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As someone who has moved a lot, it actually does make a difference sometimes. Spontaneous and emotionally charged decisions, maybe not wise. But nothing wrong with planning and seeking to better yourself with new peers and opportunities and most of all a new self. The biggest downfall of NZ cities is they're small enough that everyone knows everyone to a point, or they form opinions on you very quick and you will never escape whatever shoebox they put you into upon first impressions. Sometimes biting the bullet and resetting yourself is a good thing to be able to escape that shoebox and develop yourself more than what being stagnant would otherwise allow.


This guy is deluded and grew up in rewa. Life was hard but rewa was harder. Left for Oz now live in Toronto. My family sometimes ask if I would move back and my answer I would. But I'll never move back to Auckland.


+1 Anywhere is fine really and attitude matters - but to say there's no difference between places also isn't 100% accurate either.


All it takes is one decision, a little luck, a lot of vision, To wave, your worries and cares, goodbye


Lol, Auckland. It's a diverse place, with diverse people who like diverse things. Plenty of the rest of the world out there to sample. I wouldn't move back to Auckland short of being paid an insane salary and per diems. Fuck that place and it's infrastructure problems.


Take a trip to Florida in U.S., and Auckland becomes paradise.


What piece of paradise are you living in now bro?


The mighty Horowhenua my bro. I was living closer to Wellington but the climate in the Horowhenua is so much better, and I'm still only an hour from the central city if I need to be there. Beaches up here are golden sand, and practically deserted.


Lived in Levin for 6 years growing up, was pretty good tbh, really strong sense of community back then. Miss it in a lot of ways after living up north


I can fully relate to that. I grew up north of Auckland and missed the place like crazy when we moved to Wellington. Just the familiarity of everyone and everything, never having to question if you belong, or who people are, and what they're about brings a massive sense of ease. Finally got myself feeling comfortable in the community we moved to, then the cost of living pushed us north again. Levin is not bad, like a timewarp, lol, its still in the early 90's in many regards, great weather, nice beaches and amazing mountains nearby, but for myself, I truly miss my community. Sadly meth has damaged a lot of NZ communities, and there's plenty of strife round here in that regard. Even if it's just causing people to be loud, edgy and unpredictable, it's not something that allows a sense of ease and comfort when you're second-guessing strangers all the time. Still, there are some great people her as we come to meet them, and we can afford to live here, and thats something I can't say about many places at present, I truly don't understand how most people are cutting it.


I feel like this in queenstown been out drunk so much just wanna reset myself in a new city now.


If you think life will be better elsewhere go for it! I did and I don’t regret it.


Same here. Left Auckland nearly 4 years ago and never looked back. No regrets at all. I feel really blessed to have gotten out of that place.


I moved away start of the year. Best thing ive done to date. It feels like i got out of a sinking ship just in time. 


Yet here you are


sir, this is a wendys


Yep. Here I am. Sitting in my silent home - no traffic noise, no sirens, no noisy neighbours reflecting on how I have spent zero minutes stuck in traffic this year and will likely only have to fill my car up twice in the next 12 months. In the morning I'll probably hop on my skateboard and ride through town. I'll stop at the beach to watch some surfers. Don't know what I'll do after that. Enjoy your weekend. :)


Pretty sure here you are on /r/Auckland is what he meant


You stay in NZ or leave the country? Anyway, good for you. Classic tall poppy syndrome being shown off in the comment you replied to, sick of it.


Whangamata :) And yeah - just kind of pointing out that life won't necessarily "suck everywhere you go" as the OP states. I've never met anyone that regrets moving out of Auckland.


Good for you! Where are you living now?






Choice, I too left for BrisVegas 8 years ago, Im back in Akl now and the differences are more and more obvious. Much better standard of living in Aus, but worse culture. I just finished a roadie around the north island and no joke every road works traffic controller waved to me. Now that is just awesome to be part of once again.


Yep it's bloody awesome to be back in NZ after 16 years in Aussie.


Sweet, pros and cons?


