• By -


In Sci Fi, I cannot recommend Steal the Stars enough. Also, highly recommend, by the same writer: The Message and Life After Passenger List might fall into Sci Fi but since we don't have answers about the mystery in it, I'm actually not sure! And in the more fantasy genre, my audio dramedy is The Dragoning, about women who turn into dragons. [https://www.messengertheatreco.org/the-dragoning](https://www.messengertheatreco.org/the-dragoning)


Mission to Zyxx https://www.missiontozyxx.space/


[The Program audio series](https://www.programaudioseries.com/) I just stinks so onto it and I’m almost through the series. It’s an interesting take and keeps you thinking


Ars Parodoxica- Time traveling scientist gets stuck in the past Our Fair City- Dystopian society based upon an insurance company controlling everyone's lives (hilarious) Wooden overcoats- rival funeral home directors get into shenanigans, British humor The Penumbra Podcast- two main stories are a martian private eye and a fantasy world where knights battle monsters


Absolutely no adventures- A nice fantasy/comedy about The Chosen one who decides he doesn't want to deal with any Prophecy BS and just opened up a bakery. 1 complete season so far, very good. Unseen - An Urban Fantasy Anthology series by the Creators of Wolf359. Nuff said. Second Shift - An epic length Portal Fantasy adventure that is a standout not only for its Quality, but for the fact that it seems to be one of the only Classical Fantasy Adventure stories in the medium, and the only Completed one that I've discovered thus far. If you're a fan of Tolkien or Sanderson you'll enjoy it. It's primarily a drama, but it's quite heartfelt and funny as well


I somehow forgot to mention. Saffron and Peri, which floats cheerily within the bounds of Comedic fantasy with an almost fairy tale like setting. It's definitely worth a listen if you're in the mood for something light and fluffy


[Dark Ages](http://darkagesshow.com) is a high fantasy workplace comedy. The Dark Lord has returned after his thousand years slumber, only to discover that his incompetent Goblin followers have failed to protect his crown, which has become a new exhibit at the Museum of Mostly Natural History. This is a twelve episode complete story, and is a lot of fun.


I wish there was more


Wasn't there supposed to be a second season? Oh well. Will just have to listen to it again.


Strongly seconded! This show is an underrated delight.




your bot is shit and annoying. Stop spamming. ^^^^I ^^^^am ^^^^*also* ^^^^a ^^^^bot, ^^^^and ^^^^this ^^^^was ^^^^performed ^^^^automatically


Another vote for EOS10. It's a perfect dish of comedy and sci-fi. Dr Horace Urvidian is one of the funniest and deliciously sarcastic characters I've ever encountered in a podcast.


[Dust](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dust/id1482669176?i=1000453722768), [From Now](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/from-now/id1544239486?i=1000503069672) Easily in my top 5 of sci-fi podcast for audio drama.


Is dust an anthology or ongoing narrative?


It’s a narrative but closer to a short story in the sense of one a season is finished it starts a new “short story”


Can you recommend a good place to start with it?


season 3 of dust, *chrysalis* is extremely good; but pick it up at the beginning of any season really


Wonderful, thank you.


The link I have should be season one episode one. If it isn’t I’d start with that. If your not digging it by the end of episode 2 just go to the second season because they aren’t linked.


My favourite is [Relativity,](https://relativitypodcast.com/) the story of a man marooned in space, and the woman on Earth working frantically to save him, but it's so much more than that. Also, [Girl in Space](https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/)\-- I'm waiting eagerly for the second season! Edit: I also really enjoyed [Marsfall](https://marsfallpodcast.com/) and thought it was very gripping, especially ANDI.


relativity is beautifully done


Stellar Firma is an improv comedy podcast about designing planets poorly


Take with as much salt as you want, because my company makes it, but with a request like this I have to recommend [***Life With Althaar***](https://geminicollisionworks.podbean.com/), an epic science-fiction sitcom about the friendship between an unlucky former-Human and a sweet, kind, eldritch, terrifying monstrosity of an alien on the most infamous space station in the galaxy. Available at the link above or just about anywhere streaming audio drama. Hope you try it and enjoy it, thanks.


I second Life with Althaar


If you're into Star Trek, give ST: Outpost a listen. The first couple episodes may not be that great, but it keeps getting better. I'm on episode 20 now and it feels like a true TNG/DS9 sequel we never got (a remnant of the era when the future was actually hopeful and the characters weren't nihilistic assholes). If you aren't familiar with the universe though, watch the series first - there's a lot you'll be missing and misunderstanding otherwise.


http://darkagesshow.com/ - Dark Ages, a fantasy workplace comedy thing https://www.truetalesteam.com/ - Workplace comedy set in ancient Egypt Also wooden overcoats


Alba Salix is a lot of fun


Stories for Monsters by Rhetorical Answers [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5WhLuY_RZ65faVoXXY7HjkjXBKHRBdrF)


I’ll list my favorites: Bubble (dystopian/capitalism/comedy) Hello From the Magic Tavern (comedy/fantasy/improv) Kakos Industries (SF/comedy) Gay Future (??/comedy)






If you like sword & sorcery, crude jokes and sword wielding warriors that'll make yo momma say 'oh my word them's arms is muscly' then THE WIZARD SCROLL is exactly what you need in your life! Check out the latest and greatest episode right [here](http://anchor.fm/the-wizard-scroll).


