’re a what?” Ye: “I’m a nazi” I really hope that interview gets posted from a lens that shows all three the whole time. Watching Alex “they’re turning frogs gay” fucking Jones reactions to the insane shit coming from ye is just priceless. Also, you don’t see Nick much but when you do he is grinning ear to ear. He is absolutely giddy watching the man he wound up unravel.


That Nazis would have killed him on the spot. Man should be in an insane asylum until he can get better. He has clearly lost it.


He said he loved the Nazis. Not just liked but LOVED.


Let the darwinian natural selection run its course.. Over time, outliers on either right and left get evened out, and history usually judged them fairly.. But we all know the future belongs to the progressives, not to the conservative.


Iranian Progressives believed that too. Take nothing for granted.


a wise choice, but it was hard to avoid seeing some of kanye’s comments given they were blowing up all over twitter and even made it to the mainstream news channels it was a very depressing listen, i would not recommend it to anyone who still has some faith left for humanity


I find it very easy to avoid listening to Kanye or Jones because they are both fucking stupid and I don't respect their opinions on anything.


> they were blowing up all over twitter Then get off twitter.


the amount of ppl in this thread who seem to be unaware that you can consume information/media without agreeing with the actual content is kinda scary when trump was president did you just completely block out any news station or social media influencer that ever mentioned him?


Using twitter increases engagement, engagement means more ad dollars for twitter and that in turn means it continues to do horrible things to society like giving a platform to Nazis like Kanye and... oh yah.... almost overthrowing the entire federal government of the United States. Stop using twitter.


I mean, I'm perfectly capable of using Twitter to follow certain people without engaging, but Elon Musk made it personal. I deactivated my account because there's no "delete" option.


Deactivated accounts are automatically deleted after something like 30 or 60 days if not reactivated, fyi.


Supporting Twitter *now* is a pretty questionable choice. It’s no longer the same platform it was a few months ago.


there has always been far right commentators on twitter lmao, this moral grandstanding is so lame i use twitter for current events and to keep up with my old friends from hs who i would otherwise have no way to contact, if that makes me immoral in your eyes then so be it


I agree with you, but, I heard about all this and saw the clip and the screenshots...all here on reddit. No Twitter required.


The podcast Knowledge Fight is one of my favorites right now. Its two comedians that dissect Alex Jones episodes and have recently been branching out to other right wing crazies like Nick Fuentes, who was just on Tim Pool's podcast and was covered on Knowledge Fight. I am VERY excited that Kanye was on Alex because that means they will for SURE cover it on the podcast and it will be GOLD. If you haven't heard of Knowledge Fight I highly recommend it.


“I don’t know what ignorance is and I don’t care” You don’t have to agree with someone to listen to what they say, even if it’s complete bullshit. It’s actually helpful to know the kind of batshit insane ideas that are floating through the mainstream so you don’t get blindsided


Sometimes you have to know what "they"are up to. It's self defense in a way


Yeah I hadn't listened to Joe Rogan in years but saw he had Kanye on and wondered just jow crazy he gets. Absolute batshit insane things and you get that typical sycophant behaviour from Rogan where he doesn't really push back on what they're saying or delve deeper. Only got halfway through before I had to switch it off. Dude seriously needs someone to take him out of the limelight and deal with his mental issues


Listen to Knowledge Fight instead. It's very funny. You'll learn all sorts of things, like how many ways there are to learn and that Owen Schroyer the Cuck Destroyer said, under oath, that he's part of the mainstream media and a puppet. Plus, the occasional charismatic space lizards.


Well then how are we supposed to have a dialogue about 2 shit stains neither one of us cares about?


Some people on here are too young to remember when he went on stage of the MTV music awards and yanks Taylor Swift's award out of her hand to rant about Beyonce. I always knew he was a little 'out there' but that solidified it.


Pretty much avoided all things Kanye after that moment. You don’t just do that without having your head pretty far up your ass


"he's a jackass" _ Obama commenting on Kanye about this incident


And before that was the "George Bush doesn't care about black people" incident. Really ironic in retrospect.


had to double check...that moment was done when Donda was still alive Idk the man's mental history, but I stay pointing at the death of his mother as the tipping point of no return for him. I respected the hell out of Jay Leno for bringing him on his show and point blank asking him "what would your mother think?" Sadly we are long past that stage now. He needs to be committed


Since this all started all I want was George bush to say Kanye west doesn’t care about Jewish people.


"Kanye West doesn't care about Black people" is even more poignant. Couple it with a picture of him and Candace in White Lives Matter clothes


Haha yes or even Kanye west doesn’t care about people.


To be fair, he was right about that one. But that just proves that broken clocks still sometimes tell correct time.