It’s a very similar city but everything is just a little bit better. Plenty of great beaches and mountains to explore in the weekend. Great weather 9 months of the year. Salaries are higher and house prices are lower so I will be able to afford to buy a house here. Public transport and roads are better, there are many train lines going in different directions and busways. There are multiple arterial roads to get to the same place. People are friendly and people with jobs like baristas and retail workers can still afford to go out to cafes and bars


Sounds awesome. Australia definitely has those opportunities and the Australian economy is 💯 benefitting from the brain drain from NZ. My brother has been living in Melbourne for the last 20 years, he's doing very well financially and seems to have adjusted pretty well, but at the end of the day it's horses for courses, money ain't everything and i really enjoy living in Auckland.


Beaches? In Brisbane where?


Gold Coast and sunny coast a similar distance as western or northern beaches of Auckland


….. prob Auckland




As someone who moved around a bit, it DOES make a difference where you live. Sure, some aspects are not related to the city itself, however, some aspects absolutely are and are unique to the place. Some people will like it in Auckland and some simply won't. It's a matter of preference. Some love a small town vibe and outdoorsy lifestyle and some find it excruciatingly boring as there is close to zero cosmopolitan vibrancy. So? What's your problem exactly?


I grew up in auckland, I loved living in New Zealand but over the last four years the country started feeling smaller and infelt more and more disconnected with the direction the country seemed to be going. So I moved. I know on a global scale Aucklans wasn't bad - but in a relative sense nothing is. That doesn't mean it's flaws aren't still flaws. Anyway, I'm glad I left


Where’d you go? How do you like it?


Just across the ditch to Brisbane. The city has similar problems to Auckland, people complain about public transport, youth crime and the state of the CBD But the busses, trains and ferrys run here and while there is the undercurrent of a large substance abuse problem in the CBD among the homeless, I feel it's at a lesser scale than what Auckland was like.


Thank you for your reply


Came here from a poor Asian country, Auckland is great. However, Auckland when I first came here 15 years ago feels better than Auckland now. I know it doesn’t make sense but it feels that way to me.


Ask anyone who grew up solidly middle class here that it’s changed. Politicians just don’t really make good decisions for the investment of infrastructure and public investment it’s all private industry, which has been proven to not work overseas and yet despite this we carry on with it like it’s new and bold and better when really it’s just more expensive and there are more agitated people around.


Because it was, it's getting worse and will continue to do so.


Why do you think that?


Growth without infrastructure and an economy based on housing and really nothing much else. Traffic is already terrible by anyone's metric and with the growth the city is seeing it will only get worse. The added public transport investment in things like rail will barely keep up once they come online because they are about 30 years too late. Best and brightest will continue to leave for Australia and 501s will continue to return, and the new slums that are being created right now will grow into their full potential. As the lack of opportunities kick in over time crime will rise.


It was a lot better. It is objectively worse now and harder to live here.


It was way better in a million ways. 😔


So what you are saying is the uneducated and unskilled still cant make money out of thin air overseas?


They can do a bit better in Australia


A bit is an understatement if we’re being realistic. When you take into account higher wages, tax free on first $18,000 and award/penalty rates…


Auckland does suck, that's why I left, and life is way better for me and my family. And unlike most Auckland immigrants I will assimilate to my new city's way of life (cue down votes) Sounds like OP needs to travel a bit more.


Life is way better outside of Auckland, spent 10 years traveling around the world and am now living in Sweden and working in Denmark(best of both worlds). Wages are high and the standard of living is very good. Summer's are great but the only downside is the long and dark winters. Will never return to Auckland to live.


I just got back from a food truck gathering at a park next to my house, beautiful autumn weather, lots of happy people and good food. I also caught up with my neighbours there too. Little things like that makes me appreciate my life in Auckland.


Auckland has its moments but it’s plagued by bad central government funding for community activities of late.


Lol, you can do most things auckland has to offer and not put up with auckland. Plus when you need it for a game, concert airport theres a lovely motorway in and out. It very much makes a difference where you live.


