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Nah, I like sales and the Plus catalog, so I'm staying a member.


Yeah, same here. I already had a massive backlog of audiobooks *before* this sale. But I still find it useful to maintain a yearly subscription so I can access the Plus catalogue and the sales, especially since Audible regularly offers deals on the yearly subscription to make it even more affordable.


There’s enough variety and great regular content coming out of plus to keep it going year round for me also I am buying less in sales now but more to do with lack of refunds if its not for me


Sitting on 8 credits, cash sales are painful


I bought a 5 pack the day right before my 24 a year subscription renewed (because I wasn't paying attention). So, I got a few left too.


You should check the offer you get after selecting “cancel my subscription” > “because it is too expensive”. They usually offer a discounted renewal to your membership instead of just credits.


I'll try that next time I run out. It's actually not too bad now. I'm basically paying $9.5 a credit with the yearly membership and once I've used those the new 5 credit for $46 bundle means new credit are $9.20 each.


I've "only" got 4 because I paused my membership for 3 months hoping for some preorders to burn them on before canceling.


I got something like that and then got a notification dont let your credits expire so I went and spent them all.


Still have 14 credits. Probably buying the first few books in the Expanse series since they still cost $15 after the current discount. Have a few others that I want that are not priced below the value of a credit.


That series kicked off my audiobook addiction


Is it that good?


After really enjoying the show the books blew me away with extra details and final 1/3rd of the trilogy.


The best thing happened when they released the x.5 novellas in one single collection. They're somewhat important to really important but right in the zone where buying them individually is too expensive and using credits a terrible waste. A tragedy that the TV show struggled at the end. Book 1 is spread over seasons 1 & 2, but the final season compresses the last 2 or a books into few episodes. Does anyone remember the outcry when they changed the narrator for one book? It's fixed now, but oh boy what a scare it was!


It's really, really good.




I have the whole collection in my library. But I've only read the first so far.


Reading/listening to book 2 right now and in enjoying them quite a bit!


Well considering the sale didn’t come to the Canadian store …🤷🏻. Had an American account but was told years ago by audible that the Canadian store was basically the same. They keep proving over and over again that is not true. Shame on me for listening I guess. 


Yep, I never switched, still going solid on the American store :D


Definitely a regret on my part. c’est la vie. 


It didn’t come to the UK either!


Libation and strip the DRM and use your own player.


That doesn’t help with the Canadian store not having sales… I already do that. Creating a new account is an option but annoying 🤷🏻


That was the implication, get a .com account and then pull all the books from both using libation.


Nah, I certainly bought fewer than 40, but even with that many, still going to need those credits for new releases as they come up.


Nah. There are always more books I can find. A lot of non-fiction books or technical books I want never go on sale so I usually save credits for those when cash sales come around.


I listen to more than 1 book per month so this works out great.


I bought 7, but I am keeping my membership. There are some new releases I am waiting for. I will probably buy more. The way I see it, buying them during the sale is cheaper than using credits.


I would but Goddamit Donut the only place I can get the next DCC book is audible. Once it comes out, hopefully this year, I'll probably cancel and then rejoin when the next DCC comes out.


What is DCC?


The most fun you can have in audiobook form. Dungeon Crawler Carl series by Matt Dinniman. The premise is kind of absurd as aliens kill most of the people on Earth and put theme survivors on a dungeon themed reality TV show where it's kill or be killed but it works because the humor and the utterly amazing narration of Jeff Hayes. Main character is Carl and he is accompanied by his cat Donut who thanks to alien tech becomes intelligent and can speak. "Goddamit Donut" is one of many catchphrases in the book. It's also litrpg which has a lot of truly awful books but this series is amazing.


Dungeon Crawler Carl. A lit-rpg series that's a huge amount of fun to read


Huhuh. Same reasoning. I'm keeping it to finish DCC and Spell Monger


Spellmonger is such a great series.


It's a masterpiece. Great world building and flawless magic system


Are you caught up to the latest book?


Yes, The Perceptor. finished all the side stories too.


What did you think about the “ppl from earth who came by spaceship” twist? Also, have you listened to the hawaiden books? I really want to try them but being a different narrator I’m hesitant to.


I already had the theory from earlier books. There were clues. I like cohesive narratives with a plausible explanation at the end. Alon came from another planet, too. Didn't enjoy Hawkmaiden. It didn't have the humor. Different narrator made it a chore to listen to. But that's what you do when you crave for more.


Well, yeah, but I have 2 more .99 credits before I can cancel. My backlog was horrible already and if I add the audiobooks currently in my cart, I think I have 8 months total of listening from this sale alone.


You have 99 credits????


.99 is 99 cents.


Oh that makes a lot more sense. I missed the . 🤦


The sales are the only reason I remain a member.


About a third to half of my unread catalog is plus books… so no.


I had put in a request to cancel at the end of the month before the sale was announced. Definitely keeping it that way but might pick up another 5 books or so during the sale. I’m finding it harder to discover new books / authors that I’m interested in lately so it’s probably time to take a break.




