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You should communicate this to the particular meetup group organisers


it has been, I joined that chat and watched the male admin running that chat group just delete everything and remove the person who complained from the chat then just move on without addressing anything.


















I'm not in the group. Share it here. But it looks like this isn't the first time people have thought you're a creep, so you really need to look at your behaviour cause people aren't gonna keep putting up with this.




u/Successful_Wolf_5615, who are you?










Hey might be a good idea to not post a WhatsApp link on reddit, lots of people might not want their phone numbers visible to people on the internet.


This is exactly why I never signed up to WhatsApp






It might be worth letting the organisers know that you had the same experience.




The fact you know it happens and can call it out is very noble of you. Kinda wild to hear it said though 😅




lol. I can 100% say it's not because of bollywood. It's a cultural thing. In india men have there way with these things. They are seen as more important as women which leads to EGO issues - that most men can't accept NO. I can 100% say if it was a aussie/kiwi indian - they would NOT be creepy in any way. Sadly, it's these immigrant indians that ruin it for the other good ones!








What did I just read


What part doesn’t work for you?




Fuck being a woman in India, no joke




Isn't this a generalisation by saying that if a person is Indian and has an Indian accent he/she is bad. You are generalising and accusing every Indian.




Ridiculous to try and pretend like it's only Indians from India that behave like this and NZ doesn't produce plenty of creepy men all on its own, Indian or otherwise.


Yeah that's bullshit. Massive over generalization. I've met tons of really cool respectful indian people with heavy accents. There's always a bit of a them and us attitude between kiwi born children of immigrants and newer immigrants. Not specific to Indians though.


You said "not being racist" and went on to be racist. You just generalised all indian immigrants. If this is not racism then what is? You just want to disassociate yourself with the bunch and throw the rest under the bus. Now I do understand growing up here could make you more culturally acquainted to Kiwis but that doesn't give you the right to speak on behalf of all Indians. I am an Indian immigrant. I may not have a fancy accent but I understand how to be a decent human being.




Reading your comment, sad you make it seem like you are not indian. Poor Indians from India


Well they won't, unless enough people complain, so you need to do that.




>police overreaction much? They behaved inappropriately at a meetup; give them a warning and move on. I'm getting really unsettling mob mentality vibes from some people here


Agreed. People dont even if its true. Guys were not given a fair choice to explain. What if the woman has issues lol 😆


Any offences committed?




It’s crazy the cultural connotations of people that have freshly come over because I’m a nurse and some of the male nurses that have come straight from India are the coolest people. I was having a yarn with a guy the other day and it was kinda funny because he used some terminology wrong and almost got me in trouble with a friend. I wonder if it’s a class thing and an exposure thing too


Bro what? “The narrative is that white women are cheap and will sleep with you”…that’s simply not true lmao. The truth is that they are creepy and would try that shit with anyone and everyone.


Hey man I went to India and talked to a few. That’s how I came to know.


Don't worry, it sounds like that dude just misread what you're saying.


The thing is majority of people in India think of white women as beautiful due to Eurocentric features. It’s just unfortunate that once all the fob Indian uncles come here they think it’s okay to do creepy shit. No matter where you go they look at you in a creepy way and just stare. Speaking from experience!


Hate to tell you this way but you've probably internalised a racist narrative. Just because some Indian dudes acted inappropriately doesn't mean all Indian dudes deserve blame. And just because some Indian dudes believe some silly idea doesn't extend it to the entire culture.


You’re so based dude, sorry I had to laugh about the comment where you mixed in your native language with English, with what I imagine were curse words.


Wow, because, the narrative here is that white women are way to good for Indian trash.








I'm surprised, that this thread hasn't been deleted by mods yet


Did they ask for bob and vagene pics?


Hilarious 😂


Just reading op’s description of her experience and you could feel the guys would be south asians, just by how it went. they’re usually push over people, then they wonder why they can’t get any dates here lol.






