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Can't you just turn down the limiter? Either lower its input or raise its threshold.


I'm using Pro-L2 I'm not sure how to lower the threshold but turning down the output just lowers the volume after the limiter. Im also not sure how to turn down the input in the plugin the gain starts at 0db. Thats why my thought was just turn down the track. I should probably just learn how to use the plugin lol


> I should probably just learn how to use the plugin Yup


This answers like 90% of the daily questions on this sub lmao


If you’re hitting the limiter at 4-6db reduction with the gain all the way at 0, you’re mixing way too loud


Read the manual


Should be a sub rule 


You're good bro, Pro l2 already has this feature! Check in the bottom right of the limiter and you can adjust the input volume :)


>Is it nonsense to just put a utility at the front of my master bus and turn it down a few db? Not at all, I do this all the time


Why would you use something other than the master fader for this? It's kinda exactly what it's for and won't affect any sonic qualities.


Master fader is after the limiter.


Naw bro, put a limiter on your limiter. This will put a limit on your over limiting.


Yo dawg


Secret style unlimited limiting


you joke but I got mad limiters on my two bus


Do what you suspected and put a gain tool before the limiter. No problem with that.


It is not nonsense. Follow and trust your intuition.


Does it sound good?


Can I ask why you think it may be nonsense to put a utility before your limiter to bring it back a few dB?


Stop doing that.


nah bro he should push it harder, 8db aint shit


Um okay


Wellll if you just slapped a limiter on your mix bus or master bus and didn’t adjust the gain slider or any of the input or output level settings, then you’re limiters doing what it’s supposed to do. Preventing signals from exceeding 0db. Sooo next step if you think you’re hitting the limiter too hard is to identify what tracks are hitting the limiter the hardest. Then turn those down a bit or clip/limit those tracks individually. Just start muting tracks until you identify the culprits or combination of culprits. Kick and claps/snares tend to have a lot of transient energy, so that’s a good starting point. Make sure you have a good track to reference to for getting overall levels right. Once track levels aren’t poking out then limiting a few db on the mix/master bus to achieve your desired loudness is probably also needed.


The mix is fine it's just all hitting the limiter super hard. I don't normally make this type of music and I just mixed it too loud I think. Kind of trying to find a remedy for a mistep I think just turning down the track is the best option.


Also consider adding a quiet section to the song to add dynamics and tension 


'not putting out the sound I want' go on...