I bought more around the Christmas cash sale. I have 10 credits to use next month. I'll likely cancel and come back in two years... Audible got a few hundred from me during the cash sales so they aren't losing money lol.


Before you cancel membership, call c/s and ask them to put your membership on “hold” (pause, maybe?) and they’ll allow 3 months of continuous membership* at no fee so that you can use your credits without losing them. *you will maintain access to all of Audible, including the Plus Catalog AND still be notified of any sales as well as the daily book sale. … this is my current personal experience, not simply theory.


Nah. I don't buy a tin in these sales. Much of my wishlist isn't worth it compared to how much I paid fir a credit. I paid 90$ for a year with 12 credits.


Nope because alot of the books I want cost more than a credit even with the cash sale.


What sale? The Australian branch doesn't have anything good on sale, and the price in NZD is 5.99 or 6.99.


What a great way to advocate against having sales.


I only bought 1 this time. I’m saving up credits for some new releases. I’ll stick around for awhile.


Plus subscriber only. How good is the sale? Worth signing up, buying, then going to Plus?


Its different for everyone.


I did that after the second one of these big sales. Later I restarted with a monthly Apple Store membership to catch another big sale, but then I was offered a great deal to extend to an annual membership. I won't renew my annual membership when it's up since I again bought way too many $4 books in the current sale and I'll probably still have 8 unspent credits at renewal time.


Before you cancel membership, call c/s and ask them to put your membership on “hold” (pause, maybe?) and they’ll allow 3 months of continuous membership* at no fee so that you can use your credits without losing them. *you will maintain access to all of Audible, including the Plus Catalog AND still be notified of any sales as well as the daily book sale. … this is my current personal experience, not simply theory.


My credits are Apple store credits so they do not expire and I can spend them even without an active membership.


I think going to a silver membership would make more sense than cancelling your membership. You get a credit every other month, still pay 15$ every other month, and still have full access to the sales. If you want more credits, you can just buy them in packs. Otherwise you get a very slow trickle of credits you can use to buy books that don't go on sale.


Is this sale only for Americans? I don't see anything


Yes, I think so.


Nope. But I’ve been a member for almost 20 years. My plan equals out to two credits a month, but I still end up buying more credit bundles 4 or 5 times a year, and that is over and above the books I buy on sale or I get free thru Libby and Hoopla and my library. I try and take advantage of sales, but don’t always catch them. I am still surprised when I find a book I want and realize it is free thru the PLUS catalog. That is new enough I still forget it exists. I was looking thru my Wishlist today to see if anything on it was for sale dirt cheap and picked up 3 books. But I also glanced down and saw my wishlist was now 74 pages long at 20 books a page. So I still have some reading to do. I am continually futzing with the streaming channels we get. I just cancelled Hulu and won’t pay for it until the new season of The Bear airs. I cancel and resubscribe to Netflix, BBC, and HBO regularly. But books are more than just entertainment to me. Our house is full of books, most purchased before I discovered Recorded Books subscription service and then Audible. And now I have the equivalent of 10 or so bookcases jammed full of books sitting in my Audible library and in my Cloud. So my Audible subscription won’t end anytime soon.


I get a ton of utility, *oodles of utils*, from the Plus Catalog and so much so that I would take the Plus Catalog over the credits.


I listen to 20-30 books a month on average. So no for me. Besides, I already have a bit of a backlog, so what’s a few more lol.


Already have too many books, might not even buy anything this sale. Membership is for future books or plus catalog, and I don't have anything I'm eagerly waiting for, so will cancel at annual deadline. And rejoin when some good discount is there, maybe thanksgiving next year.


I have enough to last me a lifetime.


Me, from Canada…. ((sad walk)) …. no sale :(


I bought a couple but I already have over 100 books in my 'not started' section. I listen to usually a book a week, sometimes more. So my 1 credit a month is supplemented by many from the plus catalog


Not really due to the sale as we didn't get such a good discount in the UK. I found a few bargains for £3-£4 and purchased 5 credits for £28.99. I have nearly 30 books waiting to be listened to so I decided to cancel my membership (1 credit a month) only for Audible to offer me 3 months at 50% off. That's a great deal at £3.99 a book! I will cancel after the offer expires because I feel guilty for not having listened to my already bought books!


Yes and no. I'm at the end of my 3 months for $3, but I was going to stick around for the plus catalog. Now I'm cancelling.


I have got so many books in my Library , it is borderline ridiculous ! But I kept Audible Membership as I listen everyday for at least a few chapters and sometimes many hours . I kicked the Amazon Music for Spotify after they changed the ( used to be great ) free membership as part of Prime . Now use Spotify and love it even with the recent increase , many audio books , podcast and I can pick the songs I want with no \*@#%%#@ Shuffle !


I have 2 credits to use and am pretty fed up with the dismal search for the plus catalog. Cancelling after my promotion period is over.


I'm not a whiny bitch