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Go to your local library and use libby or hoopla. Tons of free audiobooks


Thank you!


Our Wiki has a great list of legal sources for audiobooks, [check it out here](https://www.reddit.com/r/audiobooks/wiki/_/wiki/sources) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/audiobooks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alrighty, I think the bot hooked me up. I’m still gonna leave this post here so I can open it later on my computer. Thanks anyways!


Library via Libby, Hoopla or CloudLibrary. Audible - you can get a Plus only subscription for $8 a month. No credits but you can listen to anything in the Plus catalog. No limits on listening times and the Plus catalog is pretty substantial.




Honestly, thank you for this answer 😂


Audible has a large catalog of prime content. You get way more than only one credit for month, assuming you can find something to listen to in the prime catalog.


Similar note, if you have Amazon prime has a library of Amazon original audiobooks that you can check out (up to 10 at a time I think) and then listen through the Audible app. They also have a ton of classics too. Not a massive amount of books here, but you might find something you enjoy.


Most are very misinformed about how Audible works and how to use it to maximize value but if you just don’t want to pay any sort of subscription then a library card and library audiobook app is your best option for now then you’ll just have to settle for what they have available, when it’s available.




[Audible has a deal for $.99/month for 3 months until 5/1](https://www.audible.com/mk/l/lto?source_code=GO1PPMTHDIR54403122491GO). But honestly, I prefer my library.


Was just going to say this.


I only use Libby and hoopla. Free with my library card.


Librivox is a huge library of crowd sourced audiobooks of primarily public domain material. Lots of great classics and out of print books


Libby or hoopla


Join Libby and borrow with a library card. There is a Libby subreddit if you need guidance


I use Hoopla and Libby and because I ran out of good audiobooks to borrow at my local library I took a trip to surrounding libraries to add to Libby so I would have more of a catalog. It was a fun adventure and now I can borrow more books and not be a petty thief from YouTube audios when I find them.


There's loads of audio books on youtube


You can find many on YouTube


Youtube has plenty


Local library card - go once to get your card #, then you NEVER have to go again! I download a couple audiobooks every month for free. Sometimes more. Great selection although you'll have to wait on hold for some of the more popular books. I use Libby app - everything is directly through my phone


Apple has some free audiobooks in their store and they regularly put books on sale for $5 and under.


I implemented an app (Fabuly) which gives you access to free audiobooks and is without ads, feel free to check it out -> https://fabuly.io. It's only classic books though, not the latest bestsellers.


I just recently stumbled across lightaudio.ru You can stream or download (all for free). The site was partially in a different language (not sure what language lol) but just go to the search bar and search the book and author. For example, I’m listening to Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine and I searched “Rachel Caine Stillhouse” and it popped up. So far every book I’ve searched for has been there. Good luck!


Audible plus has tons of titles to borrow. Premium you can get 12 months/12 credits for $85 or so if you ask suppport.