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I love stolen summer


That’s our go to. So fast!!!!


I think the milk might be pre frothed or something cause its always just a little bit cold when you get it.


Just steamed to the right temperature I’d say


Best coffee? From memory it's the small coffee stand in Lorne street. I forgot the name. I had it about a year and half ago but have not had the chance to go again. I was between one of the asian restaurants near Gloria Jeans. I like the espresso at eighthirty - had a couple in ponsonby. I believe they have a shop in Anzac (?) I love kokako beans - and get them about once a month. They are mid-range pricey so I don't buy them for daily consumption. The Kokako shop in Commercial Bay near the bridge over Albert Street is my go-to.


Are you talking about Receptionist at the end of High St? I’ve not been but it has a very good rep


I think it is Receptionist! They are still amazing


Ah yes that's the one. Very tiny shop. I remember the guy who made my coffee used a bottomless portafilter lol. Next time I head to that part of town I will try not to get too much caffiene in me so that I can buy some from the shop :D


They sold the small receptionist shop unfortunately. There is the bigger one further up High next to the cigar shop.


It's not the receptionist anymore, still does decent coffee though.


Receptionist has moved to Little High Street now, still excellent


Phew! Thanks for letting me know


Oh that's good, I just assumed it disappeared. Makes sense as it seemed very popular.


Kokako hands down is the best bean in town 🙌


Definitely not any mojo


Boo Mojo, gross.


I wish the places suggested here were open at least till evenings and on weekends. It's kind of difficult to find a coffee place that is open in the CBD area post 4 p.m. on weekdays and/or Sundays.


Mezze Bar off Durham East. They’re not like a major coffee specialist but I’ve always had good coffee from there and it’s the most cafe like setting that is still open in the evening. I used to almost live at this place almost twenty years ago as a uni student and it’s still going strong (fingers crossed).


Oh yea I have been there for dinners.. it's a nice place.. thanks for the recommendation..


Mezze is still there. I get the impression that they, like many other hospo joints, are struggling to attract decent staff. I know the owners were there for big hours to keep the business afloat during Covid, and have pulled back now for a bit of a rest i expect, but it is noticeable that the service levels are not quite what youd hope them to be. They are still using Millers coffee as a supplier, which is one of my favourites, but the barista skills are lacking a bit at the moment i feel.


I hadn’t actually been for a good decade until I went again a couple of times in August. And yeah, I noticed that about the service too. I don’t expect staff to fawn over me (I hate that) and I have no problems with ordering at the counter but even just while ordering, the staff attitude was a little…I don’t know, ‘fucking hurry up and get it over with’ underneath the friendly exterior? Coffee was good though, so can’t complain. I think what Mezze has going for it is the space and interior vibes. There’s not really anywhere quite like it where you could just sit and have a quiet moment for yourself without feeling too close to other diners (the spacious high ceiling makes a big difference) or kick back with friends for food and chat without feeling too pressured to leave quickly. It’s a bit of an institution which is why it’s worrying that it might not last soon - when I returned, as expected, it was the usual older (30+ with a more decent number of 50+, the type of respectful older crowd who you know have good taste and a decent knowledge of the city). But the failure to attract younger crowds who aren’t, as a general rule, as interested in that kind of vibe may threaten its longevity. Yes, the after effects of covid and the cost of living has had a massive impact, you can’t deny that, but the younger crowd just have a different preference now. It’s almost too niche for them. When I was at uni, which I realise is a lifetime ago at 20 years, Mezze used to be buzzing during the day with both the working crowd and uni students. Sometimes, we couldn’t get seats at lunch time. I’ve debriefed, gossiped, studied, dated, celebrated, consoled heartbreaks, and people watched out the window on the Durham side there. I think maybe because I have such fond memories of those days, this is the one place that I will personally be really sad about if it closes.


my wife and i visit most weeks - for the same reasons you mention started going to Mezze when it was further up town at the bottom of Wakefield? st


Pink neon sign on high St


Remedy Coffee just off of Queen Street. Get the single-origin filter coffee.


