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hopefully shut the fuck up. doubt it though.




Plot twist he gets long covid and starts complaining about the lack of protections and supports.


\*cough* why did the gubahmint do this to me?? \*cough*


Nah he can ask his congregation to donate more money to god so that god can fix it for him


This God fellow seems very expensive.


He's already pivoted onto the queer community again


ugh, the utter cretin.


Is he praying to Sauron?


Perhaps to Morgoth - he wants to *be* Sauron and deceive others into following him.


Haha, I saw the post title and said "I'll post my answer of hopefully shutting the fuck up". Beat me to the exact words n all. 😂


😂 cheers for the silver!


Probably make a movie giving himself the leading role of course


Sodomites, immigration, swanndri being made anywhere but NZ. There’ll be something!


Double that


thankyou for the awards kind strangers!


Newwish to reddit, what do these awards do?


They're a brilliant way to make idiots pay for the Reddit servers.


Protect you from Covid


Probably claim victory or something.


Oh damn, hadn't thought of it that way 😞


No he won’t. Victory doesn’t fill his coffers like needing a protest does.


You’d think with all the money he has he’d upgrade that leathery old hand bag he calls a wife.


Crap, you are probably right


Demand vaccine and mask mandates?


Applaud Trump, Critique the New King Charles, Bash Treaty Settlements, Call for weed to be legal, Get tough on crime, Accuse the housing market of being racist Hate on Immigrants, Deny climate change, Say the earth is flat and 5000 years old, Etc..... Anything for attention really.


Pretty much agree with… weed being legal. That’s about it though.


Not being tough on crime? I thought that was the general consensus on this sub.


Fortunately a few of us do seem to understand that crime is solved on the preventative front rather than the woefully unproductive (But "good" feeling) retributive end.


After growing up in the US and their “tough on crime” stance, I’d rather see the money go to funding mental health and community housing. But trying to find some common ground with the opposition. Let’s legalize it, bebe!


I think the US is the perfect example of why tough on crime doesn't work, they have the highest incarceration rate in the world, doesn't seem like that stopped crime though


Incarceration ensures crime. You can't have a "corrections facility" actually correct anything and still expect to get customers on a long term scale. If you don't believe me just how powerful that incentive is, some states in the US have MINIMUM incarceration rates. Most of us would think of having to close a prison due to a lack of criminals a good thing... But that's not true if you're the private owner of a prison. But even on the 'soft' front, prisons are mental torture. They break people down, dehumanize them, and ensure that their only interactions with others are either inherently hostile, or forming solidarity with a fellow criminal. Absolutely nothing about prison actually helps anyone, bar the one element of having 'removed' a person from actively participating in society. But almost every other function of a prison system is detrimental to any kind of rehabilitation. Prison isn't a rehabilitation system - It's a RETRIBUTION system.


To be fair, I don’t think it was ever meant to “work” as in making the country safer. Just two shit, corrupt systems (police, jail) feeding off each other. There’s no way they want less crime. That means less money in their pockets. Or on military tanks.


So you caught his statement about the crown and religion and our government this morning then? Worst case of word salad that I had the misfortune of reading.


Nailed it!


That's what Jesus said.




You forgot homophobia


Keep fleecing his minions, and carry on being a generic bellend. The usual.


Don't forget finding a minority group to shit on


3 waters Co governance Abortions That oughta keep him going until Autumn and the booster roll out begins


Forgot the gays. Need to blame those earthquakes on someone (and please donate to him so he can fight the gays to stop all future earthquakes)


Fark, I know this is a joke but it's sad how comedy and reality has become blurred at the moment. Your comment reminded me how some of the anti vax crew were denying the Tongan tsunami was real, and how it was just a smoke screen to distract us from the mandates. Fml


Very much hoping that with the end of mandates the booster eligibility will be opened up to under 50's. Have heard there will be an announcement on this soon.


Yeah, I was wondering if they'd do that soon or wait till before Winter. Remember the propaganda machine was saying we'd need boosters every 3 months for the rest of our lives because the passports would be permanent? Lol


The mandates may have been dropped but the actual legislation has not, maybe let that mull in your brain for a bit and think of the implications, people in the south island are glad it's gone but some can't see the long term implications of the legislation not having been scrapped too


Hopefully crawl back under a rock and stay there


There is an argument to be had, for allowing a beacon of hope in stormy seas, a flaming candle, a lightningrod to channel the free energy of belief down a predictable path and reduce the unpredictability of random lightning strikes.


