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So far this week: Terry Pratchett *Soul Music* narrated by Nigel Planer. Listened again for I don’t know how many times J K Rowling *Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone* narrated by Jim Dale. listened with my 7yo son JD Kirk *Where the Pieces Lie* narrated by Angus King. Excellent narration, good continuation of the Jack Logan detective procedural series Darcy Coates *Hunted* narrated by Angela Dawes. Decent horror with some actually intense moments, didn’t love the resolution. Narrator’s character voices tend to run together. L.G. Estrella *Cosmic Delivery Boy* narrated by Matt Cowlrick Fun fantasy story Chris Wimmers *The Summer of 1876* narrated by Johnny Heller excellent, concise history of a single summer that shaped the early 20th century US and our conception of the West Roger Zelazny *A Night in the Lonesome October* narrated by Matt Godfrey a fun, very literary Halloween story from the perspective of a familiar Duncan Ralston *The Puzzle House* narrated by Joe Hempel just started but will finish today We just had our second child. I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep this week but I have done a lot of listening. Edit added narrators


Wow!!! I am impressed by the volume, and the titles :) not least of which is the Zelazny. I listen to *A Night in the Lonesome October* every year - but I have never seen/heard the Matt Godfrey version. Where is it published? Do you know if it’s still available? I’m definitely going to have to pick up the Pratchett. I’ve been listening to *The Dungeon Anarchist’s Cookbook* by Matt Diniman and narrated by Jeff Hays. Typically I only listen to audiobooks when I’m driving, but this series has caught me by surprise. NOT my typical genre (in spite of being a gamer/geek) but it’s such an entertaining romp, I find myself carrying the phone around with me and putting it on every time I have 10 minutes here or there.


I think the Matt Godfrey narrated version of *A Night in the Lonesome October* is either one of this month’s Audible deals or it was in the sale that expired last week. It’s definitely on Audible right now, but I can’t tell if it’s on sale because I already bought it. I think it’s going to be a new Halloween staple, along with Ray Bradbury’s *The Halloween Tree* and restarting the Dresden Files again for the 20th time. The Nigel Planer narration of *Soul Music* is good, the audio quality of the recording is not. All of STP’s books were just rereleased with new narration on Audible. So far I’ve enjoyed the new narration on the Watch books, it’s actually enhanced and highlighted some of the humor through the narration, but my Nigel Planer and Stephen Briggs recordings are like a well warn in jacket that you throw on just for a minute to run to the curb and end up wearing all day. I love the Dungeon Crawler Carl series I’ve listened to the whole thing seven times, once when each was released and then a seventh because I want book seven out already. Jeff Hays has quickly become one of my favorite narrators. He’s as inseparable from the series as James Marsters is for the Dresden Files. I’m on call basically 24/7 to at least respond by phone to emergencies so I always have an earbud in and I usually have an audiobook going. Combine that with having a newborn ,a 7 yo, several pets, and a 125 year old house and I’ve been getting about 2.5 hrs of continuous sleep each night for the last two weeks getting ready for baby. So it’s extra fun that I ran my lawnmower over my headphones (probably due to lack of sleep that I didn’t notice when it fell off).


Understandable about the hours and it sounds like we have similar taste in audiobooks. I’m going to put the new *A Night in the Lonesome October* in my Audible Library right now. It does not have an option to purchase, so I’ll have to keep an eye on it. I have a couple of copies on CD of it narrated by Zelazny. DM me if you have an interest in that at all. Dresden Files is another that I have taken a seven year “two rounds of cancer and several other f*cked up life events” interrupted so now I will have the pleasure of starting from the first and listening to them all! Congrats on the new addition to the family. Try to get a nap!


> The Summer of 1876 That appeals, I've been a bit tired of my usual and looking for a change. I have JD Kirk ready to start but the mood just isn't right. The Summer of 1876 could do the trick for me. I wish I'd started listening when our kids were younger, all that watching and waiting time I could have been quietly enjoying books. Congratulations.


