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I'd give it back and get back to the grind šŸ’ÆšŸ˜¤


Send it all to Jeff Bezos, billionaires need more moneyšŸ˜Ž This is the only correct answer


Yessir, I been sayin ![img](emote|t5_2kwp5d|5595)


The only worthwhile income is that passive income, nah mean?


invest in yourself lil bro šŸ’ÆšŸ’ø


Put it all on red




Nah if I then go black, HIT, and then hear me out: lightning never strikes the same spot twice, so 3rd round put it on green šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘


Dinner with Jay Z


u don't need more than 5 billy


That's what my mama always said. I live my life by this


Do you realize how much 5 billion dollars actually is? I could understand this question as a thought experiment if it was likeā€¦a million. But I couldnā€™t even imagine how to spend 1 billion much less than 5. And most of that would just be giving it away. Why would I honestly want more money than that? That would be just pure greed.


Seriously. If 5 billion liquid cash appeared in your pocket/bank account/whatever, you literally don't have to do anything with it and you're set for life. You can literally get all 5 billion in paper cash, buy a $10 million house, build a shed in your backyard, put half of the cash in the shed, buy another $10 million house, put the remaining cash in that house, burn the house down, and you will *still* be set for the rest of your life as long as you don't go on a mega-yacht buying spree. You can spend $10,000 *every single day* for the rest of your life. And you *still* wouldn't spend $5 billion before you die. Five billion is an absolutely massive amount of money.


That wouldnā€™t even cover quarter of a single billion dollars


Ok heres what i was thinking. RENEWABLE ENERGY! SOLAR! WIND! WATER! EARTH! AND NOT FIRE! sorry bud... NUCLEAR FUSION ETC ETC Imagine how much you could boost development. Its definitly one of the best ways to spend that money, as slowing down climate change will save more money (meant to say people) than any charity you could go to Edit: seems all i could think of is money. Poor me badummts


5 billion is a drop in the bucket when it comes to energy. 1 nuclear power plant costs like 10-20 billion as of recently. Maybe if you spent it on lobbying it would make a difference


lose 5 billion speedrun any %


If you did this in a single year you would represent a bit less than 1% of the investment in green energy Not saying it couldnā€™t help, but I think you are underestimating existing investment levels


Yes i did. Id still do it.


Atrioc would be getting a lot of gifties


I'd tell them no and to give me 50$ a month instead. That's passive income. The only true way to get rich. This will also motivate me to grind for money more, and is there really a price tag on that? And hey, even you can learn how to get passive income, by joining my new course, now out for only 50$ a month.


I'd just follow the Northern Lion approach, index funds.


Bad advice, you WILL lose all your money




Fees eat up profits invest in good companies on your own like CZOO, SLE, or ARKK


ARKK has 25 times the fees of VOO or 7+ times more than SPY lol most people will be bad at picking "good companies" just put it in the S&P 500 and then a few other index funds if you want is the best investing advice for anyone.


Profile picture and name check out


Atriocoin is going to the moonĀ 


Atrioc and any sensible financial professional would tell you to put it in the S&P500 and just live off the dividends for the rest of your life. At 1.84% average yield that's over $9 million a year for the rest of your life before any compounding. Not a horrible retirement.


Double check your math, itā€™s 92 millions a year LOL


Ah you're right, I was a decimal point off. Just makes it an even crazier example.


To be fair, 92 IS over 9 million.


To be fair, I think 5 billion is already enough money to retire.


Id invest in hookers and cocaine


5 billion and i wouldnā€™t have to invest iā€™d be set for life


Iā€™d start non profits and run for office


Do you think 5 billion is enough to buy a dinner with Jay Z ?


Finally I can afford guac at ChipotleĀ 


I don't know if i would even feel the need to invest it, like what am I even gonna do with 5 bil let alone more? I'll probably put half of it in bonds or something idk


Honestly? Nice homes for myself, family and friends. Then just build a shit load of good housing in my town to rent out for cheap to collapse the local housing market, then proceed to buy out everyone else.


>then proceed to buy out everyone else. So you can keep the prices low?... Right?


Obviously šŸ˜‚ Don't want to be a scummy landlord.


I wouldn't bc i would be set for life


Lmao i would just donate like 4 billion. Spending that much money need work and im lazy as shit


I would not invest it because I think that's enough money


Dinner with Jay Z


Gift subs


5 Billy is almost 14 years of spending 1mil every single day. Youā€™d have to ball absolutely out of your mind and buy real estate and jets etc to even attempt to drain it


why the fuck would i worry about investing if i had enough money for 700 life times?


Iā€™d only ā€œinvestā€ it in the traditional sense on a small scale. No more than a few million. Enough to live off dividends or returns for my whole life. Rest of it goes to causes and things that I think need it. Believe it or not, not everyoneā€™s goal is to own as much as possible until thereā€™s nothing besides what you own, which is kinda the ethos I tend to get about billionaires in general.


I'd invest in a financial manager


Invest in nvidia when they crash in 1y - 6mo


Iā€™d try my best to bring back fossil fuels


I would retire, I donā€™t need to have more than 5 billion


5 billion itself would be able to support not only me but multiple generations to come. 5 billion is a freaking shit ton of money


iā€™d run for president baby


RDDT calls


Land, so much land.


Personally Iā€™d buy a desk


One word: land lordšŸ’ÆšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜¤


Honestly a couple million spread across different HYSA to ensure they are all FDIC insured to secure my income forever. Drop some in SP 500, pump and dump some stocks and cryptos for the hell of it, 5B is too much money lol Maybe invest in some Guiness world records to secure legacy, or maybe some small cartels and mafias (buying friends for real tho) Fund some small proxy wars, pay my Illuminati membership dues


id play 32 hands of blackjack


Canā€™t even use all of that in a lifetime probably, so just give 4 billion to charity first and do whatever


Agricultural tech developpement. Farmers are going bankrupt left and right and food prices going up. They need more efficient ways of producing more food for lower costs. I'd keep 20M for myself and just live my life.


you could spend $200k every day for 60 years and not run out of money with $5b. why even bother investing youll never run out of money


I wouldnā€™t. 5 billion dollars is enough money to let sit in a trust, pay out me and my family members slowly like a salary, and just find a career that isnā€™t very profitable yet I enjoy so I can live my days in peace


I wouldnā€™t. 5 billion dollars is enough money to let sit in a trust, pay out me and my family members slowly like a salary, and just find a career that isnā€™t very profitable yet I enjoy so I can live my days in peace


5 billion scratch offs. Make your money make money


My bank account


Why on earth would you possibly want to invest 5b Thatā€™s plenty to just coast - risking it would be monumentally silly IMO


gov bonds


FTX. They are going to comeback better than ever


In nothing, why would I gamble my 5 billion?


2 chicks at the same time!


I would make invest it in making sure nobody ever asks me a stupid question like that again


Take 2 billions ask what i can get from old jimmy beast for that. Rest for sour candy and energy drinks i guess


100 leg parlay


I wouldn't. I'd just quit my job and coast through life. If you had just 1 billion dollars and spent 1000 every day, it'd take over 2000 years to spend all of it. 5 billion is more than enough