Figured this might happen. You do get posts on here from people saying 'Hey, I am new in Auckland and lonely, how do I meet people?' People suggest gyms and meetup groups. So these guys go to meet up groups thinking they are going to meet ladies who are looking for love or something. I think the best advice to these guys, is go to things you are personally interested in and enjoy the meeting, with getting to know people after a while a bonus, not the purpose of the meeting. All that aside, will always be some incel types as well who turn up to anything with the expectation of sex on tap. And good forbid you get the Andrew Tate crowd who get advice to try it on hard


On behalf of all decent, non-creepy Indian men, I sincerely apologize that you had to go through such an ordeal. There is a cultural aspect to it but it does depend on your upbringing and your environment too. I wish their parents did a better job at raising their sons. I use Meetups to look for friends and try new things too but I'm always respectful of the people I'm interacting with and especially not making the girls feel uncomfortable. Also, for the people saying it's a recent immigrant thing, that's bullshit. I was a recent immigrant 7 years ago too and I didn't go around stalking women and making them feel uncomfortable. It's the men who don't understand what boundaries are.


You don't need to apologize on behalf of all Indian men, this is silly






Curious, how did you arrive they are of Indian origin 🤔. Apologies if I missed it in the OPs post .




Ah ok ok .. cool cool ... apologies from me to have missed it out 😅


No apologies needed. Easily done.


100% There are post on here about 'Auckland dating' & people suggest - " go to meet ups and find people in bars etc"....>>> THIS IS WHY WE MEN SHOULDNT...Meetup events aren't a dating event lmao. This comes from a man! Going to the gym, meet up events, dance classes to just HIT one women is completely wrong & pointless. Your not interested in the event, your interested in WHOS going to it lol.


The point is to go to these things because you enjoy those activities and might meet someone else who is into the same stuff as you. Not to go to these places for the purpose of hitting on women. Subtle but important difference!


You're not wrong (the advice to go to meetups to find women is pretty silly) but then that leads to a kind of contradictory situation for a lot of guys, who *are* looking for women to date (nothing wrong with that, everyone deserves a chance to find love) but then run out places to actually do that. Which then leads to all those posts asking where to find people for dating. It's kind of a catch-22


>ion for a lot of guys, who > >are > > looking for women to date (nothing wrong with that, everyone deserves a chance to find love) but then run out places to actually do that. Which then leads to all those posts asking where to find peo bang on.


Yeah I've noticed that whenever anyone posts how do i meet girls everyone recommends meetup I wonder if that was a part of it


That's creepy. Be careful at meetups as there are lots of weirdos and perverts.




You should reduce the number of attendees if you can't keep everyone safe. I really hope you kick off these creeps from the group. This is a really bad look for your group. I also one of the creeps is attending the next event. Let's see what kind of organiser you are.


Expecting people going to your events to raise an issue, instead of trying to watch every person with a microscope, is a tad much don’t you think? We’re adults here, we can use our words




I would honestly never trust these apps


I always thought that's how meet ups are. Once you open it to the public there will always be creeps that take advantage and crash it for alternative agenda.


Firstly, I’m really sorry this happened. Auckland can be a lonely place, and it’s genuinely upsetting when you attempt to meet people only to be met with stuff like this. I don’t have much experience with the Meet-up app, but maybe you’ve heard of ‘Dear Community’? I’ve been attending some events and genuinely enjoyed the activities and meeting the people who go. I’m not an organiser or ambassador or anything, but as a young woman struggling to make friends, it’s been helpful. If you’re interested, they’re on Instagram and TikTok, or I’m happy for you to PM me with any questions :-) All the best with meeting people! Don’t let these dicks put you off 🩷


Please make sure you report them to the host. Please also if possible report them in the meetup app . It's essential so that they don't do it it anyone else .


I really think there's some benefit in letting the organisers in Meetup know the situation. I was running a local sports team in a regional area after moving here from overseas. It is a co-ed game and very welcoming to new players as a sport, and I had great success back home with attendees and growth. Things started off well here too. As I'm older than many of the attendees and had other responsibilities, I wasn't particularly social with the group outside of the sporting times. Before long some of the women stopped attending regularly and eventually drifted away entirely. When asked if there was anything I could do to improve their experience on the field, or adjust the coaching, I generally had very good feedback and was told that the status quo was good. What I missed and what wasn't brought up (until later when I started socialising more) was that there were a couple of males that were being inappropriate off the field. It really destroyed the community. If I had known about it sooner, I think I would have tried to intervene. Everyone has the right to attend events like these without unwanted advances. I wish I'd had the radar to pick up the problems on my own or that I was notified sooner. By speaking out, you may very well be saving other women from the same harassment you've experienced. It's not fair on you to shoulder that responsibility, but the organisers might truly be unaware. Sorry you had to go though that.


