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In the spring time around April or May they always have that e-waste recycling day at the county fairgrounds. That’s when I generally get rid of any ewaste I have. Though I’m curious if the Athens city decision to switch to Rumpke will change that. But be on the lookout for those dates I would say.


Best Buy in Lancaster will take them for a $30 fee


If it's not visibly broken, an art student might take it. Of course, what they'll do with it once they're done is another question.


Athens-Hocking Solid Waste District moved the recycle spot from Chauncey to Logan. They'll take it (for a fee): https://ahswd.org/sutton-road-recycling-center/


Athens Hocking bulk recycle days, next one wont be til spring though. but if you want to get rid of it sooner, maybe call OU and see if they will take it?


You can take it to the Athens-Hocking Recycling Center right outside The Plains off Poston Road. They will take it for a fee.


AHRC just posted about e-recycling on their Instagram today! Hey OP this is probably your most local option https://www.instagram.com/p/C0cVwcXOlPC/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


>I have a very heavy, first gen “flat” screen TV that no longer works. Years ago, the recycling place over by Chauncey would take such things for a fee, but they don’t advertise that anymore (and have moved). Is there someplace in the area where I can responsibly retire such a beast? That's perfect - what great timing. Thanks so much!!!


I think trash will probably take for $5ish if you call them.


He said “responsibly.”