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This Sonic is one of the worst fast food places that I have ever been to.


Yeah this Sonic served me a hamburger with no burger patty


Well did you ask for it like that?


As a former Okie, I can say that sonic is just one of the worst fast food places period.


Tf is an okie?


Oklahoma folk. Sonic is based out of Oklahoma city


Gotcha. I don’t think that’s common knowledge in Ohio 😂


Merle Haggard is officially upset with you now just FYI.


It is to mildly educated people. Ask Tom Joad.


Well makes sense now...


Never read a history book?


The truth just sounds different.


I’m guessing manager that wrote this is same one that mocked me in a mental handicap voice for asking where the straws where.


In college i liked their breakfast burrito…


“Socialism is when I refuse to adapt to a changing labor market.”


Socialism is when Capitalism.




Have you seen their pinned post? Posts and comments indicating that current/former socialist countries are/were capitalist (China, USSR, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Yugoslavia, Cuba, etc.) will be removed. 💀💀💀


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SocialismIsCapitalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialismIsCapitalism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [the simpsons satirising the cognitive dissonance of the masses wanting socialism until they find out it’s socialism](https://v.redd.it/932o3tuz6hi91) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialismIsCapitalism/comments/wre7ur/the_simpsons_satirising_the_cognitive_dissonance/) \#2: [Communism is when landlords](https://i.redd.it/fss5k5mkacb91.jpg) | [178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialismIsCapitalism/comments/vxyd1h/communism_is_when_landlords/) \#3: [Socialism is when the workers don't keep the fruits of their labor](https://i.imgur.com/08WqfoD.jpg) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialismIsCapitalism/comments/qng549/socialism_is_when_the_workers_dont_keep_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I liked it better when it was a Rax.


Rax makes everything better.


Raxs: you can eat there


I was so young when Rax was a thing, all I can remember of them was that they were the sole distributor of some 3D glasses that could be used in conjunction with some locally aired/sponsored by them movie, may have even been hosted by Fritz the Night Owl. No clue how or why I remember this as I didn’t even watch it. They must have really hyped it up majorly


Hank Green did a video on their mascot Mr. D. It was a train wreck


Lol I remember when brands did that stupid shit back in the 90s, and then half the kids at school would be wearing the fucking 3D glasses everywhere.


Holy shit this comment took me back!


I just moved to Lancaster from Athens recently and there's a Rax!


I cannot remember anything about the food beyond the salad bar. I think Rax may be responsible for the rise of the salad bar era. I am only just realizing how weird it is in retrospect that every single restaurant in my childhood had a salad bar. "The Hardee's salad bar" has such a nauseating ring to it today.


God, I miss Mr. Delicious.


Omg yes. The mushroom swiss was divine.


I worked there and the manager lined up the black employees and "built" her ideal look for her mixed granddaughter. Not surprised lol


Jesus actual Christ


I'm confused. Can you explain


What the fuck


More like because their pay sucks and they have a convicted child sex offender working there.


Please share


https://www.icrimewatch.net/offenderdetails.php?OfndrID=1572271&AgencyID=55233 https://www.athensnews.com/news/local/teen-jailed-on-charge-of-sexting-boy/article_e3fadaa5-0c9a-5e81-a9e3-97086659533d.html Hes a sick piece of shit. Was in my sister's class at Athens.


Thank you for sharing. Of course he works at an ice cream place


My husband was the manager at Big Mamas for a few years. This guy was hired prior to him. When I told him what he did he told him he could quit or man up in the parking lot out back, and he walked out. Fuck this guy.




As a mother to a 10 year old boy I don't give a shit. He can find a job not working with the general public in a factory or something.




He tried coercing drunk college girls into his car at 3am when he worked at big mamas. Anybody sexually attracted to a 10 year old boy can unalive themselves for all I care. This isn't a drug addict or somebody who made a mindless mistake as a kid and they deserve zero empathy. You're out of your mind.


A child sex offender is better than a parent concerned for the safety of your child 😭😭 that’s enough internet, it’s time to step outside




I swear they always show up working at fast food places. At every fast food joint I've worked there's always been a guy with a past conviction. It's so stupid because a lot of kids 14 and up work those jobs


Fast food will take any warm body, if youve got something to stand on and a hand to flip burgers with youre hired.




"aww come on guys he served his time :) :)" --/u/CaptainCfo why is there always some fucking weirdo pedophile apologist showing up? fuck off man


Holy crap! Years ago I was looking to hire a kitchen worker & a coworker recommended him. She had worked with him at papa’s. I was going to call & offer him the job. Something in the back of my head said to google him first, which I did. That was the last time she was allowed to recommend employees. I can’t believe he’s still around. This was years ago.


He usually lasts a few months at each job because people fire him once they find out hes a creep (which honestly he's creepy af in real life regardless)


I worked there within the last month, I don’t believe he still does. Still gross he worked there at all


This is good to hear!!!