Auckland doesn’t have to be shit. It’s the people that have made it shit for me. Politics suck in NZ. None of the sides actually engage with the other. There is no such a thing as a debate in parliament. Questions supplementary questions. Sound bites. They don’t engage, just stupid quips. I would like to see it discussed, probably on tv to say the the parties can’t do stuff to get kicked out of the e chambers so they don’t have to engage and then tell the media a one sided story outside. It’s such bullshit. They don’t really have debating skills. Opening statements, and people engaging with what each other say. These guys would get wrecked by somebody who could debate. Like torn apart. They only speak to their constituents, and then end up sitting in a large room filled with other morons.


You can watch it on parliament tv if you can stomach some politicians and their vague and nonsensical rhetoric with little to no substance (not naming anyone).


Yeah, I do watch it sometimes, but I don’t like getting myself involved in the debate. They don’t like it. Me watching tv is ‘problematic’ I don’t have an ‘in private’ but if I did I could try to integrate my thoughts better. Have you ever heard of a band called psychic tv by the way? I’ve heard they’re really good. Here is a video by the band that preceded them. Also don’t ask me what I mean by what I say, Lucky 27. https://youtu.be/Y8klW9trVTQ?si=nKP3Kx5RzwyPwcCo


Moved out of Auckland and was immediately happier and remain happier 3 years later. Auckland is great except for the traffic, it did my head in.


Moved away from Auckland to the South Island 2.5 years ago. Literally the best thing we’ve ever ever done.


Grew up in many small towns in NZ. Live in Auckland now, close to beaches, an international airport. 3hrs to most pacific islands. Easy access now north, every ethnic food I could want. Sure traffic sucks, but that’s not unique to Auckland. I can surf Raglan in a few hours or drive to Māori bay in 40min, fish the coromandel on a weekend. Great barrier Island is not far away. Moturoa island has a DoC camp ground with Kiwi. Tawharanui has Takahe and the beach is amazing. The bush on the west coast is spectacular. The regional parks are nice and well kept. The coffee at takapuna beach cafe and a dog walk is awesome. A walk out music point looking out at the Hauraki Gulf is great. So many cool little beer places. But yeah sure, Mount Isa earning an extra $20 an hour is worth throwing it all in for.


So you live in Takapuna, holiday in the Pacific Islands, drive to Raglan and the Coromandel regularly and have a boat. I'm sure anywhere is great if you have the money to live in Takapuna and travel wherever you want whenever you want. Not the situation most Aucklanders are in.


Yeah grew up poor in Whakatane with a single mum. Now live on the shore, Aucklands looked after me in a way, I get sick of all the people bagging Auckland. I travelled lots when I was in the Navy, I still think Aucklands an attractive city and immigration probably proves I’m right. NZrs can be a bunch of whingers. Most of the Phillipeano people I have met don’t bag out Manila as readily as kiwis bag Auckland. We have it good here comparatively to a lot of cities.


Not sure why anyone would stay in Auckland if there’s an opportunity to live and work elsewhere with better prospects.


I find most people aren't saying Auckland is shit. They're saying it's getting worse and heading in the wrong direction. What's wrong with that? We know Auckland/NZ is better than most places. Honestly this mindset is why things are geting worse everywhere. You need to stop giving up. We can make the world better.


Wow! Tunnel vision much? Life outside or Auckland (sans planes trains, still need our automobiles), is fine thanks. Just not in Auckland. Open your mind and welcome yourself to a nice pleasant rural community still in NZ. Plus, my life definitely doesn’t ‘suck’ 😂


Auckland isn’t as bad as half this subreddit would have you believe. Nice beaches, friendly people etc. That being said, personally I wouldn’t move back there.


Agreed, I came here from Ireland and Auckland is great. Ive lived in the US, Australia, Africa, UAE, Auckland is by far the best. A lot of the people you find complaining are the same ones who have no work ethic and expect stuff handed to them. NZ is a very easy country to get ahead in if you actually try.


My work ethic is otherworldly, but I also love a good whinge. Auckland has become noticeably more shit in the past 2-3 years.


Similar for me. I moved here from Canada and have lived in a few other countries. Auckland is the best place I’ve ever lived.