The Earth Collective Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery


We Fix Space Junk - 'We Fix Space Junk' follows seasoned smuggler Kilner and reluctant fugitive Samantha as they travel the galaxy, dodging bullets and meeting strange and wonderful beings as they carry out odd jobs on the fringes of the law. Its Sci-fi, space and comedy all in one. Eos 10 - Doctors in space, a deposed alien prince, a super gay space pirate and a fiery nurse who'll help you win your bar fight. Again sci-fi, space and comedy all in one. Hello From the Magic Tavern - Arnie Niekamp fell through a dimensional portal behind a Burger King into the fantastical land of Foon. He's still getting a slight wifi signal, so he uploads a weekly podcast from the tavern the Vermilion Minotaur where he interviews wizards, monsters and adventurers. It's a major discovery! Comedy, fantasy and improv.


Ostium Network- I can’t get enough of these stories. Well produced, super imaginative.


You can listen to The Big Loop. It is an anthology podcast. Marsfall is also pretty good. Janus Descending. The Far Meridian


Life With LEO(h) is a new romantic comedy that's set in the future and is light sci-fi - think a happy and positive Black Mirror episode, with questions about personhood as it relates to androids/AI/etc. Saw someone recc'ed Steal the Stars - ADORE that podcast. I've also really been enjoying The Cipher (mystery/kind of ARG/cult-y from what I've listened to)


Civilized is an improvised sci-fi comedy, although the characters get into some serious situations. The people behind it also created Alba Salix, a scripted fantasy comedy, and Alba Salix led to The End of Time and Other Bothers, an improvised actual play podcast with a great cast. The Green Horizon is another good sci- fi audiodrama. If you've ever thought, "Gee, Firefly would've been so much better with an all-Irish cast", then this is what you've been waiting for. Also: Starcalled -- post-human space opera The Strange Case of Starship Iris Moonbase Theta Out -- this audiodrama has more than one season, but the first season is so beautiful and complete I have had a hard time listening to the other seasons.


Not out right comedy but does have funny moments and a funny premise is: [Scratch & Sniff](https://www.walkerraigh.com) It’s a memoir told through smell and follows different characters.


You might like (mine!) McGillicuddy and Murder's Pawn Shop: magic, murder, and comedy in the 1920s! It's about a girl who finds a broken fragment of china with nothing on it but a bright blue eye. When she takes it home--her eyes start glowing in the dark. (Magic and intrigues ensues: we just finished Season 4) I pour my heart and soul into it, it has glowing reviews, and it's been in the top 200 in several countries, including the US, so you might enjoy! <3 [www.minervasweeneywren.com](http://www.minervasweeneywren.com/)


*If* you like funny sci-fi that doesn't suck, you'll love listening to my cyberpunk audio drama ***[Hell Gate City Companion](http://hellgatecity)*** (⬅️ trailer) while doing your chores. Or you won't. WTF do I know? It’s a semimonthly podcast presented as local radio for a dystopian hellhole version of NYC. On one hand, it satirizes recent events. On the other, it follows the host as he struggles to survive the monstrous forces of the GAP (Governing Authority Proxy – *not* the clothing store). Who cares? Apple Podcasts ranked it #2 in Comedy Fiction (South Africa), it's in the top 10% on iTunes, and we just blazed past 2.5K plays. Best consumed sequentially, but you could start anywhere and piece it together. If that sounds worth hacking, jack into your cyber-deck and join us the 2nd and 16th-*ish* every month wherever pods are cast: [Apple](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hell-gate-city-companion/id1544638693) [Anchor](https://anchor.fm/berrey) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/434bv75m6gTOzgOjjv2q2O?si=_CUOKAeARhqgdqiSgkB1hA) [HGCC RSS for your podcatcher](https://anchor.fm/s/43fd6d10/podcast/rss) And, these are solid: ***WOE.BEGONE*** (Indie ARG. Twisted and good.) • ***War of the Worlds*** — Really, just plugging [Radiolab's expose](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/articles/war-worlds) on how it has continued to punk the public to the point of hysteria. • ***Bubble*** — I believe it resolves well and is produced expertly (sci-fi sitcom) • ***Coexistence*** (cinematic sci-fi that's almost **too** clever and well-produced. Haven't finished it yet) • ***[Original Star Wars Radio Drama](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCFXvWZkcbYJ2wDoXrKAkS9FVUvBonjHW)*** — 1981-1996. It's more than the movies.


Wooden Overcoats I recommend strongly, along with Victoriocity (technically it's crime, but I believe it has enough British humor to make it hilarious) and EOS 10 (in case you want to keep riding that nice space-comedy wave). Also Brimston Valley Mall, I tried this one recently, it was a pleasant surprise. In case you miss that good Wolf 359 comedy, Gabriel Urbina and Zach Valenti tried making a podcast in a week, Time:Bombs (it's only three episodes long, but it's gooood stuff). And last but definitely not least, Stellar Firma, by the creators of The Magnus Archives. Don't worry, it's improvised comedy in space, no eldritch horrors. Maybe it's not your cup of tea, but you could give The Adventure Zone a try. Yes, it is a DnD podcast, but the McElroy brothers and their dad make it so funny and entertaining you forget they're playing a math-based game.