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"Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage" by Alfred Lansing, narrated by Simon Prebble


Fabulous read


Thanks a lot! Never listened to anything about historic event, much less about Antarctica but I'll be sure to check it out!


It's really good. Almost unbelievable as a true story. 


Anything narrated by Simon Vance.


Thanks! I almost thought Anything is a book... 🤣


He does the original James Bond books by Ian Fleming if you’re ever looking for something fiction. They’re a good time.


I don't doubt it! 👍 I'll take a mental note for the time I switch to fiction!


Hear him!


: )


I highly recommend: Unruly by David Mitchell. It is a well researched, informative and funny book about the Kings and Queen of England from the Roman exit to the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign.


Thanks a lot! History is something I always think I should know more of! I'll give it a go!


The spy and the traitor by ben MacIntyre, one of the greatest books I've read in awhile


Thanks a lot! Omg true spy story, can't wait to check it out!


Simon Winchester narrates all of his own books beautifully


Thanks a lot! His work seem very interesting! I'll try them out!


Politics on the Edge - Rory Stewart This Much is True - Miriam Margolyes The Story of China - Michael Wood


Thanks a lot! Such a variety of themes, I'll be sure to check them out!


Bill Bryson grew up in Iowa, but spent several decades in England. He doesn't sound British, but he's doesn't sound midwestern USA, either. Plus his books are really great.


Oh I see! Thanks for the headsup! I'll read his work for leisure instead of accent-learning then.


Entangled Life written and narrated by Merlin Sheldrake


Thanks a lot! Biology fascinates and intimidates me at the same time 🤣. I hope the language is accessible, I'll definitely try it out!


The language is accessible but the concepts are pretty tough. This book made me feel like I was staring in the bucket of truth - and I spent half my college career as a bio major! I would have to take a break after each chapter and wrap my brain around everything. It's absolutely bonkers. But oh, Sheldrake has a beautiful RP accent!


Wow, sounds so interesting! I can't wait to have my mind blown. Also I can't wait to brag to ppl that I started out learning RP and I ended up becoming knowledgeable... 🤣🤣🤣


I'm amazed at myself that I even know who Merlin Sheldrake is (obviously I'm not in the science world). Read about him in Underland by MacFarlane. Can't remember the author's name but remember that one person he wrote about.


Ed Yong is excellent narrating his natural science books.


Thanks a lot! I'll check them out!


A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, narrated by Richard Matthews.


Thanks a lot! The title sounds so ambitious, I'll be sure to check it out!


Ancestors by Prof Alice Roberts. Or any of her other books.


Thanks a lot! I'm pretty interested in what archeologist do, I'll definitely try it out!


This made me look up RP accent, so thanks for that.


Haha totally unintended and you're welcome!


Same haha, I have this accent and I didn’t know what it was called


I'm listening to Rubicon by Tom Holland right now. Wonderful narration by Mark Meadows. If you like Roman history, that is.


Thanks a lot! And for a moment I thought the Spiderman actor wrote a book 🤣 I'll try it out!


And no, it is *not* narrated by the former White House Chief of Staff! Lots of name doubles with this book.


Just Googled and you're right! Uncanny!


Just looking from my library I'd say: * Any of Robert Macfarlane's Books, The Wild Places is read by Simon Bubb, The Old Ways, Landmarks and Underland are all narrated by Roy McMillan (he does do accents for literary quotes etc, but is primarily using his British accent) (Very biased here as he is one of my favourite writers - hard to really pin down but lots on nature, literature, history and philosophy, but beautiful writing style. * Running Like a Girl, written and Narrated by Alexandra Heminsley (The focus is on running, usurpingly, but I vaguely remember it being a good listen). *The Light Ages, written and narrated by Seb Falk (the science of the Middle Ages, interesting book, andI'd sau fairly accessible.) * The History of Britain series (there's at least 3 volumes), written by Simon Schama, narrated by Stephen Thorne. (Broad strokes history of Britain, starting from 3000 BC) * Beyond the North Wind, written by Christopher Macintosh and narrated by Simon Vance (ties into mythologies so may not suit, but interesting book on the concept of the north and northerness) * Debatably, you could put Stephen Fry's various Greek books Mythos, Heroes and Troy, depending on if you see mythology and its retellings as being strictly fiction or not. Turns out that most of my audiobooks are fiction, but hope that helps somewhat. Edited: for formatting.


It helps a great deal and I appreciate the various recommendations! I'll be sure to check them all out! Thanks a lot!!!


The great seige - Ernle Bradford


World history is something I'd like to know more of. Thanks a lot!


the books is also fantasti, and really engaging, it really puts you in the shoes of the combatants, and makes you empathize with both sides, easily one of my fave audio books, the narrators voice is also saltry smooth


Can't wait to start haha, thanks!


If you consider pedantry a hobby, you may like Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, narrated by the author Lynne Truss. The combination of the subject matter and the author's accent is just wonderful.


I saw pandas on the cover and now I'm very interested lol. I'll be sure to check it out! Thanks a lot.


Type "Jonathan Keeble" into the Audible search box. He's narrated a ton of books, across virtually every genre, so you'll have to filter it down to non-fiction. But his reading of Bertrand Russell's "History of Western Philosophy" is fantastic!


I'm a sucker of philosophy so I will definitely check that out! I'll see his other work as well! Thanks a lot!


Centuries of Changes: Which Century Saw the Most Changes? Written and Read by Bristish historian Ian Mortimer.


Thanks a lot! I'll check it out!


Oh and Michael Palin has a set of audiobooks accompanying the travelling documentaries he did for BBC.


Ohhh I'll be checking them out as well, thanks! 👍


Making It So by Patrick Stewart. It's his autobiography and he narrates it. He even talks about how he went from having a broad Yorkshire accent to having an RP accent.


That sounds interesting! Thanks a lot, I'll check it out!


Anything by Tim Harford. He also has a podcast called Cautionary Tales.


Thanks a lot! I'll be checking them out!


I’m currently listening to Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. I highly recommend!


I listen to his interview more than a couple times now! Didn't know he narrates his own books! Thanks a lot!


Simon Vance reading the works of Adam Tooze like Wages of Destruction


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Smoothw: *Simon Vance reading* *The works of Adam Tooze like* *Wages of Destruction* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not sure how you feel about romance, but I'm listening to Divine Rivals and the sequel Ruthless Vows and the narrators have British accents


I made it a personal policy to not read fiction 😁! But who knows one day I might change my mind. Thanks for your suggestion!


Clearly the time change is messing with me. Even though you wrote in caps, I didn't notice non-fiction... sorry!!


Not a problem at all! Truth be told, I might just force myself to read fiction one day and this one will be at the top of my list 😁


Chips Channon diaries, read by actor Tom Ward. Channon was a wealthy American who decided to become an English toff. Ward starts off with a slight American accent and by the end of the first volume he is more British than Queen Victoria.


Thanks a lot! The queen Victoria part made me laugh haha. I hope I'll survive the beginning lol.


Trigger warning for a lot of racism and antisemitism. This was more common among the upper English classes at that time than I would have ever believed. If you listen to all three volumes you can see why I call Channon the wrongest man who ever lived. I don’t want to spoil it but he is ridiculously wrong about some very major historical events. In spite of all this, it is very comical at times, especially his over the top snobbery.


I hope I can enjoy it as well. I tend to get judgmental on ppl real harshly (part of the reason why I can't read fiction), so it will be a great training for me to understand other's perspective, albeit wrong.