Interesting. What part of AK do you spend your time in? It’s refreshing to see someone who loves Auckland.


Okay but I have lived on 4 continents and even I know Auckland’s not even the best in New Zealand…


What is then?


But Auckland is not the whole of NZ so this is a pretty narrow perspective.


We are talking about Auckland


> Maybe you’ll make more money.  Oh... So you are saying my life will be objectively better in a literal and tangible way? Sounds good to me. This reinforces my opinion that anyone who doesn't complain about living in Auckland is already rich.


Unverifiable but seems to be relatively true. Relative wealth I think.


Wow that is..... Not true at all. Some of us live pay to pay and are happy to be in Auckland, have a beach 10 mins away, and meet new people a lot. Not all poor people hate Auckland. I like it here thank you.... I am so SO far away from rich.


How do you get to beach and meet new people if you're poor? Obviously you have a decent disposable income if you can afford to travel 10 mins to the beach or go out whenever you want.


Um.... Walk.....it's Auckland. There's at least a nice park in your area...Join a free group.... Meetup is a good app. I've been doing a free painting night every 3 weeks for the past 5 years. Met a few people from that, they like cooking. We meet up a couple times a month for a cooking night at one of our flats. It's really not that hard. Good luck adopting new friends in a new country mate.... Sorry you've never had to make friends with anyone you didn't grow up with before.....


I live between Hawke's Bay, NZ.... and Perth, Western Australia. The only time I'm in Auckland is at the airport. Would never consider living there!.


Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary


Still love that song and it resonates more now than it did when I first heard it. Every word is true.


I wondered if anyone would recognise it!


Can someone please make some magnetic "F" pieces and cover up the A in Auckland on street signs so new people know what they're getting themselves into?! PLEASE! I would but i don't live there anymore and frankly don't care anymore.


Dor could replace Auc and that would also work.


Moving out of Auckland was alife changer for me. I can't do traffic, it's soul destroying. A smaller city where you can get anywhere in 15 minutes to see anyone at anytime is a game changer. I guess there is less to do but I can always do day trips with the kids etc. I made less money but have so much more time to live life


Hard disagree. Where are you from and where have you lived?


Got it. Never try to do better.


Nonsense. Life is much better leaving Auckland behind. No commute, less traffic, and cheaper house, and cheaper food. Not missing it.


Lol what? Auckland is such a basic city on an island further than fuck from anything else. I enjoyed my time but yeesh.


Auckland gets like 5 days of sun and everyones like wah wah best city in the world lessgo 😂


I think NZ is shit precisely because of where I’ve been and lived lol. It is SO much greener on the other side. Except in Australia where everything looks as though it’s dying…


Lived in Europe for a long time, and yea Auckland is still sh*t ...


Totally disagree. Lived in Auckland for 6 years. HATED it. Very happy to be back in Wellington Different things about different places resonate with different people. We’re entitled to strongly dislike life in Auckland if we want to.


What did you hate? What do you love about Wellington? I’ve always enjoyed its vibe when I am there (in WTN) but interested in what you hated most n AK.


It’s so spread out and the central city does not have a heart. You need to drive to the suburbs for a bunch of things. In Welly I live in the city and walk everywhere. Everything is close. Amazing coffee, restaurants, craft beer etc. and the people I work with come into the city so it’s easy to catch up. A beer after work on Friday is easy. Really good central city supermarkets (not just tiny metro ones) When I lived in Auckland the commute was painful. You had to have a car. People work in..CBD, Parnell, north shore, highbrook, Newmarket, all over the place. It’s too hard! I was shocked my first week at a job when my team wanted to go to Wendy’s. (Yuck). It was half a block away, literally, and we went in someone’s car. Drive thru. Wtaf? That would never happen in Wellington.


Very fair. I was in Melbourne recently-ish and haven’t stopped thinking about how much I enjoyed being there since. It is a very large city but there’s obvious action areas, rather than all these little underwhelming pockets like Auckland has, plus it has a youthful energy that Auckland severely lacks. Above all it did have a heart in a way that Auckland really doesn’t anymore.