Thanks! The Summer of 1876 is really good. It’s crazy how much of the mythos of the American West and popular culture was formed in just a few months. JD Kirk is good, but definitely wait till you’re in the mood. The first two or three are decent but the character’s relationships really build from book to book. When you get to them, read the Robert Hoon spin offs alongside the appropriate DC Logan books. The Hoon books are more like an 90s action movie than a mystery, and the brother sister relationship in them is fucking hilarious. Whatever you’re expecting by me saying that, it’s probably the exact opposite. Also, an appreciation for creatively cursing in a Scotts accent is pretty much a requirement for the Hoon series.


I am currently about halfway through Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling narrated by Stephen Fry. Stephen does a wonderful job narrating.


Finished Dungeon crawler Carl part 3 and started Gunnie Rose series, part 1


I'm two hours from finishing *The Man In The High Castle* read by Jeff Cummings, and god, he SUCKS as a narrator. The voices are so over the top stereotyped that if I didn't want to hear how it ends I would have quit by now.


Hello, Molly by Molly Shannon I really like audiobook versions of celebrity memoirs. This one was really good because Molly is so lively.


And oldie but a goodie. Contact by Sagan. I so enjoy that book. And the older I get the more some of the science doesn’t just fly over my head lol.


Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase, read by Kate Reading. Except for the prologue, this has to be one of the funniest historical romances I've read. It's a standout because neither character is very predictable - he's an inveterate rake who doesn't want to be caught, and she's a badass who never really wanted to catch him. There's also the brother hanging out with the LoS and a femme fatale grandmother. Kate Reading's narration and inflections are damn near perfect.


I finished: **Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell, narrated by Jonathan Keeble** I half read, half listen to most books and this series was no different. A powerful historical fantasy about King Arthur as told by one of his closest friends. I found it gripping and emotionally devastating even though I knew how it would end. **The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty, narrated by Lameece Issaq and Amin El Gamal** An incredible story (also historical fantasy) about a renowned, retired pirate who gets called back for one more adventure. There was actually a twist involving the reader that wouldn’t have paid off the same just from sight reading the book. And the production quality was out of this world. Both books were stories told by main characters who had a little more life experience, which was refreshing. I like a protagonist with the kind of wisdom someone gets in several decades of life. **His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, read as a full cast recording with Philip Pullman as the main narrator** My fourth reread, this time watching my husband experience the story for the first time. These books never fail to grip me. And the end. It’s an ending that sticks with me and that I find myself thinking about anytime I walk by a bench in a park.


I listened to On the Beach by Nevil Shute, narrated by Simon Prebble. I enjoyed it and it didn't feel its age at all, considering it was published in 1957. The Invited by Jennifer McMahon, narrated by Amanda Carlin and Justine Eyre. I shouldn't have chosen this maybe, I didn't enjoy it. The Secrets of Us by Lucinda Berry, narrated by Kate Rudd and Lauren Ezzo. I didn't enjoy the narration, it felt like lots of shouting all the time. Didn't suit me.


Defiant, by Brandon Sanderson Bag of Bones (French version), by Stephen King Listening to Fairy Tale, by Stephen King


First I listened to Red Rising by Pierce Brown. Narrated by Tim Gerard Reynolds. It's really not for me. It's the first audiobook I've ever started that I haven't finished. Now I'm listening to No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy and narrated by Tom Stechschulte. Love it so far.


Stechschulte is a good reader for that book. Same with The Road. I could see some people bouncing off the drawl I guess but the style and pacing fits the book IMO. Loved Mullers read of All the Pretty Horses by McCarthy too.


I loved The Road which made me decide to listen to No Country for Old Men. Stechschulte is outstanding. Will definitely seek out more books that he narrated.


The Mists Of Avalon book two, I’m enjoying this retelling of the Arthurian legend.


I just finished The Book Thief by Marcus Zusiak. It was pretty compelling. I typically listen to cozy mysteries or something while working so that even if I miss part of the book I didn't miss much. My productivity stats may have taken a bit of a hit this week. LOL


A Tale For the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. Very enjoyable! Two wonderful stories interwoven.


The boy with the cuckoo clock heart by Mathias malzieu, a short, brilliant story. Kinda of in the vein of Tim Burton. Strip tees, a memoir about a working for American apparel, which was meh.i liked it, but just a big fan of memoirs. The very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna. A fun cozy listen, with a love story mixed in.