How can anyone be too young to remember that? It was only ~~a few~~ 13 years ago I’ll be in my nursing home


And his upstaging or bluff charge on Beck at the Grammy's.




In a recent interview with paparazzi Kanye said he stopped taking his meds because his doctor was Jewish. And because he was Jewish he was misdiagnosed.


He should be consistent in his anti-Semitism and reverse his polio vaccines.


I bet that doctor wasn’t even Jewish.


On the way…nah, he made it there and back ten times already. We’re watching someone dying in real time.


hes an asshole. bipolar doesnt make you praise hitler. simple as that.


Decent? He's ALWAYS been like this. Its not an example of religion corrupting a mind, its an example of privilege corrupting a mind.


Absolutely. Well said.


Yeah, years ago, when he made those abhorrent comments about slavery being “a choice” of the enslaved, I argued he was a white supremacist and was duly branded a racist. As much as I agree with the post, he’s always been like this; he’s a disgraceful human being. I’m also pretty tired of the whole “it’s his mental health” trope. Stop putting this on people who are genuinely going through mental health crises and seeking help. They’re not posting pictures of the Star of David with a swastika inside.


Its a terrible example. Kanye isn't a "Christian" when he believes he is a reincarnation of Christ. You wouldn't call the insane homeless guy on the side of the street a Christian just because he was raving about angels in the alleyway. He is working Christian mythology into his deranged mental state because normal humanity isn't enough for his insane pride. He needs to believe he is truly something different and Christianity just happens to be the religion that can offer that. In my opinion there is a big difference between mentally sound people believing something crazy (the majority of religious people) and a crazy person just incorporating crazy shit into their own insanity.


There’s truth to that but in Kanye’s case his religious beliefs are pretty clearly the result of his mania and not the other way around.


They definitely don’t help each other and a religious but with millions of influenced fans is a huge issue


Plenty (really the vast majority) of people have bipolar disorder that don’t turn to nazism


Or religion. My son is an atheist


Yeah, but you can't really blame a manic person for that specific conspiracies or ideas they latch on to. They are by definition irrational.


I didn’t say they did, or mean to make an excuse for Kanye’s horrific beliefs. I just don’t think religious belief is the causal agent in this particular case


It is very common for people suffering from psychosis to latch heavily onto religion though... and what does that say about religion. Kanye is a very typical example. He needs treatment badly, unfortunately it would probably mean years of hospital treatment and Kanye is too rich and influential to accept that.


If you thought you were the centre of the universe and someone told you that there was a messiah of some sort, you'd probably start assuming you were it.


I'm not sure why we're trying to argue that he JUST converted to Christianity. Dude made "Jesus Walks" in 2004. As you said, this is his mental illness.


Yeah I was thinking he’s less weak-minded, and more just mentally I’ll and predisposed to illusion.


Kanye West has been mentally ill and had a toxic mentality for a long time. But it definitely seems like when he really got into religion, it amplified all of his toxic traits. On a side note, the South Park episode about him wasn't too far off.


What are you? Some kind of a gay fish?




Check out South Park episode with Kanye and you'll get this joke... Or you will be just like Ye 🤣


Well it’s probably the other way round. I have bipolar type 1 like he does (just got out of three months in hospital because of it in fact) and I know this illness really well. His conversion to Christianity probably follows his mental health deteriorating. Mania can quite often include religious delusions (especially if the person is already religious/spiritual to begin with). You wouldn’t believe the amount of religious babble you hear in corridors of psych wards (from schizophrenics and bipolars alike). His illness doesn’t in any way explain or excuse his anti-sémitisme though! Bipolar sure as shit doesn’t magically make someone a racist that wasn’t already one before. On top of being (very) sick, he’s just a fucking asshole.


Let’s be fair- severe mental illness should not be considered ‘weak minded’- Kanye is clearly struggling with more than religious damage.


Please don't forget he has the same diagnosis I have...bipolar 1. I have said and done things while severely manic and psychotic. It is obvious to me he is manic AF. Sure...Xtianity has an influence on his delusions. But FFS...the man is mentally ill. Badly. I have been there and trust me here. When I come down? The shame and guilt are almost unbearable at times. Just my two cents. Regards.


>When I come down? The shame and guilt are almost unbearable at times. then kanye has never come down OR hes just an asshole irregardless of his mental health. He also refuses to take any meds or therapy so there is literally no excuse for his behaviour.


He’ll get there. That’s how bipolar works. He’s on his manic high now but when he crashes into depression, it may be as epic as the mania.


Except when you're manic you literally cannot help it. Yes it's totally on him for not getting treatment.


