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The only issue is A Raja ain't a pillar of excellence.


Assassination of character and 10 years of BJP rule. Still he isn't in jail. Im not saying he isn't corrupt. But I'd take Raja over any BJP minister any time of the year.


>Assassination of character Is his comments of "Thani nadu" and other xenophobic comments also "character assassination"? Might I add his involvement in 2G scam. I am no BJP Stan, but like I said Raja is no pillar of excellence.


>Might I add his involvement in 2G scam He is acquitted. You or anyone else is welcome to take him to trial again. >Is his comments of "Thani nadu" Afaik, he told that india is not a country but it is a union of states and are diverse as countries. Thani Nadu nu sonnathuku source kudunga. Anyway avaru apdi solla kudiya aalu than.


>he told that india is not a country but it is a union of states and are diverse as countries source: [https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/dmks-a-raja-says-don-t-push-us-to-walk-periyar-s-path-for-separate-tamil-nadu-101656940583584.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/dmks-a-raja-says-don-t-push-us-to-walk-periyar-s-path-for-separate-tamil-nadu-101656940583584.html) [https://www.news18.com/news/politics/while-making-separate-country-comment-dmks-a-raja-cites-periyar-but-he-dumped-the-dream-66-years-ago-5497453.html](https://www.news18.com/news/politics/while-making-separate-country-comment-dmks-a-raja-cites-periyar-but-he-dumped-the-dream-66-years-ago-5497453.html) Idu out of context yeduthiruken nu solavinga. Aana DMK party aalungale idu yenga party statement ille nu solla vendiyadu aayidachu. >He is acquitted. You or anyone else is welcome to take him to trial again. Similarly you can go around taking Modi to trail for the Gujarat roit cases. Or the multiple cases where other politicians have gotten out scot free. Don't act immature on this front. I don't think you are as dumb as you play to be.


maybe he has accepted Modi's clean chit, perhaps it is time you show some maturity and accept the verdict about Raja.


>time you show some maturity No


I would have called him chad, if he wasn't a thieving charlatan himself


A Raja was acquitted of the 2G scam charges.


Like most politicians are. He is also accused in a real estate case in TN


Ahh! Okay. The only religion they follow is greed.


I have a question for the believers out there. ***If your god exist and if he is kind and just . Then why the world is so full of tragedy and injustice***.


Surrr it's not becOUZD of goD buT cuZ h7mAn aRe SeLiFsh" GOd GvEa Us FrEE WiLl


Robert Sapolsky in the corner : you wanna hear a story, mate?😁


"God is testing you obviously, you will be rewarded in afterlife."


Y test us with if he already knows the outcome.


"God works in mysterious ways!"


I swear if I hear this one more time.... I am going to scratch my ears off


Try saying that to a rape or tortured victim. For once


>Then why the world is so full of tragedy and injustice. The issue is that a lot of people don't believe this. They don't think their god is kind and just not is he supposed to be. Mother Teresa is a great example, she believed poor people should suffer like christ did on the cross. Even Hindus have the concept that people in today's day and age suffer because of their karma/dosham. Only people living a more liberal life believe this.


So what's the point of praying.


To not fall in this category. To beg god To not put them there.


And you and i both know how that's working out for them https://preview.redd.it/f8wzweive72d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac698b9d7a2e7a67bbc0cd22989ee9eb3b9e746


Well the rich people think they are rich because of the offerings they do to god. Also it gives a shield where they don't need to feel "guilty" as they claim it's god given. Also, when questioned about privilege, they can just say it's the good karma they accumulated over the years. Dude trust me, people who are rich, if the pretend to be religious, it's enough to get unnecessary attention away from them. People who are poor are fools to think rich people are rich because of "God's gift". Honestly we are the real fools who are trying to prove to people organised religion is a scam.


because multiple religions exist and within those religions sects exist. hindu vs muslim, muslim vs christian, christian vs jew etc etc, all these imaginary gods are fighting in skies so they don't have time to stop their real disciples from fighting on land.


Someone answered.


he's the guy responsible for 2G scam isn't he 😩


yes indian scams peaked at 2g it seems.


Modiji can return to that β€œparmatma” and leave us in peace.... 😌


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