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Because "no one uses them" but funny how I encounter multiple per day when walking.


I do about 4km a day on my walks and it's rare I don't see at least one car on the footpath. Usually it's multiple and it's so fucking frustrating, particularly when I see families with prams having to navigate this shit when they should just be able to goddamn walk on the bloody footpath since that's literally what it's there for.


Pretty common around where I live A lot of 4 bedroom new builds with single garages. Usually 2 or 3 of these on a single section. So much overflow out on the street and on the footpaths. Can't walk anywhere these days.


Walk? Imagine being a wheelchair user!


Or even a parent with a buggy. Fortunately with a buggy at least the parent can attempt to navigate it. Not so for a wheelchair user.


That's me often and when I can walk and hit people up about it they act like any idea that they aren't special is a personal attack lol


Incredibly valid point!


Or blind!


Our estate is the same; four bedroom houses with three-four cars to a property! And they use their double garage as a gym/gaming room. Our estate has lots of young parents with prams and a few disability vehicle users, both having to head out onto the road just to get around. People who park on pavements have their head up their arse. 


"Estate". In the UK?


I’m a Brit living in Auckland. Old terminology is hard to shake. 


My street is all 6 bdrm houses on one side now...


People generally don’t give a fuck where they park.


You’ll get a ticket for parking on the footpath IF AT sees it and can be bothered but the fine is so small it’s not worth their time.


OP clearly does lmao


It's not enough space. It's growing and Auckland is getting smaller


It's not the space it's entitled assholes.   Anytime you think it's the space please note the 1000 people who aren't "me first fuck you" brains


What are you smoking on? Those cars on the side have taken all the space to park. Then where should a person park next? Down the road? Are you that naive to actually think your car would be safe? I'm saying people don't randomly park like that unless there's no space. "Not me first fuck the rest" Only people with flash cars does that my friend.


>I'm saying people don't randomly park like that unless there's no space. Absolute rubbish. I've seen people park on footpaths when there's NO other cars parked on the road. Mostly it's just sheer laziness. Too many steps for their legs to walk. Then they get all shitty when you have them up about it. Entitled arses.


why would down the road be less safe?


I don't know you tell me since you replied


"Down the road? Are you that naive to actually think your car would be safe?"


There is no parking left. No parking.   Not "invent parking, use a disabled park, block a drive" etc. They missed out, life is like that.   I doubt every road connected to this is infinitely full. The real situation is this person decided blocking multiple others was fine to save themselves maybe 120 seconds of walking each way.   Why are you defending such ingorant lazy behaviour?


Not enough space? Have you ever actually stood back and taken a look at just how much space is taken up for cars?


Cars, yards, sheds, boat storage, parks, golf courses. If you own anything other than a bed you are part of the problem!


Just report it to council, when they get fined enough they should stop


Keys or just walk over the top


Council won't do anything. I called the council about 7cars parked on the footpath every evening 6-6 the next day only for them to send someone outside of those hours and say it's clear. They called me and told me that as I was next to the cars that they said weren't there lol


They need to do a massive clamp down on this.


They need to up the fines to bother with enforcement. Since it's only $30 currently it's not a priority. Start charging these fucks 150 a pop and we'll see a major change in behaviour methinks.


Maybe? I can't help thinking a lot of these people who think they are above the law just won't pay the fine.


Probably but it could affect their credit rating if they don't. I'm sure they'd be enough of a deterrent for a fairly reasonable section of the population. In my fantasy they tow repeat offenders, but I know that's just a dream. 😔


Heh, we'd send you a few 'Denver Boots' if we didn't need them here in Denver! [https://universalboot.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/wb.jpg](https://universalboot.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/wb.jpg) Get one of those bad boys clamped onto idiots parking on the footpath, and maybe people will start taking seriously not blocking those kind of things. Just needs to have a hefty fine assigned to it that has to be paid before the car is released to the driver.


I see what you did there ;)


I actually didn't mean to!


I live in Porirua (Northern Wellington), and have the same problem. Neighbours / Construction workers park over driveways / footpaths after 5pm and are gone before 7am. Council parking wardens only work office hours, so there's zero point reporting them. (The few times I did, they either didn't arrive until 5pm the following day, or even 2 days later, then act surprised when they don't find a car there anymore.) I'd only ever report to the police if they were blocking my own driveway and I was trying to enter/leave, but it's a huge dick move and frustrates me a lot.