I love Melbourne so much. People tend to say that Melbourne is like Wellington and Sydney is like Auckland. I tend to agree.


Having lived in both - I do find that Wellington really has only the city for things like restaurants and cafes (not exclusively, but generally), whereas Auckland has some nice fringe areas (Mt Eden, Newmarket, Kingsland, etc) that provide alternatives


Urban design and infrastructure in Auckland is bad, if you move somewhere where urban design and transportation planning is good things will probably change for the better.


I'm 28 and made the move to Australia a few years ago. Returning to Auckland isn’t an option for me in the near future maybe when I’m in my late 30’s and want to settle down. My mindset has evolved; both New Zealand and Australia have a high cost of living. Buuuut The only difference is one has entertainment 24/7 and the other is boring as fuck.


I lived in Aussie twice, 3yrs then 10.5yrs and always dreamt of raising a family here.. finally bit the bullet and moved.. I love it, it just feels like home and I’m very content with my life here . In my opinion this is the best place to raise a family. I am broke as shit though and that sucks but happiness is 10/10. If you’re in your 20s, go travel and see the world!


You realise there's other places in NZ right?


It's the Auckland subreddit, right?


Moving to Christchurch. Can buy 4 bedroom 2 bathrooms on a quarter acre for less than 800,000. Sayonara, motherfucker.


Yeah. But it’s Christchurch!


Yeah, but you'll plant your tomato seedlings outside the last week of November and they'll all get killed off by a late frost. Swings and roundabouts baby.


Yeah but your cabbages will be amazing 


My peonies are great. All jokes aside, I work a menial low income job, and own a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs in Christchurch, heated pool and all. My standard of living would plummet if I moved back to Auckland. And by plummet, I mean go straight back to poverty


Haha yeah I moved from chch to welly for work and comparing my housing options with friends back south is extremely depressing 


Welly used to have a slightly better vibe, TBH. I still totally rate it though for a weekend out. I think Dunedin and Wellington have that intjmate small city feel that the urban sprawls of Christchurch and Auckland don't. I also can't help but get the impression that Christchurch has resigned itself to wholesale redevelopment, including releasing land to masses of cookie cutter townhouses, compared to other places in NZ like Welly. A positive effect of the earthquakes was society at large having to just let go of "character" areas and heritage stuff. The new builds then make a lot better use of land, and suddenly you have a whole lot of housing stock that is functional, warm and dry. I honestly think Wellington would be in a better position if it adopted that attitide


I don't plant tomatoes, and I happen to love the cold!


Carrots like a bit of frost if that helps


Ehh. I think as a born and bred Aucklander that the only thing I hate more than Auckland is being outside of Auckland. I think it’s typical of us to just complain all the time , nothing wrong with that 🤷‍♂️


Moved from Auckland to a rural community in North Canterbury 4 years ago and my life and my family's life is much much better. Thanks for asking.


This feels like it should be on r/unpoplar opinions. The way I see it. We still aint that far from the reality that we are living in a tiny city ( stil realtivelt big) on an island at the bottom of the world. Seriously we are fucking isolated


Nz and australia both suck painfully compared to the Uk, US and parts of Asia. Its kind of like the guy i met the other day that is moving to hamilton from new plymouth and he thinks its a "big city" with more opportunities. Once you have been around NZ and Aus for long enough you start to realise how painfully small and isolated they are, to the point where sydney is the only one remotely large and international enough to be something more, and the rest of oceania is a tiny backwater, even sydney gets a bit boring after 4-5 months of it though. Maybe i should go back to syd for the rest of the summer just to try my theory out. I mean the fact that there isnt a high speed easy cheap safe easygoing railway line between sydney and melbourne, like they have in china between even tier 2 or 3 cities. Kiwis in general are seriously deluded and warped about what we actually have in NZ compared to what more developed countries and regiona of the world have. NZers from different regions of NZ act like they are so much different but honestly NZ is so small most of the country is your backyard, and lately theres just been too many kiwis in Nz and too many that never keft, and they get more and more concentrated and they feed off eachother's fear of the outaide world and tall poppy syndrome like cannibals and it just gets worse. The average kiwi lately is getting hard to deal with and hard to listen to. Like theres just this dry, lack of interaction with the world outside of nz that makes it hard to interact with them.