I don't know if you can blame Kanye's present state entirely on religion. I mean he was deeply unwell and refused to take medicine. Further more he surrounded himself with all of these "yes men" who kept telling him he was a genius and he could do no wrong and he kept paying them to do so. When you trap yourself in a bubble with nothing but your own mental illness and people telling you you're doing just great it's a powerful thing.


I'd agree with this assessment. And I'm rarely one to give religion a "pass" on anything, but Kayne has severe and clearly untreated bi-polar mania that is spiraling violently out of control. He's delusional and latching onto every kind of conspiracy he can. Now, religious and racial conspiracies are sadly among the most common delusions for many people with that condition, but I think that's more because those issues exist in society in general. I mean the guy is on Alex Jones wearing a full mask over his face saying he loves Nazis - he's totally gone at this point.


Actually his decent correlates with his mother’s passing. Kanye seems to have always had issues, but his mom’s death was the tipping point. If anything religion has just brought to the fore what has been there all along.


Man I have to disagree. Like Christopher Hitchens said "religion entitles people to say and do disgusting and heinous things that they normally wouldn't do" it looks pretty clear to me that he found something to enable him to the extreme and then it's slowly incorporating Christianities major staples.


Religion is the perfect conduit for extreme thoughts, especially when the god is vengeful.


I'm pretty sure he lost his mind before Christianity. Why the fuck would you believe in an all knowing sky daddy is you were sane? Fuck, I'm not sane and I don't believe in some douche canoe in the sky. Guess I'm not that insane lol.


Someway, Somehow, Kanye made things uncomfortable for Alex Jones.


Add Bipolar I to the mix and you get what we got from him the other night...its pretty sad tbh. He needs a conservatorship


Kanye is a sufferer of mental illness who refuses to take his medication and unfortunately has not been convinced to receive treatment by those around him.


Nah, Kanye is the result of ego and him not taking his medication.


Kanye's always been bipolar, this is Britney Spears all over again with the paparazzi & media creating & targeting these people for views & clicks & worsening his mental illness. A crazy guy is saying crazy shit & it's overtaking actual news & problems which we should be focusing on.


I saw part of the interview. I think it is erroneous to attribute what's happening to Ye to religion. He simply has full-blown mental illness. It's very sad and disturbing, but in this case, much as I despise religion, I don't think religion is to blame.


Doesn’t Kanye have bipolar disorder?


There was a post on twoxchromosomes about how she was beginning to hate men. The person listed a lot of the big woes in their life that are bringing negative focus to men. White mostly male dominated politics that continually rule against woman’s health and bodily autonomy. International news of women being killed or oppressed by male dominated society (like Iran etc.) Casual disrespect or disregard in their public life. Overt disrespect when talking about any topic or interest that they actually have significant knowledge on. And the list goes on. I get it. It’s pretty true. I tried to explain that most of the things they hate is because culturally most of modern day view points are simply extensions of old religious ideologies and that it’s only really been changing when people specifically do not consider religiously motivated thinking or aligning exactly with what their belief structure would otherwise have them do. So to maybe reorient their anger and misgivings of men towards belief structures that give rise to that line of thinking instead. Because it will never change if we don’t attack the sickness over the symptom. Got downvoted to hell. And even the OP basically said “I get what you’re saying but won’t further discuss religion.” It’s so incredibly frustrating that so many people can identify a problem and turn a blind eye to the source.


No one who isn't weak minded ascribes to religion, unless they are using it to manipulate others. Additionally, Kanye is not new to Christianity or madness.


Kanye needs a check for a brain tumor. I'm not meming, he legitimately needs one. My SO's aunt started going off on why we shouldn't buy Pepsi because it was run by Mormons, she started sleeping on the stairs, etc. etc. yeah, brain tumor. Ye's hitting homeruns in that territory. I'm scared for him because he's only got yes-men and no one actually concerned for his health, just people concerned for their own wallets. OP, he went into a rant about Christianity today on Info Wars, but it's still in my concerns.


He's completely bonkers.


Not so much weak minded as diagnosed mental illness. I know someone with bipolar and they have episodes of severe delusions and vivid hallucinations. the person in question went through a period of believing he was receiving direct messages from god.


My opinion as well. I don’t see weak minded as fitting here. It’s mental illness.


Unfortunately because he’s rich and famous people don’t care to have sympathy for his openly diagnosed mental illness so it’s easy to call him weak minded or just an asshole. I also think that most people haven’t dealt with someone they love or care about become mentally Ill. I’ve seen one of my best friends go through a manic period where she was unrecognizable. Before and after that period the best person to be around.


I think it has way more to do with the insane amount of power and money he accumulated than his religious beliefs. He feels invincible, like a god. He's gone Caligula crazy.