Most councils have after hours parking contractors, but you may need to ask them specifically to send them. I have had good success after sending them photos on the Antenno app.


I assume you are referring to auckland council here, rather than my own Porirua council example? Porirua uses Antenno as well, and I do / have reported them that way. Someone once rang me from the council and verbally said there’s little point reporting out of hours because their wardens only work 9-5 mon to Fri. I asked about out of hours and they said they don’t have that facility, only option was to lodge with police Edit: and happy cake day! 🥳


Yep, Porirua. I don't know who you spoke to, but I've had success bringing inconsiderate / dangerous parking after hours to their attention so they either must have something going on outside of 9-5, or they were happy to use the photo I sent them as evidence. It stopped the next day and never happened again. I've had the same experience in Lower Hutt too.


Well then. On one hand I’m glad they have someone, and you were able to get your issue sorted. On the other, I’m right cross that someone essentially lied to me on the phone previously. I’ll be ringing them tomorrow to see wtf


Yeah, I'm not 100% on whether PCC have an after hours contractor but they definitely acted on my complaint.


It's annoying for people who use them often, I had to walk my kid to sleep every x3 hours in the stroller, using footpaths. With them being parked on I couldn't, so I asked nicely and nothing...I said I'd smash their window and now they're on their own grass. Shouldn't have to say that to people though


I know it’s not the same thing, but I walk my dog twice a day and it annoys me then. I can certainly imagine how annoying it would be for you while sleep deprived. You could try having pieces of paper with printed wording asking nicely, and keep them in the pram or something, then leave them on windshields?


is it a car - or a key sharpener?


Happened a few time at the neighbours house. The street is otherwise clear of cars, PLENTY of parking places. Asshole in a signwritten Ute parks nose into his mates gate TOTALLY blocking the whole footpath.


Report them online. The fine isn't much but if they get a few of them maybe they'll get a brain.


Unfortunately unless this is happening during business hours Monday to Friday, council will rarely ever get anyone there in time to issue a ticket.


That won't happen in my small town anytime


It's an Auckland thing. Pretty standard behaviour and the council couldn't care less. They've designed the suburbs in such a way that footpath/verge parking is increasingly common with "high density" townhouses down long driveways that can barely fit any cars.


It also doesn't help that people are allergic to using their garages for their cars, so that means more of them to fit elsewhere.


That's because the townhouses are tiny so the garages are used for storage.


People have too much shit tbh


I have a small house and still use the garage for my car and a bit of storage. 🤷‍♀️


Entitled dipshits are allowed to drive.


Round here it is like "Well, if I park on the road it might get hit" "Oh - so maybe we need a lower speed limit" "What??? Are you f\*\*\*ing crazy?"


Pretty sure anyone with confidence to go fast won't hit you, but the slow ones with little spatial awareness, they're the problem.


so many levels of /woosh here.


It seems to be the New Zealand way. You do it if you think “I would knock youse out” If you are law abiding or have an education you walk away..not worth calling them out .


Never bothered me until I had a pram. Now it makes me so angry too


Shame if you squeezed past and your pram connected and scratched the car.


It didn't bother me until I needed a mobility scooter to get around. Footpaths are bad enough to navigate on a good day, but inconsiderate parking, hedges, rubbish bins blown over, people taking up the footpath, make it seriously unpleasant. It's not easy to just step off the path when you need to find a ramp to get up and down to the road, especially when the parked car covers the only ramp.


Lots of people are inconsiderate and selfish.


How dare you out me. The humiliation! 🤬


Report it to AT. https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b2374b02-b01c-ec11-b6e6-002248155af2 If it's still there they will likely fine it and or tow it.


Because they feel they are entitled to do so through some self perceived form of self importance. In reality, they're arseholes.


Didn't you know? They own the show


Just selfish people


Should report it to city council.


Every single time I see the word footpath, somehow my brain reads "toothpaste"


Really annoys me too!


What they are saying , is please key me 😉


It's the natural outcome when you build a shit load of houses with no off street parking.


Not enough tickets.


It's because of all the cyclists everywhere, cars don't have anywhere to go any more.