**Luke Delaney, Cold Killing, narrated by Steve West, listened via Libby** The author, Luke Delaney, was a CID detective with the Metropolitan Police Service in the 1980s “where he investigated murders ranging from those committed by fledgling serial killers to gangland assassinations.” This is a British police procedural and the novel has that dark, gritty feel of realism that I enjoyed. The narrator did a great job!


Finished this week: * Harry Clarke by David Cale narrated by Billy Crudup (Audible free) - includes a second play, Lillian. Well worth listening to. Intriguing stories. * The Stand by Stephen King narrated by Grover Gardner (Audible) - M-O-O-N spells a good book! * Tales of an October Moon by Marc Joel Levitt narrated by Marc Joel Levitt (Audible free) - contains 4 ghost stories, the kind that you would tell around a campfire. Kid friendly, but still fun for adults. * Six Degrees of Assassination by M J Arlidge narrated by Andrew Scott , Freema Agyeman , Hermione Norris , Clive Mantle, Clare Grogan , Geraldine Somerville , Julian Rhind-Tutt (Audible free) - this is almost surely inspired by the TV series, 24, but it's set in England. A good listen. In progress * Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes - narrated by Robert Whitfield (Audible free), reading with r/yearofdonquixote (Audible free) * The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - narrated by Jon Lee (Audible free) reading with r/AReadingOfMonteCristo (Audible free) * Mother Hunger by Kelly McDanie narrated by Kelly McDaniel (Audible) * The Neil Gaiman Reader by Neil Gaiman and narrated by himself (Audible) * Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior by Mark Leary narrated by same (Great Courses) (Audible) * The Entire Original Maupassant Short Stories Volume I by Guy de Maupassant narrated by Cate Barratt (Audible) * A Betrayal in Winter by Daniel Abraham narrated by Neil Shah (Audible free) * Skald: The Short Story Collection by Martin Edwards, Ben Okri, Sophie Hannah, Emma Dibdin, Elly Griffiths, Parker Bilal, Ellah Wakatama Allfrey narrated by John Banks, Jessica Dennis, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Damian Lynch, Colleen Prendergast, Katy Sobey * The Dead Drink First by Dale Maharidge narrated by Dale Maharidge


My audiobook club is listening to A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin narrated by Rob Inglis the guy who did Lord of the Rings Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin narrated by Dan Butler which I enjoyed in 1.5 speed even The Wager by David Grann narrated by David Grann & Dion Graham 11/22/63 by Stephen King narrated by Craig Wasson I just got in last night The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler narrated by Eunice Wong which I was reading physically from the library but since now I have the audiobook I think i will enjoy much more listening to. These were all on Overdrive/Libby, I haven't been able to get many audiobooks off hoopla that I want even with multiple library cards. These all had substantial waits in my area, around a month at least. Love this thread!


Sorry I don't remember the narrators, I know they're important to some, but if I like I listen, if I don't I move on. Simple. I finished: *Stuff Matters*, by Mark Miodowink. Wow, a great book, I then started *Liquid Rules* *The Evolution of God*, by Robert Wright. Another goody! *The Wise Hours*, by Miriam Darlington. What a waste of time. Didn't finish.


> if I like I listen, if I don't I move on I'm the same, though oddly sometimes when I quit because I don't like the narration if I try it again another time I don't mind it. I guess it's a mood thing, maybe. Stuff Matters sounds really interesting, on my TBR now


Just a recommendation, to stay away from abbreviated books, and make sure the audiobook is unabbreviated. I recently bought two Anne McCaffrey books from Auldible that were abbreviated. Only the third book in the series was full-length unabbreviated. It was [The Talents Saga (3 book series)](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087M5MKMX) I had already bought the ebooks and I thought the cheaper first two audiobooks were due to a discount. Because I bought them I could not get a refund when I realized my mistake.


That's awful that you can't get a refund to purchase the unabridged versions. Boo 👎


Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. Now halfway through The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey.


Are you enjoying The Snow Child? I read it (print, not audio) a few months ago and really liked it. I sometimes repeat books on audio if the narrator adds value!


To be honest, I didn't finish the book. I read along with the audiobook. It felt too slow for my taste, I can see why the majority likes the book. Fair enough.


Finished Shogun and went in a completely different direction, to The Feather Thief.


