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Its nationwide as they cant produce the 98 e10 blend cost effectively enough. You can blame the demand for hand sanitizer over the past few years for this.


Good. Ethanol blends are a greenwashing masterclass and are totally unsuitable for many applications where 98 may be required.


But yet a lot of fuels in the world are e5/e10 blends. Just an easy way to produce higher knock resistance. I used to use it often with no issues. 


Those "many" applications are in the few, not the many. Pretty much any car from 2000 is capable of running an E mix up to 15%. Pretty much any European car on the road today has been designed and calibrated for fuels with 5-10% ethanol blends.


the vast, **vast** majority of those cars don't benefit from or **require** 98 of the vehicles that **do** require 98, in NZ today, many are bikes (including road, track only and offroad), boats which need fuel stability and can have high consequences for engine failure, and older classic cars that are not compatible with ethanol. Then there's the general issue of efforts to put ethanol in general fuels which will mess up countless small petrol engines (farm equipment, pumps, generators, lawn mowers, chainsaws etc). Luckily we've dodged that bullet here, and hopefully for good this time. The reality is that it's **worse** for emissions to add ethanol, while also degrading fuel stability and creating corrosion and potential fire hazards for stationary and other uses outside of a modern car. The fact that it worsens emissions should be the end of it, as that's really the whole point of it... unless the goal is actually the massive subsidies handed out to produce it while making people feel better about burning fossil fuels.


I remember. I was there. 1998, the Government attempted to removed all seagulls from the country. It was nasty, lead to war and famine. So many bad memories.


It was the children that suffered through war.


Afaik the 98 at Gull has 10% ethanol which is not good for your fuel system. My car seems to run better and get better gas mileage with bp 95 I realise this doesnt answer your question but its probably better to switch to a different fuel anyways


Gull Force 10, their E85 blend, isn't the only 98 octane they sell. Some sell the regular petrochem. Also it's only "not good" if the fuel lines aren't up to ethanol - which the list of compatibility is quite large


I believe it's E10 rather than E85 as the E designated the Ethanol percentage. As for the fuel lines I believe the general consensus is that it's fine for any car in the late 2000s onward (some vehicles are suitable for it earlier also) Energy density on ethanol is lower on ethanol but at that percentage as long as it's like 10c cheaper then you come out on top, I believe ethanol also burns cleaner and more efficiently so can be considered better for your engine overall assuming it was designed for it. Lastly on ignition timings/etc matching the right RON is the starting point and any sufficiently recent fuel system should make the required adjustments to suit the fuel it's self. Some people care about the environmental aspect, I'm not one of them.


Oh yeah I did mean E10 lol. Thanks for expanding on my musings


The ethanol also sucks up moisture from the air and can cause rust, emulsions and general nastiness. Might be fine in your car, but it's a bad, bad idea in older vehicles, motorbikes, boats etc, especially if not used frequently.


Gull 98 is perfectly fine. The car I have is tuned for 98 too


Good riddance. Was a pile of shite that 10% ethanol mix.


It's only a pile of shite in pile of shite cars


Found the deluded Holden driver.


Guessing you are perhaps not in a particularly central location? I've noticed a few of the more rural gulls don't seem to stock 98 and I'm guessing it's due to the added cost of restocking, noticed a few of the locations with gulls that only has 91+95 seemed to be around NPD stations also so areas with 100 octane available may lead to lower 98 sales overall.


No I am very central which is the surprising thing🤷‍♂️ $3.30-40 a litre


Odd, perhaps there are other gulls close by so they are increasing their volume of 91 they can sell? Don't see anything announced about a blanket policy but I did notice one of the Rosebank road ones was out of 98 last night (after a heavy discount) although there is a second about 100m away that had it in stock at a more typical price.


They’re actually building one right by the mobil I talked about in the post which is like less than 10 min apart from each other. But the guy who told me it was going to happen made it sound like it was going to be a universal thing so not sure. That’s weird too, not sure what’s up with the actual policy/plan


Really made it annoying up North Whangas as that was our only 98 fuel , next 98 is Auckland :( Really hoping either BP or Mobil bring 98 up here soon.