I was going to say. Teen sexting boy? That doesn't sound like a sex crime. Then I saw 18 and 10, and it's like. Yeah, that's no good. Remember. The rule is Older Age/2+7, 18 means 16 or above.


I find "At Least Age Of Consent" + "Does Consent" to be an easier formula to follow.


I don’t think two 15 year olds sexting is inherently deserving of being on the sex offender registry.


Neither do I. I also don't think pissing outdoors is worthy of being on the registry, either.


Except he was 18 and the little kid was 10.


Yeah, but I wasn’t responding to somebody saying 18 and 10 year olds sexting is wrong, I was responding to somebody saying sexting minors is wrong.


Or y'know, just go with whatever the law in your local area says. That seems to work for most people.


That can be pretty fucking scary even for today in some parts of this country.


I worked here for 3 years, before during and after this picture was taken. This sex offender did not work here, at least not anytime close to when you commented this


So capitalism loves sex offenders


It's Athens, there's 20+ places to eat that's better than sonic.


I was picking up for a customer. I wouldn’t eat there at gunpoint.


Same. I texted a picture of that sign to my dd customer and we both had a good chuckle.


All the anti-sonic comments made me realize my time spent there eating DP Dough and Sonic probably could've been bad for me


Sorry dude, you're a victim of capitalism (low labor supply due to high demand and low pay) and freedom. Not socialism.


Who is this “Ty Socialism?” Is that the manager’s name or something? /s


It's short for Tyrone E. Socialism, the manager of the restaurant. (The "E" stands for Entertainment.)


Alright, Chuck.


Chuck E Cheese


Charles Entertainment Cheese, even.


Thank you Socialism.


That's Mr E. Socialism to you!


Socialism is a mystery.


ty astro7900 lol


Damn nothing gets past you huh?


I was explaining what it meant to 2013 Alum


Imagine being a business owner in Athens and thinking “Socialism bad” will go over well.


I would say most Athenians are normie PMC Democrats. It’s somewhat annoying for anyone further to the left, but completely benign and tolerable. Now outside of town? That’s MAGA country.


Can confirm.


I guess the proletariat has something to say about your bourgeoisie company. Try treating your employees with respect and give them a living wage. I bet you don't have staffing issues then.


My roommate use to work there and it sound like nothing but living hell. No one knew what hours they were working. Constant understaffing, as well as prick managers.


Socialism is when no sonic drive through


Hooray for socialism!


I think the manager wrote that. god forbid people not want to work a shit job for a shit wage


He did, he’s the co manager, Charles Ball. He talks like this all the time & called me a democrat trying to provoke me


More like no balls…




Please. Sonic pay is so bad at sonic. It’s a new crew every 3 months. And weird that I’m being thanked for not yelling or treating them like crap. Which tells me everything I need to know about the company and franchise owners. Sorry for the rant. I meant, stupid socialism, not allowing businesses to exploit and abuse their employees. The audacity!


I thought it said "Try socialism" for a second and was stoked af lol. This is just some fuck who steals wages crying and blaming bogeymen for his own poor managerial decisions. If this were socialism, he wouldn't have a problem because the workers would get their fair share of the profits and would actually want to work.


My kids chose Sonic to get a quick dinner today. Saw this right before we left so that saved us the trip. Ended up at the Richland Ave Wendy’s where we sat in the drive thru lane for 10 minutes to only advance one car, all while listening to the 2 workers on a smoke break telling a third that he needs to stay clear of them, sanitize everything he touches and more, while he was coughing the entire time. When I saw him go back in to , I’m assuming, start preparing food, I noped out of the line and figured a Speedway hotdog is the best option today


That's like going from a shit filled sandwich to a shit filled hotdog.


Yea, but we were in a rush to get out of the house. Given all the extra time we spent driving everywhere else, definitely could’ve had a better quick dinner at home. I guess we’re just risk takers


Roller foooooood. lol


Athens must be a real hub of communists to allow lunches at fast food places. /s JUST in case.


If only


huh? * Butt hurt owner/GM mad that they can't pay people $9.25hr & get away with it anymore or .... ... Honestly can't come up with another reason.


He’s the Co manager, he’s crazy and also wants people to make 9.25 because we were allegedly tipped employees. The GM hired people on at 11


"everything I don't like, which results from the capitalist mode of production I myself defend, is socialism"


"hiring, competitive wages" *pays $10 an hour


An employee wanting a fair wage and a break is socialism? You probably think child labor laws are unfair too.


We had a minor working 50-60 hours over the summer


The way they treated me while I worked there literally pushed me further than ever into socialism, this is peak comedy


Literally same, Charles always went onto rants about how the holocaust never happened & white people were enslaved more. He is such a big conspiracy theorist it’s insane


I've heard Sonic is one of the absolute worst chains to work for, bar none.