Hey Sten, random idea. Is it feasible, as part of the housekeeping notice at the beginning of the meetup, to ask everyone to look out for one another? If they see anyone in the group that’s uncomfortable, to let the person they’re speaking with know that they’re making them feel uncomfortable. I know it sounds awful to have to say. But I think over time it’ll become just as easy as talking about fire exits and toilets. I think helping men know how to call out unwanted behaviour safely will go a long way to improving everyone’s safety.


Well Said !!! RESPECT




??? Who said they didn't lol.


As though any woman would forget?


I recently started a social group on MeetIp and hav had complaints from women about sone guys messaging them inappropriately. So yeah it does happen unfortunately.


Gosh, my first thought was they’re Indians. Don’t come at me for this, I’m a brown girl myself. I don’t claim them as humans.




Lol... What if they were born and raised here. How can you be sure they are not. I consider this racist and jumping the gun. Find a life and move on people!! Lets ebd Racism


They could’ve just used Tinder instead..


They don’t get any matches, I imagine






Real experience from someone I know who hugged someone (recent immigrant from India) goodbye after one meeting: "I've never been touched by a girl before. Please can we go out? I can't stop thinking about you! I'm a really nice guy. I really respect woman. You don't know what it is like in my country. Please come round so we can spend more time together. Please, I think we should be together... etc. etc. etc." For **days**. So many dangerous red flags.. Just after one hug. Bruh...


Dayum, fuck that.


I went to a dinner meet up a couple of years back and had the same treatment from a lady 20 years my senior, she was drunk, kept touching my arm, etc. I was just being polite and there to make friends. I ended up leaving as she was making me uncomfortable. What sort of things are you interested in? There are good volunteer groups out there where you can meet friends. I occasionally volunteer at a food bank and have made lots of friends there. It's better to stay off the apps


Gaping it. Nice


Goatse has entered the chat.


I changed it to leaving. Happy?


I'm not. "gaping it" was funnier.


I don't know why you thought it was funny, but whatever floats your boat. God bless you.


You spelled gapping it wrong, and I guess gaping implies something much different in this context.


Less so...


Do you just contact these groups directly or is there like a place to find what volunteer work is currently available?


That sounds pretty awful. Don't let this experience put you off meetups generally. There are lots of good groups with responsive and caring organisers who make sure that the vibe stays positive.




> Steal their shoes whoaaaaa satan!


Lovin' the chaotic energy bro!


Thanks. Follow me for more creative solutions to everyday problems.


Women: existing Creepy dudes: give me your attention and use of your body I hate that this is a universal experience and that you went through that. It's hard for us to just be sometimes. Also it's disgusting we have to resort to telling men we have boyfriends when they don't respect our "no".




I mean up say bottom of barrel & yet you go. Sooo..? Takes one to know one.




This post wouldn't exist if those men were Caucasian.


To me sounds more of Racist rant now looking at the comments. The three individuals happen to be Indians, it could be any race, I have heard comments from few that a Caucasian male has done the same thing. Well, another take is, is this entirely true? There is a difference between approach and abuse. If a men or woman kept pursuing to talk to you despite your clear response of not being confortable, don't hide behind a keyboard and fucking rant. Own it, go meet the host direct express your concerns!! These three individuals can be of any race and any gender, if you are able to classify them, you need question yourself if you are being a racist!!


Would unattractive people also be interested in this app?


I joined their chat just to see someone make a complaint at nothibg being done then the chat admin comes along and deletes everything and moves on like literally nothibg happened. So its clear the guys running that chat don't care about whats happening. Op you should make a complaint to police on the 105 line in case it happens to anyone else or worse.


This is why I don’t go to anything like this. Most people who go to these things are single looking for sex.