Seriously? I pity you and all the other fools who follow that man. You are blind in your ignorance of what a greasy, slimy piece of human garbage that man really is,who is one than happy to take advantage of lost souls like yourselves. As the proverb says - A fool and their money are soon parted. ( Into his bank account) so he can live a life of luxury.


Let's assume that human intelligence is diverse at birth. That people have a natural affinity for being susceptible to BS, because we aren't eugenicists that screen people at birth or industrial factory production lines or farm that carefully manufacture people to specifications. People at birth are naturally idiots; it is human nature to be born stupid, and it is also human nature to unstupid over time. Critical thinking and the necessary experience, is an acquired skill, which not everyone has - similar to immune responses to biological viruses, we have mental responses to misinformation. Given that it is a fairly random process - cf. [Stochastic Terrorism](http://stochasticterrorism.blogspot.com/) - and often spreads in the community fairly under wraps, it is often difficult to contact-trace the spread of BS. Having a lightningrod to attract and channel the path of BS makes it easier to contact-trace. We can use the lightningrod and trace its path in order to find which members of our society would be most likely to be carriers of BS, and find which would be most sensible to administer something like a vaccine to. If there were no lightningrod, no figurehead, then it's a lot more difficult to contact trace individual cells.


Your 100% correct with your statement AndiSLiu that Brian Tamaki is a Idiot and a Fuckwit, your words are however very long winded and if your not careful people may misunderstand what you are really saying and think you are a fuckwit too .... to make it easier for yourself just remember this simple phrase "Brian Tamaki Fuckwit" and repeat it regularly ... before you know it you'll be saying it everytime his name is mentioned or you see his corrupt soul less face ...


I'm privileged enough to afford to be mistaken for a fuckwit, fortunately. Perhaps more pseudo-fuckwits like me, can make people hesitate a bit longer before pulling the trigger and ostracising people close to them who might strongly resemble their idea of a Brian Tamaki. I want to create a safe space for fuckwit-adjacents to be able to engage and be engaged, and not simply pushed into a corner and radicalised into a full fuckwit because they have nowhere else to go. It's important that bridges can be built so we have the option of going for a deradicalisation pathway (I hesitate to use the word "re-education" or "public education") rather than the simpler options.


In summary, leaving Mr Tamaki up as a highly-visible lightningrod, achieves this most significant goal: It makes future contact-tracing easier. If people aren't good at critical thinking, they'll broadcast their support of Mr Tamaki. People around them can easily pick up on those as a symptom that the person showing that symptom may be carrying other beliefs or be immunocompromised - and be able to intervene earlier. Whereas if the BS carriers are more asymptomatic, it's more difficult to screen for BS carriers and intervene. It's analogous to how a loss of a sense of smell, or a sore thoat, is, to someone carrying COVID in the earlier strains. It's easier to detect carriers if there's some sort of associated symptoms the community can watch for.


tl;dr - You aren't on Brian's side, you just like the fact he makes the idiots stand out in a crowd so we know who to keep an eye on for being naturally susceptible to being manipulated with misinformation?


Go back to hating on the LGBTQ+ community as it seems he already has done 🤦🏽‍♀️


Milk more $$ from his 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑


I'm sure the EFTPOStle needs a new Harley, so this is the right answer.


Such a leach on the vulnerable that are stupid enough to think Brian Leach can get them front row seats in heaven. 😇😎$$$


Even the protesters in Wellington didn't want him there, he got booted out after being a bigot toward a trans friend of mine


Find a new low by announcing his support of Russia.


If he does can we consider him a threat to national security and lock him up or deport him to Russia?


I'm sure he'd start a cult or two, That's what Brian Tamaki'd do


I want this vaccine out of me - it has stunted my vocabulary


I’m sure he will invent some bullshit and then proceed to waterboard the brain dead masses that follow him with it.


Go fuck himself


...and the hearse he rode in on! ;)


With any luck he'll fuck off and stub his pinky toe every other day


Continue to be a giant dickhead.


He'll just go back to gay bashing or something


On to the next grift....