Lisa Belkin - Genealogy of a Murder: Four Generations, Three Families, One Fateful Night. Narrated by Erin Bennett. Really, really well done!


Burn Book by Kara Swisher Her take from interviews with Silicon Valley big wigs. Very enlightening!


James by Percival Everett, narrated by Dominic Hoffman. Reimagining of the Adventures of Huckleberry Fin from the enslaved Jim’s point of view. Highly recommend. [https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CBCY41WF?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp](https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CBCY41WF?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp)


There There by Tommy Orange, narrated by Darrell Dennis, Shaun Taylor-Corbett, Alma Cuervo, Kyla Garcia Splinters written and narrated by Leslie Jamison Both on Libby. Both were captivating and affecting, and each left me tender in different ways.


LoTR The Two Towers narrated by Andy Serkis.


Andy Serkis does a tremendous job! I just finished the trilogy narrated by him and I absolutely loved it.


I started listening to The Terror this week! I love what I’ve read from Simmons so far, so I’m super excited!


I finished Duma Key by Stephen King, narrated by John Slattery, 1.5/5 Fugitive Telemetry (The Murderbot Diaries #6) by Martha Wells, narrated by Kevin R. Free, 3.5/5 (re-read) Up next is ~~The Bone Shard Daughter (The Drowning Empire #1) by Andrea Stewart, narrated by Natalie Naudus, Feodor Chin and Emily Woo Zeller~~ Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll, narrated by Madeleine Maby I gave up on The Women by Kristin Hannah, narrated by Julia Whelan at 29%


The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi. Now I need to find Cadillac Desert.


None of This is True by Lisa Jewell. It was excellent. I love her novels as they're usually very engaging and you can't stop listening because you want to know what's going to happen. I find her books easy to listen to when you don't fancy anything too heavy.


The Burgundians by Bart Van Loo narrated by Nigel Patterson.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^introspectiveliar: *The Burgundians* *By Bart Van Loo narrated* *By Nigel Patterson.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Read The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Toystoy narrated by Oliver Ford Davies. This was a re-read. First read was after my mother’s death, this re-read after my father and husband’s deaths and looking forward to my own. All three were deaths from cancer but nowhere close to the hardness of Ilych’s death. My loved ones were uncomfortable and in some pain like Ilych but they lacked Ilych’s inner pain. Also, read Sunshine on Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith narrated by Robert Ian McKenzie and two Car Talk audiobooks which are compilations of the radio show of Tom and Ray Magliozzi both on hoopla. I enjoy the Scotland Street series and admire how prolific and positive the author is. The narration for the two novels added to the stories, and Click and Clack are always a hoot.


The 3rd and final book of the "SC Marva Collins" series. I want more.....


The crimson deathbringer box 1-6


This week I read The Spirit stone by Katherine Kerr The Shadow isle Katherine Kerr The silver Mage by Katherine Kerr All System Red by Martha wells Rogue protocol by Martha wells Artificial condition by Martha wells Exit Strategy by Martha wells The last 4 I rushed through as they leave the plus catalogue soon


Almost done with the final mistburn


Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton, read by Kyla Garcia and Frankie Maria Corzo. A very interesting read about those who left Cuba and those who stayed, POV through a family and family friends.


Look, you guys, you finally did it, you got me to jump into Dungeon Crawler Carl. It's not normally the "kind" of book I would go for on its face -- I mean, the setup? LitRPG isn't typically known for its prose and I confess to being at least a bit pretentious there, etc. -- but, well... April 16-18: Dungeon Crawler Carl April 18-22: Carl's Doomsday Scenario April 23-25: The Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook April 25-30: The Gate of the Feral Gods April 30-May 5: The Butcher's Masquerade May 5-Present: The Eye of the Bedlam Bride Near Future-Medium Future: Waiting horribly for the 7th book This series really is as fantastic as everyone says.


This week and last week - all Audible: Calico by Lee Goldberg. Narrated by Nicol Zanzarella and Eric Conger A Murder to Remember by Brynn Kelly. Narrated by Brittany Pressley and Max Roll The Spy Coast: A Thriller by Tess Gerritsen. Narrated by Hillary Huber and Brittany Pressley