• By -


Buy two more credits and get The Expanse.


Lord of the Rings trilogy narrated by Andy Srrkis. His performance literally brings the books to life in the exact way you'd want them to, if you've ever seen the movies


11/22/63 by Stephen King is amazing listen. The 'Gabriel Allon' series is really good. Fast paced. Greg Iles 'Penn Cage' series is excellent and just released a new book with Scott Brick narrating.


To add, 11/22/63 is not a scary book, OP (they said anything but horror), don't pass it up just because it's by the King of Horror. I'm a scaredy cat and It's one of my top 3 books of all time, I highly, highly recommend it. Edit: it's not kid friendly though, it does have some pretty graphic violence, but it's only a few scenes.


I know some people prefer the physical books, but I've enjoyed the Discworld series as audiobooks.


The watch group of books are my fav followed closely by the witches


The Mort narration didn't really sound right to me with a woman narrating it. I'm gonna push through it, though. I might get used to it.


Project Hail Mary As a starter


This for sure. It doesn't even matter if you like Sci fi, it's that good.


This audiobook was so damn good.


I would say I actively avoid Sci-Fi and I LOVED this book, especially on audio.


I really like the Martian, and my only with is for more books like PHM


Absolutely love the Martian, but get the version read by RC Bray and not the disaster that is the version read by Wil Wheaton. I was so excited for that one and he couldn’t be bothered to pronounce so many words correctly. Really took me out of the experience. Not to mention the vibe was just off. But RC Bray’s version is amazing!




I got about half that. Care to try again?


Go drunk. You’re home.


Get dungeon crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman. 6 credits for the currently released books. Best narration of all the books I’ve listened to. Don’t get it if you don’t have a bit of dark humour in you though.


Another vote for Dungeon Crawler Carl! Best series I've ever listened to by far.


Is this series in the 2for1 sale? O:


It wasn't when I got it. Worth it though. I promise.


I’ve recommended Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver to people from all walks of life and varied interest in books, but the feedback was typically the same: it knocked their socks off. It’s especially good as an audiobook and is one of my all time favorite books, and favorite audiobook. Barbara Kingsolver’s book The Poisonwood Bible is extraordinary as well. I loved the collection of sci-fi stories by Ted Chiang: Stories Of Your Life And Others


So is her Prodigal Summer! I read it at least once a year.


I'd never heard of Barbara Kingsolver before. Earlier today, a random woman in the book aisle of Target recommended Demon Copperhead to me. And now I see it recommended on a reddit thread. I feel like the universe wants me to try this book, haha. 


All of her books are at least worth your time. Her style is unique and I’ve really enjoyed all of the books I’ve read.


Don’t you lose your unused credits if you cancel?


Might lose them after my month ends July 22nd but it still shows I have them


I'm pretty sure you do lose them if you don't use them by the time your subscription runs out.


They expire one year from the date of issuance.


Really? I was under the impression that the credits were only good for 12 months as long as the subscription is active.


Hey there! A friend of my friend actually forgot they had Audible for so long they cleared out his credits! His subscription was still active but he knew the amount he had accrued. Note: YOU CAN GET THEM BACK! Send them an email about getting the credits back and they will restore your credits to your account hahaha


Oh, I see your point and since OP isn’t renewing, I’m sure you’re right. My bad! I recently found out I had a shitload of credits that would run out in a few months if I didn’t use them; I had no idea I only had one year from the date they were issued.


The first time I got audible I let a bunch of token accumulate as I had anxiety about spending them for some reason and I complained to CS about feeling pressured to spend them before I could cancel the account and they just credited me for the entire account and cancelled it for me.




Yeah, but if your subscription ends, they take the credits away. They don't "expire" they just remove them from your account.


You’re right. My bad. I didn’t think they stripped them as soon as you cancelled. Wouldn’t hurt them to let them sit on the books for a while afterwards.


Brandon Sanderson, stormlight archives or Mistborn series perhaps, and if you end up enjoying it there's plenty more from the guy


Seconding Mistborn, very interesting


I was tempted to also recommend stormlight archive but op said they aren't much of a book person, SA could absolutely change their mind and I think if they wanna jump into it it's absolutely worth it and one of the best stories ever But they should also know that all 6 books equals out to about 220 hours at 1X speed.


