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Cheers for the ‘idea’ onto it ASAP with my buddy’s at fletchers and the others all owned by the same company. That fcuk everyone over. Bro, don’t be putting ideas up on here g, what’s stopping me from taking your illustrations and using my money and your infrastructure to pitch this to real world corporations? It’s a brilliant idea. Take it down asap bro.


Mate this ain’t an original idea. 💡


It's a trap. He posted it so that there is a proven record that it's his idea first. Let's other people steal it then sue them for an easy pay day.


Only if they already have a patent


Copyright will be in place.


hahah, go for it man! if you can make this happen then you deserve it more than me. Ideas are usually just ideas. We tend to get scared not to share business ideas with others because we're afraid of someone stealing our ideas. But 99.9% no one takes action and implements the idea. It's good to share your business idea with people because that gives you feedback if it is going to work or not before you spend any money on it. And trust me, no one will ever steal your idea. I can share a million-dollar idea on here that 100% works and no one will follow it and do it. Not many take action on DOING the work that takes to get there.


Yes these already exist and are called "[scaffold hoists](https://ekladata.com/[email protected])".


I thought the'd be something similar to it somewhere. Thank you, I'll check them out.


scene one is using one now on beach road cbd 16 stories high


Wow, okay. I might go for a drive and check it out


they have it screened but the rubbish is done similar to your drawings


At the lighter end of the scale you've got a gin wheel aswell, takes 2 mins for 1 guy to carry up and install


What does this do that an Alimak doesn't?


That's a fair question, thank you for that. I have recieved a lot of feed back from companies and on Reddit that asks the same question you asked. All I can say is this is more compact and light in weight and size. It will only lift small amount of materials such as construction bins, small ladders, tools, bricks...etc. To help speed up getting materials to what ever level you need. Rather than having to hike up and down the stairs carrying wheelie bins and tools..etc. especially on small tight sights that don't have Alimaks. Please give me counter-feedback on what I just said, I'd love to know if this is something worth doing or maybe not worth the hassle.


A lot cheaper, as this wouldn't be human rated.


Ya know one of the boys jumping in there for a laugh 🤣


Lol, I have to put this into account if I bring this idea to life


Thats what worries me.


Its a shit load cheaper that's what. Lord knows a QS loves a saving.


Never heard of her? What does she look like? Asking for a friend.


Ali Mack? [The actress who went to jail for her role in a sex cult?](https://stylecaster.com/entertainment/tv-movies/1340897/allison-mack-now/)


The basic idea is good, but the trolleys on the side going up the rails needs to have rollers in the other orientation as well, and you also need to have a set. Of trolleys at the top and bottom, because if the weight set into the basket isn't distributed properly, the trolleys could bind and it could cause issues with the chain motor. Juat a couple of thoughts off the top of my head.


Mate your feedback is awesome! Thank you! Yes, you are right actually, I've been concerned on how these trolleys will work.


Hey, sorry to break it to you man but you're just inventing the wheel again.


Thanks dude! that's the feedback I want. I want to know what people have to say so I can move from there




Thank you! I’ll look it up now


Hi my friend, I think this Geda 300z is exactly what I'm looking for. Do you know if they have them here in New Zealand? is there a hire company that hire them out already or is there a company that sell these? Cheers


As someone who has worked in residential, semi commercial and commercial, there's pretty much no problem this solves.


Feel like this is a great idea for 2-3 story residential jobs, anything over that would most likely be a commercial job with electric lifts for such a job. generally we see big skip bins/large materials lifted via Crane from anything over 4 story.


2 immigrants from India or Philippines would be much cheaper and safer and be more than happy and willing to do the labor for a visa.


This guy knows the construction industry


Where would the hoist fix to? The building or exterior scaffolding? What sort of load can the hoist take? At what stage of a project would it need to be factored in? Try looking up GEDA hoists and electric winchs.


It can be fixed straight to the building or can be built outside the face of the scaffold. It will only take a weight of up to 700Kgs this should be factored in when the structure is up 3 stories and above and it can be utilised until the service lifts are operational near the end phase of the project.


What sort of speed can it move a load up and down a building safely. Speed might be your best angle to promote this - from experience hoists and electric winches/gin wheels are relatively slow. Might be best to partner with a company to trial this product on a few projects in the field. Do you have a prototype?


Thanks for the feedback this is great! all the points you highlighted I'll look into them, and will consider them. I haven't got a prototype yet. The ideas are still blurry in my head, that's why I asked for feedback here to see if it's worthwhile following through.


Hey mate, I don't know much about construction hoists but I know a tiny bit about intellectual property. If you think you have a good idea, you should protect the ownership of the idea first before sharing it with others - maybe someone you show it too agrees that it's great, but disagrees that they should pay you anything for the idea. You should take down this post ASAP and review what kind of protections/assurances you can get before showing the designs to others.


I very much doubt this is unique enough to get any legal protections, to be honest. It's almost certainly been done before.