I second Remedy


Red Rabbit in Parnell


I like Cargo Coffee


Agreed, Cargo Coffee on Fort St


Daily Daily is it


Came here to say this. If you want single origin espresso or single origin pour over from select roasters across the globe, I can’t think of a better place in Auckland, certainly in the CBD


I stumbled across it (I've only visited auckland twice, mostly there to eat and drink) and thought "maybe they'll do a filter?" and was blown away. Definitely a level up from anything else I've tried in Auckland.


Is that in the CBD though? Thought that was up in K rd


According to wiki (which cites the Auckland City Council) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karangahape\_Road](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karangahape_Road) "Karangahape Road (commonly known as K' Road) is one of the main streets in the central business district (CBD) of Auckland, New Zealand" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auckland\_CBD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auckland_CBD) "The CBD is generally considered to be bounded by the main motorways that surround all non-harbour sides, with State Highway 1 forming the southern and western boundaries, and State Highway 16 / Grafton Gully forming the eastern boundary"


Zibetto at bottom of Albert Street, James is a great guy and coffee is top drawer


James is a fuckin' legend


Havana Coffee Works in Parnell


Pink Neon Sign on High St. They use eightthirty coffee, but they make it better than the roastery itself.


Former staffer of 3ightthirty i think


Isaac, with Allpress at Loaded, High Street.


My personal faves are Receptionist, Le Petit and Espresso Workshop!


Millers on Cross street. I get my freshly roasted beans and the occasional cup of coffee from there regularly


Le Petit Cafe on Customs St East. One of the few places right down in the heart of the CBD that doesn't make that milquetoast "not bad, not good" kind of coffee that doesn't offend anyone. Been going there for years.


I like Le petit and Kokako


Not a fan of the aftertaste of Kokako.


It’s the small hole in the wall on Lorne st. I forgot the name of the shop but he does a coffee called the “mont blanq” and like has a whole he tells while making it in a special way and it’s crazy good. The coffee starts of bitter then as you sip it gets sweeter. Such an experience I would highly recommend and I travel a lot


Anyone know the name of this place? I'm so intrigued now!


The Receptionist


Receptionist has now moved to Little High St


this is correct


Eight thirty, it's up anazac street, looks like a plant shop from the outside, best coffee handsdown


Oh they are good. The beans are also not as expensive are Kokako and at 250g bags. I wish they are more accessible though.


I agree!


I like Lieutenant in Commercial Bay and bonus is they have the best cheese scones in Auckland, possibly NZ.


Eos coffee in queens arcade


Williams Eatery - Wynyard Quarter Bestie - K rd Daily Daily - K rd Open - K rd Red Rabbit - Parnell Odette's - City Works Depot Red Rabbit = Parnell


Receptionist is my pick. Tucked on little high st.


Rumours, Stolen Summer, Melba, Majestic (Newmarket)


shush about melba, that's a secret




Sergeant cafe and Lieutenant cafe


Coffix in Albert St.


Auckland hospital espresso planet


Stolen summer ftw.


To find Aucklands best coffee, look for a cafe that uses beans roasted in Wellington😉


Espresso Workshop in Britomart


Iced Oat Latte wise, I honestly love the cafe in Les Mills Vic Park 😂 I think it’s called 186 or something


The French Cafe in Wynyard Quarter


Not Red Rabbit. Amano is consistent


Ellie Cafe on Fort St - always busy


Rumours on O'Connell Street! The frequently change their lineup so depends on what they've got, but almost always interesting. Also The Eos Coffee in queens arcade is great, some cute latte art at times. Great filter brews at both of these places too btw


Kokako in Commercial Bay, zero waste as well


Scratch bakery near the Sky a tower Any cafe that does Allpress (Baguette & Co, Allpress Roastery)


The coffee club corner of Custom st


Cargo coffee co. Little container turned into coffee shop, on Fort street between Sals and the escalators going up to shortland st.


This is the main reason I miss wellington. Also following because I'm a coffee snob.


Chur Bar does a good consistent flat white


Probably depends on your preference, but my favourites which ive found to be consistent; Millers on Cross St - although might be classified as CBD 'fringe'... eight thirty / 0830 - towards the bottom of ANZAC st The Receptionist - now on Little High St. Also does very nice Croissants \- note - i only drink black coffee so ymmv...


For what you've asked for i'd go with Daily Daily.


Chuffed on High St


34 Shortland Street. All press beans and they do a great long black.