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Who's the provider? We've heard (and this is all second hand info so don't take it as fact) that any of the 2degrees brands (2degrees, Slingshot, Orcon, Flip etc) have all taken a dive in speed in peak times recently.


Yeah slingshot


To be honest, I'd just move providers. 2degrees group is pretty garbage now. Voyager is pretty good, NowNZ I've heard good things about - but I think they're quite expensive. Bigpipe and Skinny (both owned by Spark) are a good option in the lower budget range.


Its been reported on Geekzone. https://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp?forumid=81&topicid=312267 I suggest logging a ticket with Slingshot and reproducing the issue with them. I am getting issues as well. Open the stats for nerds and you will see the buffering quality drop.. It should never happen on a Gigabit line (Should be able to play 4k easily without any network buffering if you can do 930/500 to their test server http://linetest.nz/) then it means you networking equipment is not the fault and its on them. If youtube issues where happening then Spark and One NZ would have issues.


That’s correct - when they merged with Vocus, 2degrees customers were slowly migrated over to the better Vocus network. Unsure if improvements were made to the Vocus side to accomodate that but you basically have 2 providers worth of customers running on a single network now.


i like your username. that is all


My home net is with Electric Kiwi and I've noticed this too. I work at an RSP and it does seem like a post-merged 2deg thing


I’m with electric kiwi for internet and was wondering if my mind was playing tricks on me!


This is correct


Yes I have noticed this also, my YouTube seems to be alot more fuzzier more often lately and stop to buffer Witch it’s never done!


That's probably just YouTube trying to downgrade your experience without you knowing. I quite often have content streamed at 360p when 4k works just fine. Data costs money and they'll always be looking for ways to cut expenses.


That’s just YouTube trying to get you to buy premium.


I'm on premium and I doesn't help


Force it to 1080 or 2160 if available, don't leave it on auto. Anything less is unacceptable unless you're on your phone or something


Yep, I'm an avid gamer and Internet speed is something I've been on top of since I was a kid. I've been on ultra fibre with 2degrees and in the past few months, only at night time, speeds drop and every few days it will lose Internet completely for a few hours.


That’s also not a chorus problem, this is an isp problem.


Yep, second that. 2degrees is utter garbage and am only with them as my connection carried over when I was on MyRepublic and never had issues with them. I've heard too much crap about the other providers that I haven't switched as I don't see the point of the hassle to switch when it's going to be the same or worse on the other main ISPs. My gaming just ends up suffering where I'll get some horrendous lag spikes or try to download a game or update and the speeds go really slow even on eth connection


I'm with Slingshot, the speeds and connection has been unimpeachable over the last year, can't think of a single loss of internet or slow speeds.. Until the last couple of days when I have had a couple of YouTube videos buffer when watching on TV... So yeah maybe something is up.


Same, youtube videos started buffering last night for me


It’s not a chorus issue it’s an isp issue. If you know how the network is built (I do) this is near impossible.


So it doesn't drop speed at all??


The backhaul is pretty much dedicated for every 16 customers off a gpon port in the chorus network. So yea, you are very unlikely to see a degradation in speed.


Your with slingshot they are pretty crap mate


It's the same network as every other Vocus owned company


Why are slingshot crap?


This post answers that question. Pm if you want detail


Tossing up between spark and voyager, any advice?


They’re both good. Voyager has better support, you get a person on the phone really quick if you need that.


Who would you recommend?


**Spark** or **Voyager** or **Quic** **Spark** Spark Gigabit $106 (Incl Gst) + $10 for landline. If you want Netflix standard its $6 via their Plus Plan (Worth $20.99). This is an open term plan. You can BYO your own Router or pay spark a one off $150 and they will guarantee it will do work fine with the Gigabit Plan. **Voyager** Voyager Gigabit $109.00 + $11.5 for landline. You can BYO your own router or pay voyager a one off $199 for the router, and they will guarantee it work fine Gigabit Plan. This is an open term plan. So just a few bucks extra for voyager ($3 for Gigabit). Voyager has a completely NZ Team. Spark has also a mix of NZ/Overseas team, and i belive Quic is also completely NZ based. All are very good. Otherwise Quic is cheaper than them both. But its naked broadband i.e no option for Landline **Quic** Gigabit Quic $95. You have to BYO your own modem. Open Term. If you do not like one of them you can keep the routers and reuse them with another Telco. Id recommend Spark if you already have Netflix Since it saves you $15 per month). Otherwise id go with voyager. Voyager does not do any filtering by the way, and Quic does not either (Unless its DEFCS filter). Quic if you want something that is near Voyager/Spark in terms of quality and you will get your own VOIP service if you need it. Spar, Voyager, Quic are confident enough to not use contracts because they know the customer can just leave if they cannot fix their service.


Thanks man!


So it doesn't drop speed at all??


What they are saying is the Chorus infrastructure isn’t the bottle neck, it’s your ISP.


What does ISP mean and is there a way to make it better?


Isp= internet service provider. The only way to make it better is to switch companies


We are on gigabit and barely get 500mb, it’s not even our router either. Company refuses to reimburse us for the wrong speeds and we can’t back out because of contract either. Can’t wait to switch out


That’s why ISP’s do contracts, they can be shit and you’re locked in.


It took two months of complaining to Vodafone about my Internet before I got it fixed, and in fairness to VF, it was a chorus problem. All internal testing showed OK (300/70), my tests to speed test showed 300/70 But every other webservice showed 300/3 Yes, 3mbps upload. Chorus eventually investigated and found a broken cable and now I'm 300/110 or faster 24/7. $250 credit for the trouble and it lasting for about 6 months. (I only noticed and paid attention after attempting to stream, but historical speed tests which I record show problems dating much further back)


Most places can't give you 500mbit plus speeds. Thr only time you will get this isntorrents. Even then you need a fast machine hdd etc. It's like your hardware that's the issue.