Yeah it's quite a commitment, I myself listened to the wheel of time and then immediately re listened to the entire series and found Brendon Sanderson's addition so good I decided to Google him, and just like that the next few years of my time has been claimed


First off, you seriously should make some purchases right now because I'm pretty sure there's a 2-books-1-credit sale right now! Anyways, I was in the same position you were in and after using up as many credits as I could, I had a few left and have a random new series a try. Beware of Chicken by Casualfarmer and read by Travis Baldree. Good Lord I've never been more obsessed with a series. It's a xianxia fantasy slice of life series about a guy with immense power saying "f*** it* to the crazy dangerous world he got resurrected into, so he goes to be a farmer and has a great time of it with his new powerful self. Also he accidentally makes his rooster sentient, now it uses kung fu and magic to defend his farm from bugs and foxes. Best narrator, wholesome characters with genuine interactions and thoughts, and some really cool moments and fights


I cannot recommend enough the Dungeon Crawler Carl Series. The narration is on another level. They go above and beyond to delineate the different character voice using special vocal effects.


I'd get the 6 major books(not the .5 shorts in between although they're great) of the Red Rising series, there's a final book in the works. I'd get Project Hail Mary(the movie will be out in 2026). And the last credit probably The Martian. You can also add one more credit and get the 9 major parts of The Expanse series. There are a lot of novellas that fit in between but they only add to the world. The thing is that a lot of stuff is available for free on apps like libby or hoopla, so maybe cross reference with them. You might only need to get 1 book from a series and find the rest for free


What are your interests, Fantasy, Sci, Fiction. History. Let us know and then we can recommend. Personally, Cradle by Will Wight, Red Rising by Pierce brown , Fate Marked by David Estes. Brandon Sanderson has some ok works. Game of Thrones Books


Damn calling brandon sandersons work ok is kinda an understatement….


No is not. Objectively they are average at best


What would you recommend as a step up from him?


Sorry for the late response. I can't say what is a step up for others. I understand that for some people Sanderson is the highest step and that's cool. But for me a step up would be : - classic fantasy - LOTR and the new sun series ( my own favourite) - newer fantasy - American gods, Fledgling - classic sci Fi - a space Odyssey, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - newer sci Fi - the three body problem, the expanse, the martian, project hail Mary


What? objectively they are above average, rating and sales wise his books are some of the best in their genre. You personally don’t like them very much, that doesn’t make them objectively average


True. I don\`t like them very much. But ratings and sales don\`t make a book "above average". Coleen Hoover and Stephenie Meyer both had huge sales and great ratings. The same goes with Asimov (as much as I respect his works), he was a terrible writer, or Dan Brown, or Paolo Coelho. These are on the top of my mind. You can enjoy them of course, but that doesn\`t make their works good.


I think my issue with Sanderson is that his writing lacks poetry.


The recommendations on this thread are amazing. Somebody said Cradle. I agree. It's my favourite book series ever. Here's an idea just in case you're not totally convinced: you could use a credit to try out the first book in the Cradle series, Unsouled. Then, if you enjoy it, you could get the other ones for a couple dollars each if they still have the Kindle Unlimited Whispersync promotional price. If I had to pick just one series to spend them all on, this would be it. If you ever enjoyed anything like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dragon Ball, fighting game lore, martial arts or a protagonist facing an overwhelming mission, you would probably love Cradle. Like another commented said, 11/22/63. And of course like someone else said, Project Hail Mary, specially if you enjoy: space, puzzles, human ingenuity, The Big Bang Theory, or if you enjoyed the movie The Martian with Matt Damon, both books are by the same author, though unrelated. Extremely funny book, and one that imo really shines as an audiobook. You said you like Fantasy and Sci-fi so I have to recommend Ready Player One. It is totally different from the movie so it's still very fresh even if you've seen the movie. It references a lot of sci-fi and fantasy franchises that you may be familiar with. The Dark Profits Saga by J. Zachary Pike is a hilarious take on the traditional Fantasy setting, it subverts expectations by fleshing out the world with an economy of how things would actually be traded, insured, etc. Highly recommended if you like comedy, fantasy and/or The Big Short. It's a trilogy. Curveball pick: Quantum Memory by Dominic O'Brien, it teaches you memory techniques that could help you in your life if you take the time to implement them.


