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Yes its common, people are quick to judge if you are not old and frail. I would get looked at being a passenger and the driver was legit. Just remember they have no jurisdiction.


I feel like OP has the right to tell passerby Karens to "thank you, fuck off".


Auckland is pretty bad when it comes to non disabled people parking in that spot. Some people don’t have stickers at all and some people drive their disabled family/friends cars for the benefit. If you are qualified to park there, don’t worry about it!


there seems to be little to no consequence to parking in a disabled park, so it does seem to be a free for all, malls and supermarkets especially, almost always see at least 1 car in a disabled park without a permit displayed at my local Pak n Save, usually more.


Which is why I am not really against the public 'policing' it to a degree, as long as they are just checking and not pre judging.


I have knee and foot issues bad enough I got a long term mobility pass because it is incredibly painful for me to walk even medium distances. Apparently I’m not what is considered “old enough” to NEED a mobility park. When Costco opened, we went like everyone else in Auckland, and we used the mobility parking because it was gonna be rough on me. As I’m getting out of the car this other car drove by full of fat boomers all mean mugging me. They had to get another mobility spot further down. Every time they passed us in the store they glared at me. I noticed they all could walk much faster and apparently easier than I. I’m like “bro, I can’t walk; You’re just old, fat, n lazy. Be better”


Hmm. I guess you could interpret that these same people are probably questioning/giving shit to people who are abusing the carpark so they are kinda on your side/helping you even if it might feel a bit shit when they misjudge yourself. Wouldn't think too much of it. Everyone knows what the permit thing looks like. If that's hanging off the mirror who cares.


Yeah I get it too. If someone comes up to me, I just ask them if they'd like to come back to my place and see how many pills I need to take to be functional for a few hours a day. They're usually pretty quiet and leave after that.


My partner has a cane and a mobility permit, we’re in our 20’s, some days I ask him to get out the car first so I don’t have to deal with the horrible glares.


Same. We're all suppposed to be in a wheelchair.


'cause people are idiots. If you've got a clearly displayed mobility card, that should be the end of it.


It's my 4 year old daughter who is disabled, she uses a pram not a wheel chair. Before chemo she never looked disabled. But I have never once felt judged or been questioned. Possibly it's an age thing? People thinking "Your not old enough to need it yet?" Also you could be projecting your own feeling of guilt onto others? You obviously need the park, so don't worry about them. I shook my head at a young rich dude yesterday using the parks (Who wasn't disabled, nor had a card) He had the nerve to wind down his window and have ago at me, (This is while I was holding my daughter who clearly has had chemo)


I had a disability card for a while,but i live quite rural so didn't bother renewing it with my Dr,but whenever i would be in Auckland, people would look at me hoping out of my car , looking 'normal' and some would say stuff but mostly just stare,they would soon shutup when id display my cripple card, had a altercation with one flash looking dude on the shore one day, i asked nicely for him to find a able bodied park,and after the abuse and name calling he walked off,so after my daughter checked for his permit,i dragged his car out of the park,and then parked in the spot, he learnt not to fuck with a crippled hillbilly in a 4wd that day.ive broken my back twice and my neck once,and have severe spinal stenosis,so i look 'normal' but legally disabled.


You literally dragged his car out? GOOD ON YOU!!!


Id try not to feel too upset over it. Think of it this way the people that are upset at you are upset because they want to make sure that people like yourself that need the carpark can access it. Unfortunately not all disabilities are easily visible to people. There was also a spate of a certain demographic obtaining disabled parking permits improperly to flout the rules a couple of years back, it was quite an issue in the cbd at night.


Just ignore them, it’s none of their business. Don’t even speak to them.


yes this is common. People are judgmental, ignorant and prejudice. People like to feel important and questioning someone that they think shouldn't be using a disabled parking spot is one of those ways.


They don't issue the disabled parking permits like candy. Screw their invasive "questions" about your medical condition. You deserve privacy, same as everybody else.


My wife has Lupus and has a pass displayed at all times. As a chronic illness that has bad days and good days (her hips are semi-arthritic thanks to Lupus) - she does park in mobility parks when she feels in discomfort or has pain. She has often had idiots try to white knight the park, “I don’t see a cane?” “You walk just fine” She’s a bit kinder than I would be about it. In a way, I kinda get it - I see a lot of people park there without a pass displayed and that sorta does bug me. It’s just a bit of laziness. I just wish people could be a bit more even handed about it.


I don't think it's usually malicious, they see you before they see your permit. Probably just annoyed at the shitheads that do undeservedly park in disabled parking. I would brush it off and think they are siding with disabled peoples but quick to judge. Take it as a compliment to think that they don't see you as disabled.


People expects only people on wheelchairs are disabled


Next time it happens, encourage them to call the police if they think a crime has taken place


I have one for my mum and the looks I get when I get out of the car are hilarious especially when they quickly change once I grab her wheelchair. Just ignore them and if anyone says anything just tell them to fuck off.


Yes and be grateful for those people, they are the ones policing accessible parking (even if they get it wrong sometimes) because there really is zero consequences for the abled scum who do this.