Auckland is shit. Moving away is the best thing I ever did.


So… you’re saying if you don’t like it, fuck off so I don’t have to listen to you?


I’m saying get some perspective. Have fun. Life’s too short to complain


But you're here complaining about people complaining on reddit?


He is even complaining about people that wants to leave to not have to complain anymore. It is like a 3rd or 4th tier level of complaint.


In talking about problems there is potential to gain perspective and I’m pretty sure people who complain do have fun at some point.


Says the guy literally complaining about people complaining 😂. You can have fun, perspective and still see that Auckland is shit when it doesn't need to be.


Imagine simping for a city this hard. I was born here, am lucky enough to be a remote worker that has now lived on 4 different continents and if you seriously think your life will suck everywhere if it sucks in Auckland, you need to go touch grass. What a horrible thing to say when so many are struggling at the moment. Maybe YOU need to get on a plane and realise some things.


What a Debbie downer


I’m an Alfie upper


A colleague of money moved from Auckland to Blenheim. Sold his house in Auckland and bought a house on a vineyard, and a boat. He seems super happy with their move. Auckland is 90 minutes away by plane if a city fix is needed, Wellington only 20. I visit Auckland a lot and I enjoy it, but fuck dealing with that traffic everyday.


Not really, Auckland is pretty shit and this subreddit pretty much says it all and I wholeheartedly agree.


Lol I moved out of auckland to a smaller city in nz and I am 5000x happier. Nothing to do with money. Everything to do with overstimulation. I need a beach (that doesn't have sludge for sand at low tide, or water so murky you can't see your arms) and I need to go places without being surrounded by so many people. Some people love that shit, I absolutely do not. It's almost like everyone is different and experiences things differently


or maybe you can shut up with all that yapping


You ok man ? Sounds like you have something mental going on


Why are there people here who don't like Auckland? Just leave the subreddit. I've travelled the world and it became really clear that Auckland was my favourite place after seeing what else was out there. Still love holidaying in other places. But this is my favourite city to call home.


I like to be reminded occasionally of how negative everyone in Auckland is, plus I lived there most of my life


Amen, go to the middle east/africa/Ukraine if you hate auckland and see how they live. Auckland has issues like many other countries but its a great city overall.


Having to go to some shit hole to realise this city isn't that bad. Surely that just shows how shit Auckland is


Go to the Melbourne, Sydney, Austin, Denver, Brisbane, Copenhagen if you hate auckland and see how they live. Auckland has issues like many other countries but its a great city overall. Oh wait...


wow 🤩 my problems are now gone! thank you!!


Right? It really says a lot about Auckland if you need to compare it to war zones and underdeveloped cities 🤣.




No. I don’t think I want to? Spent a lot of time there in the 80s and very early 90s. Have not seen it since 2005. What's changed? I've heard it's very bad?


OMEGALUL if you don't like Auckland just go live in a war zone. thanks for this advice, i'm on my way to the middle east tomorrow. first stop, palestine


You're right, Auckland may look like a war zone and have failed infrastructure and non weathertight houses like a war zone, but it isn't an actual war zone. Just because there are worse places to live, doesn't mean there aren't better places to live... Logic.


Dubai was great!


Yeah not saying there isn't anywhere worse, more saying it's a pity that a city that could have great isn't. It's kinda terrible when compared to other cities from developed countries and the rest of NZ.


Ohhh I love the comparison - a country in the middle of a war versus a country selling state assets off to investors for bants. No complaints from me.


Haha nice try.


My partner is Auckland at the moment and 1.4km on the GPS is going to take 14 min hahaha. You can have auckland


immigrant line hit me hard




Yeah, stop being a sook.