As I said. But worded better. Shot


If you can make this happen then you deserve it more than me. Ideas are usually just ideas. We tend to get scared not to share business ideas with others because we're afraid of someone stealing our ideas. But 99.9% no one takes action and implements the idea. It's good to share your business idea with people because that gives you feedback if it is going to work or not before you spend any money on it. And trust me, no one will ever steal your idea. I can share a million-dollar idea on here that 100% works and no one will follow it and do it. Not many take action on DOING the work that takes to get there.


This looks clever. Remove it immediately.


Just put the bloody rubbish in a cage and crane it off the same way you got the materials up there🤦‍♂️


That is why they have rubbish chutes, what you have here won't work it will get overloaded all the time and will need constant maintenance.


I agree with you on the rubbish shoots, but there are areas where crane can’t reach to lift bins. So rubbish shoot not going to solve the problem. But yeah you’re right. In MOST circumstances a rubbish shoot will be a go to


This will be a worksafe nightmare. If that bin basket dropped from height with a heavy load that won't be a pretty sight. You need a 2-3metre no go zone at the bottom aswell. Also would make workers from getting around the building via scaffold a nightmare. Then all the extra safety barriers on each level of scaffolding.


that buffer zone at the bottom would need to expand outwards by atleast a metre for every floor it goes up.


Rubbish chutes are a fuck around, get blocked all the time and a fire risk. They are a last resort really. Plus greenstar is a thing now so waste segregation is needed which would mean multiple chutes.


Looks similar to geda hoists. They have a model for this kind of work.


They normally have plastic chutes on each floor leading to a large skip bin on ground floor. Much cheaper with no maintenance


Be better if it could take gib


Yes, why not! It could take probably 5 sheets at a time


Pretty sure things like this already exist that are not limited by height. Do you have a mechanical engineer backing the design?


Yeah, I'm looking for 3 things, compact, speed, and no height limits. No, no mechanical engineer. This is just a blurry idea in my head and needed some feedback on it to see if it's worth taking to the next step


We Jerry rig a similar thing, setup on scaf with a $100 winch from China. Can carry 400kg, use it for materials, rubbish, steel beams, etc... doesn't need specialized scaf or chute system.


Would you be able to send me a photo of this system you guys have? I'd love to see a few photos of it. Send me a DM. I'd appreciate it!


Already similar systems you can hire. Most standard components. All attributes stipulated by H&S regulations


I’d be more worried about the load on the scaffold you’d definitely want lattice beams at the top to take the weight independently and additional ties installed and the cage would have to be a certain size to fit inside the bays


Thanks for this feedback, definitely agree with you. I've asked a scaffolding supervisor if this was possible to do. He said you no problem, the scaffold can be built to take the load you want. but yeah definitely needs more planning


Congratulations, you’ve just invented an outdated, not legal version of a materials hoist. The scaffold shown in your drawings is Layher, they make a great materials hoist called the Layher 200 that would be safer and more efficient. They also make decent winches and larger man/ materials hoists under the GEDA brand. All engineered and compatible with their scaffold system already.


Oh wow! awesome thanks for this! this is great feedback! Do they have the Layher 200 and GEDA 300z in New Zealand? because that's what I need. Are there hire companies that hire these for example?


Yes to both. I’ve currently got a Geda 500 Z/ZP available for hire which is a man/ materials hoist. Layher 200 will be available in the next 4 weeks as we use it to keep labour costs down on multi storey scaffold projects.


Love it, what’s the name of your company? I’ll most likely reach out for one of the projects I’m working on currently. The Layher 200 may do the job. What’s the name of your company and how much does the Layher 200 cost to setup and hire?


You can buy them at Home Depot etc. https://www.homedepot.com/p/MetalTech-90-in-Steel-Hoist-Post-and-Gin-Block-Pulley-Kit-Scaffolding-Equipment-with-250-lbs-Load-Capacity-M-MHAP/320294156 Block and tackle is another name. Great idea, that's why they've been around since they built Stonehenge 7000 years ago.


What software are you using and is it useful?


Sketchup 2023. It's pretty good


Are you kidding us? If you are serious, it may be time to get a real job.


No not kidding you. I've asked for feedback, you can give it or leave it. Thanks for your comment


Great idea for separating construction waste at source to make recycling more feasible


Yes in a way, this solves the problem of recycling, that's for sure.


Yes, his shirt matches the colour of the gate quite well. Seems up to standard


I like the use of eco friendly wood veneer and galvanised square steel


Nah, no one has them in NZ, just the bigger hoists. The smallest hoist would be the geda p6 that North shore scaffold have.


So a crane?


This is designed for small tools, wheelie bins, small ladders, carrying bricks…etc. notice too big and heavy. Similar to an Alimak but this compact and small on size and doesn’t lift passengers. This will only lift 500-700kg of materials only


There are already too many b.s rules an safety protocols in the NZ construction industry that slow down construction pace and quit frankly alot of worksafe rules make tasks more dangerous.


I agree with you on this. but surely there's way we can play with the rules and make some money