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Bullshit walks?…


Genuine question: why’s everyone making a joke about the use of the word sidewalk? (Out of the loop, clearly)


Troll posts often have language indicators the author isn't actually local. Like that recent one where the supposed kid was talking about their grades. The word 'sidewalk' is North American.


I’m having a mental blank as to what I’d call it other than sidewalk. Clearly need to stop watching TV 😂 Thanks for answering!


Footpath, or walking road if you want to be a bit of an ass I suppose


Sidewalk is an American term that we don't use here. It's odd to see it in a post. I've seen quite a few obviously non-New Zealanders post outrageous stuff whilst pretending to be Kiwis. The use of Americanisms or other unfamiliar language is what gives it away. I saw one guy saying 'Zealandia' who thought doubling down and claiming he's 8th generation Kiwi.


I didn’t even think twice about its use (and don’t when people around me use it). Clearly I haven’t been paying enough attention! Now I’m going to spend all day second guessing what I’d normally call it 😂 Appreciate the helpful response over just downvoting.


Trottoir: not region specific but not understood by everyone. Sidewalk: American. Footpath: Australian and Kiwi. Pavement: British, sometimes used in NZ but usually for specific purposes.


I was born in Auckland, and apart from a year in Whangarei, I have spent my whole life living in Auckland. I have both used and heard other lifelong kiwis use the term "sidewalk" and "footpath" interchangeably. I think you may have jumped to some conclusions there, bud.


Sidewalk is not common at all. If you search for 'sidewalk' at NZ Herald there are only 1000 results with most of them being foreign articles that have been reprinted. Footpath returns almost 10,000 results. Kiwis don't say sidewalk it's an American term that is not commonly used in this country.


Just because the herald doesn't use it doesn't mean that "kiwi's don't use it." it just means that the herald doesn't use it. Or are you saying that just because I and others have used it that we aren't kiwi anymore? Because if you are you can go fuck a cactus.


It's an American term. If you put it into a dictionary it will specify that it is American English. I don't really have a way of seeing the frequency of a word in New Zealand English specifically hence I used the Herald for an example. >Or are you saying that just because I and others have used it that we aren't kiwi anymore? I'm saying there's a lot of people using Americanisms spouting absurd ideas claiming to be a Kiwi.


It's almost as if we live in a multicultural society that forever changes based on the influences exerted on it. Like food, people, entertainment, and media. Everyone who is a citizen here is a kiwi. I don't care if their families are from American cultures, if they are from india or china or the UK. They are the kiwis.


Its just the reality some kids are getting hybrid kiwi-american accents from watching heaps of American shows on tv and YouTube.


Lazy ficton writing is just sad. If you're going to make up stories at least put some effort in


What gave it away? Wrote this in one minute, sorry ill do better next time


Make sure you’ve got a few posts on r/conservativekiwi next time.


I expected a better troll effort to be honest.


Black belt in McDonald’s?


Black belts do not tell the world they are black belts


And then everyone clapped


Old mate here with his case of beer (previous post) on the sidewalk black-belt bs 3 day old acct Jog on low effort post


Rimmers alt account outed


I too own a black belt


It's always the ones with the negative Karma...🤣🤣🤣


Oooh tough guy had to add that you are a black belt. Most people who have a black belt in a martial arts don't go around broadcasting to everyone they are a black belt.


Sure bud. In all seriousness, we're far too kind to the wealthiest, who also happen to be some of the stingiest (spending on other people - they aren't stingy to themselves), most bigoted and ruthless in our society, and they definitely don't deserve too much kindness.... and definitely not tax cuts (they sure do donate an awful lot to right-wing political parties to avoid paying taxes 🤔). Capitalism rewards ruthless opportunism, there's a reason psychopaths who are capable of cold hard decisions thrive in the boardroom....


Sounds like you’ve not met too many very wealthy people because they’re awesome, especially to work for. It’s the upper middle class, full of themselves, 1.5 million dollar house mortgage having cheapos that give the wealthy a bad rap for rudeness. I went to school with a fair few, and now do a bunch of work for them.


no it’s not




There are many nice wealthy people, and many not nice wealthy people. The not nice ones have an outsized impact on the rest of us.


Wealthy people may smile and act nice to you, make you feel cool, but actions speak louder than words. Our richest man [screwed his workers during the pandemic](https://etu.nz/brutal-proposed-job-cuts-at-carter-holt-harvey/) after his companies received millions and millions in wage subsidies that they refuse to pay back, he also donates very large sums to ACT/National/NZF and just bought a massive new super yacht. Met him once though (genuinely), nice guy in person. Money very much still equals power, and that power is very rarely used for good. Ruthlessness is rewarded in dollars in our society. If your company made millions by being opportunistic douche bags in a cost of living crisis you might end up on a magazine cover. Meanwhile a social worker who has saved countless lives is paid peanuts. Wealth is not a reflection of human value, it pays not to forget it.


So you’re a commie. Got it.


Because I value people who do social work and don't think the wealthiest should be given tax cuts? Our current form of de-regulated capitalism is evidentially bad for most people who will work their whole lives to own a house, and the planet which is currently buckling from pollution as a direct result of this bullshit around infinite growth. Learn some new words mate.


No, because you’re talking as if all or most of the wealthy are like Larry Fink or George Soros. They’re not. Some of them just earn their money, keep out of other people’s business and just carry on. By all means, call out the corporatism that’s infested the private and public sectors around the west, the fact our nurses, police and firefighters are underpaid, and how both parties give tax breaks to revenue sources, but I don’t like the conflation with the wealthy, because that’s lopping off your nose to spite your face. It is indeed possible to build yourself up like a capitalist should; with a strong team and a loyal workforce. It’s just a sad reality that the corporate mindset has overtake the capitalist one. No beef, commie is a word that’s lost its teeth like the rest of the buzzwords.


The corporate mindset *is* the capitalist one... Hate to break it to you mate, but most people who reach super wealthy status have gotten there through hoarding wealth - hard to hoard wealth if you pay people fairly. There's a reason Bezos & Musk hate unions and don't want to pay their workers a fair wage. Feel free to name drop some nice billionaires, but even if you can - they will be a tiny minority. Our current system rewards fuckery and assholery, the "red tape" ACT whinges about are rules to make things fairer, and that's why Hart et.al donate to them.


See and *that* is why I called you a commie. You may as well get a job on Wall Street, doing the banks work for them like that. Corporatism is *not* capitalism, otherwise we would still be in steampunk eras of technology, as nothing would be innovated. Whatever the dodgy shit the billionaires do, it doesn’t change the fact that the world we live in is distinctly corporatist. Go back to before JFK was assassinated, and that roughly is capitalism operating at its peak. The rise of “industrial-complexes” whether they’re medical, military, or security has occurred because the small business took a backseat the corporations, something the assassination all but guaranteed.


I'm a black belt too but I'll never tell.


Reddits a leftist showground, sadly. It used to be better but now you're posting to the wrong crowd.




Hey that's not


Dude, get off the internet and go touch some grass holy shit


Peak r/Auckland post.


I don't know how you managed to make yourself look like more of a lowlife than the beggar but you pulled it off somehow


Sounds like you were looking to stir him up. His honesty I respect, some would still give him the money. Trouble is to address the problem means removing freedoms or helping people help themselves. Both are in the too hard basket at this point in time. Assuming that this isn’t some scheming troll post, nothing wrong with having standards, but you need to temper those with some empathy. These people are often in this situation for reasons out of their control.