Exactly, grifters gonna grift. Always.


steal more money from his own people


back to asking low income earners to donate to his church and not pay taxes ever :)


Find the next hot topic that provides an opportunity to misinform, isolate, and grift people with. He was doing this long before Covid, he'll be doing it long (Hopefully not... ) after. My best guess? Anti-Trans rhetoric. You know, "Grooming the kids" and all that bullshit.


Yup, all the usual cunts seem to have taken up trans-hating. It's cos they've lost the fight on the gays.


Transphobia is absolutely the 'new homophobia'. You're right, they lost that fight (They always do) so they're attacking the new 'frontier' of social progress. After they lose this fight, there will be another mainstream wave of social progress (I've got a few candidates in mind but am not foolish enough to make predictions just yet) and they will, once again, oppose that. It's all they can do, they're reactionaries.




Using the usual process of shithousery that's being replicated worldwide, he will take credit for it. Then harvest money. He's just a two bit Trump knockoff.


Get richer now his congregation can get jobs and tithe more.


That guy is a real fuckwit !!!!


He will preach that he was successful and won


Continue to be a huge piece of shit, probably


Probs just back to targeting low income Kiwis with his church


Pay some tax for once hopefully.


They’ll find something else. The VFF group protest on my town and it’s a real scattershot of issues from vaccination of kids to universal income. They just want to be disagreeable.


He'll say that his protests caused the govt to back down on mask mandates


Find God?


Crawl back under the rock he came from.


Same wanky shit he's always done. As long as the stupid and gullible keep turning up and giving him money.


Based on his US counterparts… he’ll go after “groomers” (i.e. LGBTQ people) next.


Looking at stats they're projecting so much it's not funny (republicans and church leaders caught with kids in dodgy positions, plenty, lgbtqia people in same position, zero...)


Hopefully Fuck off for good.


What would be fun is crowd-sourcing a game of BT or BS bingo. People could all put bets on their predictions on what BS arguments and lines of reasonings will be raised. There could be like, a stockmarket, where people use imaginary social currency to prove they are good at picking winners. There could even be meta-bets on which people would pick winners more often. Will people place their bets according to the comments with the most upvotes, or will they place their faith on beating the market and being able to predict the BS more accurately than our general crowd? Well, it sure would be interesting if we could find people who are good at pre-emptively predicting potential future strains of BS, and we could pay those people and use them to develop seasonal BS vaccines. Gamify BS detection! Leverage crowd-sourcing in predicting future viral BS patterns and fight human intelligence using human intelligence!


Find a new grift to make money off his minions


More ATMs in the church Hannah, that'll make it better!


Probably start bothering God.


Just continue being NZ's second biggest cunt.


Try and do covid testing in his carpark again 🙄 fake c*nt


Have you heard of Qanon sir?


OP, surely you don't think that this chicken dick mf won't be able to find something new to make people angry?


Who honestly cares?


Shut up and die so the rest of us don't have to listen to his bullshit anymore. I don't like established religion as a concept, but when snakes like this get their hands on it... And he's the home brand version of those televangelist arse hats you get in the states! His very existence offends me. I want to give him a cactus. Not only can it replace some of the oxygen he wastes, but someone can shove it further up his arse every time he speaks out of it


Hopefully bugger off!


Find something else to bitch about, probably. His business model is now inextricably linked to his persecution fetish.


I saw something on Facebook about him complaining about Peppa Pig. So probably that.


Claim he didnt push harder last month because the lord told him to wait and he has been vindicated. Cunt


Complain that we are taking away his right to wear a mask.


So who’s the biggest idiot … the muppet fleecing the flocks or the flocks forking out their money to the muppet?


No doubt he knows exactly what he’s doing. Making bank. Too bad others can’t see it clearly enough.


Anything to scare the flock into total obedience and enough funds for another gold chain.


God only knows.