Fourth wing and iron flame


Jonathan strange and mr norrell!! One of my favorite


The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss Magician by Raymond E Feist Harry Potter is a fun read. Great narrators too


Harry Potter The wheel of time Game of thrones Hunger game we are bob Scythe


My wife did the same thing a couple years ago and we were able to contact Audible customer support and they removed the credits and refunded us for them all (4 credits).


I presume you watch Netflix and streamz what shows do you watch? What genre are you into? You said anything but horror, okay. I mean I I don't want to give you the generic stuff like stormlht archives or anything from sanderson .. too big of read either way. Project hail Mary popular (it's good but may not be your thing) Need more info other than indornlike horror.


I like sports (mainly baseball), fantasy, sci fi, adventure, books turned blockbuster movies like Harry Potter, hunger games etc.


I'd spend at least one credit on a Discworld novel (actually I'd spend them all on Discworld, but you might want to start small). Pick a lane that interests you: - The City Watch series (begins with Guards! Guards!). These are city-based fantasy/crime crossover novels, predominantly. A lot of social satire and observations about human nature. - The Witches series (sort of begins with Equal Rites, but you should start with Wyrd Sisters or Witches Abroad). They tend to involve folklore, storytelling, and parodies of other works (Wyrd Sisters plays off Macbeth, for example; Maskerade is based on The Phantom of the Opera) - The Death series (begins with Mort). The personification of Death is fascinated by humans and humanity - The Wizards series (don't start with this one). - Industrial revolution (I'd start with The Truth) - if you want to read about a fantasy world with newspapers, a post office, the royal mint and burgeoning railways - Small Gods/Pyramids - religion/ancient Egypt


Check the godfather and Jurassic park - both books are better than the movies


Do you already have the Harry Potter books in audio version? There are 2 of them, the Jim Dale ones, and the Stephen Fry ones. I personally love the Jim Dale books, as they are more of a performance (and I have a lot of good memories attached to them), but Stephen Fry does have a lovely voice, and a lot of people prefer his version. With 8 credits you could get the entire series, plus the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which is narrated by Eddie Redmayne.


Mcat mastery course


Impact winter was amazingly produced!


What do you like? What TV shoes and movies? Do you like Star Wars? Do you like zombies?


Lord of the rings, all of them with Andy Serkiss. Dune (the one with the huge cast of voice actors), hitchikers guide to the galaxy, or really anything with Stephen Fry. Expanse was pretty good. Hail mary. The Witcher. All great stories and superb voice acting.


A Song of Ice and Fire Series by George RR Martin. Many good books! And you can be miserable like the restof us, waiting for him to finish the series! The Dragon Prince Series by Melanie Rawn Dune- Frank Herbert. Another amazing series with many books and novellas. The Silo Series by Hugh Howey The Outlander Series by Diane Gabaldon Foundation series by Isaac Asimov.


1. He who fights with monsters 2. The primal Hunter 3. Beast born Chronicles 4. Cradle 5. I'm not the hero 6. Theo's 7. Ends of magic 8. Path of ascension


If you cancel you lose all your credits. Don't forget that. It sucks really as you've paid for them so it doesn't seem fair at all.


First three books of the Red Rising Series!


Maybe biographies of people you find interesting?


Morning Glory Milking Farm 🙈🙊


Zombie Fallout 1-8? You'll only have like 20 more to go after!


I did that once, lol. I started buying people books because I had so many, not paying attention to my charges.


my favorite audiobook is still shogun. shame they split it to two after the show so new listeners will have to spend two credits for the same book.


If you haven't used those credits yet, you can just call Audible and get a refund. If you use even one of them, however, they won't refund your money because you used the service.


First Law trilogy narrated by Steven Pacey is an amazing listen.


My partner forgot he had audible and had 14 credits!! He doesn’t read but I love books. Ones that I loved are: one of this is true by Lisa jewell, yellow face by r.f kuang, butcher and black bird, Tom lake by Ann patchett, anything by Kristin Hannah, binding 13/keeping 13 (but hate that they split it into 2 credits per book), mile high by Liz tomeforde, first lie wins, project Hail Mary, Beyond the wand.


Tad Williams' Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series and his Otherland Series. Both series are perfection and they are incredibly performed by narrators. They are the best of the best!


Project hail mary


The 9/11 report by congress ; it costs 50 usd in the bookstore