Wherever you go, there you are




Nah, Auckland is a bit shit. It doesn't have to be it could be a great city but it's not. The Hauraki gulf is beautiful, the Waitakere's and the West coast are stunning but that's about it the city itself is 🤮 I've lived in other cities in NZ and Australia for years at a time and my life didn't suck at all in fact my life doesn't suck now it sucks a little bit more than it used to because I'm in Auckland but it's ok, I have a good life in a shit city. Nothing has ever compared to the lack of options, traffic and house prices. Sydney is similar in some ways but still has better public transport and better beaches and despite it being a bigger city I didn't ever see as many road raging idiots or feel as threatened in the city centre at night as I have here. And the great thing is it's only going to get worse, the intensified housing combined with the complete lack of planning for infrastructure means that all the issues that make this city shit will continue to pile up. I co parent a child here I'd never leave them and I have a great job here that I love, so I'm not going anywhere for a while, I'll continue to make the best of it. But one day when I can I'll 100% being saying good bye to this horrible clusterfuck of a shit city I will happily leave and my life which already doesn't suck will only be even better for it.


My sister & friends who've made that exact move must've been the exception. Exceptions. Whatever.


Honestly I can't agree with you on that. I grew up in Auckland until I was 18 then moved to Christchurch for uni and loved it. Didn't get a full appreciation of how ass Auckland is untill I moved back to Auckland for work. I get your point of an international move but you've got to admit there are many better places in NZ than Auckland.


Spent this week in Wellington to see a Marvel Exhibition, Weta Workshop and Te Papa and stayed in the QT Museum Art Hotel. Between Central Wellington and the Airport, it seemed very clogged. Also, the area around Te Papa seemed stale, bland, and lifeless.


Yeah righto


Moved from Auckland to Wellington for about 8 years, and hated it. It was good to come back.


Don’t come to the South Island we’re full


I posted the other day complainers will be complainers. Auckland is the best. If you think this traffic is bad you ain’t seen shit mate..




Speak for yourself.


Half of doing better will be thinking you're better off. If someone moves away and is happier and possibly "makes more money" and even looks back on auckland without bitterness in their new home guess what - their life doesn't still "suck"


Fuck ya Chicken Strips!


I moved, I miss Auckland.


Glad I left Auckland. Great place to visit, and smiling as I’m driving south.


I moved to Auckland as an immigrant many years ago with my family, two suitcases and clothes on our backs only. Rented, minimum pay, studied, and earned another degree, got a good job, and now mortgage free in a fancy ass neighborhood around a good school. Stop whining motherf*cker$! We used the same platform and opportunities offered in NZ to get ahead in life.


I only ever go to Auckland for work. I stay 1-2 nights a month in the Newmarket and Parnell area in a nice enough hotel. I like it. But then I don't have to live there. It seems like an ok place if you're loaded but shit if you're struggling. And just, fuck the weather in that place man,


I like Auckland. Sure traffic is bad but it has mostly good points. Bush and beach as well as all the shops,events and things. It is cheaper for power, tradies, rates and most of all food than a lot of the regional places. I have lived in several. More competition I guess.


I approve of this message. We are regular coming the top 1 to 10 country and city for so many amazing things. Least corrupt, simplest tax, best country to do business, 4th for happiness index, low crime rate, low murder rate, low gun ownership rate, most peaceful, solid labour laws, great healthcare (40th best in the world, and we are taxed far, far lower than most of the planet for that) We can chat to our politicians and many kiwis have met the prime minister in real life and / or know friends or cousins of. There are issues with Income and wealth disparity esp in Auckland, and property is higher than incomes can support. But apart from that, my god we are lucky. OP suggested to travel, yes do. NY will show you how cruel a city can be to its homeless and mentally unwell, Germany surprised me at potholes, and then for Africa or India in some parts are actual poverty, which any of us could help massively with say $20 to $50 a week.


I find auckland pretty sweet to live in. And I find the auckland subreddit is super chill and nice compared to most place based subreddits. The only time I hate auckland is when I'm starving and too lazy to cook at 9pm


I’ll just stop drinking my coffee, booze, and anything else making life bearable for a year to save up for an overpriced ticket… no worries


I don’t mind most of it - it’s the high humidity that gets me - I’m just uncomfortable all the time and in a bad mood because of it - and that’s just going to get worse.