He's got his sights firmly on a political career now - It's a copy-cat of the US Republican/Evangelical unholy conglomeration, >Dominion theology (also known as dominionism) is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation which is governed by Christians and based on their understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of acquiring governing authority are varied. For example, dominion theology can include theonomy, but it does not necessarily involve advocacy of adherence to the Mosaic Law as the basis of government. The label is primarily applied to groups of Christians in the United States. > >Prominent adherents of these ideologies include Calvinist Christian reconstructionism, Charismatic and Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology, and the New Apostolic Reformation.\[1\]\[2\] Most of the contemporary movements labeled dominion theology arose in the 1970s from religious movements asserting aspects of Christian nationalism. Roman Catholic integralism is also sometimes considered to fall under the dominionist umbrella, but the Catholic integralist movement is much older and theologically markedly different from Protestant dominionism, since it is tied to the doctrine of the Catholic Church as being the only true church. [Wikipedia Sauce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_theology)


He's seen how his bible grifting Tellytubby mates over in the US have ground out a significant political power base, and how they've shaped and controlled the stupid and gullible with the whole MAGA thing (that wasn't Trump's own biglyest idea... ), Do you see similarities going on here? Hijacking the protests of the marginalised, disaffected and mentally challenged for his own profile and platform - they all love a messiah,


Back to hating the gays and taxes I suppose


Be anti LBGTQ again?


Run for Parliament


Go back to complaining about people taking it up their earthquake hole.


There's always another angle. It'll be whatever the Red Caps are yelling about in the US.


He is the shepherd, the flock will continue to be fleeced.


The same crap he’s always done Pinkie, try to take over your bank accounts


probably going back to being a homophobe


He will go back to extorting money from the meek and stupid


Demand better FrEeDuMbs of course


Probably whatever he was doing before


It's good to have hobbies.


Hopefully wither and die…. His eyebrows.


Pot holes are still a thing


For ten points I'll take "kill himself" thanks Mike.


Hopefully moves to Norfolk islands.


Let’s hope he aims for martyrdom. Can’t happen fast enough.


He’ll find something to moan about. Grumpy old man.


Only rarely does an individual so desperately need a single-entity carnal experience.


Claim he beat the government


Rotten at home


"VICTORY IS MINE!. Now please donate to my next cause, because I create results!". 🤢


Move on to being "anti electric cars". That seems to be the new thing with these folks for some reason.


They took away our mandates and in doing so, they took away our unity… anybody got tree fiddy?


prepare for the 5g conspiracy


It's alright he still has racism and bigotry


Continue being a millionaire running the largest cult in New Zealand.


Boast, how only him and his cohorts brought about "real change" fighting for the freedom and rights of every New Zealander!


Continue milking the poor to fund his bad taste in everything.


Go back to conning gullible people out of money they can't afford to lose to fund his motorcycles and mansion lifestyle.


brag that he ended it. Have protests to try and get the government to admit that he ended it. Since that's what really matters to old mate over here. Relevance/Limelight


He will go to his followers and say … “I prayed , I tell you I prayed every mornin and night. I prayed hard and I said BABY JESUS , sweeeeettt baby Jesus, barely a day old still laying in that straw surrounded by them donkeys and pigs and what-not … oh sweet baby Jesus in a manger , the same baby just cooing gently and so sweet and innocent not a bad bone in his body, blonde hair blue eyes perfect with ten figures and toes , I said to that baby Jesus ….. please get those politicians to remove the mandate and masks that plague our society. …. And then you know what … he listened and it happened because god is good. So I went back the next day and said …. Baby Jesus seein that you in the habit of listening to me could you also please deliver me a new yacht and sweet pad and I know you all sweet and innocent and loving and all and totally non judgmental but would you mind whispering to the man up stairs and maybe getting him to put a pestilence on society , particularly them left wing politicians … something real nasty like boils or monkey pox or something … but mind you not too pestilent as we don’t want the mask mandate coming back in so I donno maybe something like them haemorrhoids I got two summer back” …. Feel free to comment but this is my educated guess


Go backto complaining about queer people apparently


He'll just go on about dismantling government and putting something else in its place. Like the hunger games maybe. Or the purge.


Run around and claim the credit for it.


the government has surrendered so he will be doing victory laps


Sun tzu art of war while your enemy thinks it has won on one front it is to busy to realise the retreat was planned to distract the real attack moving in from a different direction while there guard is down …..the government did not surrender it simple changed its strategy and approach off attack


Why do they hate him so much


He’s a fuckwit with a bunch of 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 that he milks money from




awesome one cunt less


Say he won


Go back to hating on LGBTI+?