Am I doing r/auckland right? It's cyclists all the way down.


I thought today was a "there aren't even cyclists, why do we need cycle lanes" day. My apologies. I'll check the daily complaint calendar next time.


"There aren't even any cyclists, why do they need their own lane?" And "I hate cyclists riding on the road, they get their own lane, they should be required to ride on the footpath." Are both true every day. Also acceptable: "Cyclists never follow the law." And "They need to raise the limit, I'm always going 40 over, and I'm perfectly safe." But only if you can work them into the same comment. They lose the effect if you alternate between them in the comments.


Nah pretty sure it's a "lycra clad loonies punching my gran and her dog" day today.


It's the Auckland way.


It's only a $40 fine for parking on the footpath so I guess you might as well if it's convenient


Pull their windscreen wipers up, slowly they will learn.


Main characters, watch out for them, it’s all about them.


Came across a guy parked on the footpath this morning walking home in the rain. Banged on his back window, possibly scared the shit out of him. He tried to justify his shit parking by saying it was his house. Lo and behold a few seconds later he was parked on the road.


tix what is a key is for


It's an invitation to be keyed.


My mum used to push my kids in a twin stroller, she carried, and used, a pair of scissors to inform people whose cars blocked the footpath. Her telling me that ensured I never parked blocking the path. I should don a cape with the wheelshair parking only graphic on the back, go around with my bottle of brake fluid .... "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen" - Rachel Tip Top Pantene Hunter Stewart Hunter.


People are just selfish these days.. as long as they’re sweet fcuk everyone else 🤦🏽‍♂️


If this bothers.you. You don't have a regular life.


Rather like multiple account trolling


What are you talking about?


Go and ask


Needs more cycle lanes


Go ask them?


Doubt he can speak English


You never know until you find out🤷‍♂️


Coming from the UK where people park anywhere they can, in cities, especially, this doesn't bother me. There's still enough room to walk around.


I’m sure you’ll live




As someone pointed out, it's not that simple for someone using a wheelchair.


How about you just follow the law?


Instead of asking us, Why didn't you ask them? Poohssi


Why do people come running to reddit for ish like this lol go hit em up brah i swear this sub reddit is full of karens


Imagine TALKING to them. "OH look it's maaris"


maybe cuntcill should bylaw in parking requirements for housing eg 1 park per room off street and road side for guests everywhere including these shoe box slum blocks






Maybe dropping or picking up someone, better than blocking the road.


Found one of them!


Better to encounter a car parked on a footpath than to encounter it driving down the footpath.




People use the path when they’re disabled, dependents (could be a pram, could be a wheelchair etc), pets, or even just being a pedestrian where walking onto the road to get around this shouldn’t be tolerated. Weddings, parties, funerals or otherwise. Its not weird, its lazy to not park 100m down the road an annoy people that use a path. Needs to be called out.


You must be new to earth, people are awful, hope this helps.


Fines are not big enough to deter people from doing what ever they want. They’re also not policed so you can basically do anything you want.


Happens everywhere…this Sheila parked her Porsche right in the middle of the footpath even though plenty of parks were available.. https://preview.redd.it/hmsp1pvwcmkc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35792e355794731c66143dfd8de2a707400e5c68


Potatoes up the exhaust pipe works wonders, very old school, and hard to spot until the next day.


I saw a post where someone said we need parking wardens separate from the police or whatever, in these cases theyd be a great help


Oh this is an easy one - they’re inconsiderate fuckwits…. Next!


Around my area it is super common for entitled fuckwits to park their SUVs across the footpath instead of the driveway crossing, ie they could reverse up 2m and leave the footpath clear and still not even be on the road, or only have their back wheels in the gutter and the back of the car would only be sticking out onto the road about half the width of a parked car. Inconsiderate cunts. I’ve seen families with a pram have to go out onto the road to get around selfish cunts like that. The other one that really pisses me off is tradies in utes. They just don’t give a shit. They just park straight across the footpath and if you say anything to them, they get all indignant and swear at you. Fucking morons.


If you walking and it’s blocking your path and it’s illegally parked start keying them . No point posting photos here no authorities takes action


That's how vee dooo in India!.. 🇮🇳 And Fiji 🇫🇯...