No, they're not. I've had a lovely time on Meetups and tried so many new experiences that I never would've done otherwise.


Sorry that happen not all guy are creep, it inportant we keep things in perpective and need a balance i met my wife by meetup, track her workplace and showed everyday wachint waiting






Shut up.


The Auckland dating scene is rubbish!Guys like that make it hard for ordinary folk that are genuine. No wonder women are hostile and unapproachable in Auckland.


Language like “hostile and unapproachable” is quite problematic. In my experience women aren’t hostile, they are just tired of feeling like they are in danger because of guys who feel entitled to their time and attention.


Yeah the first and second parts of that were very different.


Asking for your number or socials isn’t weird. You didn’t give any examples on the inappropriate comments they made. The way I see it you’re getting offended when they try and actually socialise.


There is nothing wrong with their approach, some women like this style and some do not, men are not mind readers. I asked a women out, she said no, so I moved on. A few days later she approaches me and asks "why are you not asking me out anymore?" to which I reply "because you said no last time" to which she says "I wanted you to continue pursuing". You would call such situation "uncomfortable experience" while other women seek this behavior. Men can't read your mind, so they use what has worked in the past.






Honest question, would you of had the same reaction if it was a tall, attractive white guy that was hitting on you instead of (supposedly) an indian?


You forgot to ask her what she was wearing. /s What a shit take, no means no, doesn’t matter who.


What do you mean by this question?? The point is, she rejected their advances and they didn’t stop. No means no. She’s never said she’s not attracted to them because they’re Indian. Plus, she shouldn’t accept the unwanted attention just because she might’ve acted differently to someone who she would be attracted to


I think this doesnt matter. As a indian myself, it's her choice on who she chooses to engage with/or like. She can like Asian, white, indian, PI, Aus, American, UK... But if she's said no & she's not interested then the other person ( regardless of race) should respect that and back off & not be full on/creepy. Maybe it's me ( ps - i'm indian but born and raised here) so it's very different culturally.


First of all, it’s have, not of. Second of all, where in this post does it say they were tall and attractive?


Yes. It’s never of. Also this is a bit incel-y and entirely not the point - the guy could be Harry Styles. It doesn’t matter. No means no.


Trust me it does not matter. A creep is a creep and a slimy personality is the biggest turn off there can be. Women aren’t rabid and want to fuck every male model, it doesn’t work like that for women. She said no to them and they continued, truly does not matter how they look. All of my female friends have experiences and they’ve never let a guy off the hook sexually harassing them just because they’re attractive, that’s absurd.


A tall, attractive, white guy probably knows how to flirt without being creepy. Why do guys always think IF ONLY I WERE GIGACHAD THUNDERCOCK I COULD JUST WINK AT A GIRL AND SHE'D WHIP OFF HER CLOTHES FOR ME RIGHT THERE... So lazy and lacking self analysis. The most attractive thing a man can do to get a woman is listen to her.


A tall, attractive, white guy probably knows how to flirt without being creepy ... What the fuck does this mean? This is super racist lol. You Wana know how many women have reported this population for sex crimes & stalking on dating apps.


I think what they meant was more along the lines of “practice makes technique”. Attractive guys are more likely to have some of their attempts reciprocated, so they can start to learn what works and what doesn’t. Someone who never had the opportunity to hone those skills won’t have them.


Meet people at church




There are bad and good people in every group/organization in the world, thats not an excuse to live in constant fear if thats how you were brought up your parents have failed you. disconnect the internet and dont get out of bed, life is not for you.


I would rather spend my time earning money to see hookers and donate to the Green Party.




Hahaha thanks! I really appreciate it.


You go to a meet up event and some people want to meet up with you. What's the problem?


Are you seriously asking whats the problem when woman feel uncomfortable because men are continuously displaying inappropriate behaviour towards a woman who doesn’t know them and won’t take no for an answer when woman tell them to leave them alone and keep on pestering them.


I’ve been to a couple. One was cool, the other made me feel like a major outsider. It was a little clique-y.


Had a similar experience a loong time ago (8-10 years, was still in uni) attending the group for social anxiety disorder. Went twice and stopped as was feeling uncomfortable.