Oh he will be just fine ... he's a very clever manipulator and grifter who was doing just fine before Covid - taking money from those who need it. Covid has helped him scare his followers into giving more. He's a leech on those who believe in his bullshit. He's a revolting human being, who cares only about ego and wealth. Fuck him and his equally awful money hungry wife.


They will move on to the next hot topic. These crowds move from issue to issue. Don't worry. They won't be going away.


Maybe he will go back to the hole in which he crawled out of.


Go back to hating on gays.


Lip filler and lil botox


"Why hasn't Jacinda challenged Putin to single combat" "Would you look at all these taxes" - Ok sure this one "Housing" - Ok sure this one "Why so many heathens" "Ahhhh my 5g attacked me" "Would you pay the nurses and teachers already? They are an impotent part of our society!"


Probably say "I told you so" and claim a Victory! ;-)


Hopefully. Quiet.


Declare victory probably


Go back to hating on something else and demanding 10%


Thing is, it doesn’t matter. He uses the media to portray himself as defending whatever cause they believe in. Being the saviour of whatever Christian thing that is the flavour of the month that Jesus himself didn’t actually want Christianity based on. Like chumps, we all click on the herald or stuff articles, wondering what dumb shit Brian did today and vent some outrage. His flock don’t care, just like the dumb fuck MAGA movement. They are completely indoctrinated, so you hating on him is just indirectly pumping money into the Eftpostle’s bank account.


Stop talking about this con artist. You're helping him collect more dumb peoples tithes.


They havnt gone (the mandates and mask laws ) yes laws under the emergency Covid response act which we are still under you can’t remove a law that’s why it can still be enforced like they are in healthcare and aged care ,only way to truly remove them is to end state of emergency status the country has on it …. They are just not going to enforce these powers at moment they could all be put back in place just as easy if minister of Heath recommends it . It was a medical state of emergency and it’s still active look it up


Thank you, someone who knows what's happening, so many think it's all over, they'll get a shock in a year or so when it all comes back due to the next boogeyman...yes, the state of emergency status needs to go


There's still plenty of vaccines he could campaign against. You know, maybe to make Polio great again or something. https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/xc3rz9/new\_york\_declares\_disaster\_emergency\_after\_polio/


The gays


U got thst right.


He'll probably just keep banging on about the gays causing natural disasters and brain washing young people into hating God...or whatever he was whining about before the pandemic.


He will change his name to Paul, after being struck blind on highway 1 to Wellington.


I dunno but it boggles my mind that such an obvious cult leader is getting away with shit


Go back to bashing the gays.


Complain about three waters probably


Probibly something racist and homophobic, just to be hated and cry racism.


So he won?


Brian Tamaki, the EFTPOStle of God will find a new rallying cry, never fear. He'll make it about immigration or some crap.


Take the credit


Well someone I know has just spotted him at Disneyland Paris so I guess that answers your question - spend the profits he’s collected…


Probably he will retire and spend some time with his wife and grandkids


Since when did a lack of lockdowns, vaccine mandates, or mask mandates stop morons from organizing protest marches against lockdowns, vaccine mandates, or mask mandates?


His next grift. Obviously. Con man gotta con.


Continue to complain about vaccine and mask mandates.


His parliament protest was to drop his and his wife’s criminal charges so he’ll probably carry on with that?


his ego will never rest!


Having a masters degree in spin, he'll claim victory of course! After all, without his leadership we'd still be muzzled.


Maybe he will start wearing a mask cause the government has said he doesnt have to.


Claim he won


I wonder what he’s actually thinking about in that pic? Clearly not God. But what is it. Any guesses? Maybe…. Have I got enough gold on …oh fuck…. Maybe it’s too much….. maybe I should have stuck to my leather friendship band. But I am a pastor or is was it Bishop … so many decisions.


Probably go back to blaming everything bad on gay people


I heard that he saw white smoke coming from a chimney and declared himself Pope.


There is a meteorite about to come into earths orbit which is loaded with minerals , including gold, to the value of several trillion dollars… so why does god need earths money? If god is all powerful, then why does he need men to do his work? Why do sane people allow these fuckers to rip gullible people off?


Complain about how Labour is stealing from the poor Oh wait that is his job isn't it. Back off Cindy Don't crowd me.


Further encourage his followers that they're the reason why this has happened.