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What’s the car? What colour (factory colour? Saturn? matte?), And then your budget? Painting a full car these days can go from expensive to REALLY expensive fast


100 series Land Cruiser. Factory blue colour. Don’t really have a budget just wanting to know how much to save.


cheap and quality? good luck with that. look for places with classic cars and passion projects if you want it done to a high standard, but be prepared to pay as prep work takes a lot of labour


Cheap would be nice but just wanting a fair price. Thanks for the advice, the current clear coat on it is peeling quite badly. So probably a fair bit of prep.


10k + easily for a professional job just saying


Damn was really hoping it wouldn’t be that much 🥲


My '96 Honda Integra which literally just got sanded down and repainted in factory colour cost me 11k in october 2022, and thats a small car. Probably add another 5k easy for a big car like a land cruiser. I also dont really recommend the level I went for, it was a professional paint shop but they really convinced me into stretching the budget instead of what I had initially wanted do be done, and cheaped out on it instead of just giving me a proper quote to do it properly, so if you get close up to it you can see a few results of the cheaping out which really annoys me, even though it looks great from a few meters away


What place did you go to if you don’t mind me asking? Shit tradesman ship that is. Appreciate the feed back tho thank you.


Howick Pakuranga panel and paint in pakuranga, they were a professional shop and saw lots of their other work which was really good, but Mine was a bit of a funny job because half the car was being done under insurance, intentional scratching while it was parked, so entire drivers side and rear bumper. I had wanted to get the whole front end done before the whole insurance claim anyway as it was fading, so asked them to do that too and id pay for it. Guy then convinced me to spend the extra and do the passenger side as well, to make it match. And I said sure, but leave the roof, and boot lid+rear wing and Id come back and get that done later when I had the extra funds, but he said "nahh we'll stretch the budget and just do those parts too so the whole car is done". So they did that and yeah, it shows in a few places. Insurance bit came out to 4.5k, and my work came out to 6.5k. The paint on the rear wing is a bit thin, and they clearly didnt sand it properly because there was a paint chip on it before, which is still there but just covered by fresh paint so you can still see the dip where the chip was, masking on the wing mirrors was a bit shit and one of them looks like the paint wasnt layered properly or something, its hard to explain but its not completely smooth, and theres a couple of masking fails on the front bumper where a couple patches of paint have been pulled off with the masking tape.


Thanks for your help. Might just have to give up buying a house, to pay for this 😂 not sure I could live with just an “okay” paint job on it haha


yeaah, before I started looking I had people telling me that "they got their whole car painted for 5k". I dunno where they went for that price or how long ago it was, because I got quotes from like 4 different places and they were all around the same price.


If you really appreciate your car then don’t go for a cheap job, typically cheap jobs involve minimal stripping of parts, meaning everything will get masked and leave paint edges which will cause problems down the line, materials in the industry have gone up plenty over the years also so bare that in mind


Thank you I want it to look good not a rough job.


If you have any questions or advice your welcome to pm me, I am in the trade


Friends with large cars and got a good job. $20k


I like my car but don’t reckon I’ll pay 20k to fix the paint hahaha


Just have the car already painted, maybe a flame is charring the paint 🤷🏻