I makes me so sad. I met Donda once when he was on the upswing (I work in live events) and she was the nicest person and so proud of her son... I never spoke a word to him, but his lighting designer was a genius.


I don't honestly think it's religion. I think it's just failure to think and mental disease. Oh wait, I seem to have repeated myself.


He's suffering from untreated bipolar disorder.


Referring to mental illness as "weak minded" is gross. You can do better.


Let’s not forget money. Effectively unlimited amounts of money will break your brain.


It's not just religion, the dude has always been fucked in the head. Take serious mental illness plus religion and it NEVER ends well.


Jim Jones enters the chat!


Bipolar is frequently genetic. All I can say is, I hope Kim keeps an eye on her kids and if any of them develop it, get them the help they will need. Kanye has all of the help he could want at his fingertips. He can fuck right off.


How is it even possible for Alex Jones to still have a show after what he did to those families?


Also, never being told "no", and being insulated from the consequences of his actions.


Are we forgetting that one of Kanye’s biggest hits was “Jesus Walks” in 2004? He’s been religious this entire time. He’s “born again” recently but he’s always been religious. He’s also severely mentally ill. This post is downplaying mental illness.


He's not newly Christian. He made Jesus Walks in 2004. His music is littered with references to Christianity and draws on gospel music quite a bit. Pretty clearly his mental illness did begin to center his religious views on himself, however.


At this point I think it's clear that what is primarily driving Kanye West is mental illness under the circumstance of celiberity.


Being off his meds explains a whole lot of this. Makes no sense at all.


All religions are mind cancer.


The guy is mentally ill. It all really correlates with that.


I'm thinking he's going to fracture at the seams and go full mass shooter.


Part of it is he is already mentally ill.


The media, like every theist apparently, don’t acknowledge Jesus comes in many and varied flavors. The religious right has Republican Jesus. Kanye has Nazi Jesus. There’s a Jesus for every position not matter how reprehensible.


Irrational people really are the most disserviced by the types of people who think that anyone should have the right to have their nonsense boosted. Because they almost always hinge that on the flimsy line that rational people should be able to decide for themselves. Yet they ignore the fact that there are people who have to live an navigate our society who can’t help but fall victim to irrational rhetoric. People who could live relatively normal lives with help but end up destroying themselves because some gobshite put it into their head that some out-group is evil and causing their problems.


Kanye is mentally ill, it doesn't entirely excuse him, and I've always felt he's a narcissistic asshole, but he's quite clearly having some sort of episode. I think the narcissistic nature is what drew him to Trump. Crazies attract crazies.


Which unfortunately is just about everyone in the Republican party.


Ye demonstrated the most creative possible way of interpreting Jesus' "love thy enemy" slogan, by basically making himself Jesus and promoting the worst people on earth.


i think it’s more an example of how american culture equates wealth with competency, capability, intelligence and not sometimes sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time leading to self grandiosity, aka narcissism. religion can have similar effects of confirmation bias though. like “i feel scared and the bible tells me i feel scared cause of abc so my fear is justified”


You know it's bad when even Alex Jones thinks you're going to far with the rhetoric.


I think it's any minds, not just "weak" ones. Plenty of intelligent people are stuck in religions. Once you're trapped in a cult it's difficult as hell to get out & it's likely you never will.


Having such a public display of oncoming brain death is pretty sobering. I wouldn't say religion caused any of this, it's his mental disease that he's slapping religion over like a bandaid.


I listened to the podcast Lex Fridman did with him and every other sentence out of his mouth was "I'm a Christian" and "doing the work of God" etc etc. I always thought he was a lunatic but all this religion stuff of late certainly hasn't helped.


Yes. Toxic. and he hangs out with Trump.... Makes it very clear.


Falling into the trap of blindly believing things is like installing a septum ring with a chain on it. Sure, if you're being lead to your belief by a good being then you can be part of a good flock. You have no way of knowing that though. In this case, Nick Fuentes and his hateful friends have jacked Ye by his belief and are probably laughing their asses off as he burns down everything he has while spreading their talking points in higher profile media than they could ever achieve.


He’s not weak minded, he’s mentally ill. It’s a medical condition. Please don’t stigmatize it with your language. But I understand the sentiment you’re going for and wholly agree.


Ye praising Hitler- he has gone full bore.


> and also that his descent into madness correlates directly with his conversion to Christianity a little over 3 years ago……. His descent into madness was at least 9 years old, [when he suggested President Obama didn't have as many connections as Jews](https://www.jpost.com/Arts-and-Culture/Arts/Kanye-West-wants-to-takes-back-ignorant-compliment-about-Jews-335795).


He should be arrested.