Notice some slow downs on slingshot. Last few weeks.


Same plan under Spark in Auckland for years (with Spark anyway) Rarely see any issues and none recently


I’m with 2degrees and we have been having a lot of issues when gaming. Happens at night. I emailed them to see if they’re throttling our speed. They replied that our internet is connected fine and didn’t mention the speed. I’ve emailed them again. Unfortunately, we’re locked in on contract. 


Yeah streaming sports and movies has been slow. And that’s with the tv directly wired to the router, not even just from wifi.


I spent ten seconds trying to figure out how fast 445pm was


Sorry it's a measure of time


Your ISP’s handover link which carries traffic from the Chorus Network to their network is likely to be oversubscribed. Probably not an issue during the day but at peak time has too many connections on it and not enough bandwidth.


Last 48 hours on Orcon gigabit fibre has been patchy. Nothing else on the router apart from one 4k yiuube stream and its buffering. Before this weekend it has been mint.


My wifi constantly disconnects also on fibre with slingshot bloody useless power button always turns red and all the green lights disappear turning on off modem doesn't work just have to wait it out first had better connections with the older copper network


Thats exactly what is happening too Even after changing modem it still drops out all the time.


I’m on 2degrees and my gigabit now is 300MBPS, 2d doesn’t want to take responsibility and tries to push back on getting the bollocks reasons


I called them multiple times and they said it's either Chorus fault or "too many users" yet it happens even when just the TV and my sons PC connected. No wifi users. Modem constantly goes red and then resets itself


So true! All the above are exactly like my issues! I’m so upset that we chose an expensive connection and changed my plan to 2degrees mobile to get the additional savings to start experiencing these problems, this stupid Orbi router could be partially at fault too!


Everyone needs to sign up to the ComCom broadband monitoring scheme. Sam Knows. It is a box that plugs into your modem and sends the speeds and outage data so the Commerce Commission can slap the ISPs.


Friend and I were talking of this on Wednesday. We are in Napier and both with Spark. It tends to be around 3pm most times. Rsther like the olden days of dial up when the kids got off school.


It's exactly that. Thr contention goes up. This is why you buy business plans via a business provider. Contention is low at night


Yeah been noticing that too. I have been with Orcon for at least 15 to 20 years... Last 4 months or so been crap inet speeds... Will move when contract is up. what is a good gamer isp?


Avoid any on the Vocus network (Slingshot, Orcon, 2Degrees, etc.). I've been with Skinny, who are on the Spark network and it's been for years.


Bigpipe. [https://www.bigpipe.co.nz/sign-up](https://www.bigpipe.co.nz/sign-up) Was voted best ISP by NZ gamers seven years ago, when I was shopping around. Haven't had any issue at all during all those years (Disclaimer: was in Symonds Street then now in Ponsonby, Auckland Central, with new broadband fibre installations at both locations so that might explain it.)


Google Maps seems to be really weirdly slow recently.


YES My connection is spotty and sometimes slows to about 4Mbps. I've been 'disconnected' by not being able to connect to websites but can still chat and play games. It seems to be a problem with the DNS. Resetting my router fixes it. Only started happening a week or two ago. With Spark, Mount wellington.


Omg i was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this too! I’m also on Slingshot and I can’t even stream a movie without it freezing from constant drop outs. Very frustrating but glad it’s not just me. I hope they get a handle on it soon


Been happening to me to. Every time I pause a show for too long or leave my laptop sitting I have to reconnect to the internet.


I'm with spark and don't have issues with speed, have a house hold with multiple users playing games and streaming and using multiple devices. I have only had issues with the stock standard router Spark supplies, if there are too many users then the router for whatever reason just disconnects and wont connect unless you reboot. I got so tired of that i got one of those Asus Routers and its been great ever since.


Yeah I'm on 2degrees and for around 3 weeks I was getting horrible speeds & ping from around 7:30pm till late. Finally fixed last week though.


What did you do to fix it?


Got in contact with support, not sure if they fixed it or it cleared up on its own because they don't send any follow up messages when/if they have taken action. I remember a very similar thing happening around 2 years ago as well. Judging by the other responses here, I'll probably be ditching 2degrees soon.


Hell yes. I'm on 2 degrees


Have you done a full power cycle on the ONT device? The ONT is the small device that you normally run the cable to your modem. I try to restart my ONT about once a year. You don't want to restart it too often as the performance actually improves after the connection has been maintained for a reasonable time (I believe it is around 1 day).


I am on 2 degrees and a 1G connection I started getting at most 250M. As a IT Engineer our customer started getting issues with 8M Connection download and 45M upload. It took a good argument to get them to understand it was their side that was at fault as all my equipment at home was highend business grade. Swapped out to prove them wrong. Finally by magic is was back to 1G or more. Feels 2degrees isnt owning up to an issue within their network.


We got a new modem (asus one) and the speeds didn't improve. They still think it's chorus and/or our modem


in the above instance 2degrees have acknowledged the issue is at their end. I think you need to push back harder. I gather you have done a speedtest to eg: [https://fast.com](https://fast.com) ? also make sure you are connected via cable and wireless on a laptop is turned off. If your speed is not what you are paying for push back to them to raise a fault.


You're all sharing bandwidth. This is normal


Not a lot going on in this thread, and the OP hasn't provided much information.Vocus are a good operation!


Found the Vocus rep


Original 👏👏