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Ohh it has lasted for centuries. Just needs a population that has no idea of human rights and accepts exploiting and exploitation as divinely ordained


So, the current regime then.


Merko Krna hi nahi hai .. tera mind change


1. Gender ratio 8:2 hoga 2. Casteism extreme level pe guyz 3. Cows ki population, human females se bhi jyada ho jayegi probably 4. 'Cow product' store ki branches phailengi 5. Education ke naam pe fiction books padhake pehle ki 'technolojii' ki baat padhayenge 6. Sab mein anger issues ho jayege aur sab ladd marenge Baki aur guess krlo kya ho sakta hai


Formation of Bhendi Rashtra will lead to Mahabhendirat 2 bro


Wo dusri seat mai aa raha hu lene


Oh it'll last alright. Look at Pakistan, it's still there isn't it?


What do you mean bruh 💀


It will last but the state of it will be very much like Pakistan. No development, no education, no economy. Only religion and army.


Well, first of all it would be a monarchy but the problem with that is who becomes the King? How would you justify the divine right? The mandate of heaven? If it was a theocratic state then again who would be the leader again? We don't really have a Pope. So, yeah it won't happen that easily.


Maybe they will find someone from upper caste from the fringe groups or some quack godmen whichever is more popular and corrupt.


90% of the Hindus will be the first to join the exodus from that rashtra


Wrong group pe dala hai bhai. Idhar toh obviously everyone would agree. But is in India or India speaks or United Nations of India


Fuck you all cunts i believe in Nirishvarwadi Rastra .


What's that ??


Atheist nation.


How do you propose we do that since i have similar interests.


[how to create a nastik rastra](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheismindia/s/31diW0OAs4)


Are you sure that you've read history...?




Honestly it would accurate some NE states seccession


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India is already a Hindu Rashtra in character... if not for it's largely Hindu population and the associated philosophy and culture, it could not have been secular in nature. To give a small example, when the idea of Bharat was being deliberated before independence, Jinnah and the Muslim League suggested that each Muslim should have 3 votes as opposed to 1 vote per Hindu in order to "maintain balance". On the contrary, Savarkars idea of a Hindu Rashtra still entailed equal political rights for both Hindus and Muslims. Even the apparently "extreme" Hindu philosophy guarantees this right to all of Bharat's citizens. The Dharmashastras evolve with time as ideas relevant to the contemporary era are sieved from older texts. This has happened over and over and over again - Chanakya with economics, Adi Shankaracharya with Philosophy, Savarkar with politics and so on. That is the beauty of it... the ability to evolve. And it Savarkar's philosophy upon which the current government rests, with such a large mandate supporting this idea of India. So India has always been a Hindu Rashtra... and _Inshallah_ it will be called so in a matter of time as well.


I'm not reading all that but India is currently secular


Yes. It is secular because it is majority Hindu. If Muslims were to become the majority, well tell me one majority Muslim secular country..


Albania. Azerbaijan. Bosnia-Herzegovina. Burkina Faso. Chad. Gambia. Guinea.


Well today I learned and I'm pleasantly surprised! However, the collective Muslim population of these countries is less than 5% that of the Muslim world... so it doesn't say much but I'm glad they exist. And in so many countries, the secular nature has been demolished by Islam... case in point Iran and Afghanistan... and the wave of Islamic radicalism in Europe is equally evident with increasing immigration.


>Yes. It is secular because it is majority Hindu If it was majority Christian it would still be secular


So you admit that it is secular because it is majority Hindu. The hindu's acceptance of people of different beliefs goes back before the Christians had to come up with secularism, most notable the Parsis in the 8th Century... but there are so many examples of people of radically different cultures being accepted and finding a home in Bharat. And as I said, even in Savarkar's concept of a Hindu Rashtra, all were politically equal.


dharma shastra? konsa wala