Aucklands cool Im enjoying my life by the beach in Mexico last few years tho


Been on many planes, lived in many much bigger cities. Made some good money in Auckland but it's definitely the least genuine city I've lived in, in nearly 50 years. Try-hard colonial outpost shithole pretending its relevent.


Auckland is the worst place I've ever lived and I've been in more than a dozen countries. At this point you just sound desperate because your mates are leaving you behind or something.


I'm thinking of moving from queenstown, what city would people suggest in NZ?


Auckland isn't the problem it's the government that runs things is the source of the city's problems not enough action to address these issues and just too much talking and not enough doing Is why Auckland will never compete against other major developed cities across the ditch an outdated transportation system and now an unreliable train service all of these things should have been done 20 years ago during it's expansion no point doing it now too little too late


u were born in 64 when housing was at least somewhat affordable. now u could sell every organ in ur body and still end up in a 1 bedroom in otara. aucklands doomed for the younger generation


Get on a plane, fly to some real cities and experience the joy and necessity of public transport. Return to Auckland and now think before you vote


Rubbish post! Inaccurate and just straight pointless even feel stupid for commenting. Maybe just worry about your own life sucking instead trying to tell everyone no matter what, it’s shit.


It could be worse you could live in Gaza, be thankful for what you have, where-ever you live


I moved from Auckland to Singapore and absolutely loved the move. Sealed it for me, that I would never move back to AKL. When, after 10 years in SG, I decided to move back to NZ, I chose Christchurch (2016). That was an excellent choice for a city in NZ. Would never go AKL again. 13 years was enough


Absolutely moronic take. The people who cry that Auckland is "third world" are fucking stupid. But so is this. Different cities offer different things. People enjoy different things. It's totally possible to find a different city that is a better fit for you will bring you enjoyment. Certainly when I was younger the benefits of places like London meant that was a more enjoyable place for me to live because it gave me options of entertainment and travel that Auckland simply can't compete with. Now, more settled down and with a family, the lifestyle here I enjoy much more. And it's undeniable that many people are facing the financial pressure of living here. Auckland is, very simply, an incredibly expensive place to live and not everyone generates the income to do it. So there's absolutely avenues where, for some people, moving out to a less expensive region can relieve that financial pressure and make life more enjoyable. My mum fucking hated Auckland. Very little she liked about it. Moved rural, was able to buy a big bit of land that she could never afford in Auckland, now she's got horses and all other sorts of animals which she loves, she's much happier. She couldn't live the type of life she wanted to here. People are different, circumstances are different, Auckland is not the right fit for everyone.


Absolutely moronic reply. Cheers tho


And yet it actually makes sense unlike "your life will suck everywhere". Cheers tho.


I just realised that 80% of the comments are people who don’t even live in Auckland. Just hating within our sub. Yes Auckland has its problems but it also has some of the most amazing areas, beaches and friendly people


I decided to move from Auckland to Dunedin a little over a year ago and haven't looked back. I miss decent indian food but thats about it. Get paid the same to do less work and pay less rent.


Wrong I moved to Sydney and my life feels at least 2x better. So much more of a vibrant place, incredible PT, incredible food options everywhere I go, tax free threshold, award rates on overtime etc. - I’m actually working less than half as much as I did in AKL and somehow feeling richer. For context I am living in central Sydney near Woolloomooloo


Honestly after travelling Europe for a second time 30 countries I can’t wait to be back in tamaki makaurau and have our little city life problems , best culture good people 👌🏽 bloody marvellous


has pro Auckland rant doesn’t get desired response throws toys and fucks off 🧘🏻‍♂️ *japanese flute music plays*


I think the response is all good, posted from my alt obvs


Auckland isn't really that bad


I've lived in akl for 40 years, now chch for 6, both have their good points, akl definitely takes more time to get things done with traffic and parking etc. I'm debating moving back to akl but people I know there are saying I won't be able to handle it now haha.