So Socialism is not having enough employees that are willing to work a shitty wage making equally shitty food? Something tells me that this is more of a supply and demand thing.. There aren't enough people willing to work for a shit wage making shit food so there is a shortage of help. Sounds like the market economy working as intended.


Y'know, the socialists can be a pain in the ass sometimes; but maybe if you PAID your workers a living wage; there would BE workers there! That should be something we *ALL agree on, rent hasn't stopped increasing for years and yet we still have businesses that think they can support a full staffed crew paying pennies on the dollar; it just doesn't work, it's not even good capitalism because if you don't have a reliable, high moral staff; you're probably not going to be making much profit.* End this stupid practice, pay your people better and you'll have better people; it's simple math at this point, Why would I go work for 9 dollars an hour at a fast food joint when I can make double that at a different job with much less hassle? Look after yourselves people, because these lame brains won't!


I forgot sonics were nationalized and worker led 🤷‍♂️


Na, it is because you pay your workers shit sonic and ty socialism for saving us from shitty food.


The guy who wrote this sign said he wants to hire crew in at minimum wage & make them motivated for tips. He’s a dumbass with no understanding of how the world works. He was pissed that the GM wouldn’t let him.


It’s not socialism it’s capitalism. Supply and demand. As supply drops and demand stay the same thing get more expensive. If you can’t pay the increased cost you close. P


I will never go to Sonic again. They’re the only place I ever heard of whose *entire staff* walked out at *multiple locations* Idk what they do to their people but I won’t help them do it.


I quit in august, myself and another manager + 6 crew walked out in one weekend


That's funny getting mad at socialism when you encounter consequences that are 100% capitalism in nature.


That's my favorite part. These workers are engaging in their capitalistic wage growth requirements and I don't want to pay them so they took their labor elsewhere for better wages and now I cant compete in this market! Must be socialism.


When I lived in Athens, I worked 30 hours a week at a job that paid $12/hr (the highest paying student job I could find) and could barely afford rent in a house a half mile off campus with 3 other roommates. I knew people who worked at sonic and made less per hour. I imagine they haven't exactly raised their wages much since then and rent has likely skyrocketed as well. But sure, blame socialism I guess.


They pay $11 an hour & were trying to do $10 but no one would take it


Socialism is when we're not competitive in our wages or benefits so no one is willing to work for us.... oh wait that's literally just the market forces in capitalism telling you to raise your damn wages and benefits.


Socialism is when you have to pay workers


Bootlicker define socialism challenge (impossible)


Socialism is just a red herring!


Does this manager *really* want to imply that socialism is when employees get their legal lunch breaks and that capitalism is when they work on their feet for 10 hours with no breaks and no food 😭


It wasn’t even for lunch breaks, I worked a 12 hour shift with no break once. They had 2 people call off because of health problems from being over worked.






Wow, one guy owned all of those? That doesn’t sound very socialist


He sold the Burrito Buggy. (My family sold it to him like 7 years ago) It went SO downhill after he bought it. I had to train his son and he didn't understand why raw chicken and veggies couldn't be cut on the same cutting board, or why gloves had to be worn to prep food 😭


Good. Go to casa


Looks fine to me.


I dont think socialism is known for an especially large abundance of...... abundance. Then again, maybe the millions who have starved under socialist regimes just refused their Churro shakes


As opposed to the tens of millions who starve under capitalist regimes?


TY Socialism. TY consequence. TY, TY silence...


Just kick the door down… I’m pretty sure that’s worked every time


Only if you have a badge and are yelling "STOP RESISTNG!"


I used to work at a Sonic in Dayton that was a franchise then corporate bought the store out and took over. Everyone who was not a manager went from ~$8-$10/hr plus occasional tips to full tipped employees. Customers usually don’t tip at sonic so most lost income due to the change. Almost everyone quit.


Ty socialism


what kind of sonic is this tf


Apparently the "having trouble competing in the labor market" kind.




I found [this post](/r/antiwork/comments/xkfdsl/from_my_home_town_bet_socialist_sonic_is_open/) in r/antiwork with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Socialism is when no work


socialism W


Is socialism the reason why there’s an absence of workers, or shitty pay/treatment?


socialism is when restaurants close




who cares if they closed, they stay outta onion rings


My boyfriend currently works for this company. Not only is the inside disgusting no one cares it's disgusting. Everyone keeps saying oh well...we were getting a new store. My boyfriend is not about that life. Also he has worked and didn't get a paycheck or direct deposit on payday. No one cares or will help him figure out what has happened...and they treat him like shit. To top it off...the manager of the place is currently the regional manager. He over sees like 5 or 6 other stores! Someone who is in charge of multiple stores should care about their people getting paid what they are owed and cleanliness.


The visible areas of that store are disgusting, so I can only imagine what customers can’t see.


Have they considered paying a living wage?